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Page 4

by Laurann Dohner

  She arched her back, lifting it from the mattress, but it didn’t get her farther away from that mouth. If anything it pressed her pussy tighter against his face. She jerked back down and turned her head the other way as her hands gripped the metal in a white-knuckled hold.

  He growled against her clit, sending vibrations through the oversensitive, hardening flesh. A small whimper came from her throat, though she hadn’t meant to make it. Breathing was getting difficult as she took choppy breaths, gasping air into her lungs when she realized she’d been holding her breath. He sucked on her, licked at her harder, with more pressure, increasing the speed of his tongue, rubbing up and down against the sensitive nub.

  She was going to come. She tried to imagine a dead body, the time the sewage line had burst on the space station and she’d literally had to clean up shit for a week, but not even her worst memories could mute her pleasure. Dawn knew she couldn’t fight her body and the jackass had been right. He was totally in control of her body now. Her body tensed in anticipation a few seconds before rapture tore through her as the climax hit. She cried out, unable to stop the sound that passed her lips.

  The hot mouth tore away from her. She sagged in relief, her pussy clenching and twitching from her release, and she realized she was panting as if she’d gone jogging as the pleasure-induced haze started to clear.

  A thick finger slowly pushed inside her pussy, unexpected as hell. Her eyes flew open and she couldn’t look away from the man between her spread thighs. His full lips curved into a smirk of satisfaction as he watched her through hooded eyes.

  “You’re prepared for me now.” He withdrew his finger from her body. “Now you’re going to take me.”

  He shifted on the cot, his hands coming down next to her chest to grip the edges of the bed frame. She just stared up at him in mute shock as he stretched out over her, keeping his weight off her while he positioned his body. He slowly lowered over her. She gasped as his hard cock pressed against her wet pussy and then, with a small hip adjustment on his part, he came down on her, letting gravity work with him to push into her.

  She threw her head back as his thick, rigid cock breached her pussy. Her vagina stretched to accommodate the big bastard, her treacherous body soaked to help ease him inside her. He kept pushing his cock into her, making her body take more and more of him, until he settled snugly on top of her.

  She’d never been so damn full in her life as she was at that moment. His cock was thick, hard, and just…big. Her pussy was wrapped tight around him, almost to the point of pain. He didn’t move on her, just took slow, deep breaths. She opened her eyes, wondering why he was frozen there over her. She couldn’t stop him, had agreed to this and couldn’t fight back even if she hadn’t, so why wasn’t he just fucking her already?

  Dawn couldn’t help but notice his eyes were beautiful up close. They were a dark blue with flecks of a lighter shade of blue. Their faces were almost nose-to-nose. He had lowered his head enough to level them out some, though he was quite a bit taller than her. He was staring into her eyes and she couldn’t look away. He took another slow, deep breath, making his chest crush down on hers just enough to make her aware that if his arms weren’t bracing his upper-body weight, she wouldn’t be able to breathe.

  “Should I fuck you like one of those droids?”

  Speechless, she just stared at him.

  He slowly withdrew almost totally out of her body and then pushed back in. She closed her eyes at the wonderful sensation. He was so damn big and thick that she could feel him hitting every nerve ending she had. She was turned-on and the sensations were really good, though she’d rather die than admit it to him.

  He lowered his face to the side of her neck. His breath was hot, fanning her skin, tickling a little before he froze on her again. “I’m not a sex droid. They don’t kiss or adjust their movements to the little gasps and moans you make. I do all that.”

  Full lips whispered across her skin under her ear, causing her to shiver in the good way, her breasts puckering as his hot skin slid against them. Inside her, his cock throbbed, buried deep, and it was a pleasurable sensation. His tongue rasped against her earlobe before teeth gently nipped. She turned her head more, giving him freer access.

  “Tell me you want me,” he murmured as he scattered teasing little kisses and nips over the side of her neck. “Do you want me fast and hard or slow, with me almost removing my cock from you, to drive in deep again, over and over?”

  Her pussy clenched in response, her back arching. She wasn’t in control anymore and didn’t even want to be. Raw lust flared in her and as she turned her head, she forced him to pull back so she could look into his eyes as she made a decision.

  “Fast and hard. But I need my clit stimulated.”

  If he was surprised at her answer, he hid it well. He nodded and shifted a little, adjusting the angle of his cock so his shaft pressed against her exposed clit. He started to move then, thrust into her fast, pulled back fast, and drove forward so their skin slapped together.

  Dawn watched his face, experiencing rapture as her body responded to the overload of sensations his pounding cock gave her. He didn’t ease up on her clit, careful that every motion he made in and out of her body rubbed against her swollen bud, the wetness from her soaking them both, making them a well-oiled sex machine, together. She knew she was close, knew he was close when she saw his eyes close, his jaw clench. Sweat beaded his brow. He was fighting the urge to come, she knew it, and took satisfaction that she wasn’t the only one gripped by the passion that flared between them.

  Giving in to the pleasure, she let herself come. The climax tore through her and a cry came from her parted lips. She could feel him blasting his release inside her, while hot jets of semen filled her, felt good to her. She’d never come so hard in her life, she realized seconds later when the haze of sheer bliss faded enough to take in the fact that he was still buried balls-deep in her pussy and she was pressed tight against him.

  Iron’s eyes opened. “I’m better than a sex droid, aren’t I?”

  She was tempted to say no, to flat-out lie, but then she saw a hint of something in his eyes. She was good at reading people, had to be with all the women she’d dealt with over the years that she’d had to try to keep sane on a small space station. She saw loneliness in his beautiful gaze, even a hint of insecurity, and a possible need for someone to boost his ego. Maybe he wasn’t such a cold bastard after all.

  “You’re much better.”

  His body relaxed and his lips curved upward just slightly.

  “This will work between us.”

  Dawn licked her lips. “If you think it’s going to be that easy, think again.”

  Iron’s smile died. “You’re going to be difficult for me?”

  She smiled. “You have no idea.”

  Chapter Four

  Dawn paced the small quarters, feeling anger. Where was Iron? She looked at the clock on the wall. Eight damn hours had passed since he’d brought her breakfast, leaving again after spending only few minutes in the room. She was hungry, damn it, and he’d deactivated the inner door panel so she couldn’t jimmy the control pad to escape. She really wished that Cathy hadn’t told him that she had the skill to open any door.

  She’d had last night and all day to think. There hadn’t been anything else to do but deal with her thoughts and she had enjoyed that foam cleansing unit he had. It beat the hell out of rubbing gel on her skin and just letting it air dry. The foam sprayed her naked body, fizzed in a pleasant way while it cleaned her until it melted like water to drip down her body. She’d been refreshed afterward. The cyborg even had thick, soft towels to dry with. The Star was a luxury class-A starship which, hands down, was better than the space station she lived on.

  She was stuck with Iron until she could find a way to escape. That could take some time, she knew, and that meant she could either pout or make the best of her situation. Iron was great in bed, that was a plus, and she wasn’t going to be spa
re parts for any of his friends.

  Dawn admitted to being a realist. She’d had to become one in her lifetime, never having a privileged life, having to help support her large family from the time she was twelve when she’d ditched school to work with her father fixing hovercrafts in the shop he owned. She’d enjoyed fixing things, liked to get her hands dirty, and she was more about life lessons than schoolbooks any day.

  Her father, Sean McShay, hadn’t been a big man but he’d been tough and had swiftly kicked the ass of any boy who looked twice at any of his six daughters. She’d had to move off a planet to get laid the first time when she was twenty. Her first post had been on a garbage crawler, a big beast of a ship that hauled trash from Earth to dispose of it on Jupiter’s largest moon, Ganymede. While onboard she’d had to watch her back with the mostly male crew, sticking with Mack Thomas who didn’t share what was his, protected her, and kept other men from even thinking about touching her. He’d taught her about sex, how to fight to defend herself and she’d fallen head over heels in love with him.

  That seemed like a lifetime ago. Bitterness still burned in her heart when she thought of Mack. For two years they’d been lovers and in all that time he’d never mentioned the wife or five kids he had back on Earth until they were days from returning home. He’d wanted to keep her on the side, continue their relationship when he came back for duty with her. Worse, he’d broken her young, foolish heart. She’d learned to never let her emotions get involved again.

  She’d changed posts then and had taken a job for Earth Government to avoid Mack. She’d heard about the Arian Nine project, wanted on board the Vonder Station and had hired on while it was still in space dock being built. She’d cut her teeth as a mechanic on space stations there under the careful watch of four female mechanics who had taught her everything she needed to know. Eight years ago the Vonder had been put into orbit around Arian Nine and Dawn had been assigned as the lead mechanic. It was her baby to keep it and the planet’s machines going. It was also a totally female crew, her dream place to be, and it kept her from making the same mistake twice. No men meant there was no one to fall in love with.

  The times she’d hooked up with guys on leave had left her unsatisfied. She’d used men for sex and had climbed out of their beds the second the panting was over. It had been decent sex sometimes but nothing close to the quickie she’d shared with Iron the night before. She took a deep breath. Maybe it was the bondage thing. Maybe I’m twisted that way and that’s why I got so turned-on. Those thoughts comforted her because the sex with the big cyborg had been the best she’d ever had.

  The door suddenly opened and Iron stepped in carrying a tray of food. Her stomach grumbled loudly at the smell. She lunged forward and just tore it from his hands. She saw surprise raise his eyebrows but she didn’t care. She turned to present her back to him as she stormed for the bed.

  “If you’re going to own a person, you should remember to feed her. I’ve been starving, damn it.” She set down the tray and collapsed on the bed next to it and scanned the food. “Thank God you bastards eat meat. I was afraid I’d get more bread like you brought me this morning.”

  “You are welcome,” Iron growled. “Hello to you. My work shift was fine. Thank you for asking.”

  Popping a piece of stripped meat into her mouth, Dawn turned her head. Iron stood leaning against the door with his arms crossed over his chest. The annoyed expression on his face amused her a little. She knew she was being rude but damn, the man should feed her if he was going to lock her up. She chewed, savoring the good steak flavor and then swallowed.

  “Feed me more often if you want me polite.”

  “I express my regret. I didn’t mean to be gone for so long.”

  She was surprised he’d apologize. She hesitated. “Have you ever owned someone before?”

  “No. You are the first.”

  “I see.” She really didn’t. “So I take it humans are possessions to your kind?”

  “We were possessions on Earth so it is fitting, now that we are free, that we apply your laws to you.”

  “Ah.” She nodded. “I’m a revenge slave. Great. I wasn’t responsible for that shit. It’s damn hard to find out much about that part of our history but I know you were mistreated. I didn’t do it though.”

  “Mistreated?” His tone lowered in anger. “We were used, ordered around like robots and when we said no to their demands, they slated us for execution.”

  Dawn swallowed another bite, eating quickly. “That was fucked up. Don’t take it out on me though, okay?” She shifted her gaze to his hair, fascinated with how red and bright it was. “Take your hair out of the braid.”


  “I want to see it. Are you part Irish or Scottish?” She touched her hair. “I get my red hair and green eyes from my father. He’s pure Irish, one of the remaining last few whose bloodlines weren’t mixed. He met my mother though and fell in love so his family disowned him. They were purists who believed you should stick to your own kind and she wasn’t a hundred-percent Irish. Her mother was French.”

  “I have no idea what kind of heritage my donors were who gave up their DNA for my creation.” He paused. “Nor do I care. I rarely unbind my hair other than to free it every day when I get clean. I then braid it again. I like to keep it under control.”

  “Well, take it down and show me before you get clean. You just got off work and you didn’t use the foam cleansing unit this morning when you brought me breakfast so do it now.”

  “I did cleanse but not here. I keep another room down the hall.” He paused. “Stop giving me orders.”

  “Why do you have another room? I thought this one was yours.”

  “It is but I decided to take one of the empty quarters for sleeping and cleansing.”

  “I thought you were working last night and then again today.” Her mind went into overdrive. “You didn’t just pull two full shifts, did you?”

  “I slept down the hallway.”

  “I see.” Her temper flared. “I’m good enough to fuck once but I’m not good enough to sleep with? This damn room is like a tomb. I froze my ass off last night since that thin cover doesn’t do shit and you’re telling me I could have used your body heat to stay warm? Nice.”

  “The room temperature isn’t to your liking?” He pushed away from the wall. “Why didn’t you say something?”

  “Would you have cared?”

  The frown was instant. “What is your preference for the temperature? I’ll set the control to that.”

  She was surprised that he’d care if she was chilled in his room and a little touched that he was willing to adjust the controls to her specification. She told him what she preferred. He nodded, cocked his head, and closed his eyes. In seconds his blue eyes opened back up.


  She swallowed her surprise. “You just remote-accessed the room controls with your mind?”

  “Yes. With your talent for opening doors, I assumed you could do other things so I have deactivated everything in the room but basic things like the foam cleanser and the lighting controls. All other functions are remotely controlled by me.”

  She bit her lip and then stood, inched closer to him. She hated to admit it even to herself but she was fascinated. “What do you have under your skin?”

  Iron’s eyes narrowed as he stared down at her. “Why do you want to know? Are you seeking weaknesses to attack?”

  “Man, are you paranoid. No. I’m a mechanic. What are you running under your skin?”

  He paused, studying her carefully. “I have enhancements.”

  “I get that.” She rolled her eyes and stopped feet from him to stare up into his handsome features. He was good-looking. “What kind?”

  “I have several chips embedded in my brain that were implanted to help me control my body functions and a processor to calculate and store information.” He paused. “I have a limited range for sending and receiving signals but that ability was given to me
so I could pilot a shuttle faster.”

  “Shit. You can access everything aboard a shuttle without moving to different stations, can’t you?”

  “Yes. I was one of the first prototypes in the pilot program on Earth.”

  Shock tore through her. “That’s impossible.” Her gaze swept over him from head to foot. He looked maybe thirty-eight years old, tops. Closer to thirty-five, actually. “You’d be old if that were true.”

  “Just my donors were human. Cyborgs were designed to age slower. I have no reason to lie. I was a pilot prototype on Earth.”

  “Shit!” She took a step back from him. “That means you’re as old as my father.”

  He shrugged. “What is the relevance?”

  “We had sex.” She made a face. “I did someone my father’s age. That’s just wrong.”

  A spark of some emotion flashed in his eyes. “I bet I do not look like your father.”

  Her gaze slowly went over him this time, taking in his broad shoulders, the massive leather-clad, thick biceps, his firm, flat stomach, his tapered hips, and down his thick, muscular thighs. “No. You sure as hell don’t. Even in his prime, my father wasn’t built like you. He’s small and wiry.”

  “Is he still alive then?”

  “Yeah. My folks live on Earth. I go visit them every time I’m off duty and take the shuttle to Earth. I paid for some medical enhancements for them so they are in decent shape for their age but damn…” She moved closer to him, her attention locked on his body still. “For an old guy, you have it going on.”

  “What does that mean?”

  She looked up into his face. The sex between them had been damn good and she was curious. “Take off your clothes. I can totally mind-wash the thought of how old you are when I see you naked. You look my age and you’ve got the best body I’ve ever seen.”

  His eyebrows rose. “What did you say?”


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