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The Cosmic Spark

Page 30

by Leo Ndelle

  Lithilia walked slowly towards Michael and stared into his eyes. She hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to proceed. When she saw Michael smile at her and open his arms, she slid into his warm embrace and nestled against his chest. He was much taller as an archangel than as Adamou. It had been thousands of years since she last felt his arms around her. She missed him more than words could describe. Lithilia sobbed for joy. Michael, or Adamou, was her one and only true love. She had dreamed of this moment for so long. It was most unfortunate that the circumstances surrounding their reunion were less than ideal.

  “Cahen is dead, my love,” she sobbed against his chest. “Our son is dead.”

  “I know, Lithilia,” Michael replied. “I am so sorry.”

  Lithilia wailed against his chest as Michael spoke words of comfort into her ears. He did not tell her yet that ever since his return to Celestia, he had severed all attachments to Earth. Earth was under his protection strictly out of duty.

  “Beelzebub is dead!” Lithilia spoke with a slight note of victory in her tone of voice. “I killed him myself.”

  “Excellent,” Michael said with a smile and gently peeled her away from him and took her face in his hands.

  “Lithilia,” he said firmly. “I must go now. I have important business to take care of here. And, we can’t be together anymore, unfortunately.”

  “I understand, Michael,” Lithilia smiled sadly. “I understand.”

  “Very well,” Michael said and straightened. “Know that you have a free pass to visit whenever you want. We can talk more later. Alright?”

  “Alright,” Lithilia affirmed. “Thank you… Archangel Michael.”

  “You can drop the ‘archangel’,” Michael offered.

  Lithilia kissed Michael softly on the lips and lingered briefly. She peeled off from him, gave a farewell smile and then teleported away.

  “What did I miss?” Palubiel asked as she limped towards Raphael and cuddled against him.

  Raphael flinched from the gesture but immediately adjusted and did what no one had ever seen him do. He picked Palubiel in his arms and planted a long kiss on her lips, much to Palubiel’s physical displeasure as she was still healing.

  “Celestia help us all!” Gabriel exclaimed. “Michael is now… something!” he hesitated not knowing what to say. “And Raphael. That took long enough!”

  “Prophecy or not, Michael is special,” Uriel said reverently.

  “Indeed, my love,” Eliel agreed as he held a healing Uriel by her shoulders. “He is our leader. He is truly archangel supreme!”



  “CAN YOU FEEL it?” Akasha asked The Scribe.

  She still held him by the throat as she glared at him with eyes that burned with a color The Scribe had never seen before. Akasha had teleported to the edge of the Core of Creation. She had been to the Core only once before, during her spawning, which was during the fifth Cosmic Spark. The Core was consciousness, energy and power in the purest form she had ever experienced.

  “Isn’t this what you wanted?” Akasha flared at The Scribe. “Isn’t this the final phase of your perfect plan?”

  “I only want what you want, Akasha,” The Scribe replied.

  Akasha slammed The Scribe over a billion times in anger against the edge of the Core faster than the speed of thought, though she knew it did nothing to him. Still, she felt like she needed to vent. The changes Creation was undergoing from the impending Cosmic Spark were greatly affecting her. During the last Cosmic Spark, her essence had undergone and esoteric split and she had released the vibration known as Chaos into Creation. Despite her ability to function within the Dimensions of Space, Time, Energy and Ether, she could not perceive Creation beyond the upcoming Cosmic Spark, just like The Scribe and Yeshua could not. This inability to perceive Creation beyond the Cosmic Spark evoked a sentiment in her that she had never experienced before: fear.

  “Our approaches may be different, but you know exactly what I mean!” The Scribe spat defiantly. “Take a look at Creation! Behold what free will is doing to Creation! And you saw everything during the last Cosmic Spark, the disharmony, the chaos that free will was going to bring to Creation. This was new to you. Disharmony was new to your essence. It initiated your esoteric split, your polarization, and that esoteric split led to you creating me; the part of your essence you did not want, the part of your essence you could not handle. I am the fallout of your weakness!”

  Akasha slammed The Scribe against the edge of the Core once more and her entire form flared in the same strange color The Scribe had never seen before.

  “You know I speak the truth,” The Scribe continued calmly. “I am what you couldn’t handle. I am the testament of your failure, of your imperfection. I do not say this to chastise you. Only to make you see that you may consider me an enemy, and even your nemesis. But I am no different from you. The humans of Earth Realm have a saying; the apple never falls far from the tree. I believe you know what this means.”

  Akasha raged like she had never raged before and come to think of it, she had never, ever raged before. As Akasha, she represented the psyche of Creation and now, with the Cosmic Spark almost at hand, Creation’s psyche was undergoing an esoteric spasm of cosmic proportions. Hence, why she was going through all these emotions and feelings. She had experienced a similar situation during the last Cosmic Spark. However, this one was infinitely different from the last. Being so close to the Core only served to make the situation unthinkably worse. It felt like going through a Shadow of the Soul on cosmic steroids.

  “I did the one thing you never had the courage to do,” The Scribe said and met Akasha’s glare. “I embraced who I am.”

  Akasha let go of The Scribe’s throat as she accepted the truth of his words. She conceded to the fact that her rage had been driven more by the truth of his words than by the psyche of Creation spasming to the upcoming Cosmic Spark.

  “I am from you and I am you,” The Scribe said and levitated to meet Akasha’s gaze. “The only reason why I hid from you all this while was because you let me think I was hiding from you, didn’t you?”

  The Scribe turned around and stared at the colorless sphere of energy that was the Core. This was his first experience with the Core. He slowly nodded as he realized what was happening.

  “The Core,” he spoke almost to himself. “It is affecting you and therefore, it is affecting me. I now see these truths because, here, everything is laid bare.”

  The Scribe then turned around and met Akasha’s gaze. His moment of enlightenment did not make him angry and he noticed Akasha no longer raged at him. He felt nothing; no anger, pain, sadness or betrayal. Just nothing!

  “You could not find me all this time only because you let me believe as such,” he said a-matter-of-factly. “I never escaped from you. You RELEASED me into Creation. Everything I’ve ever done, you let me do. You could’ve done something about it, but you didn’t. You let me have my way, because-”

  “Free will,” Akasha interjected as she morphed back into her default form.

  “Yes… free will,” The Scribe reiterated as if he was in a dream. “Creation had already experienced order, but it also needed to experience chaos, without taking order away from the equation. That is why the vibration of free will was beamed into Creation.”

  The Scribe leveled an expressionless gaze past Akasha.

  “And here I was, thinking this was MY perfect plan,” The Scribe continued in an emotionless monotone. “Here I was, priding myself to be a purveyor of purpose, when the only reason I was a purveyor of purpose was because-”

  “I gave you that purpose immediately after I created you,” Akasha completed The Scribe’s sentence. “You are not just ‘The Scribe’, you are MY scribe. I created you to do MY bidding. I thought I had it all planned out perfectly, until I realized the error of my ways. But I did not stop you because… I had to let free will run its course.”

  Akasha closed her
eyes and heaved her shoulders. She bowed and shook her head in resignation before she opened her eyes again.

  “When Yeshua survived the Shadow of the Soul for the second time,” Akasha continued, “when he could access the four major dimensions at will, I saw hope for Creation as well as my redemption. I was angry and happy all at once. Angry that you, my perfect plan and agent of chaos, now had a nemesis. Happy that Creation might survive this next Cosmic Spark after all.”

  “I know, Akasha,” The Scribe glided towards Akasha. “I know.”

  “You know why we are here,” The Scribe said. “What we must do.”

  Akasha nodded and became the vibration of order personified while The Scribe became the vibration of chaos personified. Chaos took Order by the shoulders.

  “Let us finish this, my love,” Chaos added looking deep into Order’s eyes. “Together…”

  Order met Chaos’ eyes, took his face in her hands and nodded.

  “Happy birthday, my love,” Order said.

  “Happy birthday, my love,” Chaos replied.

  Then, Order and Chaos locked lips as the Cosmic Clock continued counting down towards the Cosmic Spark.


  Shi’mon heard his master’s call and instinctively knew what to do. Up until then, all he knew was that at the perfect moment, he would come to a clear understanding on why he was given an upgrade. He saw Emok and Yeshua, functioning as Lunok, suddenly appear from nothingness as the esoteric barrier around them fell. Emok’s dark energy was released into Earth Realm. Shi’mon immediately glowed in a bright whiteness and zipped towards Yeshua and Emok. He released a massive dose of counteracting energy, but his release of energy only dissipated an iota of Emok’s dark energy. How did I even do that? he wondered. He could only do so much and Lunok was drained and needed more backup.

  Yehuda zipped towards Shi’mon as Kundalini’s image of light wrapped itself three-and-a-half times around his body. Patrick joined them and his black aura turned blacker. With their combined counteracting energy, Emok’s dark energy was significantly, but not completely, contained. Without even thinking, Sarael joined the four of them. Shi’mon, Yehuda, Patrick and Sarael established esoteric contact and merged as much of their individual essences as possible. For a split moment, the four of them shared Shi’mon’s new upgrade, Yehuda’s Kundalini, Patrick’s guardian status and Sarael’s dormant, now activated, Shemsu essence.

  Emok was now successfully contained, but it had come with a price. With the manifestation of Kundalini, Yehuda had pushed the last of his human potential to the limit. He only had a few more seconds before he finally died. His death would break the connection and barrier, and Emok would be free to become The Scribe’s catalyst for the vibration of chaos. But Team Shi’mon had not come this far for nothing! Shi’mon glanced at Emok. Emok already had a smile of victory on his face. Shi’mon looked at his family and then at his master. Each one of them was doing their best to hold on to their very last.

  Shi’mon remembered the words of his master over two millennia ago and knew what he had to do. He took one final glance at Yehuda and saw Yehuda slump to his knees as Yehuda desperately tried to cling to the last iota of life he had left in him. It was now or never! Shi’mon broke the esoteric link in a final act of desperation. He moved at the speed of thought. How? He had no idea and neither did he care! Shi’mon placed a hand on Yehuda’s chest and gave him a jolt of life, as The Darkness was abandoning Emok’s form to return to its dark, viscous, energy form. Everything was happening at the speed of thought.

  “I’m sorry everyone!” Shi’mon said via telepathy. “I’m really sorry.”

  Shi’mon then teleported into the almost complete form of The Darkness and exploded in a blast of bright whiteness. Everyone was thrown at various distances away. When they came to, the dark, viscous energy that was The Darkness was gone. Its presence and power were also gone…and so was Shi’mon.


  Akasha wrapped her arms around The Scribe’s neck as her bosom pressed against his bare chest. Order locked lips with Chaos and the two engaged in the most passionately and intimate coupling in the history of Creation. Their energies were infused with the purest of consciousness emanating from the Core. There was no holding back and they both let loose.

  Order and Chaos were wild with the anticipation of the final culmination of their efforts. Their entire existence was about to be summed up in that upcoming perfect moment as the cosmic countdown drew closer towards the Cosmic Spark. Chaos was on top of Order as Order opened up to accommodate him. He gave it his all and she received his all. The perfect moment was coming… it was almost there… the final act… the great reset!

  “We… we are… oh my!” Order spoke incoherently via telepathy, as her being resonated with the spasms of Creation. “We are almost… there, my love! Finally…”

  She flipped Chaos on his back and straddled him, without missing a beat of their hip frenzy. She pinned him down and gyrated against his hips. Chaos’ form tensed in preparation of the final phase of his plan; no, THEIR plan.

  “All.. we need to… do now,” Order spoke as she continued to feel her being spasm towards a climax. “Is… fall… to the…Core…”

  Chaos was not even listening to her. He could care less.

  Order could feel him building towards his climax, just like she was as well.

  “I am Order… and you are Chaos,” Akasha groaned. “You and I became… polarized during… the last… Spark. But… oh my…”

  Order moaned as the pleasure was becoming unbearable.

  “But… the Core remained… unchanged… as it has always been…” she added.

  The Scribe seemed a little confused by Akasha’s words but he was too engrossed in his building climax and surrender towards the fruition of the final phase of his plan to even think properly.

  “I created you from me!” Order continued coherently. “You are a part of me and I am a part of you. We are extensions of each other.”

  The Scribe was now frantic as the realization of her words dawned on him. He tried to wrestle away from her, but Akasha pinned him down and gyrated harder. He tried to teleport away from her, but she neutralized his move. Order then leaned forward and kissed Chaos passionately on the lips.

  “I now know what I must do!” Akasha spoke with unbridled conviction. “This is the completion of my purpose!”

  And thus, two polarities became one. Order and Chaos merged together into a seamless being. There was no Akasha and there was no Scribe; in labels, essence, designations and even in form. The two merged into a singular brightness as Akasha hurled both her and The Scribe towards the Core. The more they fell, the more the merging became perfect. Right before they entered the Core, the oneness that they had merged into climaxed in perfect sync with the cosmic countdown. They released everything they had conceived themselves to be and became no-thingness. They became a presence of pure consciousness.

  The cosmic countdown was now complete, initiating a Cosmic Spark.



  KUNDALINI, THE SERPENT of Consciousness… No one really knows what this entity is, not even The Logos. Speculations abound as to the identity of this being. But these are just what the word represents: speculations. There is no language in Creation that can contain this entity. Only an experience of it. They say the Core of Creation is the first to be made manifest from the Un-manifest. They also say that the Core was NOT the only first to be made manifest from the Un-manifest. The word on the esoteric streets of Creation is that in the beginning, the very, very, beginning, the Core and Kundalini were the first to be made manifest from the Un-manifest. While the Core is pure consciousness in the ‘center’ of Creation, whatever, wherever, whenever and however that center of Creation is, Kundalini is pure consciousness in motion. In fact, the Core of Creation and Kundalini are one and the same. To further explain, the Core and Kundalini are essentially the same.

  As the cosmic clock c
ounted towards the Cosmic Spark, Kundalini slowly curved into a perfect circle around the Core, with its head slowly approaching its tail. It pulsated repeatedly with the seven colors of Creation, with each color marking a perfect cycle. The Core did not pulsate in any color but it pulsated with Kundalini. The pulsations between the Core and Kundalini neared resonance as the cosmic countdown neared completion, causing Creation to spasm in anticipation of the new vibrations of consciousness that was about to be released into it. Kundalini’s mouth opened as its head neared its tail, while its pulsations and that of the Core’s neared resonance even more. As the cosmic clock completed its cosmic countdown, the tail of Kundalini slid into Kundalini’s mouth and Kundalini’s pulsations achieved resonance with those of the Core. In this perfect sync, the resonance between Kundalini’s and the Core’s pulsations initiated a Cosmic Spark.

  At the Cosmic Spark, Creation came to a standstill. Nothing functioned, not even the Dimensions of Time, Space, Energy and Ether, and because everything within Creation functioned within the dictates of these dimension, nothing within Creation, not even The Logos, realized that Creation had come to a standstill. However, the Core and Kundalini do not function within the dictates of the Space, Time, Energy and Ether Dimensions. Therefore, these two were not affected by the pause in Creation. In fact, Kundalini and the Core were the cause of this standstill which was caused by the Cosmic Spark initiated by these two. Slowly, Kundalini let go of its tail and penetrated the Core with its head. As it penetrated the Core, it doubled back and traced an upright symbol of infinity within the Core, until it returned and swallowed its tail once again.

  In this moment, there was no difference between Kundalini and the Core. In this moment, the seamless result of this union became returned to the Un-manifested for a blink in Un-manifested thought before becoming manifested again as the Core penetrated by Kundalini tracing an upright infinity sign within its essence. There was a single pulsation that was a declaration of the new color, as well as a release of the new vibration of the upcoming perfect cycle. The pulsation initiated a great reset of the cosmic clock and the new perfect cycle began a new cosmic countdown. The Dimensions of Space, Time, Energy and Ether resumed function, causing Creation to emerge out of its state of standstill and enter the beginning of a new, perfect cycle. Kundalini then unwound itself and left the Core’s essence. There was much work to be done in this new version of Creation that had just been initiated.


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