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Best Knight Ever (A Kinda Fairytale Book 4)

Page 44

by Cassandra Gannon


  “I have you. You’re safe.”

  Trystan shifted in the darkness, pulling Galahad into the shadows. “Are you alright?” His wings came up to shield him. They always wanted to be wrapped around the knight, holding him tight, but now the need was so deep that Trystan couldn’t have stopped his feathers from encircling his mate, even if he wanted to. And he didn’t want to. All his protective instincts were aroused. “Are you hurt?”

  Relief flashed across Galahad’s face when he realized who’d grabbed him. “No, I’m fine. I’m kind of immune to consumer magic. Did I ever tell you that? The effects of the compliance powder faded pretty quickly, so I escaped.”

  Trystan’s mouth curved, much of his tension easing. “I would expect no less from you.” He ran a hand over Galahad’s hair, basking in the man’s specialness. “No one else is so skilled.”

  “Most people think I skate by on luck.”

  “Most people do not know you, as I do.”

  “No one knows me, as you do.” Galahad smiled and his voice brightened. “So, how’d killing Marcus go?” He asked, like they were catching up on each other’s day.

  “He is dead and it felt hollow. I only wished to be with you and then I found out you’d been stolen. Also, Mordy says we are now bankrolling his new TV show. It has been a very trying afternoon on many levels.”

  “But you didn’t fall for that other Galahad.” Galahad leaned against him, looking smug. “I knew you wouldn’t. I bet five gold pieces on you seeing through him.”

  “A wise bet.” Trystan closed his eyes, his chin rubbing against the man’s hair. “You realize that you do feel trust in me, then?”

  Galahad shifted even closer to him, which was exactly how it should be. “I have total faith in you.”

  Trystan grunted. “As you should.” But it was gratifying to hear.

  Galahad looked amused, but he nodded. “You’re right. No matter what, you would always come back to me. I should never have doubted it. I’m in your care, after all.” He leaned up to kiss Trystan’s jawline.

  “I told you so.” Trystan’s wings surrounded the man even tighter. “But everything else I said last night was stupid. Leaving you in Camelot is not an option for me. It never could be. I cannot bear to be apart from you.”

  “I can’t bear to be apart from you, either. I was worried you might have gotten into trouble without me, though.” Galahad’s mouth trailed down Trystan’s throat, pressing his lips to Trystan’s pulse and causing it to jump. “I was just coming to look for you, but you arrived to rescue me first.”

  Trystan arched a brow. “You can rescue me next time, yes?”

  “Deal.” Galahad sighed in satisfaction and rested his head against Trystan’s shoulder. “And I’m sorry I cursed so much at you before.”

  “I’m not.” Trystan’s hands slid down the man’s back, relishing the smoothness of his muscles. The lack of wings would always be exotic to him. “I liked seeing all sides of you. They are all beautiful to me. I truly would have searched forever to have you back.” That was the stark truth. “I said I was ‘attached’ to you before. But, I do not think that is the correct name for this emotion. What I feel is so much… bigger.”

  Galahad’s fingers caressed the feathers that cocooned him, tunneling deep and grazing the delicate skin beneath in just the way Trystan enjoyed. “You’re so good with defining things, Trys. I know you’ll think of the right word.” He grinned, safe and content in Trystan’s care.

  And Trystan knew what it was to fully belong to your mate, heart and soul.

  “I would do anything for you, Galahad.” He said simply. Meaning it. “Whatever that emotion is, it is already yours.”

  Galahad’s head tilted at the pledge, as if a new idea lit up in his mind. “Anything?” That incredible smirk danced at the edges of his lips.

  “Anything at all.” Trystan felt it with every something inside of him. “Whatever, whenever, and whyever you wish it, it’s yours.”

  Galahad brightened. “Awesome.” Half a second later he was on his knees, yanking open Trystan’s pants. “I’ll take this then. I didn’t anticipate talking you into it so soon, but I’m not going to give you a chance to change your mind.”

  “What?” Trystan blinked, his brain trying to keep up with Galahad’s rapid turns. “Knight, that is not…”

  “Please. I need it. And you promised me anything.”

  Trystan jolted at the feel of his fingers, growing aroused despite himself. “Let me go kill those kidnappers, first. Then, I will happily be seduced. Believe me. Happily is the emotion I will feel all over my body.”

  “Now. I need you, now. They can wait and I can’t.”

  Trystan’s jaw clenched as Galahad’s palm coaxed him into readiness. His body didn’t give a shit about logic. It just wanted the knight. Despite his best efforts, Trystan went rigid with need.

  “This is not strategically sound.” He tried desperately. “It would be better to ensure our enemies are… Fuck.”

  Galahad sucked him into his mouth.

  Trystan’s chest heaved with the effort to get oxygen. Oh, this wasn’t going to last long. Galahad’s tongue learned the shape of him and Trystan stopped arguing against the idea. He needed Galahad, too. The knight was new at this, but he possessed a natural gift. His lips traced the length of Trystan and it was like being reborn.


  Trystan’s eyes flickered closed for a heartbeat, wishing he could savor the experience. He needed to stay focused on the kidnappers still running around this area, though. Make sure they didn’t threaten his mate.

  Galahad licked the tip of him and gave a low groan of desire. Trystan’s teeth ground together, his hooded gaze fixed on the campfire. Trying to stay alert. Every god in the heavens should be rewarding him for his restraint. He really was an angel where this man was concerned.

  “How did the horses even get loose?” One of the kidnappers was bellowing from off in the distance. “Damn it, Larry, why do you always have to screw up everything? And why the hell are you crying?”

  “It wasn’t my fault!” Larry sobbed. “I keep thinking about the time I shoplifted that six-pack in tenth grade and it’s breaking my heart.” His voice rose in a wail of anguish.

  Trystan had no clue what that craziness was about, but the knight was surely behind it.

  Galahad’s teeth grazed, growing bolder. Trystan’s hand came down to rest on his head, tangling in the soft curls of his shimmery hair. Everything about Galahad was so beautiful. Everything he did.

  Trystan’s breathing grew rougher. “Deeper.” He whispered. “Let me all the way in.”

  Galahad wasn’t sure how to make that work, but he was willing to give it a try.

  Trystan’s teeth ground together, as the man’s swallowed more of him. “That’s it. Take all of me.” He ran the golden strands through his fingers and gently rocked into Galahad’s eager mouth. “I won’t hurt you. I would never hurt you. You are the brightest part of my world.”

  The knight shifted, trusting Trystan to guide him. Learning what pleased him.

  Oh gods yes.

  The wonderful part of having a mate who was good at everything…? He was good at everything. Natural talent and the desire to excel meant that Galahad didn’t mind practicing until he was the very best at whatever he chose to do. Over and over, no matter how long it took.

  It was inspiring.

  “Just like that.” Trystan’s hands tightened in Galahad’s hair, trying to hang on. “Just like that. Fucking perfect. You’re such an artist, in all that you do.”

  So many emotions were flooding through Trystan that he couldn’t even feel them all. He was out of control and powerful at the same time. No one else could make him feel this way. No one else in the world.

  Just Galahad.

  “I would die for you.” Trystan wasn’t sure what language he was speaking in, but it didn’t seem to matter. Galahad’s mouth kept up its glorious work and Trystan
was helpless. Shudders wracked his body, needing to come and dreading when it would be over. “I would die without you. Don’t ever leave me, again. I would become a ghost.”

  Those beautiful lips were stretched over Trystan, just as he’d been imagining for weeks, and his instincts took over. His hips drove forward. Harder. Faster. Deeper.

  Galahad quickened his pace, sensing Trystan was getting close. Very close.

  “Look at me, knight.”

  That perfect lavender gaze rose to his and Trystan could see the hunger in the man’s eyes. The need. Galahad liked this. His body eagerly responded whenever Trystan touched him. He was a sensual creature and no one had been caring for him until Trystan arrived. No one else ever would.

  “I’m going to come.” Trystan kept his voice low, but even he could hear the thick lust in his words. “Do you wish to pull back?”

  Galahad shook his head, drawing Trystan’s girth even deeper into his mouth. He wanted all of Trystan, but he was going to instinctively retreat when he finally got it. He was inexperienced. Innocent. No man had ever touched him but Trystan. The big blue eyes and perfect lips and heroic heart belonged only to Trystan.

  His mate.

  Sure enough, the knight gave a start of surprise as he felt the first jolt of Trystan’s release. Trystan gently kept him in place, murmuring reassurances as best he could through his clenched teeth. He wasn’t sure what he said or if the knight understood the words. He just wanted to soothe Galahad, even as his body began to surge.

  It seemed to work. After the initial burst, Galahad relaxed again. He gave a hum of delight, like he wanted more. Trystan’s palm stayed clenched in his hair, unable to help himself. Wanting to dominate. To possess. Some drumbeat in his head insisted that he mark the man in the most primal way possible.

  Teeth nipped, demanding now, and Trystan was beyond talking in any language, he just pumped himself into the knight’s mouth. Nothing had ever felt so perfect. Trystan nearly blacked out from pleasure. His head went back, the tendons in his neck standing out with strain as he fought to hold back his roar. It was better than flying.

  In that instant, he saw… everything.

  Galahad finally lagged against him, spent. His arms wrapped around Trystan’s waist, hugging tight, and Trystan’s heart flipped in his chest.

  Lyrssa, he knew now what Midas endured when he first looked at Gwen. He fully identified with his brother’s wonder, and fear, and protectiveness, and lack of rational decision-making skills during their courtship. It all made perfect sense.

  His hand gently smoothed over Galahad’s hair, trying to breathe. Trystan still wasn’t sure what to call the emotion that filled him, but he knew it was far deeper than the other feelings. It felt like it was everywhere within him. Every cell of his body and drop of his blood.


  “Thank you.” Galahad whispered.

  Trystan arched a brow, wanting to make him smile. “Thank you, knight.”

  Galahad gave a grin and Trystan’s world was perfect. “You know, this is exactly like my favorite part of Corrupted by the Winged Devil.”

  “I have never seen the film, but it is my favorite scene, as well. Believe me. You will be reenacting it again soon.” He helped Galahad to his feet, dusting him off, because he wanted to keep touching him. “You’re sure you’re alright?”

  “I’m great. Are you okay?” Galahad scanned Trystan up and down, as if perhaps he’d injured him somehow. “I kinda pushed you into that.”

  “I forgive you.” Trystan assured him dryly and refastened his pants.

  “No, I’m serious. I should have waited to seduce you, until we were in a better spot, but I saw you and I just…” He shrugged helplessly. “Needed you. I needed you so much, Trys.”

  Trystan liked that admission. “As you should.” He said again and leaned down to find Galahad’s lips with his own. “I am yours, knight. Your needs are my own.”

  Galahad shifted closer to him, his mouth parting to accept Trystan’s proprietary kiss. “I am yours, Trys.” He breathed. “Forever.”

  “Forever.” He pulled back and ran his thumb over Galahad’s face without even thinking about it. A tender touch down the center, from his forehead to the bridge of his nose.

  Galahad blinked rapidly, like the gesture startled him. “Why did you do that? What does it mean?”

  “It is a pledge of…” Trystan hunted for some way to explain it. “Affection. Devotion. Respect. Caring.” His head tilted, taking in Galahad’s strange expression. “Wait… Someone else has used this caress with you?”

  Galahad stayed quiet, which meant yes.


  Trystan was in possibly the best mood of his life and now some unknown asshole was trying to spoil it. “Who?” The stranger was about to die. No one gave Trystan’s mate that touch except Trystan. The stroke of the thumb wasn’t sexual. It was even more important.

  It was as close as gryphons had for an expression of love.

  The knight shook his head. “It doesn’t…”

  “Where the hell is Galahad, now!” An angry man shouted from the campfire. “What are we gonna tell Those Damn Knights when they show up to pay us for him and he’s run away, Larry!”

  “I should never have cheated on Rhonda.” The other man wept noisily. “Not on her birthday. Not in her hot tub. Not with her wicked stepmother.”

  “We will need to go kill those men.” Trystan muttered, distracted by their annoying voices. “Especially the crying one. Even you see the logic in this, yes?”

  “I’d rather just leave. I don’t want either of us to kill anyone.” Galahad paused. “Unless these guys had hurt you, Avi, or Gwen. Then they can die in the street, like Marcus did.”

  Trystan melted at the sweet words. “These men hurt you.” He stressed. “And I will see them dead for it. No one will threaten my clan and then continue on their path unanswered. Stopping evil men is just. It’s what warriors do to keep the whole world safer. I could kill half of St. Ives and feel nothing but satisfaction.”

  “It’s different for you.” Galahad shook his head, again. “You never have to worry about the darkness, because you’re Good straight down to your soul. I’m not. I’m so much more ruthless. One day, I could go too far.”

  “That is not true…”

  Galahad cut him off. “I’ve already done things that you would never do. Things that you’d never forgive me for, if you knew about them.”

  Trystan’s hand found the back of his neck. “There is nothing you could ever do that I wouldn’t forgive. I promise you.” He leaned forward so his forehead rested on Galahad’s, keeping their eyes linked. “Tell me something you don’t want me to know and I will prove it. You have promise to give me your trust, yes?”


  “I’m a traitor.” Galahad finally said in a soft voice. “You hate traitors and I am one.”

  It was hard not to roll his eyes at that claim. “Because of that nonsense when you were banished? We have been over this. Freeing Ayren and helping Gwen was in no way traitorous, regardless of what the ridiculous laws…”

  “Because I’m the one who let Lyrssa Highstorm out of her cage at Legion.”

  Trystan’s hand stopped moving on the back of Galahad’s neck. “You released Lyrssa from her captivity?” He repeated, unsure he’d heard that correctly.


  “You let Camelot’s greatest enemy go free?” Trystan tried to wrap his mind around that revelation.

  “Lyrssa was the one who did the thumb thing on my face.” Galahad pulled away. “I just wanted to stop innocent people from dying, but I was losing myself to the darkness. I think she understood that. She told me to choose light and she touched my face.”

  Holy gods.

  Trystan stared at him, dazed. “Lyrssa killed Uther. You loved Uther.”

  “I couldn’t let him fire the Rath, again. You didn’t see it, Trys. It was evil. He was evil. I couldn’t let evil loose on innocent peop
le. I know that it was a betrayal of Camelot. But there were no Good choices that day.”

  Trystan let out a shaky breath. “No. You made Good choices that day.”

  Galahad met his eyes, like the response confused him. “I stood against my king.”

  “You stood against a monster to protect children.” Trystan closed the distance between them and pulled him close, again. He truly was holding the ya’lah. It was all true. “Gods… I am forever in awe of you.”

  “I took an oath to protect the innocent.” Galahad reiterated, like Trystan still might not get it. “I had to do what I did. I didn’t want to. I just… didn’t have a choice.”

  Neither did Trystan. “I claim you, knight.”

  Galahad blinked at the non sequitur. “What?”

  “You said you needed words. These are the words: I claim you and you are fucking mine. In my care and no one else’s.” Claiming him wasn’t even a question. Had it ever been a question? Galahad already owned so much of him that Trystan couldn’t remember what it was like before he’d found him. The world must have been a wasteland. “Tell me you accept my claim.”

  The knight looked confused. “Are you sure you want to do this?”

  “Tell me you accept my claim.” Trystan’s stance became more aggressive, impatient with the hesitation. “Now.”

  “You know I accept it! I just want you to be sure of what you want.”

  “I have been sure of what I want for weeks.”

  “Really? Because, this morning you were planning to leave Camelot and…”

  Trystan cut him off. “You do not like this plan. So, I have changed it.”

  Galahad froze. “You’ve changed your plans?” He blinked. “For me?

  “Also for me.” Trystan shrugged. “I have abandoned my ideas for revenge. I do not wish to track down all those men on my list and be separated from my clan for years. That is not my dream. You are my dream.”

  Galahad looked mesmerized. “I could just travel with you on your mission.” His hand came up to rest on Trystan’s chest. “We could be together, no matter where you want to go.”

  “I want to go to Camelot. Come home with me and be my ally in all things.”


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