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Souls & Spectres: The Spectral Chronicles: Book 1

Page 10

by Heather Wendlowsky

  I feel her turn over in the bed. “You can get under the blankets, if you want,” she whispers, “It’s gonna get cold.” I turn my head to look at her, searching her face for any hesitancy. Soleil gives a small smile. Satisfied that she means it, I get under the covers, and turn so that I face her. I hold her eyes, and watch the green and gold flecks of her eyes change as the sun goes down, until it’s so dark that all I see is the tiniest glimmer of reflection in her eyes.

  Soleil shifts to release her hand, and I’m shocked when she reaches out and presses the tips of her fingers to my cheek. She pauses there, and I try to control my breathing. I don’t want to scare her off when she’s venturing into such new territory. After a moment, she moves again. Her palm presses to my cheek, and gently caresses down. She cups the side of my jaw, and I wonder what she will think of the stubble I haven’t thought to shave. Her hand moves more firmly back up my cheek and her fingers comb through my hair. I stifle a moan. Oh my god, it feels so good. Her fingers pull down my neck, and her hand comes around and rests on my chest. There’s no way she doesn’t feel my pounding heart. Staying so still under her touch has my heart beating out of my chest.

  “I’m not sure what it is about you,” I hear her lyrical voice whisper in the dark, “But you make me feel unafraid. Normally, touch causes me pain, but you just make me want to feel again.” I’m so filled with emotion at her confession, and when she moves her hand to my cheek, I grab it and hold it there like a lifeline. I summon my courage and hold her hand tighter.

  “What did the spectre say to you, Soleil?” I ask her again, hoping she will be ready to tell me with all this newfound confidence. She is silent, and I think she must have fallen asleep.

  “It said that you- well, not you, but you- didn’t want me,” I hear her whisper, “It said that you wanted something physical, and I couldn’t give that to you. That if I came to the palace, you would just use me as entertainment for your courtiers or you’d pass me off to Wren or something. And it said that eventually it would arrange an accident for me anyways, so it would just be easier for both of us if I just died in the pool like I was supposed to.” I feel her shrug. I don’t know what to say. Is this what she’s afraid of? What she thinks of me? Her fear of me nearly drove her to a watery grave. Before I can think about it, my arms are around her and I’m pulling her into me.

  “Oh, angel,” I respond through the thick emotion in my throat, “Let me be very clear, right now: I have been crazy about you the moment I saw you lying in the bottom of that pool. Your hair was floating in a halo around your head, and the sun breaking through the water shone this enchanting light across your face. You looked like an angel. I knew, before I even met you, that I wanted- no, needed you alive, here, with me. Sweet Soleil, now that I know you, I can’t be without you ever again.” Soleil’s rigid body starts shaking and then she’s crying into my chest. Her sorrow breaks my heart. I hold her there, just rubbing her back and stroking her hair until her breaths turn slow and her body relaxes into me.

  “Thank you, Reese,” she whispers from her spot under my chin.

  “No, Soleil. Thank you,” I whisper back. I’m exhausted, but I don’t want to sleep yet. For the moment, I just want to hold her. I never want to forget this feeling of my angel against me. I was so, so scared today, that I would lose her. I squeeze her a little tighter to me, and I allow a single tear to escape in the cover of darkness.

  Chapter 19



  I’m ripped from the best sleep of my life by Juniper marching into the tent and squealing like a little girl, Wren hot on her heels.

  “That’s right, my people! Tonight we sleep in the palace!” Wren exclaims.

  Opening my eyes, I realize I’m laying across his body. I blush at how intimate we look to our friends, and start to pull away. Reese has no such thoughts. He groans and rolls so he's spooning me from behind. “Go away!” he gives a muffled shout from where his face is buried in my hair. I giggle at his goofy, sleepy self. Note to self: Soulmate is not a morning person. Wren marches over and rips the comforter off of us.

  “Oh thank god they’re clothed,” Juniper remarks. Wren laughs and I roll my eyes at their antics.

  “Okay, we’re getting up!” I yell, “Go away so we can get dressed!”

  “Hmm, what do you think, Juniper?” I hear Wren comment, “If we let them get undressed, do we trust them to get redressed?”

  “Ooo, you make a good point, Wren!” Juniper plays along, “Look at him: I sure wouldn’t trust myself around that body!”

  “Hey! My body is way hotter than his!” Wren insists. Next thing I know, Wren has his shirt off and is flexing his pecs at my friend, who is shrieking in laughter. “Don’t laugh! You know you love it!” He chases her out of the tent, flexing his muscles at her.

  Alone again, I turn to face Reese. He looks at me through heavy lids. “Morning, angel,” he murmurs. I grin at the nickname.

  “Good morning, handsome,” I reply. He smiles.

  “She thinks I’m handsome,” he singsongs at me. I roll my eyes and smack his shoulder. He chuckles and grabs my hand. He places a soft kiss on my knuckles, and sits up. Reese throws his legs over the side of the bed and stretches as he stands. His hair is in a curly, disheveled mess, and his muscles bulge against his tight shirt. Juniper was right. He does have a great body. He catches me checking him out, and I quickly look away. Reese already saw though, so he has a smug smile across his stupid handsome face.

  “Well, I guess I’m meeting your parents in your t-shirt and underwear,” I sigh, looking over what I’m wearing as I carefully pull myself out of bed. Yesterday really has my shoulder feeling sore.

  “Actually,” Reese says from the dresser, “You will be meeting them in your uniform, which Juniper cleaned and brought in for you before that idiot Wren chased her out.” He holds out the green jumpsuit to me, and I walk over and take the scratchy bundle of material from him. I look down at the name stitched into the front. Soleil Fiore. Hmm… I look up at Reese.

  “I never asked: what’s your last name? Or is it just ‘of Mont Tien?’” I tease. He chuckles at me in that sweet low tenor.

  “My full name is Crown Prince Icarus Vax Altuera of Mont Tien,” he replies.

  “So, when we get married, will I be Soleil Altuera?” I ask. Oh my god. Did I just say “when we get married?” My face must be blood red.

  “Actually,” Reese answers casually, “You will be Princess Soleil Altuera of Mont Tien. And one day, High Queen Soleil Altuera of Mont Tien.” Wow. Queen. I don’t even realize that I fell quiet until Reese places his hands on the sides of my face. “At risk of sounding dramatic, I’m going to have a panic attack if you don’t say something,” he says jokingly with a hint of seriousness.

  “I’m just processing,” I reassure him, “I went from being an Unknown soldier to a future foreign queen in a week! I’m not exactly trained for something like that.”

  “The training? That’s what you’re worried about?” Reese looks amused. “Not the idea of marrying me?”

  “Oh, no way!” I exclaim, “Marrying you is whatever. However, accidentally setting fire to an entire nation? That’s something else entirely!

  Reese laughs out loud. “How on earth would you manage to set fire to an entire nation?”

  “I don’t know! Maybe I go to make a snack in the middle of the night, and I burn the snack and throw it out the window, it’ll land on a bale of hay in the back of a cart that will catch on fire, the fire will spook the horse hooked to the cart, and it runs through the entire kingdom setting fire to anything and everything!” The words come pouring out of me, and by the time I’m done with my rant, Reese is full on belly laughing at me.

  “How about this?” he says through guffaws, “I solemnly swear not to leave any horse-drawn carts of hay outside the kitchen windows overnight. Deal?”

  “Fine. Deal,” I agree begrudgingly. He laughs some more, th
en goes back into the dresser and gets himself a clean Mont Tienent uniform. Turning back to me, he gives me a hesitant look. “I won’t look if you don’t,” I promise. Reese smiles in relief.

  “Deal,” he agrees, “Last night I found a place to change, but now that it’s morning and everyone is up, I feel like it may cause some problems.” He winks at me and walks to the far corner of the tent by the bed with his uniform. I turn around and pull off my clothes, quickly glancing over my shoulder to make sure he can’t see me. His shirt is off and he’s facing the wall, so I have a full view of his muscular back, covered in long, puckered scars. I’m angry and appalled at the violence splayed across his skin. He pulls the top of his uniform on, and I’m pulled out of my stupor. I quickly tug the jumpsuit over me, and finger comb my hair into a low ponytail that nearly reaches my backside. Fully clothed, I turn around to see Reese still dutifully facing the wall.

  “It’s safe to look!” I call over. He whips around, smile at the ready. I turn for him. “How do I look?” I tease.

  “Stunning,” he says, “A true princess!” I roll my eyes. “Do we need to pack up here or anything? What do we do now?” I ask.

  He walks over to me. “No, we should be ready to leave as soon as you are, angel. My people will pack everything up and send it over,” Reese explains.

  “Well, I guess we might as well get going,” I say. We walk together out of the tent, where Juniper and Wren are waiting.

  “Finally!” Juniper yells, “I’m out here trying to get to my brand new palace life, and you two are taking your sweet time in your stupid tent!” Reese and I roll our eyes.

  “Fine, Princess Juniper!” I yell back, “Let’s get your ass to the palace!” She squeals and smacks Wren in excitement. He gives her the most disbelieving look at the assault, but she is too excited to notice. Reese and I laugh at their antics.

  “Lead the way, buddy,” Reese says to Wren. Wren gestures for us to follow, and he leads us down the plateau, toward the sunrise. Once we get to the edge, I can see a black limousine sitting on the road, with two military escorts from Mont Tien.

  “Wow,” I murmur, “This is really happening.” Reese reaches over and takes my hand.

  “I’m right here,” he promises. I take a deep breath and the four of us walk down the slope. A Mont Tienent man in black with an ear comm is waiting beside the door of the limo. He wordlessly opens the door for us. Reese slides in, followed by me, Juniper, then Wren. The interior is decadent to say the least. Long, black leather benches face each other on each side of the limo. Juniper and I take one side, and Wren and Reese take the other. Toward the front of the limo is a small cart with various food and drink options. The windows are heavily tinted, but small lights around the ceiling illuminate the cab.

  The engine purrs to life, and a voice comes over speakers embedded in the upholstered walls. “Welcome, Prince Icarus and guests,” the deep voice announces, “We will now be departing for the Mont Tien royal palace. Estimated travel time: 2 hours and 37 minutes.” The speakers click off, and we start moving immediately. Well, okay then. We spend the time cracking jokes, eating some breakfast from the area we’ve dubbed the Snack Station, and sharing war stories.

  Outside the limo, the world speeds past at alarming speed. I could probably count on one hand how many times I’ve ridden in a car, starting with my rescue, and none of them have ever gone anywhere near this fast. Forests fly by, then cleared crop fields, then more forests. We seem to be climbing higher and higher as we go. Finally, the woods give way, and we are overlooking a huge canyon with rocks and striations of every color. A city stretches around the rim, some buildings even lowering into the gorge itself. A huge blue waterfall pours into the canyon, but the water turns to mist before it ever touches the bottom, creating a perpetually existing rainbow. And there in the distance, a palace stands, built somehow both on and into the canyon. It is the same multicolored stone as the canyon with white flowering vines crawling up the structure. Stained glass and large viewing windows covering the walls glint in the sunlight. As we get closer, I can see a huge gardened balcony hanging over the edge of the canyon, nearly reaching the waterfall’s mist.

  I’m speechless, and for once, so is a gape-mouthed Juniper. I look over at Reese excitedly, but he and Wren are staring at the structure with grim expressions. I remember the scars that decorate Reese’s back, and I remind myself that places like these aren’t always what they seem. God knows the ring that once held me seemed glamorous to the buyers, but was really a dark pit of agony. I refocus on the palace with a new mindset. I will protect me and mine from the dangers lurking behind the luxurious facade.

  Chapter 20


  The limo drives out of the forest, and the city of Ciel comes into view. Juniper and Soleil have their faces nearly pressed to the glass, taking in the city and its colors. Wren and I simply exchange a dark look. We’ve lived together in the palace our whole lives. We know better than to fall under the spell it so easily casts. Soleil looks back at me, eyes wide with wonder, but one look at me has her face hardening. She seems to put together my reluctance. She looks back out the window, this time dissecting the palace little by little. I stare at her appreciatively. With just one look at me, she changed her entire mode of thinking into one of protection. What a woman.

  We drive around until we reach the gate to the palace. The land base is surrounded by a dark red brick wall, and the road is blocked by a huge double door metal gate. As we approached the gate, it swings open, allowing our convoy through. The courtyard inside the gates is a massive garden of the most colorful flowers the nation has to offer. It looks like a spattering of jewels in a bed of dark green. The road outside the gate transforms from pavement into a black volcanic stone street.

  On the steps of the palace stands my parents, Queen Astrid and King Zephyr. My mother looks beautiful in her mauve gown and her white hair in a pile of curls atop her head. I know better than to take her looks up front. I can see the cold behind her eyes.

  My father doesn’t even try to hide his scowl as we pull up. He stands distinguished in his green and brown Mont Tien military uniform with purple ropes on his shoulders and covered in medals he didn’t earn. I look at Wren, and he gives me a nod of encouragement, and puts his hand on my shoulder. When the limo comes to a stop, Juniper and Soleil turn from the window to face us.

  “Are you ready?” I ask the two of them, though my eyes are on Soleil. Juniper nods, and Soleil gives a tentative smile.

  “As ready as I’ll ever be,” Soleil gives me a reassuring thumbs up, but I can see a panic behind her eyes. I usher Wren out first, then Juniper. Before Soleil gets out, I take her face in my hands.

  “Stay behind me. Don’t speak unless spoken to. Don’t give them anything they can use against you,” I whisper urgently, “Do you understand?” She nods and I press my lips to her forehead. Please, let me be able to keep her safe. I pull away and step out of the limo. I hold my hand out and help Soleil out next. The perfect gentleman. Juniper and Wren stand by the limo. I trust Wren to keep Juniper safe and show her what she needs to do. I need to focus on me and Soleil.

  I keep hold of Soleil's hand, but remain a respectful distance. I keep my face neutral so my parents can’t dissect any information I don’t want them to have. We walk up the steps hand in hand. As Mont Tien is a matriarchy, I go to my mother first. I release Soleil to kneel at my mother’s feet. I feel Soleil copy my movements beside me.

  “Rise, my children,” my mother declares. The two of us stand and face her. She looks me over first, then plasters a huge smile across her face. “My son!” she exclaims and pulls me into a hug, “Oh, how I’ve missed you! I trust Wren has kept you safe in your absence?”

  So this is how we’re going to play this: the doting mother. I return her hug, and step back. “Of course, Mother,” I assure her. I turn to my father and bow to him. Soleil copies suit. I look up into his hard face. “Father, I hope you’ve been well,” I convey.
r />   “I’d be better if you didn’t bring back all this Geochroman trash,” he mutters. My mother swats at his arm.

  “Zephyr! We discussed this!” she hisses through her smile, “This is not the time nor place!” My father sighs and falls silent. I take a deep breath and retake Soleil’s hand.

  “Mother, Father,” I start, “I’d like to formally introduce you to my Soulmate, Private Soleil Fiore of Geochroma.” Soleil dips into another bow.

  “So, this is the little troublemaker we’ve been hearing so much about,” my mother observes in a sickly sweet tone, “My dear, you’re a mess! Do they not even offer baths or hairbrushes in the Geochroman army?”

  Soleil blushes a deep red and fingers the sleeve of her jumpsuit. “I apologize for my appearance, Your Majesty,” she replies, “I was wounded in battle and have been slow to recover.” No! Don’t tell her anything she can use against you! I can already see the wheels turning in the queen's head.

  “Ah, yes, we’ve been informed you’re in need of medical attention,” she affirms, “Are we to understand you received a wound in the same moment you discovered you’re Gifted?” I can already see where she’s going with this, and I clench my teeth.

  “Yes, Your Majesty. I was stabbed just before Reese sent a shot at me,” Soleil confirms.

  “Well then, I have to ask: how are we so sure you two are Soulmates? I mean, that wound could just have easily been caused by my son’s poor aim!” the queen opines.

  I cut Soleil off before she could answer. “It was the stab wound that caused the stray shot, Mother. Not the other way around,” I grind out, “And the Resonation was clear to everyone within the camp.” Mother nods in thought.


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