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Peach Tree Manny: Gay Romance

Page 8

by Trina Solet

  But Rob also noticed how taken Danny was with those dogs. He kept looking at them and smiling at them. Whenever they came close, he petted them and hugged them.

  Rob caught Julian's eye and told him, "So far, so good." He meant Julian as well as Danny. He wasn't really sure how Julian would take to such a disorganized, freewheeling bunch, but he held his own.

  Over dinner of sandwiches with beer and cider flowing, conversations were overlapping and merging. Julian and Mitch managed to talk about the renovations at the house. Julian also spoke to Noreen about the local elementary school. Hearing him talk business with everyone, Rob wondered if he knew how to have a lighthearted conversation. He still found that he focused on Julian's voice more than anyone's, like he wanted to hear every word he said, no matter what the subject was.

  Rico more than made up for any serious conversations, as did Wyatt and Lara. The talk turned to weddings, and Rob and Julian got to hear about Sam and Wyatt's wedding with everyone adding their own version of how it went down.

  "You did a really good thing letting them get married in the orchard," Rob whispered to Julian.

  Briefly, Julian's dark eyes flashed to him warmly and he nodded and smiled. He could see it too. Sam and Wyatt were so happy together. Sam was shy while Wyatt regarded him with an openly adoring look.

  At the end of the night, they all exchanged phone numbers, and the kids sent Danny off with some of the candy they bought.

  "Thank you for inviting us," Julian told Wyatt as he walked them to their car.

  "You were doing us a favor helping to dig us out from under all that food," Wyatt said.

  "You guys make some mean sandwiches," Rob told him. "Thank Sam for us too."

  "We'll hang out again soon," Wyatt promised, or threatened maybe.

  As soon as they got to the house, Danny needed to go straight to bed. When Julian took him to get ready, he asked his little brother, "How did you like the sandwich party?"

  "You and me and Rob made lots of friends. And I got to play with the doggies." Danny kept chattering but that was all Rob caught.

  Once Julian had Danny tucked in and asleep, he stepped out of his room for a break. Rob had been texting updates about his day to Christie and his friends when he met up with Julian. It was no accident. He had been hoping to get at least a few minutes alone with Julian.

  Rob set aside his phone, and they both leaned on the upstairs railing that overlooked the foyer. "That sandwich party wasn't so bad," Rob said.

  "Not at all. Danny had a lot of fun," Julian said.

  "And you?" Rob prompted him.

  Julian chuckled. "It was a nice change of pace. I don't go to many casual gatherings."

  "Casual is kind of an understatement," Rob said. In his college days, his own friends would have outdone this bunch, throwing potluck dinners where almost everyone just brought chips. But these guys were supposed to be responsible adults with kids. Of course Rico and Sam were college age guys, but only Rico acted like it.

  "Rico picking on you didn't bother you, did it?" Rob asked. He was worried that Julian might have been putting up with him for Danny's sake.

  "He wasn't that bad," Julian said with a smile. Did Rico somehow manage to win him over?

  "He did call you Jules," Rob reminded him, but not because he was jealous or anything. After all Rico was happily engaged.

  "As long as everyone else doesn't start," Julian said and gave Rob a warning look.

  "I wouldn't dream of it," Rob told him then he thought of something and frowned. "The kids who bullied you at school didn't call you Jules, did they?"

  "Why would they when they could call me Julie, Julia, or Juliet?" Julian said but he didn't show any signs that it had bothered him much. Maybe that was nothing to what else he had to endure. In a boarding school, bullies would have more time to torment him. There would be no going to the safety of home at the end of a school day.

  "I was just worried that Rico might have brought back bad memories," Rob said.

  "Hardly. Nothing that happened tonight reminded me of anything I ever experienced," Julian said. With that smile playing on his lips, Rob couldn't imagine that any heavy thoughts were weighing on him.

  "Made me think of every drunk gathering of my friends, and this bunch didn't even have the excuse of being properly boozed up," Rob said.

  "But you enjoyed yourself," Julian said.

  "How do you know?" Rob asked him since it wasn't a question.

  "The look in your eyes. You were in your element," Julian said.

  Catching himself staring into Julian's eyes, searching for clues about him, Rob decided to change the subject. "The main thing is that Danny was having fun."

  "I didn't expect him to respond so positively to a group of kids after the trouble he had at daycare," Julian said.

  "Maybe that was just a few bad apples," Rob said.

  "True. It takes just a one or two mean kids. These kids are pretty good with him. I was surprised," Julian said.

  "But I bet that doesn't mean you'll stop being protective any time soon," Rob predicted.

  "You mean overprotective," Julian said.

  Rob denied it. "You're exactly as protective as you need to be. Danny is a vulnerable kid. I saw how he looked for you when he was away from us by the river and even when he was with the other kids. He likes to see you're close."

  "When we were by the river, I wanted to see how long he would play by himself. I thought he might get uneasy, but he did well."

  "He knows you're watching over him, so he feels safe," Rob told him. Today Rob had tried to watch over both of them, but he wouldn't be able to do that for long. He had fun too, but that wouldn't last either.

  Don't you get used to this, Rob said to himself.

  To snap himself out of it, he asked Julian. "Are you staying with Danny again all night, or sleeping in that big bedroom?"

  "I wasn't planning to sleep in the master bedroom until my new furniture is in there," Julian said. "It will be here tomorrow morning. Tonight I'll stay with Danny to make sure he isn't alone if he wakes up."

  "Let me know if you need anything," Rob told him.

  "Thank you," Julian said as he went to watch over his little brother.

  Rob was hoping Julian would give him something to do that would keep him close. When he didn't, Rob was left to pass the time on his own.

  As he hung out in his room, sitting up in bed, streaming some shows, scenes on the screen played out but couldn't catch his attention. That's because Rob kept listening for Julian's voice or his footsteps. When he finally heard him moving around in the hall, Rob was out of bed in a flash.

  He didn't rush out of the room though. Stopping, he grabbed a glass and took it with him so it would look like he was just going to the kitchen for a refill or something.

  Rob opened his door just in time to see Julian out in the hall with his iPad in front of him.

  "Working?" Rob said.

  "This isn't work," Julian told him and came over to show him what he was looking at. "I wanted to stock the library with children's books."

  Julian had come to stand right next to Rob as he scrolled through some of what he has picked out. With him so close, Rob was distracted but he still noticed how many books he ordered.

  "You'll need another library for all this," Rob told him.

  "I'll make room," Julian said then he eyed Rob. "Actually, I'll have you do it. You can clear the shelves of anything that doesn't look interesting." He gave Rob a smile then looked back at the iPad. Watching him closely, Rob had a feeling he wasn't really seeing the screen, just staring at it. Maybe he was uncomfortable. It was true that they were only inches apart, but Julian wasn't moving away.

  To fill the tense silence Rob grasped for the last threads of their conversation. "No problem. I'll do whatever you want," Rob told him and Julian jumped.

  Turning to look at him, he seemed startled as he said, "What?"

  "The shelves. In the library," Rob said while noticing h
ow beautiful Julian was, as well as slightly embarrassed and breathing a little faster. Was he flushed too or was it just a trick of the light?

  "Right. Thank you. And thank you for today," Julian told him, casting his eyes down.

  "Me?" Rob said.

  "Today wouldn't have turned out like it did without you. Since we set off for this place, I think everything has gone so well because you're here," Julian told him while still not meeting his gaze. Rob saw his mouth curve into a shy smile though. "I wondered at myself when I hired you so impulsively. That wasn't like me at all, but I can see it was the right decision. Good night."

  With that he went off abruptly and Rob sighed. Honestly, he had been holding his breath afraid that Julian might say he didn't need him, and hoping that he would say he wanted him desperately.

  Rob couldn't ever remember feeling such a keen sense of anticipation when just exchanging a few simple words with someone. Most of the time, the two of them were with Danny, but Rob still noticed what a sharp effect Julian had on him.

  Julian was such a serious, earnest guy and so unbelievably hot. If only the circumstances were different, Rob would be hitting on him so hard even if he didn't stand a chance in hell with a guy like him.

  Chapter 10

  It was very early when Julian woke up in the armchair in Danny's room. Julian was rubbing his neck, and Danny was already up, playing quietly on the rug next to his bed.

  "Good morning," Julian told him.

  "You're awake. Good morning, Julian. I heard Rob," Danny told him.

  "He must be up too. I'll be right back, OK?" Julian told him and leaned down to kiss the top of his head.

  Out in the hallway, Julian saw Rob coming up the stairs. "I have coffee on. Good morning."

  "Good morning. Thanks for taking care of things," Julian said and he went to the master bedroom to get ready and tried not to dwell on how nice it was to have him here and see him first thing in the morning.

  He came out with his phone in hand, reading a text about the furniture delivery. On the way back to Danny's room, he saw that Rob was hanging out in the doorway. The way he leaned against the doorjamb accentuated his broad shoulders and slim hips, the curve of his ass.

  Hadn't Julian been dreaming last night about getting closer to the lean strength of that body, mapping the contours of his muscles? He groaned inwardly. It would be better for his peace of mind if that had been one of those dreams he forgot as soon as he woke up.

  When Julian joined him, Danny called their attention to something out the window. Julian could guess what it was, but Rob went over to see.

  Danny pointed outside. "There's a big truck."

  "The furniture is here early. I wasn't expecting them before breakfast," Julian said. "They're taking away the old furniture and delivering the master bedroom furniture as well as a few things I ordered for Danny's room." Julian smiled at Danny, who was distracted by watching the big truck pull up in front.

  "Looking forward to seeing what you got," Rob said with a grin. "I'll go open the front doors and Danny and I can watch them working after he gets dressed. Right?" Rob looked down at Danny, who gave him a tentative nod.

  Rob handled the delivery until Julian got Danny ready. Then they switched places so Julian could direct the setup of the new furniture.

  This morning, Danny wasn't as brave as he was last night. Holding on to Rob's hand, he watched the furniture being carried. He seemed amazed by the show of strength, repeating, "Super strong!" as the men passed by.

  Once it was all done and tips handed out, Danny was curious to see Julian's room. He stared at the simple, dark stained, shaker style furniture blankly, like he didn't understand what the fuss was about, but it got Rob's approval.

  "That's nice. Suits the house and it suits you," Rob said with a nod. "But those guys made me feel like I need to go lift some weights right now."

  "You are in great shape," Julian said and hoped it didn't sound inappropriate. His thoughts echoed his dream and that was definitely inappropriate.

  "What do you say, Danny? Am I super strong?" Rob asked him.

  Danny looked at him thoughtfully. "I don't know."

  Now Rob turned to Julian. "See. I need to pump some iron until the answer is yes."

  Julian shook his head and offered his hand to Danny. "Let's go see what they put in your room."

  In there, a new colorful desk was sitting under the window instead of that old, dark one. Julian was ready to transform that room, but Danny had already grown attached to a few things, like the striped comforter, and he wanted to keep the round, brass lamp. To tempt him, he got him a new striped comforter with bees and beehives on it.

  More things were waiting to be unwrapped, including two new lamps. One was a classic one in the shape of the spinning globe, the other with the solar system on metal bands.

  They unrolled a round, green, yellow and blue rug with frogs jumping and sitting on lily pads. Rob set up a chalkboard that came with a box of colored chalk, and he wrote Danny's name on it in big letters. More cheerful than before, the room already looked more like a child's room should.

  The rest of what Julian ordered were just framed, funny posters of animals like a crocodile with a bird perched on its nose, a zebra sitting down, and a giraffe with its head sticking out through the top of a tree.

  "We'll just lean them here and put them up later," Julian said and he lined them up against one wall.

  "I can do that, with Danny's help of course," Rob volunteered.

  Danny wasn't in any hurry. He sat on his new rug in front of the pictures and got the animal book out so he could look for the animals from the posters.

  "He's busy," Rob said to Julian then he spoke to Danny. "You hang out here, then. I'll be in the kitchen getting some coffee. I'll get you when it's time for breakfast."

  He and Julian went downstairs together. Julian was sure it wouldn't take Danny long to follow them down. He had the urge to hover near his little brother all the time, but he knew that wasn't smart. He wanted Danny to develop some independence.

  Instead of going to his office, Julian decided to get some coffee and hover in the kitchen instead. "It's cereal for breakfast today or we can order in," Julian said and looked at Rob.

  "Cereal is fine by me. I'll get the bowls," Rob said as he opened a few cupboards until he found them.

  "None for me. I'm not hungry," Julian told him.

  Rob gave him a disapproving glance over his shoulder. "You need to set a good example for Danny," he said and set out a bowl for him too.

  Julian couldn't argue with what he said, and he was defenseless against the stern, furrowed brows over his green eyes. There probably wasn't anything he wouldn't agree to if Rob simply turned those eyes on him.

  So as not to dwell on what he wanted Rob to ask of him, Julian talked about his little brother. "When Danny first came to live with me, he wasn't a good eater. He did much better when I ate with him. I guess I shouldn't get complacent just because he's doing better."

  "And the fact that you need food doesn't enter into it," Rob said and made him laugh.

  It was so odd to have him here and not to feel like there was a stranger in the house. Rob's natural confidence was part of the reason. Though he was hesitant from time to time, Julian could see so much strength in him. It first became evident when he confronted Thayer, and it was Thayer who came away intimidated, not Rob. Since then Julian's trust in him had been building as if he'd known him forever.

  That was one reason he wanted to change his plans for today. "I was thinking about our trip to Ashbury to meet Danny's new therapist," Julian said to him while he poured them both coffee. Originally he planned to leave Rob to handle things in the office. Now he had something else in mind. "I'm going to look into getting a dog for Danny."

  "There is an animal shelter in Asbury. You can have a look-see today. Two birds with one stone," Rob jumped in to say.

  Julian smiled. "You did research already. I did too."

I saw how Danny was with those dogs. He's still a little unsure with the kids, but when it comes to those dogs, that was pure happiness," Rob said.

  "It was, wasn't it? We'll go after we see the therapist."

  Rob stopped as he was shaking out cereal into the bowls, no doubt surprised that Julian was moving ahead with it just like that. Then he asked, "You want me along?"

  It was exactly what Julian wanted, and he almost said, "Of course. I always want you with us." Instead he gave Rob a more measured answer. "If you don't mind. Danny is nervous about meeting the child psychologist. Having you along well help a lot."

  "And what are you telling him about the dog mission?" Rob wondered pulling a carton of milk from the fridge and bringing it to the table.

  "I don't want to keep it a secret. Danny is nervous about the drive and meeting Dr. Vallarta. It will give him something to look forward to," Julian said, thinking out loud. "I won't tell him that we're looking for a dog to adopt in case it doesn't work out."

  Julian was still making up his mind about exactly what to say when Danny poked his head into the sizable kitchen and peered at them.

  "Hey, Danny. I just found out I'll be going with you guys to Ashbury," Rob told him.

  Danny's eyes lit up at the news, so Julian went ahead and told him what else they would be doing in Ashbury. "While we're there, we'll go see Dr. Vallarta first then we'll go and visit some dogs."

  "Doggies?" Danny said, his eyes going wide.

  "They have a place in Ashbury where they have dogs," Rob said.

  "I want to see the doggies!" Danny said with breathless excitement.

  "We're all going to see the doggies," Julian told him and called him over to the table. "Now let's have breakfast."

  It wasn't long before breakfast was finished and they were all in the car with Rob in the back to make sure Danny was doing OK. Coming down from the hill road and going toward Ashbury, they passed Mitch and Rico as they drove up. After waving to them, they drove on.

  Soon they neared the turnoff toward the elementary school and saw all the kids they knew clustered together, wearing colorful backpacks. Wyatt was with them so he must have been walking them to school. Since Danny was looking over there eagerly, Julian turned the car to drive toward the school. He pulled the car over so Danny could say hi.


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