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Peach Tree Manny: Gay Romance

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by Trina Solet

  Peach Tree Manny (Gay Romance) By Trina Solet

  Copyright © 2019 by Trina Solet

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, locales or actual events is entirely coincidental.

  All sexual activity takes place between persons eighteen years of age or older.

  This novel contains material intended for mature readers.

  Cover image is only for illustrative purposes. Any person depicted is a model.

  Peach Tree Manny

  Gay Romance

  Trina Solet

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 1

  Though the light had turned green, Julian looked down and saw that Danny wasn't ready to cross the street just yet. First the little boy made sure that all the cars were really stopped and only then took a tentative step onto the crosswalk while staying close to Julian's side.

  As they crossed the street as fast as they could, his three-year-old little brother held onto Julian's hand with both of his little ones. Ever since he was in a car crash, traffic scared Danny, but he wouldn't let Julian carry him.

  He didn't like the noise of traffic, and he jumped at any loud engine noise or whenever a car horn sounded or tires screeched. Afternoon rush hour was winding down, but this was still a busy area. Luckily, they soon arrived in front of the office building where Julian worked.

  The office building towered above them, and Danny frowned. "It's big," he said in a hushed voice Julian could barely hear.

  "We're not going too high up," Julian assured him. "You're going to see where I work." Or more accurately, where he worked until now. After all Julian was here to pick up some things before he relocated. At twenty-five, Julian was the youngest consultant at Upton Investments. He was keeping the same job, but he wouldn't be working out of Upton Investments offices any more.

  In the lobby, Julian checked in with security and Danny looked around uncertainly. At the elevators, he took a deep breath before he bravely stepped inside. He was used to the elevators in Julian's apartment building, but he wasn't a fan of riding on them. Since Upton Investments offices were located on the fifteenth floor, taking the stairs wasn't an option.

  On the fifteenth floor, the elevator doors opened to the slick décor of the office space. The sharp angles and gleaming metal didn't put Danny at ease. He looked all around cautiously and pulled closer to Julian.

  It was after office hours. Only a few people would be working this late so the place wouldn't be too crowded or hectic. For Danny's sake, that's exactly what Julian wanted. He had picked this time for another reason. Pete Thayer shouldn't be in the office after regular working hours, so this was a good time for Julian to go in and get his things without running into him.

  As they made their way to his office, Julian hoped Danny would be more comfortable in there.

  "I just need to get a few things. It won't take long," he assured the little boy, who stayed silent as he often did. Julian always had to look at him to make sure he wasn't upset or scared.

  This time Julian noticed that he was staring at something. It was actually someone. Following his gaze, Julian was surprised to see the temp, Rob Gerric. Their paths crossed right in front of the doors to Julian's office and Rob greeted them.

  "I didn't expect to see you here so late, Mr. Brenner," Rob told him.

  Julian knew that was because he didn't spend extra time at the office these days. At one time, before Danny came to live with him, Julian would often be found working late. But not any more.

  "You're here late too," Julian pointed out.

  "I'm helping Mrs. Lewis. Her assistant barfed up her lunch and had to go home early." When Julian made a face, Rob winked at Danny, who mouthed the word barfed. "This is my last week here, so I don't mind some extra hours," Rob added.

  Julian wasn't surprised he was leaving. Rob didn't exactly fit in among the more corporate minded employees. Julian would be sorry to see him go, but then he remembered he was leaving as well.

  Rob cocked his head to one side and regarded Danny with an inquisitive look. "Hey, you're new here, aren't you? What's your name?"

  Danny didn't answer and Julian didn't expect him to. The little guy hardly spoke to Julian and almost never to anyone else. That's why Julian was about to answer for him when the cleaning people started up the vacuum and Danny jumped in fright. Holding his breath, his eyes wide, he clutched Julian's hand tightly.

  Rob noticed his reaction and reassured him, "That's just the vacuum. See?"

  Looking where Rob was pointing, Danny blinked a few times and pressed his lips together into a line as he stared at the vacuum and the man behind it. "It's red," Danny noticed, but Julian wasn't sure if he heard him say it or if he had just mouthed the words.

  "And it's loud," Julian said. "Let's go in my office. It won't be so loud in there. You can sit in my chair and I'll be right back."

  Going in and climbing in the swiveling chair with some difficulty, Danny looked tiny sitting in it, and Julian smiled at the sight of the tiny executive. "Here are the crayons we brought and some papers to draw on. I'll be right back. I'm going to be right out there where you can see me," Julian told him and pointed through the glass doors of his office.

  The vacuum was still going, but Danny seemed OK now that he knew what it was. Choosing a red crayon, he started drawing.

  Leaving Danny to his drawing, Julian went to his assistant's desk to go through a packet of information she left for him. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Rob going to the end of the hallway where he stopped in the doorway of Mrs. Lewis's office. With his blond head inclined, he was speaking to her and taking some notes on a legal pad. Though Rob was undeniably attractive, Julian tried not to notice his broad shoulders and beautiful, green eyes.

  To force his gaze away from him, Julian focused on the packet his assistant, Ms Dover, had put together so he would have everything he needed to set up his new office right away and his work wouldn't be delayed. Busy with the papers, he jumped as someone sidled up to him.

  Because of the noise of the vacuum, Julian didn't hear him approach. It was Pete Thayer, the man he wanted to avoid at all costs. And here he was only inches away from Julian, smirking right in his face.

  "Packing for your escape?" Thayer taunted him while his thin lips curled into a sneer.

  Without bothering to answer him, Julian drew away from him, but all he managed to do was bump into the desk. Thayer stayed right up against him, leaning close to him while Julian was trapped between the chair and the desk.

  They were right in line wi
th his office door. In case Danny was watching, Julian wasn't willing to make a scene. He endured Thayer smirking right in his face and only glared at him.

  Then Julian heard Danny whimper, and turned to see him standing in the doorway of his office. To put his mind at ease, Julian plastered a reassuring smile on his face.

  "I'll be right there," Julian told him, but Danny still looked very unhappy.

  Out of the corner of his eye, Julian saw Thayer leering at him with an amused look in his eyes. He was enjoying the fact that Julian couldn't shove him away or tell him off in front of his little brother. Julian was furious, but helpless to do anything. All he could do was put up with Thayer until he got bored with this game.

  That's what Julian thought, but then a booming voice from behind him made all of them jump. "Don't worry, little guy. Mr. Thayer is done here."

  It was Rob and his words were only partly meant for Danny. They were really an order meant for Thayer. To make that clear, he forced his way between Julian and Pete Thayer. With barely veiled aggression, Rob placed one hand on the desk and leaned toward Thayer threateningly. He kept his voice even as he continued to address himself to Danny.

  "Mr. Thayer is a busy guy. He doesn't have time to hang around here." Rob advanced on him until Thayer was forced to back up. He glared evilly at Rob but didn't dare to challenge him.

  "Have a nice trip," Thayer said venomously to Julian and went off at a deliberately slow pace like he wanted to pretend he hadn't been chased away.

  Julian immediately went over to Danny. Worried that the unpleasant scene had upset him, Julian took his hand, but Danny was doing OK.

  At first Danny stared after Thayer like he wanted to make sure he was really gone then he looked up at Rob approvingly. Danny got scared again when the vacuum got louder as it came back their way.

  "There goes that red vacuum again," Rob said and gave Danny a reassuring smile. "Don't worry. A vacuum only eats dirt."

  Danny definitely didn't like the loud noise, but it seemed to make him forget about Thayer. And the way Rob spoke about it put him at ease somewhat.

  After being so intense a moment ago, Rob was so cheerful now. When Danny looked up at him again, he introduced himself. "My name is Rob."

  Surprising Julian, Danny did the same. "My name is Danny," he whispered and Rob had to lean down to hear him.

  That was new. Julian had never heard Danny introduce himself to anyone. Maybe he was making progress.

  "He's my little brother," Julian said feeling so proud of him.

  "Nice to meet you," Rob told Danny.

  "It's too noisy out here. You want to sit and draw again?" Julian said and took Danny's hand.

  As Julian started to take Danny inside the office again, the little boy stopped just inside the doorway and looked back at Rob as if he thought he was supposed to come with them. Maybe he thought Rob needed to run away from the vacuum too.

  "I'm OK out here," Rob assured him.

  But just then Julian had an idea. "Actually, if you have a minute, I'd like to have a word with you," he said to Rob.

  "Mrs. Lewis doesn't need me for a little while. I was just going to dump these in the recycling," he said and picked up a stack of papers from the edge of Ms Dover's desk. He pulled out a green paper and handed it to Danny. "You can have this one. It's green. You can make a nice paper airplane out of it."

  Danny took the paper, but Julian was pretty sure he didn't know how to make a paper airplane. "I'll show you," Julian said and put his hand out for the paper.

  Instead of giving it to him, Danny looked up at Rob as if he needed his permission to hand over the precious, green paper.

  "It's good to know how to make an airplane. You never know when you might need to fly somewhere," Rob told him. At a nod from him, Danny let Julian have the paper.

  While Julian folded the paper, Danny watched closely. He then took the plane and looked it over. Next Julian showed him how to throw it.

  Rob left some more colorful papers with him, but Danny spent most of his time trying to make the green paper plane fly. They left him to it and stepped just outside Julian's office.

  Now that they had a moment away from Danny, Rob didn't hesitate to bring up what just happened with Thayer. "That was a real creepy move Thayer pulled on you. Are you OK?"

  "You don't need to worry about me, but thank you for what you did. And Danny appreciated it too," Julian said and looked through the office door. Inside, Danny was playing and occasionally checking to make sure Julian was still there and that everything was all right.

  "I think your little brother was coming out here to rescue you. But I'm surprised Thayer didn't threaten to sic security on me since I'm just a lowly temp and he's the top executive around here," Rob said. "He still might, I guess."

  Julian doubted it. "I don't think Thayer wants to have to explain what just happened here. But what about your job? Thayer is in charge while Mr. Upton is away. That's going to make things very uncomfortable for you."

  "Only until the end of the week. I was on my way out anyway," Rob said. He didn't seem very concerned.

  "You won't leave here with a good recommendation from him," Julian pointed out.

  "I'll be fine. What about what he just did to you? He was all over you." Rob frowned, some of his anger from before returning.

  "I'm on my way out of here too. Starting next week, I'll be telecommuting from my family house out in the country."

  "Sounds nice," Rob said.

  "Do you have another job lined up?" Julian asked.

  "I'll figure something out." Rob tried for a confident smile but it turned into a grimace.

  That meant Julian could make his offer. "I might have a job for you, but it would be out of town, I'm afraid. And it would be temporary. It does come with room and board. I'll need help setting up my new office and with work in general. Would something like that interest you?"

  "It might. I don't mind a short-term move right now," Rob said. "Where would we be going?"

  As he was telling him about it, Julian was pretty sure that Rob wouldn't be thrilled with the work or the living situation. "I'm taking Danny to my family home in Peach Tree. That's my hometown. I'll be working from there. With an assistant to help me, I would be able to spend more time with Danny. Your job might involve running some errands, but it would be mostly helping me in the office. It's a big house, so you would have plenty of privacy."

  Though he nodded, Rob didn't look sure. Julian decided they could have a trial run. "If you have time, you can give me a hand with packing for the move. It might help you decide and we can discuss the specifics. How does that sound?"

  "That might be a good idea." Just then Rob got a text. "That's Mrs. Lewis. She needs me."

  "Contact me about the details," Julian told him and handed over his card.

  "OK. Thanks," Rob said.

  As Rob was about to go, he poked his head in Julian's office and waved to Danny. "It was nice meeting you, Danny," Rob told him with a smile and Danny waved back.

  Going into his office to sit behind his desk, Julian made a few more paper planes while Danny watched closely. Danny then threw them around the office and chased them. A few came Julian's way and he tried to catch them but his mind was elsewhere.

  He was thinking about that house on Peach Tree Hill and about Rob working for him. Rob had just left and Julian was already having second thoughts about offering him the job.

  On thinking about it, Julian had to wonder how much Danny's reaction to Rob had influenced him to make the offer. The few words the little boy spoke to him sounded to Julian like a ringing endorsement, but he couldn't let that sway him.

  It wasn't something to disregard either. Rob's rapport with Danny did matter since he would be living at the house. That was something that Julian had his doubts about as well, and not just because it would be a challenge to have such an incredibly attractive guy under the same roof with him. Julian also questioned if that house was really the right place to tak
e Danny.

  It would be more peaceful, much quieter than here where the noise of traffic always reminded Danny of his accident. Still, Julian never planned to go back to Peach Tree. For Danny's sake, he would do anything. The gloomy memories Julian had of the house in Peach Tree shouldn't affect Danny. If Julian could just bury his distaste for the place, everything would be fine.

  Of course he would also have a good-looking guy there to distract him. If Julian felt any burgeoning attraction to Rob, he would have to bury that too. He was pretty sure that Ms Dover said that Rob was gay. Considering how dependable and efficient office gossip was, Rob probably knew Julian was gay as well. In any case, Julian saw no reason to bring it up. Neither of their sex lives had anything to do with this job.

  Focusing on what did matter, he remembered that Rob was recommended by Upton Investments' clients, Mr. and Mrs. Wells. In order to check his references more thoroughly, Julian called Mrs. Wells.

  As soon as Julian brought up Rob's name, she only had good things to say. "You can't go wrong hiring Rob. He is very helpful and responsible. When the triplets were little, he and his sister kept them from destroying the house. They were very good with them. Rob also helped me at the office when Trish, my assistant, was having her baby. He is very hard-working."

  "That's good to hear. Thank you," Julian told her.

  It all sounded good, but he didn't have to make a final decision until the trial run when Rob helped him pack up. That way he would know if they could work together closely, and he could also see Rob interact with Danny some more in case his positive reaction was just a fluke.

  Of course Julian's own reaction was pretty damn positive. The way Rob stepped in when he didn't know how to push back against Thayer without upsetting Danny – that was enough to win over Julian. Add to that his green eyes and his warm smile, and Julian had to wonder why he really wanted to hire Rob.

  Chapter 2

  The building where Julian Brenner lived was a lot like the office building where he worked. It was all metal and glass with everything looking untouched by human hands. Rob had no trouble picturing Mr. Brenner living in a place like this, but not that little brother of his. Maybe that's why he was moving, and not just because of the situation with that Thayer creep.


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