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The New World: Crimson Winter

Page 7

by Andy Skrzynski

Inside the Lab

  Queasy and the others rushed to Teli’s side and stared at the drone’s video feed. Eager to see what the monsters looked like, Queasy pointed at the panel. “Find those things with the heat seeker.”

  As his apprentice pushed a blue button labeled ‘Seek,’ Salty’s voice interrupted. “Can you guys link us to your station? We want to follow what’s happening.”

  Queasy reached over his friend’s shoulder and tapped an icon shaped like Texas. “How’s that?”

  The admiral replied. “Got it. Thanks.”

  Teli pointed at a thick cluster of sumacs. “I think I’ve found the one Hoot shot. It must be hiding under that brush.”

  Speedy broke in. “I can fix that remotely. I’ll activate the filter.”

  Suddenly, the leaves and branches of the shrubs faded, leaving the image of the fallen monster. Curled in a fetal position, the six-legged body remained still on the ground.

  Excited, Queasy’s stared at the monitor. Finally, we get a chance to look at this thing! “Hurry, Teli. Zoom in on it!”

  Hoot’s voice broke the waves. “Which brush? Let me check it out?”

  Simultaneously, Storm and Thoruk yelled. “No! Stay back!”

  Shivers gripped Queasy. “Listen to them, Hoot! You can’t trust it.”

  He glanced at the heat seeker. “The body’s warm. It could still be alive.”

  His heart tripped. The second one! He shot a look at his student. “Where’s the other creature?”

  Teli shrugged. “Not sure. There’s only one heat signature.”

  At the Site of the Monster

  Hoot and her brother remained on Red as her steed stood a distance from the beast she shot. Barely visible between the branches, two reapers protruded from its carcass. Looks dead to me. Glad to be rid of the freakish spine sucker.

  Hoping her pa wasn’t too upset, her eyes shifted to Terminator’s hatch. As the lid cracked open, Hound Dog’s voice pleaded with Storm inside the cabin. “Skeeter didn’t know what he was doing, and Hoot was trying her best to save him.”

  She tried to soothe her father’s ruffled feathers. “Please listen to him, Pa. He’s right. Skeeter just wanted to help.”

  Tropokt quickly exited the rear hatch. He jumped to the ground and hustled toward Jaws, probably feeling lucky for not getting sucked into the conversation.

  Worried, but hoping for the best, Hoot squeezed her thighs, and Red stepped a little closer to the monster.

  She leaned forward and squinted. Small copper-colored splotches festered all over the creature’s body. She shivered. What are those?

  Rustling leaves drew her attention to the pets. They snooped the soil where the drone shot the other creature.

  The eerie creaking of one of the other metal covers shot goosebumps across her body. It wouldn’t be long before she’d get a glimpse of her father.

  Storm’s head popped through the hole of the deck and turned her way. His glare could have frozen the poor souls in the fiery pits of Hell, but then his facial muscles relaxed the slightest. She knew then he was upset, but she and her brother might survive the whole ordeal after all.

  Only once had she witnessed anything close to that look: the day the Skalags took Fox’s life more than a decade ago. As the thought faded, Skeeter scrambled to get down, but she clutched his hands and whispered. “Not now. It’s best not to rattle Pa at the moment.”

  After her father hopped off Terminator, he looked at his friend who crouched near the monster’s body. “Be careful with that thing, Tropy.”

  Storm pivoted and shook his head as he approached Red. Her father’s long, licorice-black mane couldn’t hide the redness that was just beginning to fade across his neck.

  For Skeeter’s part, he simply wanted to show off that speed of his. Little did he know what could have happened if things had taken a turn for the worse. With one eye on her father and the other on the pets, she noticed the bears trotting to another clump of bushes.

  They growled as Tropy gingerly followed. The massive, furry pets rose to their hind legs.

  A chill spread through Hoot’s bones. “Pa. I think they’ve found the other one.” As he spun toward the commotion, she nudged her stallion, and he followed Storm.

  Speedy’s southern accent raced across the air. “Hey, y’all stay back for a bit.

  Hoot yelled. “Chili! Ice!”

  She pointed at the ground beside her steed. “Come!”

  The polar bears retreated to Red’s flank with Jaws on their heels. Storm and Tropy stood still with their eyes fixed on the shrubs. Her pa stooped and peered under the bushes. “The monster’s not there.”

  Hound Dog hollered. “Is there anything I can do to help with Terminator?”

  Speedy replied. “No, not yet. This doesn’t make any sense. I’ve filtered out the vegetation over those bushes. There’s nothing there: no heat signature or any sign of life!”

  Admiral Sultenfuss bellowed. “Must have vanished like the others. Before y’all bring the other one in, let’s make sure it’s dead. Give it some room. Teli, use the drone and fire a thin laser through its skull.”

  Hoot tugged both reins, and Red slowly backed away from the carcass of her kill.

  Moments later, a green beam streamed from the hovering craft. A tiny spot on the side of the monster’s head glowed, and a whiff of smoke floated high. The corpse never budged.

  An uneasy shroud gripped her soul. One down. How many more organ snatchers are there?

  Skeeter’s arms squeezed her waist. “Sis. Where’d the other one go?”



  Near Dusk

  Inside Queasy’s Cabin

  After Terminator returned the dead monster to the lab and the team joined the conclusion of the chat, Caru panned the room of solemn faces. Not since the second battle with the Skalags had she witnessed such concern among her friends. All except Queasy, who appeared giddy for the opportunity to probe such a specimen.

  Concentrating on the conversation between her father and the Texans proved difficult. Her mind kept wandering from one thought to another.

  How could the CRINKTs, Zo, or whoever was involved create such a heinous monster? Muclones were terrible enough, but this latest beast wreaked pure evil of the worst kind.

  Even with candles flickering throughout the living room, Queasy’s musty den retained its dreary gloom.

  Caru closed her eyes. How was it that I ever liked Zo to begin with? In the depths of her heart, she knew the real answer. Memories of her first encounter with the handsome Skalag more than a decade ago never truly faded.

  Salty’s voice drifted into her ears. “Earliest sightings of the creature and associated disappearances of humans occurred in 2085 along the East Coast of the Old United States.”

  Caru snapped out of her daze. “What did Salty just say? 2085?”

  Storm bellowed. “Why didn’t you tell us?”

  “Highly classified — no need to worry you about something so distant. Besides, you had your hands full with the Skalags.”

  Thoruk spoke up. “When did you first discover them in our area?”

  “Shortly after the battle in 2093, when The Judge made his final pass with his drone to hunt for fleeing muclones. The heat signature of one of the beasts he flew over was extreme, more than 200 degrees and hot enough to soften some metals. At first, The Judge thought it was faulty equipment, but now we know otherwise.”

  Caru shook her head. How could that be? Seems like they’d burn to a crisp.

  Teli lifted his pencil. “That answers something that’s been puzzling some of us. The incident at Bartuk’s place was very similar to a slaughter more than a decade ago. Sounds like it could have been the same kind of monster, but why nothing for more than 10 years if that’s the case?”

  The admiral responded. “Back then, the few colonies of these creatures that existed along the East Coast appeared to have sent out scouts throughout the Old United States. They were pr
obably searching for the best locations for future habitations. The colony in your area developed sometime later and has increased, especially in the mountains near the Skalag caves. We think they’re attracted to the variety of muclones Zo’s generating. Unfortunately, they’ve begun to spread out from there. That’s why you’re seeing them now. The good news is that this concentration helps us study them.”

  Caru smirked under her breath. “Bad news is they’re closer than ever!”


  None too happy, Hoot sat on the porch swing and stewed with her brother while Jaws teased the bears near the foot of the steps. The rambunctious dog ran circles around Chili and Ice and playfully nipped at their heels as they growled.

  Hoot pulled the collar of her fur coat up around her neck. “Blazes it’s getting cold after the sun went down.”

  Skeeter’s teeth chattered as he curled tighter on the porch swing. She motioned with her arm. “You look miserable. Come closer and sit on my lap.”

  “I’m freezing. You think they’ll be done soon?”

  “I hope so.”

  He nuzzled his head against her chest. Little Brother sure knew how to press her buttons, and she fell for it most of the time.

  Skeeter mumbled. “How come you didn’t kill the monster with your powers instead of the reapers?”

  She shook her head. “You and the pets were too close, Sweetie. You know how you get sick when I have nightmares. Well, it could be much worse for anybody nearby when I use my powers. Besides, I didn’t want to obliterate the monster. Queasy needs something to study.”

  Almost asleep, he snuggled closer and whispered. “Oh.”

  As her brother dozed off, she glanced at Hound Dog, standing against the corner of the log cabin. “I’m glad you stayed out here with us. It’s nice having a grownup to talk with once in a while.”

  The muscular young man removed his heavy moose-hide coat, a gift from one of his uncle’s hunts. He tucked it around Skeeter and Hoot. “I don’t think your father was happy with me anyway. Thought I better put some distance between us.”

  She chuckled. “Smart move. He’s kind of on a warpath.” As she thought about her pa, she ran her fingers through the moose hair. “I noticed your coat looks just like Thoruk’s.”

  “Yeah, Tropokt gave him one a couple years ago. He got me mine this past season.” He shivered while he spoke. “Of course, I had to do a few chores on his farm in exchange.”

  “You look cold. Come over here on this side of me.” She scooted over.

  After he sat down, she shared the makeshift blanket. “Doesn’t that feel better.”

  He smiled. “Well, yeah. Hey, I’m sorry I got in an argument with your father.”

  “Not me.” She patted her brother’s head. “I shouldn’t have convinced Pa to bring this one with me on horseback. He never stops begging. Bad move on my part.”

  Skeeter perked up and mumbled in a groggy tone. “Awww. I told you I was sorry. Didn’t wanna be stuck at home again, like usual.”

  “Yeah. Look how that worked out. Pa’s not too happy with either of us. Now, close your eyes and hush.”

  She peered at Hound Dog. “Thanks for sticking up for Skeeter and me back there. Nobody’s ever done that since Fox died. I won’t forget it.”

  Hoot had never thought of Hound Dog as anybody special, but deep in her heart stirred a peculiar feeling.

  Back Inside

  After listening to the Texans’ explanations, Caru’s gaze turned to the floor. “Guess Zo’s not responsible after all. He may not even know about these monsters.”

  A twinge nipped her heart. He could get killed by one of those things.

  Her cheeks warmed as she looked to the side. What do I care? She bit her lip.

  After the Texans covered a few more details, Salty offered assistance. “I’m going to send a couple of more sophisticated drones that I’ll monitor myself to gather more information about these creatures. I’ll also make sure they don’t pose you a threat. We’ll share everything we learn from this point forward.”

  Thoruk remained stoic. “That’s a step in the right direction. Teli will keep a lookout with our drone as well.”

  His son nodded. “Will do. We should examine the video from Slasher’s cam, as well. Maybe he caught what happened during that strange bluish-white flash?”

  Thoruk spun toward the scientist. “Makes sense. In the meantime, Queasy’s already dissecting this thing in the corner back there.”

  The creases in his forehead deepened as he stared at the Texans on the screen. “Make sure we know what you’re doing so we can decide how to keep our people out of harm’s way.”

  Speedy chimed in. “Perfect. I’ll keep communications open with Teli. What do you plan to do with the dead Skalag?”

  “We’re going to look it over good before giving it to Doc. He’ll prepare the corpse if we decide to send it back to his clan.”

  Caru fidgeted in her seat. Somebody also needs to warn Zo about the colony.



  The Afternoon of October 21, 2105

  Grounded for his misguided adventure, Skeeter stared out the window of Queasy’s cabin. Dumb luck kept him alive yesterday as his sister so kindly reminded him. I’m just glad she talked to Mercy last night. Not sure how, but Pa wasn’t all that mad this morning.

  Hoot jotted notes as Ukkiville’s finest scientist and Aluki dissected the beast while describing their findings. Skeeter looked at his sister sitting at an antique desk. “Expected worse from Pa at breakfast, but he wasn’t too bad.”

  Continuing to write, Hoot replied. “Speak for yourself. He gave me an earful before I got to bed. You were already asleep.”

  “Yeah, but he didn’t make me stay home today.”

  She smirked. “I talked him into letting you stay with me today since I was already planning to help Queasy. This ain’t exactly paradise. Pa just thinks by sticking us here with Brainy and Teli for a couple of days, their intelligence will rub off and make us want to study or do whatever it is they do.”

  Teli laughed. “I doubt your father has such lofty expectations. He just didn’t want to be around someone moping and complaining all day.”

  Half expecting his sister to throw something, Skeeter stared at Queasy’s apprentice. He better not talk to Sis that way.

  Skeeter glanced out the window for the umpteenth time, then spun around. “When do you think it’ll get here?”

  Hoot lifted her chin. “Sometime today. Not sure when. How many times are you going to ask?”

  “I’m gonna die if it doesn’t get here soon.” He hated being stuck inside, and it drove him nuts to be grounded just for showing how fast he can run. Being with his sister surely beats the alternative. Sis is the only one who understands my special powers — most of the time.

  Queasy pulled a gory mass from a pouch inside the monster’s chest and examined it. “Blazes, this is disgusting! It must have been stowing organs.”

  His wife paused. “What’d you find?”

  “Looks like a heart and what’s left of a liver.”

  He groped inside the pocket of the carcass again. “It’s getting worse!” The scientist retrieved more bloody pieces of flesh.

  Inspecting the body of the dead Skalag at his station, Teli stopped for a moment. “Let me guess; you found kidneys.”

  “Yep, two of ‘em and more chunks of liver.”

  Teli shook his head. “They probably belong to this stiff. He never had a chance. Same fate as the cows — no heart, livers, or kidneys — and a puncture at the base of the skull.”

  Aluki looked at her husband. “Keeps getting weirder by the hour. Makes you wonder why they’re saving organs?”

  She lifted her scalpel. “And, what about these creatures vanishing like they do? Even if it was camouflage, someone would have found one by now. Right?”

  Staring at the cadaver, Queasy continued to cut a long slit from the monster’s chest to its gut. “No
t sure why this is the first one captured. Doesn’t seem like camouflage though. There was no evidence of heat where the last one disappeared — very strange.”

  Skeeter clung to his friend’s every word. If he knew half as much as Queasy, his pa would have to pay closer attention. Powerful vibrations rattled the glass panes, and he glanced out the window. A huge drone dropped below the canopy of pines and hovered over the backyard.

  His heart fluttered. “It’s here!”

  Seeming perturbed, Ukkiville’s lead scientist lifted his bloody gloves from the corpse’s abdomen. “What are you blabbering about?”

  “It’s Andralec. She’s arrived!” Skeeter sped out the door. Can’t wait to see it!

  As he approached the whirring contraption, he yelled. “Ukkiville!” Recognizing the password, the flying machine softly landed, and the propellers slowed to a halt.

  Hopping on the drone’s platform, he opened the latch and raised the sealed lid. He reached down and wrestled with a corner of a large crate. Brutish, that’s heavy!

  He spun toward the cabin. “Hurry guys, I need some help!”

  Hoot jumped off the deck. “Hang on to your britches. You’re always in such a rush.” Aluki and Teli trailed behind her.

  After struggling to muscle the Texas gift into the lab, Skeeter and the others set it on the floor. He looked at Teli. “Let’s open this thing up and put the android together.”

  Resembling a younger version of Queasy with hair flared in all directions, the apprentice raised his hands. “Hold it. Not so fast!”

  Teli draped his arm around Skeeter’s shoulders. “Speedy warned us about Andralec’s temperament, and he wants to talk us through the assembly.”

  Skeeter crossed his arms. “Why? Time’s a wasting!”

  “Because Speedy tried soothing her before shutting her down, but she hates not knowing what’s going on while unconscious. We’re not sure how she’s going to rea….”

  Reaching his limits, Skeeter blurted. “Whatcha waiting for? Get ‘em on the screen!”


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