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The Wolf Code Forever (The Wolf Code Trilogy Book 3)

Page 17

by Angela Foxxe


  The warm, crystal clear water lapped at the shore as the wind blew so gently across the sand that it didn’t kick up even a speck of sand. Senora was soaking up the sun, watching a turtle swim lazily not far from the shore.

  Ty sat behind her, rubbing her shoulders and stealing the occasional kiss on the side of her neck.

  “This is perfect,” she said. “Who knew you could rent your own private beach?”

  “It’s one of the perks of being wealthy.”

  “Exactly how wealthy are you?”

  “I get by,” he teased.

  “I’m sure you do.” He dug into a knot in her shoulder with hands that knew exactly where to touch her, and she couldn’t prevent the groan that escaped. “Oh Ty, I love it here, but I don’t think I could live here.”

  “You don’t?”

  “Well, maybe,” she laughed.

  She stretched her leg out so her foot rested on the sand, dug her toes in and sighed.

  “I can’t believe we’ve been here a week. It’s going by so fast, but at the same time, it’s so far removed from the mess that I almost feel like we’ve never been anywhere but here.”

  “I think you’d get used to island life.”

  “Could you?”

  “If you were here with me, I could live anywhere.”

  She leaned back and smiled, tilting her head up and kissing him just beneath his jawline. He shuddered almost imperceptibly, and she knew she had him. Ty wasn’t the only person who could set someone aglow with need.

  She could feel his need now, and she stifled a little giggle.

  “Only you would find my discomfort amusing,” he laughed.

  He pulled her close and buried his mouth in the tender flesh of her neck. She laughed, then squealed when he wouldn’t let her go. He had her locked in his arms, and there was no escaping.

  “Let me know when you give up,” he laughed, still nuzzling her.

  “I give,” she laughed, trying to get the words out. “I give. You win!”

  “That’s what I like to hear,” he said, but he didn’t let her go.

  He stopped nuzzling her neck, moving to kiss her neck and back instead. Taking his time, he kissed all the way to the strap on the back of her bikini, then back up to her shoulder again.

  “You know,” he said, his voice husky with need. “No one is allowed on this beach as long as we’re renting it.”

  “I know,” she said, her mind going mushy with each strategically placed kiss.

  “And there’s no law against beach nudity here.”

  She laughed, but she was intrigued.

  “Are you serious?”

  “There is no law.”

  “What if someone sees us?”

  “We’re at the tip on the island on a deserted beach during the off-season. There’s no one here to see us.”

  He slid the bikini strap off her shoulder and kissed the bare skin beneath. She went still, letting him kiss across her shoulders until he got to the other side and slid that strap down to her elbow. He worked his way down her spine, and this time, when he got to the strap that went across her back, he tugged at the end of the bow with his teeth.

  The garment came loose and slid down, exposing her breasts to the warm sun and the cool sea breeze.

  He pulled her arms up, wrapping them around his neck behind her so she couldn’t cover up. She felt free and naughty all at once, and she could tell he was looking over her shoulder from behind her, enjoying the view.

  “You’re so bad,” she said with a little laugh.

  “Or am I just that good?” he asked.

  He stood, pulling her onto her feet in one smooth motion. As she stood, the strings on either side of her bikini bottoms fell loose, and the rest of her suit hit the sand.

  Right next to his swim trunks.

  He turned her around almost roughly, kissing her hungrily and running his hands down the front of her. He cupped her breasts, squeezing and rubbing, still kissing her passionately.

  Her arms went around his neck, and she deepened the kiss, their bodies pressed so tightly together that she could feel his heart beating through his chest. When he moved his hands to grab her ass, she didn’t hesitate. He lifted her up, and she wrapped her legs around his waist, then lowered herself onto his hardness and let her body take the full length of him.

  He held her tight, not moving but just enjoying the feel of her around him. Their lovemaking had evolved in the week since they’d arrived at the island, going from the frantic need after so long away from each other to the leisurely, gentle lovemaking that lasted all day and everything in between.

  This time, just like all the others, was different.

  Senora clung to him, and rather than thrusting where he stood, he stepped onto the hard, wet sand and started walking out into the edge of the surf. The sensation felt surreal, and the heat within her started building so quickly that she was afraid she’d be done before Ty even got started.

  He laid her down in the shallow water that lingered in between the low, gentle waves. It was cool but not cold, just deep enough that her head and chest were well above the water even when a larger wave spilled onto the shore.

  Ty started moving inside her, achingly slow, his dark brown eyes locked on hers.

  “I could do this every day and never tire of seeing your sweet face as you call my name,” he said, making no move to answer her pleading thrusts with a quicker speed.

  “I’ve noticed,” she said, biting her lip and trying not to let him push her over the edge too soon.

  “I’m not even close,” he said. “I just want to watch you.”

  She nodded, the feel of him inside her too much for her to respond. He was still sliding into her at such a languid pace that she thought she might go mad with need, but he was burying himself to the hilt, and that was a feeling she would never tire of.

  Opening her legs to him, she felt the water flowing around them and between them. The added sensations had her nerves thrumming, her body tight with need, the wet sand soft and giving beneath her.

  “I need you,” she said.

  He kissed her gently, then pulled away and smiled wickedly.

  “How badly?”

  “I need you,” she repeated.


  “Please,” she begged.

  He chuckled.

  “Whatever the lady wants,” he said.

  He bore down, sliding into her quicker and with more force than he had been. Senora felt the tension rising in her body, and she knew that this would be a quick one. Ty was a master at turning her on, and this time was no different.

  He used his mouth to tease and prime every secret erogenous spot on her body while his hips rocked her back and forth. She felt like she was spinning out of control, and at any moment, she was going to lose her tenuous hold on reality.

  She wrapped her arms and legs around him, holding on for dear life. He growled, letting go of the last of his patience and driving into her so hard and quick that she was immediately overcome by the strongest orgasm of her life.

  Propping himself on one hand, her grabbed her breasts one at a time and squeezed, thrusting into her, pushing her climax higher and higher. She called out his name, the pleasure almost too much, but he was relentless. Her eyes flew open, and she found him watching her, enjoying her frantic movements as she writhed beneath him.

  Just as she’d begged him to take her, she was begging him to stop, but he knew her better than that. He pushed hard, sending her flying apart at the seams until she let go of the last ounce of control and began bucking beneath him. He held her down and kissed her, riding out the powerful orgasm and watching her body sway as she moved beneath him.

  When she tensed then fell back, a wide, satisfied smile spread across her face.

  “You’re ruthless,” she said.

  “Only in my pursuit of your pleasure,” he countered.

  He was still inside her, but he held still, letting h
er body twitch and convulse around his still rigid manhood. He leaned down, kissing each puckered nipple before drawing it into his mouth and sucking gently. Senora let out the longest sigh, then wrapped her arms around him so he laid down on her chest, his shaft still buried inside of her.

  She started to doze off and only briefly wondered about the tide.

  “It’s going out,” he said.

  She nodded, stroking his damp hair and clenching around him every now and then. He chuckled, but he made no move to seek his own pleasure. Senora knew what that meant, and she felt her heat building again in response.

  He wasn’t done with her, and he was in no hurry to finish. He was content where he was, her arms holding him close, his face nestled on her shoulder, hand between her breasts and manhood firmly planted between her folds. He was where he wanted to be, and Senora wouldn’t have it any other way.


  Their vacation ended much too soon, and just two short weeks after getting on a plane together, Senora found herself in the warm, welcoming lobby of the Campus, filling out all the documents she needed to be able to see Naomi.

  “She might not remember you,” the man said from behind the counter, taking Senora’s credentials and photocopying them before handing them back.

  “Isn’t that a sign that the program worked and she’s better?”

  “It can be, but we’re not holding our breath with this one. She’s defied everything we know about everything, so we’re just taking everything as it comes and doing what we can to help her ease back into the person she was before Heartsong United Believers got a hold of her.”

  “I hope it works,” she replied, but a big part of her was torn.

  She’d gotten attached to Jessica Baker. And even though she knew that she wasn’t the woman she’d been forced to be, there was something about her fierceness that had drawn Senora to her. And then, there was her love for Evie that had been so strong that she’d cheated death more than once just to see her. That had to be Naomi, right? Senora couldn’t believe that this part of her existed only in the programmed identity of Jessica Baker. It felt too raw and much too real.

  The man’s phone buzzed, and he looked up at Senora.

  “She’s ready. She’s in the courtyard. It’s the third door on your right, down that hall.”

  He hit a button to open the double doors that separated the lobby from the rest of the facility and motioned Senora through.

  “Is there anything I can’t say to her?” she asked.

  The man shook his head.

  “If she doesn’t remember you, nothing you say will be able to jog her memory. But this is Naomi, so we have no idea what to expect with her. Her doctor has been very vague about her progress, but he says she’s ready to leave as soon as she has accommodations.”

  Senora nodded her understanding and walked through the doors. They closed behind her with a strange suck and pop as the doors sealed tight. For a moment, she panicked, but then she reminded herself that Ty was just outside, waiting for her in the car as promised. If she didn’t come out in a reasonable amount of time, he would come in and save her; she was sure of that.

  Her footfalls echoed down the corridor that looked more like the halls of an elementary school than the sterile hallways she’d expected. It was a warm, welcoming place, though the doors were not labeled and there was no pointing the way for visitors and residents. Senora counted the identical doors, pushing open the third one and walking outside into the sun.

  The courtyard was lush, the greenery so dense that the only part of the building visible was the door that Senora had just walked through. It was almost as if she’d walked through those doors and stepped into a fairytale. She could hear water trickling somewhere in the courtyard, the soft, soothing sound echoing off the walls that she couldn’t see and wrapping around her.

  The place seemed familiar but not so much that Senora thought she might have been in this very place. It looked a bit out of something like a movie, and she wasn’t sure if her memory had brought up the familiarity without context because of that. If she was remembering a scene from a movie, it made sense that she wouldn’t know how the garden smells or how the air would be cool and only slightly heavy with the humidity that the plants brought.

  She walked around for a few minutes before she finally found Naomi. Her back was turned to Senora, blonde hair hanging loosely down her back, head bowed as if in prayer or reflection. Senora walked quietly, afraid to startle Naomi, then circled around until she was standing in front of her.

  Naomi was sitting on a yoga mat in the middle of the greenest patch of grass Senora had ever seen. Her eyes were closed and her face was relaxed. She looked five years younger, and for the first time since Senora had helped the bears catch her, she felt good about sending Naomi here. It was obvious that she was content.

  Senora walked slowly, trying to remain quiet so she didn’t disturb Naomi. She sat down across from her, folding her legs up and settling into the soft grass and waiting.

  “I remember you,” Naomi said softly.

  “Hi, Naomi.”

  “Thank you,” she said. “Thank you for never giving up on me.”

  “There’s no need to thank me. I was just doing my job.”

  Naomi shook her head.

  “Don’t sell yourself short. You give every ounce of yourself to the people you help, and that’s a gift most people don’t have. You saved my life more than once, and I’ll be forever grateful.”

  “Do you remember anything else about what happened to you? Anything at all?”

  “Not much, but I have little half memories flying through my brain now and then. It’s almost like they’re teasing me, but if I try to focus on them, they disappear.”

  “I’m sure that will fade once your brain recovers from everything you’ve been through.”

  “I’m sure it will.”

  They smiled at each other, and there were so many things that Senora wanted to ask, but she was afraid. What if she asked the wrong question and sent Naomi into a spiral of pain and memories that were almost gone and buried?

  “I asked them to leave the memories,” Naomi finally said. “After talking with J, I realized that the only way that Matt and Chelsea are going to pay for what they did is if I testify. Everything else is really circumstantial, and the flock won’t turn against David.”

  “David is just a figurehead.”

  “They don’t know that, and more importantly, David doesn’t know that. He thinks that everything he’s said and done is his own doing. He’s convinced the flock that Matt and Chelsea are martyrs and that the government is trying to destroy everything they’ve built. They’ve closed ranks, and there’s no way they’re going to testify willingly. I’m the only one.”

  “You could have them erase the memories when it’s over,” Senora offered, but Naomi just shrugged.

  “I survived the unimaginable, and I want to remember the parts of that journey that are important.”

  “What about the bad parts?”

  She shrugged.

  “You have to remember that I thought I was Jessica during the bad parts, so they weren’t bad. Until I found that picture and started to remember who I really was, Matt was a kind and loving husband.”

  “Because you were his wife brought back from the dead, and you filled a void in his life that would have been so very empty without you.”

  Senora almost mentioned Evie, but she wasn’t sure it was a good idea. Yes, Naomi had retained some of her memories that pertained to the case, but had they been honest about everything they’d wiped? It was possible that Naomi had only been allowed to keep the memories that would serve to put Matt and Chelsea behind bars and have HUB labeled a cult and put on every watch list in the country.

  “I know that most people want to forget, but this experience has shaped me, and I don’t want to forget it. Heartsong took that choice from me, and I don’t want to be a victim again.”

  “I can understand that. So,
what now?”

  “Because of what they did to me, I don’t have to testify in court. I’m videotaping my story for the court tomorrow, and their lawyer has already sent a list of questions that I’ll need to answer at the end.”

  “That’s got to be uncomfortable.”

  “It’s just part of the process. He’s doing his job, and his questions are invasive, but there’s nothing shameful about being candid. I’m the victim here, and I survived hell. That’s been my mantra the entire time I’ve been preparing myself for this, and I’m not going to be intimidated.”

  “Good for you.”

  They went silent for a minute, both still sitting in the soft grass that was gently warmed by the sun that came through the canopy of the strategically placed trees that hid the skylights above.

  “I’m going to miss this place,” Naomi laughed. “I know Spokane puts this place to shame, but through all of this, this tiny little corner of paradise has helped me pretend that I’m not going through everything I’ve been through. It’s a nice escape from reality for a while.”

  “Has anyone told you how the case is going?”


  “So far, it’s looking good,” Senora admitted. “But I’m trying not to get my hopes up. You never know which way a jury is going to go with things.”

  “Do you have to testify?”

  “Testifying is part of my job. You get used to the questions, and they’re just as invasive towards me as an agent as they are toward regular citizens. I’m just used to it.”

  “The questions suck, but there’s only one I’m not sure I can answer.”

  “What is that?” Senora asked, thinking that Naomi just couldn’t remember. “Maybe I can help jog your memory.”

  “It’s not that I don’t remember; it’s that I want to forget. Jessica’s life weighs so heavily on my heart, and I can’t believe my parents turned their backs on a second twin. How could they do that? They are good, loving people, and they’re the best parents a girl could ask for. Why would they leave Jessica to fend for herself like that?”

  “I can answer that,” Senora said, smiling. “Matt lied. That’s not how it happened at all, and I know that your parents would have taken Jessica in if they had known about her.”


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