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Men of Endurance Limited Edition Collection

Page 10

by Siera London


  She heard his exhale. “Close the door, Ivy.”

  Pivoting she did as she was told, waiting until the click of the lock carried into the still room, sealing them inside…together.

  She swallowed, all of a sudden more nervous than she ever remembered being. “Cai asleep?”

  Stupid question. At one o’clock in the morning, the Man in the Moon was nodding off. Of course the four-year-old deep in dreamland was probably whipping up more questions to unbalance them with tomorrow.

  Owen held a relaxed pose in the plush chair. He spread his legs wide and patted his thigh.

  “Come here and sit.”

  Okay, Ivy’s belly quivered at the low timbre in his voice. She slid a hand over the smooth skin of her belly to quell the unseen motion. The soft thud of her boots against the wood felt like a slow march into a new life. Owen asked her to trust him? Her history with men and trust lay thinner than an ice glaze under a heat lamp, but Owen had proven to be a man of his word. He wanted her to stay, and she didn’t want to go. Where did that leave her? Two words came to mind, with him.

  She held up both hands. “Wait,” she whispered. “I want to tell you something first.” He needed to know about Poe. Why she ran. Why she might have to keep running.

  Owen extended his hand, beckoning her forward. “First, you come to me.”

  She heard the command in his tone, but there was also yearning. It was then she recognized he needed her to choose to spend this night with him. Though he’d entered her room, he wouldn’t force her to enter his life.

  Seconds later she found herself in his arms, her bottom resting on his muscled thigh. She sighed in contentment. His scent, bold and intrusive, clung to his shirt. Burying her nose in his neck, she inhaled the heady scent, instantly aroused.

  He chuckled. “Long day?”

  “The longest.”

  “Sorry, about Cai. I never had a reason to curtail all his questions. Caitlyn, his mom,” he paused, and Ivy thought he would stop talking. He rarely mentioned Caitlyn’s name. The fact that he had, told her that, though the consummation of their physical relationship was still to come, the depth of emotion they shared was just as intimate, if not more than the act itself. With arms around his neck, she held him tight. Telling him with her body that it was okay. He was safe with her. “Caitlyn used to encourage him to think out loud.”

  “That’s good. I like that he asks questions.”

  Owen put her slightly away from him. Their eyes met. His rich blue pulling her deeper into his world.

  “What?” she questioned after a moment.

  “Everything you tell me, no matter what, you can trust me to keep between us.”

  Ivy didn’t like the serious current that edged his words. She stiffened. So, he had overheard the conversation with Cai. “How long?”

  She didn’t have to say more. He knew what she referred to. How long had he stood back listening to their conversation?

  “Long enough. But, I need you to tell me all of it, Ivy.”

  She dropped her head. Poison Ivy. Everything she touched eventually turned toxic. This situation would be the same.

  “Owen, please,’ she pleaded, not looking at him. Maybe, she should give them this one night without placing an impossible barrier between them? Life could be cruel. Owen was the perfect guy, yet, she was perfectly wrong for him.

  She felt the caress to his fingers along her jaw. Gently he raised her chin.

  He said two words. “Trust me.”

  Johnny said the same two words, before he’d walked into that Qwik-Shop and came out on a stretcher.

  “Hey,” he adjusted her in his lap. “Come back to me, Ivy.”

  She shook her head ridding her mind of the past. Johnny was gone. She was alone in the world, again. Or, was she? Ivy looked up at Owen. Ivy prided herself on taking life as it was, not how she wished it to be. Realists dealt in reality. But, here with Owen, her sense of equilibrium had turned on its head. He wanted her in Endurance, with him. Why? What could she possibly offer beyond a few good times? Maybe he treated all his lady friends like they had a lifetime of days and nights together. But, she believed him when he said he wanted her to stay.

  “I’m here.”

  “And, I want you to stay…with me and Cai.” There was that word again—stay. A permanent home. “Tell me why you’re running. And don’t insult my intelligence with a lie.”

  She closed her eyes in surrender. “Five days ago my friend, Johnny was shot and killed during an attempted robbery at a Qwik-Shop outside of Vista.”

  She waited for Owen to dump her on the floor like a smoking hot turd. Instead, he placed a soft kiss to her lips.

  “A boyfriend?”

  She nodded, surprised when tears wet her cheeks. Embarrassed, she wiped at the wetness with the back of her hand. “Sorry.”

  “Me too, sweetheart.”

  “For what?” she sniffed, rubbing her nose. Gosh, she must look a mess.

  “For your loss.”

  Wow, no one knew that she’d had lost a close friend. When they’d first met, Johnny had been amazing to her, supportive, fun, and non-judgmental. He truly loved her. Maybe, not more than earning his big brother’s respect, but she got it. In and out foster homes and juvie, life hadn’t been good to Johnny or Poe. While Johnny chose to get help, Poe continued in the cycle of hurting others the way he had been hurt.

  “Thanks,” she whispered. Appreciative that he sought to comfort her, rather than respond out of condemnation or jealousy.

  “You cared about him.”

  She nodded, not sure if it was a question or a statement.


  “And me? Do you care for me?”

  Her breath hitched. There was no way to verbalize everything she felt for Owen. He made her better. Made her want to get her two-year degree in business, maybe a four-year degree like him.

  “I do.”

  He took her mouth again. This time the kiss was deeper, more demanding. Threading her fingers in his hair, Ivy pushed deep into his mouth, marking him the way she wanted to be marked. When he nipped her tongue with his teeth, she nearly came undone. This man wrecked her. His touches took her places she’d never been and didn’t want to leave. His caring told her he’d always provide a safe haven for her heart. His kisses promised nights of passion and a home filled with little grumps with blue eyes and a sweet tooth.

  When Owen broke the kiss, his breathing was as ragged as hers.

  “Tell me the rest. Who’s after you?” he breathed.

  When she thought to keep quiet, he narrowed his eyes. “Either we have trust or this ends now.”

  No, she wouldn’t let that happen. She wanted everything his kiss promised…tonight.

  “Johnny’s brother, Poe. He wanted us to rob the store together, but…” Johnny, being the gentler of the siblings, had always wanted to impress his big brother. So, even though Ivy had refused to participate, begged Johnny to leave with her. He agreed to Poe’s plan. “Johnny and Poe went inside. When I heard the first shot, I jumped out of Poe’s monster truck and hid. Poe ran out without Johnny and drove away.” She swallowed. “I stayed hidden until Johnny’s body was taken away.”

  “Then what happened?”

  “Poe circled back after the cops left, but he didn’t see me from his vantage point. I hid in a multi-level parking garage that had a view of the store’s front entrance. After he disappeared, I walked for a while and then flagged down a trucker and landed here in Endurance.”

  How long would Owen give her to pack? Would he try to take back the money she’d earned?

  “Wrong,” Owen said, cupping her face. She frowned. “You landed with me.”

  “Oh,” she whispered.

  “I’ll keep you safe. You believe me?”

  She swallowed. “Yes.”

  He stood, taking her with him. Owen placed her on her feet, his big hands spanning her waist, steadying her. Once he was sure she hand a sur
e footing, his hands fell away. Turning on the table lamp, he took his seat, leaving her standing alone.

  “Undress for me, sweetheart.” When she looked at him in confusion. He sat back. “I like to watch.”

  Oh gosh, he wanted to see her undress. Looking at him, she slowly began to remove her clothes. When she stood before him naked and vulnerable, she wondered would he see beyond the flesh and bone? The flare of heat in his eyes said yes. Owen Tate liked what he saw.

  * * *

  Owen dug his fingers into the fabric covering the armed chair. He watched as Ivy unbuttoned her jeans with shaky fingers. For her, he would maintain his control. When all he wanted to do was jump to his feet, tear off her clothes with his teeth, and then pour himself into her. She tilted forward, with both thumbs tucked into her waistband. Ivy tugged snug jeans over her full hips, and tiny ivy green panties came into view. Owen grabbed the arms of the chair, willing himself to be patient. They had all night. He should have known Ivy would surprise him.

  In no thing at all, she had him out of his clothes, his hard body pressing hers into a soft mattress. On the golf course, he’d promised to make love to her in his bed, and he would…later. Then she raised her hips, and pulled him into paradise.

  Heat and passion, desire and desperation exploded in inside, and he lost himself in her. Her screams of pleasure pleased him beyond measure. Thank goodness, Cai was a hard sleeper. Hearing his woman’s pleasure, feeling her body temperature rise beneath him, seeing her skin flush in desire, drove his passion higher. Owen thought, it would much, much later that they made it to his bed because there was no way he’d pull away from his slice of heaven before sunrise.

  Their bodies moved in perfect rhythm, a sensual dance directed with the drive of Owen’s maleness into her writhing feminine softness. The feel of her holding onto him in the most intimate of ways rewrote his imagination. No one would ever measure up to this woman. Intertwining their fingers, Owen wanted her tied to him.

  “Let me touch your body, Owen.” At the sound of Ivy’s whimper Owen hastened his movements. Pushing them both toward that predetermined end. “Owen, I want my hands on you. Please.”

  Before he completely came undone, Owen released one of her hands. Now free, Ivy dug her nails into his back. Owen growled in encouragement. “More,” he hissed, wanting evidence of their lovemaking carved in his flesh.

  She obliged him, tightening her muscles, pulling him to new depths just a the bite of pain tingled along his torso.

  “Oh, Ivy. If you’re an angel, I’m going to hell.”

  She faltered beneath him. Voice saddled with pleasure she gave a pant. “Why?” she asked, voice hoarse from her screams.

  “Because I’m going to do every wicked thing that comes to mind with you.”

  She grinned. “I hope so.”

  He freed her other hand. Without his instruction, Ivy locked her arms around his neck. Pulling free of her body, Owen locked eyes with his woman. With his back straight, he gripped her hips and pulled her onto his hardness. She cried out at the abrupt entrance.

  “You ready?”

  “For you? Never. But, I want you none the less,” she said, a soft moan trailing behind the words.

  That she thought herself ill-prepared floored him. From the moment she strode through his door, Ivy Summers had him wrapped around all ten of her skillful fingers.

  “Oh, you’re ready,” he grunted, stroking their pleasure higher. Owen seized her hips in a punishing grip, using her body. He took what he wanted, giving her the pleasure she begged for with every caress, every nip of his teeth at his neck, every scream echoing around him.

  “I’m close,” she panted. “I don’t want to be alone in this.”

  She wouldn’t. Owen barely maintained his sanity at her wanting him to share in their release.

  Leaning, he dropped to his back, pulling her atop of him. Grabbing her hands he placed them on his chest. “Take me with you.”

  Moving, Ivy held him captive with her heated chocolate gaze. He looked on, memorizing the mask of pleasure gracing her body, the perspiration between her breasts, his name on her lips. Moments later, her body tensed, stilled, and she screamed out in ecstasy. Owen followed. Taking control he pushed her into a sensual wave of pleasure, bellowing her name as he drove her to take everything he gave. Ivy Summers was delicious in every way. She was addictive. Even with his body exhausted, he craved another dose of her. Sometime during the night he acknowledged he’d given her his heart. Now, he prayed she’d keep it safe.

  Chapter 10

  Ivy lazed across Owen’s chest, quiet as he twirled a lock of her hair around his fingers.

  “Stop playing asleep,” he chuckled.

  “Who’s playing? I had a rough night.” She laughed placing a kiss to his bare chest.

  He rubbed a hand down her bare waist. “Don’t get me started,” he crooned, voice steeped with daring.

  “I won’t. I have to go shopping for some supplies this morning.”

  “How much did you take from the register, Ivy?”

  She propped her bent arm on his chest to support her chin. “Excuse me…what?”

  “The books are off by a few hundred dollars. You paid yourself an advance?”

  Mouth open, Ivy bolted up. “Owen,” she breathed, wounded that he assumed she would take from him. “I don’t steal.”

  Owen pulled her back down to the bed, rolling on top of her.

  “Never thought you did. You’ve been stocking and purchasing supplies. Thought maybe you spent the money on stuff for the kitchen or took your daily pay. I heard you were eyeing the flowery dress in Trina’s display window.”

  This town was full of spies and maybe—a thief. Even though Owen wanted her to stay, he’d held to his word. Every night her online account grew by fifty dollars and he placed a fifty-dollar bill in her hand. The guys had been coming in the bar tipping her on the regular. Ivy knew Owen was curious about the amount of money she collected in tips, but he never asked. She appreciated that he let her do her job and kept his opinions to himself. Instead, he told her how impressed he was with her management and customer service skills.

  Ivy had worked a lot of odd jobs. Since joining the team here at No Limits, she released she had a knack for hospitality services. An idea came to her. Tonight, she’d use to office computer to check the university course catalog for classes in that field.

  “That is something we needed to talk about, too. I don’t like the idea of you socking away cash money each day. I want you on the payroll.”

  “You pay me. I wouldn’t take anything you didn’t give to me.”

  He knew that, right? So, where was the money?

  “And if I gave you my heart?” The very air in the room stilled. Ivy’s heart beat wildly in her chest.

  Owen hopped out of bed, not meeting her eyes. “Rest. I’ll get Cai off to school.”

  She reached for him, but he backed away. “Owen, it’s just…,” she trailed off.

  “I know. Too soon.”

  She fell back on the bed. Angry with herself that she’d hurt him. But, how could a relationship like theirs last? A high school graduate with no prospects of a better life and a business owner with an MBA from the University of California. “I’ll make breakfast.”

  When his finger grazed her cheek, she exhaled the breath she didn’t realize she had been holding.

  She cracked one eye. “Stay away from—,”

  Laughing, he barked out, “The toaster. You’re in charge of the kitchen from here on out.” He chuckled on his way to the door.

  Ivy had just closed her eyes, when the door opened again. A smiling Owen crossed the room, threw back the cover, and nipped her ass. “I’ve been looking forward to leaving my mark there.”

  She laughed. “You did plenty of marking last night.” Her body was deliciously well-used.

  The hinges squeaked, and the door flung wide open. “Ivy, Daddy’s not in his—,”

  Ivy gasped scrambling for the
covers. Owen dropped to the bed shielding her body.

  “Cai, what did I tell you about knocking?”

  Ivy peeked around Owen’s back to find a wide-eyed Cai staring from his father to her. She could see all the questions pulling up to the starting line. Poor, Mrs. Petry. Owen would have to prepare a written apology after Cai’s no-doubt show and tell today.

  “Daddy, you had a sleepover with Ivy?”

  Ivy held her breath, not sure how Owen would respond this morning to their spending the night together.


  Relief swelled that Owen spoke the truth with his son. Sure that if Owen would have decided to mislead Cai, Ivy would have felt on the outside of their newly formed union.

  “So, when can I do a sleepover with Ivy?”

  Before he asked, Owen whispered something in her ear that nearly stopped her heart. Could he truly mean it?

  Without waiting for her answer, Owen quickly hustled Cai out the door.

  “Ivy needs some sleep, so let’s discuss the difference between adult sleepovers and kid sleepovers on the ride to school.”

  After the door closed, she fell back into the pillows, and closed her eyes. Happiness colored her dreams in rainbows. When she next woke up, the door was cracked, but there was no sign Owen had returned. Did she want his heart? Absolutely, because he already held hers, him and a little boy who looked beyond her flaws and saw an angel.

  * * *

  Owen sat behind his desk reviewing the bar and grille deposits from the previous four days. Autumn stood by the door staring at him. There was more than a couple hundred dollars missing, the final count tallied near six hundred dollars. He’d asked Autumn to come to the office to double check his math, but was pretty sure the till fell short. For a second, he considered that Ivy had lied to him about taking the money. After all, desperate people took sometimes desperate, and deceitful actions. Owen quickly dismissed the thought. Everything about Ivy was genuine and honest. The woman spoke her mind, before the possibility of deception ever occurred to her.


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