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Page 10

by Pepper North

  Time moved so slowly, but finally, it was time, and the thermometer was slowly withdrawn. “It’s slightly elevated. Has Penelope been running a fever lately?” Dr. Richards asked.

  “No, Doctor. She’s been at a normal temperature for the last few days,” Jack reported, looking concerned.

  “Many Little girls get a little anxious about coming to the doctor’s office, and that naturally raises their temperature. Just keep a close eye on her for the next couple of days to make sure she’s not coming down with anything.” He patted her bottom again. “Sit on the table for me, Penelope. I want to check your ears and throat.” She gratefully moved with the help of her Daddy to rotate her red bottom out of view.

  Dr. Richards performed the regular screenings for all patients. He checked her blood pressure and peered into her eyes, nose, and throat before declaring, “Everything looks good. Lie back on the table, Penelope. I want to check your breasts.” She moved ultra-slow, wanting to try to delay. Soon, Penelope was on her back. Dr. Richards asked Jack to hold her hands above her head on the table.

  The doctor began his exam pressing firmly on Penelope’s sensitive breast tissue. He plucked her nipples pulling on them slightly as they contracted to stiff peaks under his fingers. “Daddies, you’ll need to be extra vigilant with Penelope’s breast exams due to her history of cancer. I would suggest that you check her breasts on some easily remembered schedule – right after her period is over or the first day of each month. Whatever will be easiest to remember. Little girls with small breasts generally have the most sensitive breast tissue. Avoid examining her breast the week before her menstrual cycle when they are the most tender.” He turned to Penelope and asked, “When do you normally have your cycle?”

  Penelope turned pale and looked up at the ceiling. She whispered, “I haven’t had a period for several years. I thought I probably had cancer there, too.”

  Rubbing her tummy lightly, Dr. Richards reassured her. “Penelope, all the reports that I’ve read state that your cancer was present only in your bladder. It did not spread to any other areas. Will it make you feel better if I take a look at your vagina today to see if there are any areas of concern?” When she nodded her head, he said, “I promise that I will make sure that you’re healthy from now on. Will you trust me to take care of you?” Again, Penelope answered with a nod of her head.

  Dylan and Jack looked at each other sadly. Their Little girl had been worrying that her cancer had spread, and they hadn’t picked up on her fears. Penelope answered the doctor’s questions easily. They needed to learn to ask more questions, too.

  Pushing at different places on Penelope’s abdomen, Dr. Richards smiled down at the Little girl. “Your tummy is in much better shape, Penelope. I’m glad that we’ve erased that discomfort.” He turned his attention to her Daddies. “Jack, Dylan, tell me about Penelope’s bowel movements. Is she using her diaper? Do you think we need to alter the dosage of her suppositories?”

  “She’s had a few days without having a bowel movement. Should we be concerned about that? Usually, it’s after she has the cleansing enemas and the rinses. We’ve figured that the enemas have been so effective that she hasn’t needed to poop,” Jack answered.

  “That answers my question perfectly. We’ll decrease her cleansing enemas to once or twice a week. Start with two and taper to once a week. Definitely restart them if she gives you indications that her tummy is hurting or if her attitude deteriorates. Let’s continue with the suppositories being administered after each diaper change. We may be able to decrease those as well over time or give her a larger dose less frequently during the day. How are you supervising Penelope? Is someone home with her?” Dr. Richards asked as he began to move her legs into the stirrups and restrain them in place with straps.

  Penelope was thinking so much about getting fewer enemas that she didn’t even notice until her legs were spread widely apart, and Dr. Richards was pulling on gloves. She looked up at Jack who still held her hands. “Daddy, I’m scared. I don’t like this kind of exam.”

  Jack leaned down and kissed her tenderly. “I know, sweetheart. I’m sure most Little girls don’t like being at the doctor’s office. Remember, I’m here with you. You’ll be okay,” he tried to reassure her. Dylan moved to stand at Penelope’s hip as he watched curiously to observe her exam.

  “Penelope, you will feel me touching your vaginal area. I am going to examine you for any abnormalities as well as test your responses. Don’t be alarmed if you feel aroused. I hope that you will respond. It’s a good thing if you orgasm,” the doctor began to run his gloved fingers lightly over Penelope’s pink folds. Already the area was glistening with arousal. Dr. Richards carefully examined her inner and outer labia before exposing her clitoris by gently pulling back the hood that covered it. He tapped it lightly and was glad to see her jump slightly. “Good girl, Penelope. You have good responses,” he praised.

  “This may feel a little cold, Penelope. You’ll feel the speculum entering your vagina.” Dr. Richards advanced the large speculum into her vaginal channel, expanding it open gently but fully. He waited for her to adjust to the instrument before pulling the light over to shine into her vagina, focusing on the cervix. Everything looked healthy. Dr. Richards performed a pap smear to check for troublesome cells, but everything looked normal. He released the speculum and removed it. Setting it back on the tray, Dylan chuckled to see it virtually drip with shiny, arousal fluid. His Little girl might protest, but she was enjoying her exam.

  The doctor picked up the smaller, anal speculum and lubricated it carefully. “Take a deep breath, Penelope. Now, let it out.” He pressed the speculum into her rectum smoothly and spread the paddles to reveal her inner tissues. Again adjusting the light, he looked for any suspicious sign and thankfully, found none. Again, he retracted the speculum and withdrew it from her body. Dr. Richards stood to press one long finger into her rectum only to withdraw it and re-enter her tight passage with two fingers. He moved his other hand to press on her tummy. That hand moved down her abdomen and began to caress her inner labia and clitoris as his fingers moved in and out of her bottom. Without warning, Penelope’s body contracted and then burst into a wild orgasm. The doctor praised her again and looked at Dylan and said, “You two are lucky Daddies to have such a responsive Little.”

  “We know, Doctor. We thank our lucky stars that you called us. We thank you for your confidence in us as well.” They looked over Penelope’s nude body spread on the exam table to Jack who stroked her hair as she slowly recovered from her massive orgasm.

  Chapter 31

  The doctor had drawn blood for routine screening tests. He reassured Penelope that her vagina and cervix looked healthy. He explained that many Little girls who were too thin did not have regular cycles and sometimes, like in Penelope’s case, no cycle at all. He reassured her that her Daddies were making sure that she was healthy. She would probably start having periods again in the next several months. He looked at them very seriously and said, “It’s important that Penelope not become pregnant. I would like to give her a shot that will protect her from pregnancy for three months. It takes a week to become effective so use protection until then.”

  Immediately Jack and Dylan nodded. Penelope replied for all of them with a slight blush, “Please.” She was very stoic as he injected the medicine into her exposed bottom.

  “One last thing, Penelope, and then I’m going to send you home.” He explained that her rectum was slightly inflamed. This was probably due to the cancer treatment that radiated from her bladder. He would treat her today with a soothing oil. He looked at Jack and Dylan adding, “This treatment is sedating so Penelope will need to rest today. Keep her hips slightly elevated while the soother is in place so that it will spread throughout her system easily. Just tuck a small pillow under her hips.” Dr. Richards injected a large syringe of warm oil into Penelope’s bottom and recycled the anal plug to hold it in place. Her Daddies were to allow her to expel the oil in two hours at t
he earliest. He recommended that they take her home and feed her a warm bottle of formula before tucking her in her crib. When she woke up, they could remove the plug at that time. That would allow the oil to penetrate as deeply as possible and soothe her inner tissues.

  “That will be easy enough to do, Doctor. She’s falling asleep already.” Jack lowered his tone to a whisper before asking, “Is it safe for Penelope to have anal sex? We don’t want to hurt her.”

  Dr. Richards smiled. “What great Daddies you are. I appreciate your concern for your Little girl. Penelope will not be harmed by anal sex in a few days. Her anus, however, is very restricted. I’m going to send home with you a set of anal dilators. I want you to follow the schedule on the label for small rectums. Most Little girls are not happy with a dilator in their bottoms. You’ll need to find ways to distract her.” He chuckled as Dylan waggled his eyebrows at Jack. “You’ve got the idea. Let me gather some supplies for you, and you can be on your way. I’d like to see Penelope regularly. With her history, I need to keep a close eye on her.”

  “Thank you,” Jack said simply. Dylan scheduled an appointment in two weeks while Jack carefully wrapped a fresh diaper around Penelope’s slender hips. They borrowed a soft blanket from Dr. Richards and wrapped her nude body inside. There was no need to wake her up to get redressed. Dr. Richards had a supply of blankets just for this purpose.

  “Jack, I know you get the updates, but I’ll remind you that the next Little social is in two nights. We’re meeting at the skating rink. It’s closed that night for our private party. Penelope can meet other Littles there. The Littles are always happy to welcome a new Little boy or girl. Zoey put sticky notes all over the office so that I wouldn’t forget. Bring Penelope, please. I’ll be in deep trouble if she’s not there.”

  Chapter 32

  Jack walked into the roller rink wondering how in the world Dylan and Penelope convinced him to skate with all the Littles. The smart Mommies and Daddies were sitting behind the protective railing drinking adult beverages while cheering on their Littles. He glanced at Penelope and realized that he’d do just about anything to make her happy. Judging by the smile on her face, she was enjoying meeting all the Littles.

  Zoey was the queen of introductions. She’d met Penelope at the door and hugged her. “I’m so glad you’re here. I’ve been telling everyone about you, and they’re all jealous that I got to meet you first. Come on. I’ll tell you everyone’s names.” She pulled Penelope behind her over to the gathered group of Littles. The group all chimed in to say, “Hi, Penelope!” when Zoey introduced her. Immediately she was absorbed into the group as everyone surrounded her, giving her hugs and asking questions.

  Penelope was delighted to see Charlotte again. She twirled to show the other Little girl the outfit that Charlotte had helped her pick out at Gordon’s. “You look so cute!” Charlotte squealed.

  There was one other Little girl Penelope already knew. She almost didn’t recognize Dr. Sylvie Palmer. Her Daddy had dressed the Little girl in a pair of overall shorts and a pink tee shirt. Her hair was in ponytails at the sides of her head. “Hi, Dr. Palmer. You look much different as a Little,” Penelope said in amazement.

  “I’m just Sylvie here, Penelope. My Daddy is over there.” She pointed to a tall, handsome man with glasses who was seated with the other parents. Penelope hugged her and nodded. Everyone was allowed to have a Little side.

  Dylan watched protectively. He didn’t want Penelope to be overwhelmed by the Littles. He shouldn’t have worried. Penelope was chatting and hugging with a gigantic grin on her face. He’d heard one Little girl – he thought her name was Cecily ask loudly, “You’re not THAT Penny, are you? You know the one in the book, Little Penny?” There were several giggles from other Little girls who had obviously read that well-known age play book, too.

  “No, I’m just Penelope. No one calls me, Penny. That must be a good book if so many of you have read it,” Penelope guessed.

  “It’s a great book to read until you get your own Daddy or Mommy,” Cecily decided. “Then, you don’t need to read about living like a Little. BEING a Little is much better!” Everyone agreed to that eagerly.

  “Let’s go skate,” Zoey decided. “Wait! Penelope, you don’t have your skates yet. Come on!” Zoey pulled her to the desk and said, just tell them your shoe size. They’ll get you some skates. Oh, look! Here are your Daddies. They need skates, too. They aren’t big sticks in the mud who don’t know how to skate, are they?”

  How else could they answer that? “Of course, we want to skate, too,” Dylan said turning to see Dr. Richards wave hello at him as he sat with his feet propped up. Dylan looked at Jack. “I think we’ve been had.”

  Jack turned to see the doctor was way too smart to be out there on the rink. He looked back at Dylan and said, “Oh, yeah. We’ve been had. I want to skate anyway. I’m afraid of Penelope falling and reinjuring her arm.”

  “Good point. Besides, you need exercise. You’re getting a little flabby,” Dylan teased. Penelope instantly started giggling. “See Penelope has noticed. She’s just too nice to say anything.” The Little girl started to shake her head to refute this. Dylan put his finger to his lips as he looked at her. “I’m a trained exercise professional. It’s my job to let him know these things.”

  “It’s on, Dylan. The first one to fall has to do dishes for a month,” Jack challenged.

  “You’re so going down,” Dylan countered. “Literally!”

  They laced up their skates, kidding each other. Penelope giggled more than they’d ever heard. Finally, all three sets of skates were laced tightly. They each held one of Penelope’s hands, and the trio stepped out on the roller rink. Pausing to get their balance, Jack was the first to roll cautiously forward, pulling Penelope with him. Dylan followed being equally cautious. Soon, all three had become comfortable on the wooden floor, and they were zipping around the rink having fun with all the Littles and the most adventurous Mommies and Daddies.

  They were just heading over to the railing to rest for a little bit and get a cool drink when they heard, “Watch out, incoming!” The two men turned to see an out of control Zoey waving her arms and legs in a vain attempt to regain her balance. They both grabbed for the blonde imp only to have her slip through their fingers. Their quick movements unbalanced them, and both men fell to land on their rear ends with loud “Ufffs!” The giggling of their Little girl who stood holding onto the railing with Zoey who had mysteriously regained her footing. If they hadn’t figured out that they had been bamboozled, the two Little girls’ high fives would have clued them in.

  “No dishes for me this month,” Penelope sang happily.

  The group of parents observing rather than skating, all raised their cocktail napkins with hastily scribbled ratings ranging from a perfect ten to a 4.5. Dylan and Jack had to laugh. They threw an arm around each other and went to join the other parents. Penelope’s skating ability reassured them. She’d be fine without them on the wooden floor. Pretty soon, all the parents were seated together. They didn’t have the endless energy that the Littles seemed to have.

  After about an hour of skating, Penelope and Zoey skated from the rink and went to sit on their Daddies’ laps. Dr. Richards cuddled Zoey on his lap, rocking her slightly. She was exhausted and fell asleep against his shoulder with her roller skates still on her dainty feet. Penelope was scooped up by Dylan who held her on his lap while Jack unfastened her skates before lifting her feet to his lap. She almost beat Zoey in falling asleep stretched out comfortably across her two Daddies’ laps.

  Dr. Richards spoke softly to avoid waking up the Little girls, “I’m glad you could join us tonight.”

  “We are too. We owe you for putting together our family,” Dylan replied.

  “You don’t owe me anything but the pleasure of seeing all three of you happy and healthy. Penelope is lucky to have you both, and you’re lucky to have her. Just like I can’t believe some days that I found my Zoey. Some things are just mean
t to be,” Dr. Richards said honestly. He was interrupted by a very unladylike snore. All three men laughed as Zoey woke herself up, lifting her head to see what had made that noise before cuddling back into her Daddy’s shoulder and falling back to sleep.


  Today was their first-year anniversary of meeting at the hospital. Dylan snuck out of the big bed and quietly dressed in the large closet. He tiptoed to the door and stopped to look back at their Little girl, Penelope, sprawled over the mattress. Her brown hair was now long enough to trail across her pillow. She’d kicked off the covers, and the sight of her sweet, little breasts was almost enough to entice Dylan back into bed. He glanced over at the other love of his life. Jack with his lean, muscled body was asleep on his stomach with an arm thrown protectively over Penelope’s tummy right above her white diaper. Jack would take care of her while he was gone.

  Twenty minutes later, he walked in the door with several sacks. He carried them down the hallway to the master bedroom and found Penelope and Jack still sound asleep. He rustled the sacks as he opened them at the foot of the bed allowing the aroma of the contents to waft over the bed. Penelope’s nose twitched first. Dylan saw her sniff and lift a hand to rub her lip below her nose. Her movements jostled Jack who opened his eyes immediately, and he began to laugh. Penelope rubbed her eyes sleepily and blinked, opening her eyes to see a line of fast food breakfast sandwiches arranged at the foot of the bed.

  “What…” she began and then she, too, started laughing.

  “Happy anniversary to you both! I’ve brought us our anniversary meal to celebrate.” Dylan kicked off his shoes and scrambled onto the bed. He helped Penelope sit up saying, “Happy Littleness!” He leaned in to kiss her deeply before turning to Jack. Dylan grabbed the back of his head roughly and pulled him in for an intense kiss. “Happy Daddyhood!” he wished his partner and co-parent.


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