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Winter Hawk

Page 6

by Rachel Grant

  “I saw that.”

  “I know…it was presumptuous. But I thought it best to be prepared.”

  “I appreciate your forward thinking.” He pulled up the cups of her bra but left the blouse unbuttoned and tucked into the waistband of her skirt, then lifted her from the counter and set her on her feet. “Ready to cook?” he asked.

  She brushed her lips over his and said, “Almost.” Then she slipped off her panties, pulling them over her boots, and dropped them on the floor. “There. Now I’m ready.”

  He laughed and hopped up on the counter she’d vacated. “Perfect. Mind if I watch?”

  She handed him his glass of wine. “I was sort of counting on it.”

  She finished prepping the latkes and checked the brisket, which was reheating in the oven. She searched the cupboard and let out a squeal of delight at finding a cast iron skillet for frying the latkes.

  Before heating the oil, she removed her silk blouse—anything she wore was likely to get spattered—and found an apron among the dish towels and table linens. It was a hideous thing—garish print fabric with overdone frills and ruffles—but it would protect her skin.

  “You’re killing my erection with that thing.”

  Her back would be to him as she faced the stove, so she twisted the skirt so the slit would expose the bottom curve of her left butt cheek.

  “That’s more like it,” he said.

  She set the oil to heating and took a sip of her wine, staring at the man who watched her with sexy, intense heat.

  “Tell me about Christmas with your brother’s family.” She wanted to know everything about him. How had he so utterly captivated her on a day that should be one of the worst in her life?

  And when had it happened? Was it during the kiss by the townhouse? Mt. Vernon’s parking lot? Or had it happened in the Hanukkah aisle at Target?

  “I’ve never spent Christmas with them before.”

  Guilt slithered up her spine. And she would likely keep him away this year too.

  He shook his head, and she realized he could read her expression, giving her another question to ponder—when had she become so readable? Her last boyfriend’s major complaint had been he couldn’t read her. She kept her emotions too close and closed off.

  But then, nothing quite like having your life cracked open to have all the emotions come spilling out.

  “Not your fault, Leah. I’m choosing to stick with you. My call.”

  “But why?” she asked, even though she knew it was dangerous ground. The last thing she wanted was to talk him out of helping her.

  “You said you were afraid, and I can do something about that. I want to be clear, helping you isn’t about sex. I’d help you even if you turned me down cold and would want you even if you didn’t need help. And if you decide you’d rather I sleep on the couch tonight, I’ll still see this through with you.” He held her gaze. “Make no mistake, I want you. Desperately. But that’s not why we’re here.”

  He glanced around the loaned cabin. “A few years ago, a friend told me he needed help, and I didn’t believe him. Then, after that friend died, his sister showed up, and she said the same thing. And I didn’t believe her either. I could have saved a bunch of people a lot of pain—including Chase—if I’d just listened to Vin the first time. Hell, maybe Vin would still be alive.”

  She noted the shadow of pain and regret in his eyes and crossed to stand before him. “You’re a good man, Nate Sifuentes. Don’t convince yourself otherwise.” She kissed him softly. Closed mouth.

  “I try.” His hand cupped the back of her head. “And you are a fascinating woman.” He kissed her hard. Deep. Changing the subject much as she had in the car when she’d asked him about Alaska. He released her and said, “Now, where are my latkes? It’s almost one a.m., and I’m hungry.”

  She smiled and returned to the stove. She checked the oil’s temperature by dipping her fingers in water and flicking them at the pan. It sizzled and spattered. Perfect. She quickly made two batches of latkes, draining them on paper towels when they were golden and crisp.

  When the latkes were ready, she pulled the brisket from the oven and filled two plates with meat, potatoes, applesauce, and sour cream, while Nate set the table.

  “If I kept kosher, the sour cream wouldn’t be served on the same table with a meat dish,” she explained as she removed the apron and donned her blouse again.

  The menorah had long since burned out by the time they ate, so Nate lit a scented candle provided by the resort, and they ate by candlelight.

  “These are, by far, the best latkes I’ve ever eaten,” he announced halfway through the meal.

  She rolled her eyes. “Also the only latkes?”

  “That too, but damn. They’re good.”

  She smiled. “Thank you. The brisket is a bit dry, but to be expected with premade.”

  “It’s delicious. Thank you for sharing your Hanukkah with me.”

  She placed her hand over his and squeezed, not quite having the words for what this night meant to her. It was nothing short of a lifeline. She could be sleeping on the streets of DC tonight. She could be dead on the pavement by Mt. Vernon. Or be sitting in a jail cell in Arlington.

  Done eating, they moved to the couch with their wine, facing the flickering light of the fire.

  She leaned against him, and he wrapped an arm around her. She couldn’t hold back her yawn as exhaustion settled in. The full belly and wine didn’t help.

  He kissed her temple. “It’s okay if you want to sleep. It’s been a long day, and it’s after one. You need to rest.”

  She was conflicted. Exhaustion weighed her down, but still, she wanted—needed—to explore this crazy attraction to the fullest, seize the moment because, for all she knew, tomorrow would be even worse than today. Or rather, today would be worse than yesterday. She rubbed her eyes and said, “How about we sit in the hot tub for a bit?”

  “You sure you want to?”

  “Hot tubs are one of my favorite things in the world.”

  “Okay, then. I’ll take the cover off while you strip.”

  Minutes later, she wrapped a thick towel around her naked body and stepped onto the rear deck. Sharp, frigid air hit her skin. Snow had been cleared from the deck, but the boards were slick and cold under her bare feet. The outside thermometer indicated it was twenty-five degrees. The cloudless night gifted them with thousands—millions—of twinkling lights, the Milky Way a thick swath without light pollution to hide it from view.

  The cold air and bright sky invigorated her, and she faced Nate and dropped the towel on the deck. Goose bumps pebbled her skin, but she had the heat in his gaze to warm her.

  “You’re so damn beautiful,” he said.

  She liked the way he couldn’t compliment her without even a mild expletive. Like she made him feel with extra intensity. He did the same to her.

  “Get naked,” she said.

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  She scooped up her discarded towel and hung it on a hook by the tub, then climbed the steps and dipped a foot in the hot water, the liquid heat sharper and more delicious in contrast to her chilled skin on the cold, cold night. She sank into the warm water and hummed with pleasure.

  Nate slipped inside the cabin, returning a minute later wearing nothing but a towel low around his hips. She grinned and went to the edge of the tub, then rested her chin on her hands, awaiting his big reveal.

  His torso was a masterpiece. Broad shoulders, corded muscle along his arms, thick pecs, and a glorious six-pack capped a perfect V of musculature that arrowed downward under the towel.

  A large tattoo graced his ribs, wrapping from front to back. Noticing her interest, he turned and raised his arm so his side was visible in the light that spilled from the bedroom.

  “A hawk?” she asked at seeing the spread wings. Graceful lines in shades of black and gray created a web of feathers both fierce and delicate. It was stark, evocative, and magnificent.

  “Yes. Hawk
was my nickname on my Green Beret team. When I started working for Raptor, it felt like fate or something.”

  “It’s beautiful,” she said.

  “Thank you.” He grinned and dropped the towel.

  She couldn’t help but purr. Damn, but the cold was not an issue here. “You’re beautiful,” she added.

  His grin widened as he climbed into the tub. He planted a fierce kiss on her lips, then said, “Thank you,” again.

  She hit the button for the jets, then settled onto a seat beside him. She closed her eyes and leaned back, allowing the water to massage her shoulders. “Please don’t let me wake up from this. I’m having the sexiest, hottest, most wonderful dream.”

  He chuckled. “Me too.”

  The warmth of the water and the sound of the bubbles was a cocoon that made the world beyond the deck seem impossible. In the sky above, she could see a universe of stars that seemed more real than the darkness beyond the trees that surrounded the cabin. They sat there for several minutes, Nate’s fingers massaging her neck and shoulders as they both gazed up at the glorious winter sky.

  A satellite crossed the heavens, reminding her of the NASA dreams she’d had as a child. She brushed aside the thought. She could indulge in regret tomorrow. Right now, she was with a beautiful man who’d saved her life at least once today.

  She rose from her seat and straddled Nate, facing him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. “I want to forget everything and enjoy this. I want the rest of the world to not matter.”

  “Tonight, it doesn’t. I can’t make any promises about tomorrow.”

  “Then make love to me tonight.”

  He hit the button to turn off the jets, then wrapped his arms around her and rose from the water, lifting her. The cold air hit her skin, and she clung to him as he climbed from the tub, carrying her as if she were no burden, but she was no petite waif. She was a solid woman with curves.

  His footing was sure on the slippery deck. Inside the bedroom, he set her on the bed and stood above her, looking down, his gaze raking her body.

  He was achingly, breathtakingly beautiful. Sculpted muscles. The artistry of the hawk tattoo. His erection, thick and perfect.

  She reached for him, wrapping her hand around his cock and stroking from base to tip and down again. He groaned. She released him and scooted to the edge of the bed, then opened her mouth, inviting him inside.

  He moved closer and traced her lips with the head, then pulled back before she could do more than kiss the tip. She leaned forward and managed to lick him, then leaned back, mouth open, desperate for him to take her mouth.

  He teased her, thrusting the head between her lips, then pulling back before she could suck.

  “This is not how blow jobs work,” she said as she wrapped her hand around him. “I’m supposed to tease you.”

  “New rule. All teasing is done by me. Always. I’ve never seen anything more beautiful than your mouth begging for my cock. I intend to enjoy it.”

  “You think this is fun, wait until you feel my tongue on you as I suck.”

  He groaned and thrust into her mouth, and she had what she wanted. She sucked on the head and took him deep into the back of her throat. The hand wrapped around the base stroked as her other hand cupped his balls. She closed her eyes, pleasure drenching her as she had her way with him, loving the sound of his groans and pants as his hips jerked involuntarily because she was making him feel so desperately good.

  She loved this, the slick feel of him in her mouth. The power of making him lose control as she sucked and stroked, coaxing him closer and closer to orgasm as his erection grew ever thicker, stretching her lips to open wider, filling her mouth until she could take no more.

  His fingers found her vulva, and he spread her lips as he stroked her clit and slid fingers inside her. Pleasure saturated her as her mouth and vagina both received attention. Her sex was swollen with need, and she groaned even as she licked him.

  She could feel his erection building and sucked harder in anticipation of swallowing his cum. All at once, he pulled from her mouth and spread her legs. “I want to be inside you.”

  “Hurry,” she said.

  He left her to grab a condom from the shopping bag and returned with the packet in his hand. He ran his cock over her center, teasing her clit and vagina as he’d teased her mouth, then he rolled the condom on and positioned himself between her thighs. He paused for a moment, then, with one sure thrust, he was inside her, expanding her. And it was crazy glorious, the thick feel of him.

  “You are so beautiful,” he said as he moved inside her. Hard, hot thrusts that triggered spasms of pleasure as he hit her G-spot. With each motion her pleasure built, higher, more intense than the kitchen-counter orgasm he’d given her earlier.

  So intense, she couldn’t contain a shriek. She covered her mouth, shocked by both the volume and decibel he’d elicited from her.

  “Sweetheart, no one can hear us. We’ve got acres of woods to ourselves. Scream. Moan. Let me hear everything I’m doing to you.”

  And she did. She gave full voice to the orgasm that rocked her. Loud. Wild. Animal. She clawed at the sheets when the feeling became too intense, sliding up the bed toward the headboard.

  He followed, his thick cock filling and stroking and giving no quarter. Pleasure jolted her with every hard thrust, and just when she thought she couldn’t go higher, she broke, reaching the pinnacle. The sound she made was part groan, part yell, and he made a similar sound as he came just as hard, just as furious.

  He collapsed on her, panting, and slowly she came down from the rush of the powerful, wild, intense orgasm.

  “Damn,” she whispered. “You’re good at this sex thing.”

  He laughed. His lips nuzzled her neck as he said, “So are you.” Then he turned and faced the ceiling, still breathing heavily. “That was… I mentioned it’s been a long time for me, right?”

  “Nearly two years.”

  “Yeah. I mean, I jack off regularly. But it’s been that long since I’ve been with a partner and…as soon as I can move again, I need to get this condom off before it breaks, because damn, that was overdue.”

  He slowly rolled from the bed, and she watched his ass as he retreated to the bathroom. The wing of the hawk dipped down across his spine and touched the small of his back. She wanted to trace all of it with her tongue.

  After he returned, she took her turn in the bathroom, then crawled into bed beside him. She noted that he’d covered the hot tub and closed the sliding glass door. The top of the bedding was damp thanks to their wet bodies after sitting in the tub, but it didn’t matter as she snuggled against him.

  Suddenly, her eyes were heavy with exhaustion. The intense day capped with hot sex had caught up with her. She tried to tell him how much she appreciated his help and how good he’d made her feel, but she suspected the words were an incoherent mumble.

  He kissed her temple. “I’m going to protect you, Leah. I promise. Now sleep.”

  If he said more after that, she didn’t hear it.


  Nate prowled the living room and kitchen of the cabin, unable to sleep. He couldn’t figure out if he should feel guilty or not for having sex with Leah. She wasn’t a Raptor client, but she was in a vulnerable position. He’d been careful. In every instance, she’d either initiated or had taken what had been meant to be a light kiss to the next level.

  She’d put the condoms in the shopping cart, but he was the one who’d paid and rolled one on, when he knew damn well her life had fallen apart. But she was an adult woman who made her own decisions. He wasn’t the kind of asshole to think he knew what was best for her. And she’d wanted the escape of pleasure he was more than eager to give her.

  But was he simply justifying screwing her brains out because he’d wanted her so much that putting on the brakes hadn’t crossed his mind in the heat of the moment?

  And then there was the simple fact that she might not be the innocent woman she a
ppeared to be. What if she was in some sort of conspiracy up to her eyeballs, and he’d just whisked her away to safety?

  He didn’t believe it—he’d never have slept with her if he did—but it would be sloppy of him to dismiss the possibility without more information.

  He believed her, but to be good at his job, he had to leave the door open for doubt.

  But damn, being inside her, hell, just being near her, made him feel all sorts of crazy things, have all sorts of ideas.

  He’d told her the truth about his past relationships. In his first four years in Alaska, he’d had a lot of one-night stands along with a few friends-with-benefits arrangements. So many that they didn’t appeal to him anymore. Now he wanted chemistry, combustion when it came to sex, but what happened between Leah and him was full-on flash fire.

  He didn’t think it was due to his long dry spell. It was one hundred percent Leah Ellis.

  But he didn’t have a damn clue how he was going to keep his promise to protect her when he knew nothing about what was going on. He couldn’t even really question her because she couldn’t violate her security clearance, and as a former Special Forces solider, he had to respect that.

  He could ask her about Hathaway-Hollis, but it was hard to see how the toy drone company could be the issue here. But then, the company had a major promotional event scheduled for Christmas Day. The marketing campaign had led to thousands—hell, for all he knew, millions—of drone sales. As far as sales strategies went, it had been a brilliant success.

  The product was slick, pretty, and environmental. Made of an aluminum alloy, not plastic, the drones were constructed from recycled material that was slightly heavier than the average toy drone and therefore required a more powerful motor. But that wasn’t close to being the main selling point when it came to the shiny metallic toys.

  The drones were billed as “peacemakers” and had AI technology that would trigger them to “befriend” other HH drones they met in the air. According to the ads, when two drones met, they would circle each other, then do a dance of friendship before zipping back to their owners who held their control wands.


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