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Arcane Kiss (Talents Book 1)

Page 11

by Knight, Angela

  “Thank you.” He pulled the top up, revealing both lovely breasts. With pleasure, he saw her nipples were a luscious candy pink, furled tight in arousal. “See what you think of this…”

  Leaning forward, he closed his mouth around one delightful bud. The taste of her was more intoxicating than the bourbon, sending fire roaring along his veins like a flame following a trail of gasoline.

  A cool low voice that sounded like his father said, This is a really bad idea.

  He ignored it.

  * * *

  Genevieve moaned as Kurt tongued one exquisitely sensitive nipple in erotic little swirls. Each wet stroke created sensations as fragile as soap bubbles, all weightless iridescence.

  She cupped his head in both hands, dark hair curling cool against her fingers like rough silk as she pulled him closer. He nibbled gently, then drew back, raking the tip in delicious little bites.

  Kurt took his time as he stroked the other breast, gentle fingers cupping, pressing.

  Gen tried to remember the last time it had been this good. But it never had been.


  He released her breast, and switched his attention to the other nipple. “Don’t want you to feel neglected,” he told it, and closed his lips for a suckle and a slow swirling lick that sent another jolt of pure arousal rocketing through her.

  She looked down at him, at the dark fan of his lashes as he closed his eyes in an expression of pure sensual bliss. Sweet, piercing tugs that sent sparks of pleasure zinging along her nervous system.

  Genevieve stroked him right back, running her fingers down his body along the curve and dip of powerful muscle. “You’ve got to let me paint you.”

  Feral gold eyes flashed up at her. He gave her a wicked little smile. “I don’t think so. I’m already under your spell as it is.”

  He tightened his arms around her, turned her on his lap and spilled her down on the sectional. Dropping to his knees on the floor, he pulled off her shorts.

  Kurt drew back, his glowing eyes dwelling on her nude body, Feral gold and hot with male appreciation.

  He positioned her diagonally so he could kneel between her spread thighs. Bending his handsome head to stare in absorbed interest, he cupped her between the legs, making her draw in a breath. “What a pretty pussy. Lovely red curls.”

  Kurt found the seam between her vaginal lips and slowly, slowly slid his finger inside in a lusciously arousing stroke. His thumb circled her clit, sending tightening coils of heat through her sex.

  “God, that feels so gooooood,” she breathed.

  He pumped in and out a few times, then pulled his finger away and bent to cover her pussy with his mouth. Licking up and down her outer lips, he teased out incredible sensations with every flick of his tongue -- sensations so intense, her eyes fell closed in delight.

  And started at what she saw with her magical senses. The tiger’s great head glowed above Kurt’s, watching her with wide golden eyes. There shouldn’t have been room, but part of the insubstantial beast seemed to be inside her thighs.

  She jerked, disconcerted, as Kurt went right on licking, apparently unaware his Familiar watched her.

  His mouth drew hard on her clit, sending brilliant flashes of pleasure flashing up her body in sweet pulses.

  But even as her body responded to his carnal ministrations, her heart leaped in fear at the memory of the dream.

  Stoli made a soft sound. Not with Kurt’s magic or vocal cords, but as if the tiger touched her aura, projecting a sense of approval and affection. The cat’s wasn’t a human mind, but it didn’t feel as purely animal as Parvati’s either.

  As if to reinforce that encouragement, Kurt’s big hands cradled her thighs, and she felt the warmth of his strong body between her legs… and a fierce male need -- Kurt’s, as communicated by Stoli. In a rush of emotion and images, the tiger told her she was safe, let her feel Kurt’s desire rising like a tide rolling up a summer beach.

  They wanted her.

  Gen found herself relaxing, surrendering to his mouth, his hands, the heat of him. His tongue swirled around her clit in teasing circles -- around and around, back and forth…

  He closed his lips around the nubbin and sucked ruthlessly. The merciless pleasure hit her just as she relaxed from the anxiety of a moment before, and pushed her right over.

  Pleasure roared up in a dancing conflagration that ripped a shout out of her. She came, stunningly quick and hard, her body arching up as she drowned in fire. Screaming.

  As she came, her aura flared, and she felt both Stoli’s wordless feline satisfaction, and the dark intensity of Kurt’s hunger.

  He growled in lust, the air reverberating around them. Yet this time she felt no fear.

  Kurt released her and surged to his feet. Reaching for the zipper of his jeans, he tugged it down carefully to avoid snagging the thick cock jutting against the fabric. The shaft sprang free as he pushed his pants down brawny legs and kicked them impatiently aside. His golden eyes stared into hers, as wild as Lahr’s had been in that photo.

  Her heart leaped in anticipation, her eyes dropping to the long, curving shaft.

  “Ooh,” she breathed.

  “God,” he growled, his gaze savage. “I need you!”

  He pounced, landing on hands and knees astride her on the sectional. Panting, still dazed with pleasure, she looked up at him, at the width of his shoulders, the shifting muscle in his strong arms. His eyes glowed through strands of dark hair shadowing his angular face.

  Pressing against her full length, Kurt lowered his head and kissed her, his mouth open, hungry, searching.

  Genevieve moaned into his mouth, coiling her arms around him. He felt so deliciously broad and hard, all thick brawn and smooth skin. She stroked her hands along his body, feeling the deep vibration in her aura interacting with his. She caught her breath in need.

  She’d never made love to a Talent with the kind of power Kurt had, and she was startled at the way his magic intensified her own need. Though she’d just climaxed, her anticipation bloomed hot again.

  By the time he pulled away from the kiss, they were both panting. He stared down into her face with those brilliant eyes. “You’re so fucking beautiful.”

  “So’re you. And…”

  He wrapped a big hand around that gorgeous dick, pressed it to her opening, and entered in one powerful lunge. They groaned in unison.

  “Oh, God!” She arched up with a gasp in reaction to their joined need. “You feel so thick!” He stretched her wide enough to sting, yet there was something incredibly satisfying about being filled by him.

  He drew out slowly, a muscle flexing in his jaw as if he fought for control. Fought to take his time and make it good.

  And it was. So, so good.

  He began to ride her hard, lunging deep, dragging out, plunging again. And with every thrust, their auras sparked, energy leaping between them. Gen’s skin tingled in waves with every stroke, echoing the pulse of her engorged clit.

  She gasped with his merciless thrusts, the grind of his pelvis between her legs. A second orgasm coiled within her, tighter and tighter.

  He threw back his head with a shout. His magic burst against hers, spurring it hard, his pleasure rocketing into her mind through the mystical conduit.

  Genevieve came again, screaming, her voice spiraling so high it cracked.

  In her mind -- in her aura -- she felt the vibration of Stoli’s roar.

  * * *

  If a tiger could have purred, Stoli would’ve been doing it. So would Kurt.

  The seat was too narrow for them to lay by side-by-side, so he picked Genevieve up, lay down, and draped her over him. She barely stirred, apparently concentrating too hard on breathing. So was he.

  “You made me see stars.” Genevieve’s voice sounded throaty with a note of laughter.

  Kurt stroked a hand through her glorious red mane, enjoying the tangled silk of it under his hands. He wanted to brush it out for her, if only for the pleasure of pla
ying with it -- and knowing he’d been the one to tangle it. “I can truthfully say the same to you.” Of course Dad won’t be pleased…

  An instant after the thought, grief hit like a blow to the head. No, his dad wouldn’t be pleased. His dad would never be pleased again. What Kurt wouldn’t give for another one of his father’s She’s-not-a-Feral-girl lectures. He let his head fall back, his eyes stinging.

  He blinked the tears away. I don’t have time for this. I’m going to find those bastards, however many of them there are, and kill every last one of them.

  But first he had to make sure Genevieve was protected. Had to convince her to stay with him.

  Though it might make his life easier -- and certainly simpler -- if she left. He wouldn’t have to worry about keeping his distance or controlling Stoli’s unpredictable emotions.

  Not to mention yours, boy. The mental voice sounded like Fred.

  But the point wasn’t his comfort, it was Genevieve safety. “I’d like you to consider doing one of two things for me.”

  Genevieve turned her head on his chest and pulled her thick mane out of the way so she could look up at him. “Anything.”

  “Leave town.”

  “Except that.” Giving him a narrow-eyed look, she sat up. “I’m not going anywhere until those two are caught.”


  “If I’d gone with your father when he went to the arena, maybe I could have broken that spell when they trapped him.” Her mouth tight, she looked around for her clothes. Spotting her shorts, she got up and put them on. “Instead I kept myself safe, and he was killed.”

  Kurt frowned and bent to pick up his own jeans. “More likely, he wouldn’t be the only one in a body bag right now. That Arc had a high-powered rifle. If he’d seen you start to break that spell, he would’ve shot you.”

  Genevieve tugged the top over her head. “Or she. Could just as likely be a woman.”

  “Don’t split hairs.”

  “Don’t make assumptions.”

  “Okay, granted.” He’d worked with plenty of women Arcanists. Come to think of it, he’d probably known more female Arcs than male. “But that still doesn’t negate my original point, which is that he -- or she -- would’ve shot you.”

  “Maybe. And maybe your dad wouldn’t be dead.”

  “I can tell you right now that you giving your life for his is not the way Fred Briggs would have wanted it. It’s sure as hell not the way I’d want it. Besides, even assuming he could’ve killed that bear, the Arc would’ve shot him anyway. I think that’s why he or she was set up on the bleachers, to take Dad out if he won.”

  She sighed. “Damn, I’d like to believe that.”

  “Believe it. Look, don’t feel driven to get involved in this mess out of guilt. I would not want that even if it means these two don’t get caught at all.”

  “There’s no way in hell I’m staying out of this. If I sat on my thumb and they killed somebody else, that death would be on my head as much as theirs. What if the spell they’re trying to cast kills even more people? What if Fred wasn’t their first sacrifice?”

  “What are you getting at?”

  “I have a feeling the arena working was part of an even larger spell. If so, they may have committed other sacrificial murders. Those victims deserve justice, and their killers deserve to pay.”

  “Of course they do, but that doesn’t mean you have to put yourself in the cross hairs.”

  “I notice you didn’t hesitate.”

  “Fred was my father, Gen. Of course I didn’t hesitate. But I’m a soldier…”

  “And I’m a woman.” A dangerous glint lit her eyes. “Is that it?”

  “Hey, I fought beside plenty of women in the Corps. But they were trained to fight, and you’re not.”

  “If I was a male Arcanist, would you be worried about whether I’d had combat training?”

  He winced before he could suppress it.

  “Yeah, that’s what I thought. My gender doesn’t mean my sense of duty is less than yours.”

  Kurt stared at her in exasperation. “You do realize there’s no way I can respond to that without sounding like a sexist asshole?”

  “Maybe that should tell you something.” She did him the favor of changing the subject. “You said there were two things you wanted to ask me to consider. What’s the other one?”

  He eyed her a moment, trying to decide if he was about to piss her off again. “If you won’t leave, would you consider staying here at BFS? Just until we get these people stopped.”

  She hesitated, and a flicker of longing flashed over her face.

  In the depths of his thoughts, Stoli chuffed in triumph. If Kurt were honest, so did he.

  Then, damn it, she shook her head regretfully. “I’m not sure that’s a good idea.”

  “I’m not going to push you into going to bed with me. If you want me to keep my distance, I will.”

  She snorted. “I touched your aura, Kurt. You’re not the kind of guy who stoops to that sort of manipulation.”

  “So what’s the objection?”

  “It’s just not necessary. I can create a warding spell around my house. They wouldn’t be able to get in any more than Fred was able to get out of the arena.”

  “You don’t have wards around your house now?”

  “Nope. I’d have to burn magic to cast a spell like that, and I prefer to save my power for healing people and making money. Besides, I have good locks. And a security system. And a gun.”

  “You own a gun?”

  “My folks are military. You bet your ass I have a gun. And Mom made sure I’m a crack shot.”

  “Remind me not to piss you off.” More seriously he asked, “Could you ward this house like your own?”

  She hesitated, looking thoughtful. “Easier. Your house’s footprint isn’t as large as mine. The bigger the circle, the harder the spell is to cast because it requires more magic. That’s probably why the Arc laid the spell in the arena.”

  “That, and the bleachers hid what they were doing. Even if you went home, you’d have to leave your wards -- and then you’d be in danger.”

  “On the other hand, if I warded this place, you and Dave wouldn’t have to spend all night standing watch. We’d be able to protect each other.” She hesitated, considering. “Okay, you talked me into it. I appreciate the protection.”

  “I promise I’ll keep my distance.”

  Gen flashed him a wicked little grin. “I wouldn’t go that far. I…” Before she could finish, a huge yawn forced her to cover her mouth with her fist. She shook her head. “Wish I could lay those wards now, so we could all crash. Unfortunately, I doubt I have the juice.”

  “Why don’t you go back to bed? It’s time for my watch.”

  She frowned, hesitating. “I’d offer to take a turn, but if I do, I won’t be able to light a candle, much less create those wards.” Standing on tiptoe, Gen pressed a quick kiss to his lips and gave him a smile. “I’ll see you in the morning. Good night.”

  He caught her chin and pulled her in for a deeper kiss, then released her and put an arm around her waist and walked her to the stairs. “Sleep well.”

  Kurt watched her climb the stairs, admiring the roll of her deliciously curvy ass. He’d love some sleep himself, but he knew even if he went to bed, he’d only have another nightmare.

  Besides it was his turn to stand watch.

  Chapter Nine

  When he stepped outside, he found the porch lights were off.

  “Sounds like you to had an interesting night, you lucky bastard,” the tiger’s deep voice said from the dark.

  Kurt moved to the railing to find Dave among the bushes beside the porch steps. He wouldn’t have seen the tiger at all if not for Stoli’s magical night vision. “Lying in wait?”

  “Ambush predator. And I can think of at least two fuckers I would love to ambush. Besides, I have no interest in freaking the po-po.”

  “Are they still searching the park?

  “I heard a bunch of units pull out an hour ago, but I’m sure they left a couple of guys to guard the scene.”

  The scene of Dad’s murder.

  Kurt wondered when the reality of his father’s death would quit ambushing him. When would the pain begin to dull?

  He’d lost friends in the service: Bobby, Dave’s human form, other men he’d fought beside over the years. Their deaths still hurt, but were no longer so agonizing. He wasn’t sure he’d ever get over this.

  Kurt sank down in one of the porch rocking chairs, feeling weary to the bone. “You expect to lose your dad sooner or later. But not like this.”

  The bushes rustled as Dave emerged. He padded up the cement steps to flop down on the floor beside Kurt’s rocker. The wooden boards groaned. “Fred was a good man. I can’t tell you how grateful I am that he took me in after my medical discharge.”

  Kurt shrugged. “Vets like you are the whole reason Dad opened BFS to begin with.”

  “I still owe him -- and you. Which is why I feel a duty to say this even though I know you don’t want to hear it.” Gold eyes narrowed. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing with that girl?”

  “Are you really about to give me Dad’s ‘She’s not a Feral girl’ speech?”

  “No. I’m about to give you the ‘You’re spraying her with gasoline and about to light a match,’ speech.” His tail thumped once against the porch floorboards. “Remember what happened the last time somebody’s cat was trapped in his body when he triggered an Arcanist trap? Now we’ve got an Arcanist building traps in the damned arena, you’ve just gone through a major emotional trauma, and you pick now to start having sex with Genevieve?”

  His temper leaped. “Goddamnit, Dave, she’s nothing like Mom!”

  “Hell, I know that. If anybody could hack being in love with a Feral, it’s Genevieve. She’s got entirely too much guts for her own good. She sure as hell won’t cut and run the way your mother did. Even Fred would have realized that, if he’d had enough time.” He looked up at Kurt, gold eyes glowing. “The problem is not Genevieve.”

  “I don’t fall in love with every girl I have sex with,” Kurt told him impatiently. “And tigers do not mate for life. I am not going to lose my shit just because I slept with her.” But even as he said the words, he was uncomfortably conscious of his own growing anger.


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