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Page 12

by Laurann Dohner

  “What about after you were free?”

  “I had intercourse with plenty of women but I never stayed over. There was no reason to. We had our own quarters, we shared sex, and then I left.”

  Dawn didn’t enjoy the idea of Iron being with anyone else but it soothed her some to know she was the only woman he’d held in his arms while he slumbered. It turned her on more, knowing that. She rubbed against his thigh, another moan coming from her parted lips.

  “Fuck me, sexy.”

  Iron nuzzled her neck with his jaw. “Roll on your stomach and spread your thighs.”

  She hesitated and then followed his orders. The bed was narrow so she had to wait for him to lift up from the bed to give her room to spread her thighs wide. She wondered if he was going to give her a back massage with her flat on her stomach but then, to her shock, he came down on top of her, crushing her flat under him.

  She would have asked what he was doing but was distracted by the press of his hard cock a second before he entered her pussy in one downward drive of his hips as he settled fully between her legs. She groaned, clawing at the bedding. She’d never had a man take her this way. She’d done it doggy style but had never been pinned completely flat under a man. She realized his weight held her totally immobile and she couldn’t even push her ass back against him.

  “Tell me if I hurt you,” he whispered in her ear as he started to move on her, his thighs spreading to push hers farther apart as he shifted his body a little more over hers.

  Iron’s hand dug between her hip and the mattress but she was too concentrated on his thick shaft sliding inside her, hitting sensitive nerves that awakened with each deep penetration and slow sliding motion, to realize what he was doing until two of his fingers pressed against her clit. He gently pinched the bud between his fingers and as he moved on her, it tugged the bundle of nerves with every powerful drive in and out of her body.

  A keening sound came from her lips between pants. It was intense delight as he fucked her. Dawn couldn’t move at all except to claw at the bedding as Iron totally took control of their lovemaking. His breath was hot and heavy on the back of her neck as he used one arm to hold enough of his weight off her so she could pull breath into her lungs. The warmth of his breath tickled her skin. He was strong and his movements on her rubbed the front of her body against the mattress and sheets, his skin sliding along the back of her, and then there were his wonderful fingers and cock engaging her clit and pussy.

  “Oh God,” she nearly sobbed. “Iron!”

  “You can take me,” he growled, moving faster on her, riding her hard and deep.

  The sound of skin slapping skin was nearly as loud as their choppy breathing. Iron made wonderful little groans as he twisted his hips, coming at her from different angles, making her feel every delicious inch of his amazingly hard cock. The pleasure was more than she thought she could endure but with Iron pinning her down there was no way to make him ease back on the intensity. All she could do was feel the ecstasy building, knowing that he was going to drive her over the edge of sanity and reason with how strong she would come.

  The fingers against her clit started to move as he bent them, tapping against her clit as he ground his hips down harder, forcing her to take even more of him as skin pressed tightly against skin. He hit a new level of erogenous zones with the thick crown of his cock, driving her passion higher. Dawn nearly sobbed with the need to come. With the stimulation to her bundled nerves on her exterior and what he was doing to the ones inside her pussy she couldn’t think, couldn’t form words, drowning in the intensity of all that was Iron.

  A scream tore from Dawn as she started climaxing, the sheer intensity of it slamming her so hard she nearly blacked out as it flashed through her in a wave of fiery heat, nearly burning her alive. Her muscles quivered hard, making her shake all over, and behind her, Iron buried his face in the crook of her neck, gasping for breath as he kept powering into her, kept coaxing to draw out her release until Dawn fought blacking out.

  Iron stilled suddenly, freezing, his fingers releasing her clit as he flattened them on the mattress. His sex throbbed the way a clenching fist would against her interior muscles and he groaned loudly as he started to come, his hot cum filling her. He moved, withdrawing almost totally from her body before slowly sinking back into her, a softer groan coming from his parted lips against her skin as he taunted both of their over-sensitized sexual organs. He shook slightly on top of her, his bigger body quivering. He stilled again.

  His lips brushed her neck, placing a featherlight kiss there, a second before he took a deep, calming breath.

  “I wanted to make it last but you responded too well to me and my intentions were forgotten.”

  Still panting and out of breath, Dawn forced her eyes open to stare into the dark room. She may as well have been blind because she couldn’t make out anything. “I’m not complaining. I like quickies.”

  “That was quick but I enjoyed it a hell of a lot.”

  “Me too.”

  He hesitated. “Did I hurt you? I try to be gentle with you but you seem to enjoy it when I am not. The harder I pound into you the wetter you get. You’re so hot inside that you make me a little crazy. No one has ever made me lose control the way you do, Dawn.”

  It was the best compliment he’d ever given her. To break Iron’s control was saying a lot. He was a freak about keeping himself in check. She grinned in the darkness, feeling safe that he wouldn’t be able to see it.

  “I’m great. So, isn’t sleeping in bed with me nice? It’s definitely got a plus side, doesn’t it?”

  He was silent for long seconds before he brushed another kiss on her neck, his lips just a soft butterfly tap but she appreciated the sentiment. “I will give up my temporary quarters and we can try to live together on a trial basis but if it doesn’t work for me I will return to sleeping in separate quarters.”

  Dawn had to admit his words made her damn happy. She was lonely in his room but that wasn’t the reason joy surged through her. She wanted to sleep in his arms and she wanted to share a foaming cleansing with him again, but mostly, she just wanted to spend more time with Iron.

  Damn, she thought, as her grin faded. She put her cheek on the mattress and fought a few seconds of pure panic. She was falling in love with Iron. It was a mistake and she realized it. She always prided herself on being a realist and they were too different to make it work. She had her life planned out and none of it included being a man’s slave, even if he were the best damn lover she’d had and the absolute sexiest man ever created. Literally.

  “What is wrong?”

  She’d been so lost in her thoughts that she’d nearly forgotten he still pinned her flat under him. She wiggled her ass a tiny bit—all she could do with his heavy weight—but he seemed to understand as he shifted his body on her, his hand sliding out from under her hip so he could brace his hands on the bed on both sides of her. He lifted off and out of her body. Dawn missed him immediately, both his cock inside her and his secure weight that had been on her. The mattress shifted and light blinded her as the motion sensors automatically reacted to Iron getting off the bed by bringing the light to full.

  “Dawn? I asked you a question. What is wrong?”

  It took a lot for her to turn her head to stare at him where he stood just feet from her. The fact that he was naked and still semi erect was a distraction as her gaze swept slowly upward to his frowning features and dark, narrowed eyes.

  “Your breathing changed and your eyes look…” He paused, cocking his head just slightly to study her gaze. “You look sad. Did I harm you?”

  She shook her head. “I promise you didn’t hurt me. I might be feeling you for a few hours but it’s all in the best way.”

  “Feeling me?” His eyebrows shot up.

  “It’s a saying.” She couldn’t stop the grin that hit her. “I am going to be a bit tender but you didn’t hurt me. I was just thinking how different we are. That’s all. It makes me wonder
how we’re going to work things out.” She did want to make things work, she silently acknowledged.

  “You do what I say, follow my orders, and we will have no issues to have conflict over.”

  “Really?” She had to hold back the urge to snort. “Is that all?”

  He nodded. His long hair was gorgeous and she hated that her attention went to it. The urge to go to her knees, inch toward him, and run her fingers through the long strands was almost impossible to resist. It was just wrong that he was that damn beautiful and kissable all at once. It was hard to be angry at the silver-skinned, luscious specimen of masculinity.

  “We should get in the cleansing unit,” she said suddenly, pulling her attention from staring at him. She was afraid she’d crawl toward him to pull him back into bed. No man had ever affected her the way he did, making her almost a sex-starved woman. She’d just had sex with him but damned if she didn’t want a repeat. “Yeah. Definitely a foaming down is in order.”

  “I overslept,” he turned, bending for his clothing. “I have to get to work or I will be late. I will cleanse after my shift.”

  She glanced at the clock on the wall, seeing the time, and then looked back at him to openly gawk at his fine ass displayed just feet from her as he jerked up his pants. He straightened, both of his hands going for his hair. She watched mutely as he finger combed the wild, long strands, parting them into three sections at the back of his head, and proceeded to braid it.

  “You don’t need a mirror to see what you’re doing?”

  He turned, his fingers still working his hair into a long rope. “No. I don’t own one.”

  She nodded. “I noticed. I just assumed you’d removed it so I couldn’t break it to use for a weapon.”

  “I never put one in. I have done this for a very long time.”

  It was a reminder that he was about her father’s age. She swallowed that down, focused instead on his muscular, fine chest. He sure didn’t look older than his mid-thirties. He was the fittest male she’d ever had the pleasure of drooling over. She swallowed and got off the bed.

  “So I guess I won’t get breakfast if you’re in a sure-fire rush.”

  His hands stilled. “I will have food brought to you. Just do not allow anyone inside the room and do not,” his eyes narrowed, “try to run. I will have two males bring your food in case you implement a plan to attack one.”

  “What is on your agenda today?” She let his comment go.

  Iron found the tie to his hair on the floor, bending down to sweep it up, and tied off the end of his braid to secure it. He eyed her for a long second and then reached for his shirt. “I have to go to the planet surface to work on their shuttle. Shuttles are my specialty since I’m able to link with the computer on board directly.”

  “She can talk to you.”

  He hesitated. “In a way, yes.”

  “That must be cool. I sure wish the station computer could have talked to me when I was working on her. I heard about those neat abilities but after the cyborg project failed, they outlawed having those kind of implants installed in our brains.”

  “That is good,” Iron said softly. “There are side effects that come with them.”

  Curiosity reared its head in Dawn. “What kinds?”

  He paused as he buttoned his uniform shirt. “Occasionally, if I use my transmitter too often, I will get nose bleeds or slight headaches. It is from the vibrations of it being active for long periods of time. There is no long-term damage or threat but it can be annoying. Of course I was designed to heal faster and be more resilient than you are. I don’t know what the long-term effects would be on a full human.”

  “I wish I could go with you,” she said softly. “Do you know what I’d give to get my hands on something to do?”

  Iron finished dressing, his gaze lifting to hers where he held it for a long moment. “There is nowhere to escape on the planet’s surface. It is a dangerous environment.”

  “Get over the whole ‘trying to escape’ thing. I told you I wasn’t going to do that, damn it.”

  His gaze was direct as he studied her. “Get dressed quickly.”

  Shock tore through Dawn as her knees went weak. Hope and excitement lit a fire inside her. “You’ll let me go with you? Really?”

  His hesitation was only a few seconds long. “You behaved well when you were branded and you will be with me the entire time, within my view.” He paused. “You will have to earn my trust and I won’t give it easily so know that I will watch your every move.”

  “Okay!” She turned, almost slamming into the edge of the bed. “You won’t be sorry, Iron. I swear!”

  She sidestepped the edge of the bed and almost ran for clothing. She dressed in record time, yanking on her jumpsuit and taking a second to clean her mouth and teeth. She just sat on the floor to put on her boots, not bothering to ask him for socks since hers were dirty. She saw a hand reach down as she finished and grabbed hold of Iron as he tugged her to her feet.

  “Don’t make me regret this,” he warned softly. “I am already rethinking my impulsive decision.”

  Staring up into his eyes, she saw worry there. She was shocked he was letting her go so it made sense that he was admitting to not thinking over his invitation. “I’m a good damn mechanic, Iron. I’ll work my ass off and I’ll be happy to do it.”

  His hold on her hand tightened. “If you try to run or if you cause me trouble in front of anyone, you will pay for it.”

  Dawn believed him. “No worries, sexy.”

  A low growl sounded from his throat. “None of that today.”

  She managed to hide her amusement as she saluted him with her free hand. “You got it!”

  Taking a deep breath, Iron looked grim as he gazed down at her. “I mean it, Dawn. Do not make me look bad in front of anyone. I’m a commander and they respect me. I would have to be very harsh with you to set an example. Neither one of us would enjoy that situation if it arose.”

  He was serious and she realized that, wondering what he’d do to her if she did mess up, but not daring to ask. “I’ll be on my best behavior.” At least I’ll try, she thought.

  Dawn could barely hide her excitement as Iron activated the doors and moments later she was walking at his side through the Star. She had to look at everything and everyone they passed, eager to see anything that was outside of Iron’s small quarters. She was led to the Rally once again, only this time she wasn’t locked up in a cage in the cargo hold. Iron leaned against a wall and then tugged her closer to his body. Their eyes met and held. Eight other cyborg males occupied the cargo area with them, some carrying bags with equipment. Dawn ignored their curious stares directed her way.

  “It is a rough trip to the surface. I want you to climb up my body and wrap around me. My friend Flint warned me that it was difficult on his human female with the strong vibrations on the floor. My body will cushion them so it’s not as stressful on your more fragile system.”

  “I’ve done plenty of rough drops before,” Dawn was grateful for his concern. “But thanks. I can handle it.”

  A red eyebrow arched but he shrugged. “If you change your mind let me know. We’re dropping from the Star in moments so brace then. You may hold onto me.”

  She looked up at the mounts high on the wall that Iron reached up to grasp. She was shorter than he was by nearly a foot so she’d have to really stretch up on her tiptoes to reach. She grabbed him around his waist, locking her fingers there, knowing he was just as good to grip as the wall. He was one strong man and she was confident he would not let go of his hold.

  There was no warning as the shuttle released. The sudden drop was the first indication the docking clamps had been disengaged. The engines roared to life, vibrating steadily under her feet and in seconds they hit the planet’s atmosphere.

  Dawn was grateful to be holding on to Iron. She bent her knees a bit and went onto the balls of her feet. It helped with the sharp jarring going up her legs. She was used to rough drops where she
worked. The oxygen-making generators were always malfunctioning on the planet’s surface, forcing Dawn to repair them. She clung to Iron as the shaking grew worse.

  “Climb on me,” Iron ordered her softly.

  She shook her head. “It’s not so bad. I’ve been through worse and often. This planet can’t be any harsher than Arian Nine was when we first started the conversion.”

  In minutes the shaking stopped and the floor only vibrated from the engines. They had punched through and would now fly to the surface. That was a smooth ride. Dawn relaxed and her fingers slid a little lower on Iron’s body, rubbing the area right over the waist of his pants through his shirt next to his spine.

  “What are you doing?”

  Dawn glanced up, a grin on her face. “Nothing.”

  Beautiful blue eyes locked with hers. His full mouth curved downward just a hint as he released one of the mounts. His hand curved her waist, gripping her at her hip.


  “I like touching you,” she admitted softly. “No one can see and once we land I have a feeling that we won’t get another chance to be this close.”

  “Behave,” he whispered.

  “Always,” she grinned, whispering back.

  Every wicked bone in her body was urging her to do something shocking, such as lean up and plant a kiss on his lips with his fellow cyborg pals watching, but she refrained. She knew Iron wouldn’t see the humor in it and he sure wouldn’t kiss her back. With Iron’s serious attitude, he’d probably return her right back to his quarters on the Star. That dimmed some of her playful spirit.

  The shuttle sat down easily, a great skill for a pilot and the engines powered down. The men in the room went instantly in motion, lifting their bags and heading for the docking door. Iron waited until they passed and then he nodded at her.

  “Follow them and stay close. You do not speak to anyone. Are my orders clear?”

  “Sure. Why can’t I talk to people?”

  Iron hesitated. “You’re my property, Dawn. These aren’t cyborgs from Garden. We’re civilized but I’m not so certain these cyborgs are. Just follow my orders.”


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