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Page 8

by Pepper North

  “I’m too sweaty, baby. I’ll take a rain check. Besides, it will go away fast enough. I’ve told you I always take ice cold showers, right?” He leaned in to adjust the water temperature.

  Penelope could feel the cool air rushing toward her as the water sprayed from the showerhead. “Daddy, no. I don’t want a cold shower,” Penelope begged as he walked into the spray. She braced herself only to drop her head down on his shoulder in relief as the warm water hit her body. “Not funny, Daddy!” she said peeved only to begin giggling again as Dylan ticked her as he set her down to stand in front of him.

  Fifteen minutes later, they were both clean. Dylan had redressed in jeans and a tee shirt. He triggered the intercom and alerted the two men in the study that they were on their way to the nursery. Dylan picked up the Little girl all wrapped in a warm towel and carried her across the hallway into the nursery as the men walked down the corridor to meet them.

  Chapter 26

  Dr. Richards had Dylan set Penelope on her changing table. He looked over her arm, examining the skin above the cast’s edge as well as her fingers below. “This looks very good, young lady. I’m glad to see that you are taking care of your arm and not doing too much with it. Your color looks very nice, but I still want to see you in my office in five days so I can do a baseline exam. You are healing very well.” He fitted his stethoscope into his ears and listened to Penelope’s heart. He unwrapped her towel exposing her body to their view as he listened to her breathe. When he pressed his stethoscope to Penelope’s stomach, the Little girl winced slightly. He looked seriously at her.

  “How long has it been since you’ve had a bowel movement?” he asked.

  Penelope shrugged her shoulders. She didn’t know.

  Dr. Richards looked at the two men. “Her colon is seriously packed with fecal material. She should have told you that her tummy was hurting, but I have a feeling that this is not a new problem?” he asked looking at Penelope. He started to nod ‘yes,’ but turned his head and raised a doubting eyebrow. Reluctantly she shook her head ‘no.’ The doctor continued, “I’ll give her an enema today. We need to take care of this urgently. Do you have an enema bag?” he asked Jack.

  “We do,” Jack confirmed with a nod.

  “Fill it with warm water, leaving a little room at the top. I have a small bottle of cleanser in my bag. It will do for now. I have larger bottles at the office. I’ll have one brought over to you later today.” He turned to Penelope and said, “Let’s get you laid down, sweetheart so that I can treat your tummy. It will feel much better in just a little while. You were naughty for hiding this from your Daddies,” he observed looking at her seriously.

  Penelope nodded her head sadly, “I know. I just didn’t want to cause them any more work or trouble.” She looked up at the ceiling and was miserable. Her tummy ached, and she’d been trying so hard to hide it. Now, she was in trouble, and she bet she’d get a yucky enema and then a spanking. She could have told her Daddies. She knew they would have been glad to take care of her.

  Jack carried the filled enema bag over to the changing table and hung it on a hook that Penelope had never noticed. He stepped to the top of the changing table and ran a soft hand through her hair until she met his eyes. “I’m very sorry that you didn’t trust us, Penelope. I’m also sorry that we hadn’t realized that your tummy needed some help.” He looked very serious.

  Penelope’s eyes flashed to the hanging enema bag as she heard a splash. Dylan was carefully adding the bottle of cleanser to the water in the enema bag. She could smell the soap. They were taking care to clean her bottom thoroughly. She felt a restraining strap pulled over her ribcage just below her small breasts. Jack secured it tightly to hold her in place. Jack lifted her legs to feed her ankles through loops that were now dangling above her. They held her legs widely spread and slightly lifted, so her bottom was spread. Dr. Richards pressed a lubricated finger to her anus and pressed it inside spreading the slippery mixture around the sides of her rectum. Penelope groaned at the invasion. She didn’t like enemas. They were so embarrassing. She closed her eyes to shut out the scene, turning her face to the side. She felt a light touch against her mouth. She looked up to see Dylan smiling at her as he brushed a pacifier against her lips.

  “Try this, baby,” he suggested, holding the pacifier to her lips. When she opened her mouth to allow him to slide it into her mouth, he praised, “Good girl, Penelope! It’s okay. Dr. Richards is going to help your tummy, and then he’ll help your Daddies know how to prevent this.”

  “Nooo!” she moaned at the large enema syringe filling her tight rectum. And with a snick, the cleansing solution began to gush into her bottom. She tried to lift her bottom to escape the flow or stop it somehow.

  Smack! Her eyes flew to Jack. “None of that young lady. The enema is going inside of you. If I’m reading the signs correctly, this will not be the only enema going into your cute bottom today. Don’t make us spank you with a filled bottom.” He looked steadily at her until she dropped her eyes and nodded. “That’s my good girl,” he said softly.

  Dr. Richards began speaking to the two Daddies. “Little girls are often hesitant to let you know that their tummies hurt. Penelope will learn to let you know, but we’re going to make sure that her bowel movements are regulated. I’ll send over a canister of suppositories that I want you to start placing in her bottom. We’ll start with one every diaper change. Put it in last after taking her temperature and after placing any other suppositories in her rectum. We’ll have to adjust the dosage up or down as we see how her system reacts. The goal is that she will use her diaper easily for all her needs both for urine and for fecal matter. I’ve got a sample pack to leave with you so that you can start after her enema.”

  “Any symptoms that we can look for that will clue us in that she needs an enema?” Dylan asked, continuing to run his fingers through her hair to comfort her.

  “That’s the other piece you’ll need to solve this puzzle. Penelope will need to be on a regular enema schedule. All Little girls are different, but to get over this impaction, she’ll need this cleansing enema which we’ll make sure she holds for twenty minutes followed by several rinses to clear her bottom.” Dr. Richards began to rub her tummy when Penelope moaned in protest. “Little girls often don’t like their medicine, so we’ll make sure she enjoys this as much as possible. Jack, why don’t you begin to stroke the opening of Penelope’s vagina. Orgasms distract Little girls and help push the liquid higher in their intestinal tracts.” The doctor nodded as Jack stroked her lightly and showed the two other men that Penelope was soaked with shiny, natural lubricant. The Little girl was enjoying her enema no matter how much she protested.

  “Rubbing her tummy in gentle circles from right to left helps ease the water deeper into her stomach,” Dr. Richards said demonstrating the technique. He stepped back and waved Dylan over. “You’ll see what I mean as you feel, Dylan.”

  “Wow! Her tummy is really full. No wonder she was uncomfortable,” Dylan said looking at Jack with regret that he hadn’t noticed this sooner.

  “You’ll learn Penelope’s little indications that she needs an enema. My Zoey starts getting irritable. That’s a common indicator. If I find myself needing to spank her twice, I automatically give her an enema. Not as punishment but to ease her discomfort. Penelope could become sluggish and resist moving or playing. She could begin to sleep more or less than her normal sleep pattern. She may also tend to cling to you and be unhappy when you leave,” Dr. Richards shared with them. He knew that Penelope’s mind was occupied by the gushing liquid that kept filling her more and more. He could tell that she was close to an orgasm as her face became more focused and her movements stilled. Dr. Richards placed a hand on one of Dylan’s rubbing hands to stop him. Her attention was no longer divided between the abdominal massage and the more intimate one. Instantly, her body arched off the table, and her inner tissues clamped on Jack’s fingers.

  “Daddies!” she cried in reaction.
Her orgasm launched her into a new realm of pleasure due to the pressure in her abdomen. She melted onto the table and panted just as the last drops of enema gurgled into her bottom.

  Chapter 27

  Dr. Richards had left about an hour ago. After watching the new Daddies in action, he knew that they would be able to follow through with his instructions. The first cleansing enema had been tough for Penelope to hold. She’d covered her face with her hands and begged to be allowed to go to the bathroom. Her Daddies had tried everything to distract and console the Little girl. Finally, the twenty minutes had elapsed. Her legs had been lowered slowly, and the restraining strap unfastened. Dylan had lifted her to stand on her feet. They’d placed the potty chair across the room, following Dr. Richards’ instructions that she needed to walk with the cleansing fluid inside to help agitate the poop in her colon. Penelope had walked as quickly as her Daddy would allow her. She was stopped just short of the potty by Jack who leaned her over and tugged the big nozzle from her bottom. She collapsed on the seat and a torrent of liquid, suds, and fecal matter had burst into the bowl.

  The Daddies had given her two rinses already. The first rinse of warm water only was administered as she knelt on her knees with her head lowered to the padded changing table. Jack had held her buttocks widely apart, so she couldn’t clench her bottom closed. The water gushed inside. She’d had to hold that enema for twenty minutes as well. After Penelope was allowed to release that enema, she was exhausted, but her intestines were not cleared yet. To allow her to relax, Dr. Richards had suggested that one Daddy hold her in his arms and rock her slowly as the third enema flowed into her. Penelope had loved this. She was close to a Daddy, and the gentle motion of the rocker lulled her almost to sleep.

  When he had seen that the Daddies were learning how to take care of their Little girl, Dr. Richards had dispensed enough suppositories for the evening. Patting each man on the shoulder, he was sure to praise their efforts to help their Little girl. He took care to talk in a low voice that would not interrupt their bonding time with Penelope. She was learning a lot about them as they treated her troubled stomach. The doctor signaled that he would let himself out and that they should call him with any questions. Dr. Richards paused in the doorway of the nursery to look back at the trio. He’d certainly been right when he’d thought these three were made for each other.

  Jack held Penelope for the final enema. Her short hair laid against the padded arm of the chair on one side and her feet dangled over the other. Penelope relaxed, sucking slowly on the pacifier with her eyes closed. She had found it very comforting. She clutched Persimmon to her bare breasts. They’d learned that she would need to be completely nude during an enema so that the flow of the water could be traced throughout her abdomen.

  Dylan wandered through the room quietly, putting away the medicine and tidying the beautiful nursery. When all had been organized, he returned to the rocker and lowered himself to sit on the carpet at Jack’s feet. He looped his fingers through Penelope’s and met Jack’s eyes. The love he saw there reflected the emotion pouring from his eyes as well. Their Little was exhausted but relieved. Her tummy bulged from the enema rinsing out the last of the impaction. Each time, the enema had been easier for her to receive and, also, to hold. She’d enjoyed several orgasms during her enemas. She would remember that there was pleasure in receiving an enema. They knew she’d protest beginning the enema schedule that Dr. Richards had prescribed. She was to have a cleansing enema with two rinses every other day. If she was grumpy or not sleeping well on the no enema day, they were to give her a warm enema with baking soda added to soothe her tummy.

  Finally, the Daddies allowed her to release the last enema. Jack stayed by her side, propping her exhausted body against his chest. When she felt ready to leave the potty chair, Jack lifted her to the changing table and cleaned her bottom thoroughly. He pressed a suppository deep in her bottom and held it firmly in place until she stopped trying to push it out. He applied some soothing cream to her anus. It was red and irritated. Penelope sighed pleasantly in relief. She was ready to take a nap, but there was one thing left to take care of before she could sleep.

  Jack lowered her to her feet and led her still nude over to the double-wide couch in the corner where Dylan was waiting. Jack took a seat next to Dylan and pulled her to stand in front of them. Penelope didn’t know what was happening, but suddenly, she was very nervous. She wrapped her arms as best she could around her naked chest.

  “Drop your arms, Penelope. Little girls don’t hide from their Daddies,” Jack said solemnly. He waited until her arms were completely by her sides before continuing. “We have one more thing to take care of, little girl.” He sounded so serious that a warning shiver ran up Penelope’s spine.

  Dylan took over. “You hid information from your Daddies. You didn’t tell us that your tummy hurt, and you needed help going to the bathroom. We were all lucky that Dr. Richards came to check on you. Do you feel better after your enemas, Penelope?”

  She started to shake her head ‘no,’ but the glint in their eyes told her she needed to tell the truth. She hesitated before whispering, “My tummy feels better . . . But I won’t need another enema. I’ll be better for a long time,” she smiled trying to convince them.

  “You’ll have a lot of enemas in your future, Penelope. We want to talk to you about lying to your Daddies. This is one of the worst misdeeds that a Little can do. I know both of us asked you repeatedly how you were feeling. We were relying on our assumption that we could trust you to tell us the truth. Did you tell me, or Dylan, that your stomach hurt when we asked?” Jack probed.

  More miserable than she’d been during her enemas, Penelope hung her head and whispered, “No, I didn’t tell you. I thought it would get better, but it didn’t. I learned my lesson. I’ll tell you if my tummy hurts from now on. I promise,” she said fervently, slashing her fingers diagonally across her heart, murmuring the childish rhyme of cross my heart and hope to die . . . stick a needle in my eye.

  “You will definitely not be playing with needles, little girl. You have, however, earned a spanking. I will give you five swats and so will Jack. Then, you’ll be put to bed with a red bottom. Hopefully, it will make you think twice in the future about lying to your Daddies.” Dylan began to draw her over his knees, positioning her so that her bottom was centered perfectly over his lap. He ignored her tearful requests to give her one more chance. He wasted no time in spanking her bottom sharply as he counted the strokes. When he was finished, he lifted Penelope from his lap and draped her over Jack’s. His partner immediately added his five swats to the red bottom in front of him.

  Tears flowed quickly from Penelope’s eyes as they turned her over. The two men wrapped their arms around her and held her solidly. They allowed her to cry, knowing that this spanking was very important. Penelope needed to remember that they were firm in their expectations and that her punishment would be serious. They also made sure that she realized that they still loved her and that all had been forgiven.

  Fifteen minutes later, Penelope was asleep on her tummy. The bright, white diaper contrasted with the hints of red skin that peeked from underneath the padding. They had each kissed her tenderly and wiped her tear-streaked cheeks before laying her gently in her crib. Persimmon had been waiting for her and Penelope had rested her head on her stuffed toy and fallen immediately into a deep sleep.

  Chapter 28

  The next couple of days passed smoothly. Penelope played and giggled more. They had stopped her from running through the house repeatedly in fear that she’d fall and hurt her injured arm more. It was very obvious that she felt much better with her tummy problem being addressed. She did not like the large suppositories and protested them at each diaper change. Her Daddies knew that they were working with each dirty diaper.

  Dylan and Jack had debated how long they should wait before making love to their Little girl together. Each man had stimulated Penelope to orgasm many times but had not penetrated her
small body. They preferred to give her time to adjust to her nursery and her new life with two Daddies. They discussed many evenings while alone in their bed how it would be best to push their relationship to a new level. The time just didn’t magically appear.

  Penelope was grumpy. Her body had been played like a fine instrument by her Daddies. She’d enjoyed all their caresses and the orgasms that they had helped her achieve. She’d never felt anything like their skilled touch before. She knew that she was missing something. They had not allowed her to be part of their relationship. She felt excluded. Penelope decided to do something about this.

  The next evening, she went to bed willingly when they tucked her in at 8:00 pm. When she heard them in the hall at 10:00, she began to rattle her crib railing making as much noise as possible. Immediately, they had run into the room to see what was wrong.

  “I want to sleep in my Daddies’ bed tonight,” Penelope announced.

  “Did you have a bad dream?” Jack asked concerned.

  “No. I want to sleep with you. I want you to love me. You know . . . make love to me.” She hesitated and looked down at the mattress. “Unless you don’t want me that way?” She peeked up at them through her eyelashes.

  “Oh, little girl! You have no idea how much we want you.” Dylan swooped her out of the crib and squeezed her to his wide chest. “We didn’t want to hurt you or rush you.” He immediately began to carry her to the master bedroom. He laid her carefully on the bed and laughed as she bounced up on her knees to throw her arms around him before hugging Jack exuberantly. Dylan was captivated by the happiness written all over her face and Jack’s. They had all waited a long time to be together totally.


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