Concord and Concord Road, 263, 274–75
Continental Army, 10
arguments between military officers, 78–79
locations for, in August of 1777, 117–18
native-born Americans versus foreigners in, 79–80
parade, 131
spacing of divisions, 130
Continental Powder Mill, 296, 321
Conway's Pennsylvania Brigade, 170
Conway, Thomas, 221–22
Cooch's Bridge, 154–55, 157
Cooper, Apollos, 215
Cope, Thomas “Tommy”, 2, 3, 264
Cornwallis, Charles Earl, 9–10, 21–22, 23, 31, 53, 133, 279
Boot Tavern, 288
Brandywine, battle of, 183, 194, 199, 203
Lancaster Road, 286
plundering, 280
Valley Forge, 303
Coudray. See Du Coudray, Chevalier
Cox, James, 113, 307
Cresswell, Nicholas, 7, 25–26, 32–33, 46, 49, 50, 61–62, 67, 81, 84
Cunningham, Allen, 172
Currency, 128
Currie, William, 295–96
Dallas, Archibald, 155
Dansey, William, 18–19, 72–73, 109, 145–46, 161, 235
Dayton, Elias, 236
Dead, excessive brutality and mutilation of, 29–31
Paoli Massacre, 163, 313–18
De Borre Brigade, 171, 217
De Borre, Chevalier Preudhomme, 220, 222, 223–24, 284
DeHaven, Peter, 321
Delaware, militia from, 123
Delaware, 127
Desertions, 17, 36, 146, 301
Detchevery, Bertrand, 70, 71
Dewes, William, 296–97
Dilworth, 198, 252–53, 255, 274, 285
Discipline of troops, 26, 118–19, 136
Diseases, 25, 72
battle wounds, 265–66
Döhla, Johann Conrad, 72
Donnaldson, John, 155, 298
Douglas, Thomas, 246
Downingtown, 291
Downman, Francis, 137–38, 140, 141, 151, 162, 178, 241, 242, 323
Doyle, John, 311
Drinker, Elizabeth, 67–68, 89, 272, 327
Drinker, Henry, 272
Dubuysson, Chevalier, 97, 234, 282
Du Coudray, Chevalier, 282
Dunlap, James, 144
Boot Tavern, 288, 289
Du Portail, Luis Le Bègue de Presle, 281, 282
Durkee, Col., 10
Dyer, Eliphalet, 274
East Bradford Township, 3
Economic conditions, 128–29
Edgemont Road, 286
Egg Harbor, 86–89
Elk Ferry, 133–34
Elk Landing, 139–41
Elmer, Ebenezer, 213, 233, 255
Erskine, William, 261, 321
Evans, Evan, 294
Ewald, Johann, 8, 9
Amboy, 59–60
background of, 20–21
Battle of the Clouds, 290–91
Boundbrook, 22–23
Brandywine, battle of, 183, 184, 193–94, 195, 200–3, 206, 257, 258–59
Continental Powder Mill, 321
Elk Landing and surroundings, 133–34, 137, 139, 140
Iron Hill, 152
local Germans, 326–27
New Garden Township, 167
Lady Patterson, 161
Treatise on Partisan Warfare, 44
White Clay Creek, 160
Ewing, George, 825
Fabius (Quintus Fabius Maximus), 7
Fatland Ford, 304–5, 322
Felix Farley's Bristol Journal, 234
Ferguson, Patrick, 37, 173, 175, 176, 177–78, 179–80, 248
Finch, John, 54–56, 61
Fisher, Henry, 93, 99
Fisher, Sarah Logan, 46, 65, 68, 94, 99, 100, 101, 104, 117, 123, 272
Fisher, Thomas, 100–1, 272
Fithian, Philip Vickers, 86–87
Fitzpatrick, Richard, 34–35, 58, 60, 61, 68–69, 76, 97, 134, 147, 269, 271, 294
display of Union, 111–12, 161
1st Pennsylvania regimental, 249
Forage War, 17–19, 21–22, 24–25
Forks of the Brandywine, 171, 193
Forman, David, 70–71, 83–84
Forrest, Thomas, 6
Fort Ticonderoga, 82–83
Fourth of July, Philadelphia's first, 63–68
Fox, Charles James, 32, 34
Franklin, Benjamin, 9
Fraser's Highlanders, 173
Frazer, Mary “Polly” Worrall, 1–2, 267, 268, 276–77
Frazer, Persifor “Percy,” 2–3, 42, 44, 48–49, 51–52, 61, 77–78, 83, 95, 119, 121, 123, 128–29, 267–68, 276
Brandywine, battle of, 248
capture of, 286–87
Frazer, Sarah “Sally,” 1, 2, 267, 268
Galloway, Joseph, 73, 132, 184, 270, 301, 327
Gates, Horatio, 119–20
George III, 12, 13
Georgia Battalion, 4th, 118–19
Germain, George, 5–6, 32, 56
Germantown, 100, 103, 123, 124, 274
Gerry, Elbridge, 230
Gibbon, Edward, 7–8
Gibbons, James, 280–81
Gibbons, Jane Sheward, 280
Gibbons, William, 280
Gibson's Ford, 171
Gist, Mordecai, 217, 300
Glyn, Thomas, 27
Goshen Friends Meeting House, 286, 287, 288
Grant, James, 6, 13, 22, 34, 70, 319
Brandywine, battle of, 209, 240–41, 261
Concord, 274–75
death of horse, 27–28
East New Jersey, 45
Elk Landing, 140
Frazer, capture of, 287
Howe's seamanship, comments on, 114
on the Isis, 105, 115, 134
petite guerre, 31
position of troops, 173
Washington, comments on, 56–57, 60, 159
Washington, pursuit of, 290
weather conditions, 74–75, 115, 290
Graydon, Alexander, 8, 20, 21, 129–30, 131
Gray's Hill, 143, 145
Great Valley Road, 186–87, 295–96
Greene, Nathanael, 8, 16, 23–24, 79–80, 172
Brandywine, battle of, 243, 254, 255
position of troops, 170, 191
Grey, Charles, 37, 296, 308
Grier, David, 63, 67
Guards Light Infantry Company, 37
Hale, William, 13–14, 27, 85, 106, 135, 145, 200, 208, 212
Hall, Aquila, 115
Hall, David, 93, 171, 196
Hamilton, Alexander, 30, 31, 57, 58, 297, 298
Hamond, Andrew Snape, 95, 96, 105
Hancock, John, 64, 94, 98, 104, 282, 298–99
Hannum, John, 187, 188
Harcourt, William, 54
Harper, John, 286
Harris, David, 49
Harris, George, 231
Harrison, Benjamin, 121
Hartley, Thomas, 248, 249, 293–94, 302, 307, 308, 309, 313, 314, 315–16
Hawkins, John, 224, 243–44, 283
Hay, Samuel, 59, 313
Hazen, Moses, 171, 185, 196, 203, 220, 224–25
Head of Elk, 139, 140, 143, 145–46, 151
Hector, Edward “Ned,” 247
Henry, John, 133
Hessians, 6–7, 12, 13–14, 24, 25
landing of, 133–34
plundering by, 137, 139
reinforcements, 33, 68
Heth, T. Will (William), 156–57, 173, 175, 176, 215, 217–18
Hicks, Robert, 294
Hiltzheimer, Jacob, 282
History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (Gibbon), 7
Holland, Samuel, 140
Hollingsworth, Jesse, 139, 146
Hopewell Furnace, 296
Horses, British, 70, 105, 108, 109, 110–11, 135–36
House, Amos, 189–90
Howe, Lord, 9, 7
3, 96, 114, 115, 133
Howe, William, 5, 32, 133
Boot Tavern, 292
Brandywine, battle of, 183, 193, 200, 239–40
Brandywine, position after, 281
Burgoyne and, 82
Continental Army whereabouts and, 95–96
Cresswell's view of, 62
declaration to inhabitants, 137
Guard officers returning home, 33–34
plundering by troops, 146
praise of light troops, 155–56
reconnoitering of Americans, 143
return to New Brunswick, 44–45
seamanship skills, 114–15
Tredyffrin, 296
Washington, pursuit of, 279, 287
Howell, David, 296
Howell, Lewis, 229, 235–36
Hubley, Adam, 244, 249–50, 251, 252, 314, 315, 317
Humpton, Richard, 248, 307, 312
Hunn, John, 85–86, 87, 90, 92, 98
Hunter, Martin, 14–15, 54, 172, 210, 211, 212, 216, 238, 260, 307, 310, 311, 313, 315, 318
Huntington, Jedediah, 81–82, 83
Hutchinson, James, 273, 274
Hutchinson, William, 150, 158–59, 172
Hyde, West, 276
Indian massacres, 120, 121
Inman, George, 260
Iron Hill, 143, 144, 145, 149, 152–54, 157–58
Isis, 115–16
Jackson, John, 184
Jäger Corps. See Hessians
James, Jacob, 287, 301
Jarvis, Stephen, 175, 244–45, 248
Jefferis, Emmor, 194–95, 239, 266
Jefferis's Ford, 193
Johnson, James, 203, 206
Johnson, Matthew, 209
Johnston, Francis, 248
Jones, David, 296
Jones, Samuel, 201, 206, 296
Jones's Ford, 171, 196
Kemble, Stephen, 14, 43, 46, 62, 69
Kennett Square, 167–68, 172, 173
Kirkwood, Robert, 36, 288
Knox, Henry, 39, 41, 44, 80, 252, 253, 293
Knox, William, 5
Lacey Brigade, 171
Lafayette, Marquis de, 35, 97–98, 103, 120, 142, 150, 156, 189, 282
Brandywine, battle of, 222–23, 232, 234–35
Lamar, Marion, 316
Lancaster, 3, 123–24, 132
Lancaster Road, 281, 283, 285–86
Laurens, Henry, 99, 103, 156, 299
Lee, Henry “Light-Horse Harry,” 173, 175, 201, 215, 231, 297
Lee, Philip, 215
Lee, Richard Henry, 25, 109, 120–21, 128
Levering's Ford, 281, 282–83
Lewis, Curtis, 184
Lincoln, Benjamin, 20, 21–22, 248
Livingston, William, 16
Long Island, battle of, 53
Lorey (Loray), Friedrich Heinrich, 26–27, 29
Lorey, Richard, 289, 321
Loring, Elizabeth, 32, 76
Lovell, James, 99–100, 301
Maclean, Allen, 233
Maitland, John, 205
Marchant, Henry, 230
Marcus Hook, 144
Marshall, Christopher, 132–33, 166
Marshall, Humphry, 165–66, 185
Marshall, John, 181, 243
Marshall, Thomas, 201, 215
Martin, Joseph, 187
Martin's Tavern, 186–87
Martin, William, 29–31
Maryland militia, 78, 122, 142–43
Mason-Dixon line, 163–65, 167
Mathew, Edward, 33, 205
Maxwell, William, 18, 144
Boot Tavern, 288
at Christiana Bridge, 152, 154, 156–57, 159
at Iron Hill, 152, 154
position of troops, 170, 171, 178, 191
McClellan, Joseph, 228, 256
McCrea, Jane, 120
McGinnis, John, 88, 89
McGowan, John, 317–18
McKinly, John, 162–63, 278
McLeroth, Robert, 259
McMichael, James, 100, 102–3, 143, 160, 257–58, 285
McPherson, James, 183
Meade, Richard Kidder, 253
Medows, William, 205, 231, 241
Mendenhall, Phebe, 263–64, 265–66, 275
Mercer, Francis, 215
Mercer, Hugh, 30
Middlebush, 37–41
Middle States, sectionalism, 80–81
Mifflin, Thomas, 85, 88–89
Miles, Samuel, 68
Millstone River, 39–40
Milltown, 291
Monckton, Henry, 205
Moncrieff Bridge, 46–49
Moncrieff, James, 46, 246
Montrésor, John, 58, 61, 152, 295, 304, 318, 322, 323
on the Alert, 87, 90, 92–93, 105, 106, 108, 109, 110–11
Brandywine, battle of, 199, 216, 230–31, 257, 259–60
Chesapeake area, 110, 114, 115
earthen forts, construction of, 40
Finch's death, 56
Kennett Square, 168
Lancaster Road, 285–86
landing and camp, description of, 135–36
plundering by troops, 146, 148
Moore Hall, 318
Moore, James, 24
Moore, William, 164, 318
Morgan, Daniel, 37–38, 49, 120
Morris, Robert, 19
Morristown, 77
Moylan, Stephen, 20
Muhlenberg, Henry, 66–67, 68, 82, 89, 94, 108, 121, 170, 272, 305–6, 323, 325
Muhlenberg, Peter, 272
Müller, Matthaeus, 24
Murdon, Robert, 178
Murray, James, 18, 134, 147–48
Musgrave, Thomas, 182–83, 308
Nagle, Jacob, 170, 179, 182, 242, 245, 246, 247, 265, 291, 292
Narin, Henry, 259
Nash, Francis, 170, 255, 256
Newark, 159
New Brunswick, 8–10
British evacuation and destruction of, 46–52
British return to, 44–46
New England, sectionalism, 80
New Garden Township, 167
Newport, 160
New York Gazette, 5
Nicholas House, 160, 162
Nicola, Lewis, 67
Norrington, 323–24
O'Hara, Charles, 33
Osborn, Danvers, 13
Osborn, George, 6, 21, 25, 29, 54, 318, 322
Annapolis, 111
Aolus, 71, 96, 104–7
background of, 12–13
Brandywine, battle of, 205, 225
Chesapeake area, 109
Christiana Creek, 157
Fitzpatrick and, 35, 69
plundering by troops, 294
Staten Island, 68
Osborne's Hill, 196, 198, 203–7
Osborn family, 12–13
Paine, Thomas, 271–72
Painter farm, 265
Palfrey, William, 51
Paoli, battle of (Paoli Massacre), 163, 313–18
Paoli, Pasquale, 285
Paoli Tavern, 285
Parker, James, 109, 291, 301, 322–23, 326
attack on Wayne, 307–8, 313, 314, 317, 318
background of, 73–74
Boot Tavern, 288, 289, 292
Brandywine, battle of, 176, 178, 190, 229, 242, 245, 247
destruction of Frazer house, 277
Elk Ferry landing, 133, 134
Frazer, capture of, 287
Howe's seamanship skills, 114
Kennett Square, 167–68
Newark, 159
prisoners, list by nationality, 279
Parker, Richard, 173
Parker's Ford, 305
Patten, Abraham, 35–36
Patten, James, 144, 251, 289–90
Patterson, Lady, 161
Patterson, Samuel, 161
Peale, Charles Willson, 51
Peebles, John, 18, 36, 47, 134, 147, 154, 157, 257, 260, 268, 280, 286, 292, 303, 322
Pemberton, Israel, 272
Pemberton, James, 272r />
Pencader (Penn-Cadder), 151, 152
Penn, John, 94, 125, 126, 132
Pennsylvania Gazette, The, 59
Pennsylvania militia, 122–23
Perkiomen Creek, 306
Perth Amboy, 35–36, 46
Peters, Richard, 165
Peterson, Gabriel, 250
Petit guerre, 17–19, 21–22, 24–25
Peyton, George, 215
Peyton, John, 215
Peyton, Robert, 215
British, approach to, 298–327
description of, 125–27
lack of protection for, 124
Washington's army in, 124–25
Philadelphia Artillery, 11
Philadelphia Associators, 11
Philadelphia Troop of Light Horse, 11
Pickering, Timothy, 43, 44, 56, 59, 77, 103, 149
Brandywine, battle of, 171, 190–91, 243, 253, 258, 260
Levering's Ford, 282–83
South Valley Hill, 290
Pinckney, Charles Cotesworth, 256
Pine Barrens, 86–87
Platoon firing, 229–30
by Americans, 16, 118–19, 148–49, 158, 306, 325
by British, 12–15, 41, 44, 58–60, 136–37, 139, 146–47, 186, 276–77, 280–81, 294–95, 323, 324–25
Pompton Plains, 77
Porterfield, Charles, 173, 175, 176, 181
Potter, James, 291
Potter Brigade, 171, 303
Potts, David, 296
Princeton, battle of, 6
American (rebel), 279
British, 43–44, 87–88, 146, 147
Proctor, Thomas, 170
Pulaski, Casimir, 180–81, 252, 254–55
Purdy, Gilbert, 84–85, 140, 154, 269
Pyle's Ford, 171
Quakers, 67–68, 124, 125, 126, 165, 172, 266–67, 272–73
Quan, Mary, 36
Quartering officers, 15
Rahway, 59
Rall, Johann, 6
Randel Malins, 295
Randolph, Edward Fitz, 311
Rawdon, John, 245, 246
Reading, 124, 320–21
Reading Furnace, 300, 305
Rebel Battery on the Heights of Brandywine, A, 4
Red Clay Creek, 157–59, 160
Red Lion tavern, 317
Reed, Joseph, 10, 292–93, 298, 323–24
Rittenhouse, David, 296, 321
Robertson, Archibald, 37, 59, 109, 304–5
Brandywine, battle of, 195, 198, 225, 230, 233, 236, 245, 250–51, 253–54, 259
Rodney, Caesar, 93–94
Roebuck, 87, 88, 95, 99
Ross, James, 188, 264
Rüffer, Carl, 159
Rumsey, Benjamin, 113
Rush, Benjamin, 42–43, 126–27, 270, 271
St. Clair, Arthur, 82
St. George, Richard, 216, 311, 314, 316
Sandy Hollow, 198, 214
Sanitation problems, 101–2, 158
Schuyler, General, 119–20
Schuylkill, 273–74
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