Along Came Baby

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Along Came Baby Page 6

by J. S. Cooper

  There was something about her that intrigued me. She was different than other women I’d met, and I didn’t like that I couldn’t read her. She wasn’t clingy or trying to get me to commit to something that I didn’t want, and while I appreciated that, a part of me was annoyed. Why did she think I wouldn’t make a good boyfriend? I mean, I didn’t want to be her boyfriend, but I didn’t get why she thought I wouldn’t be a good one. I’d given her the fuck of her life last night. That I knew for sure. The way her fingernails had dug into my skin, the way she’d been panting, the way the sweat on her skin glistened in the moonlight through her bedroom window. The way I could smell myself on her this morning. It had been hot as hell and I was growing hard just thinking about it. I put my phone down and jumped up. I didn’t need to think about this girl. I didn’t need any distractions.

  “Hey, Chad,” I shouted down the hallway as I got to my office door. “I’m done, let’s go for those drinks.” I’d worry about the files tomorrow. I couldn’t concentrate right now. I just needed to get drunk and flirt with some hot girls in short tops.

  “So, this chick comes up to me and she’s like hey, aren’t you dating my friend Olga.” Chad is grinning as he tells his story. “And I’m like fuck, ’cause I’m with this girl Patsy that I’d just told that I hadn’t gotten laid in a year.”

  “Shit.” Brandon takes a chug of his beer. “So what did you say?”

  “I said I had no idea who Olga was and went home and banged Patsy,” Chad said and laughed. “Next day I called Olga and banged her too and then . . .” He paused for dramatic effect and I looked around the bar, feeling bored. How many stories could Chad tell us about how he dicked over women?

  “What?” Brandon asked eagerly, eating it up. He was an intern, and I knew he was imagining that this would be his life once he graduated from college. “And then what?” he prodded.

  “I got Olga and Patsy together and we had a threesome.” Chad looked proud of himself and I just took a chug of beer. There was no way that I believed this story was true.

  “Wow, cool.” Brandon high-fived Chad and I was just about to say something when I heard a familiar laugh. I looked around the restaurant quickly to see if I could identify the owner of the laugh. My breath caught as I saw Lila sitting at a table next to a tall guy in a suit; across from her sat another guy and a woman. All of them in suits. Lila was staring at the man next to her with wide laughing eyes. I frowned as I noticed her patting his shoulder and nodding along to something he was saying.

  I felt inexplicably angry watching her sitting there drinking, looking like she was having the time of her life. Why wasn’t she at work? Hadn’t she been talking about how busy she was at the office. And why did she look so happy? We hadn’t texted all day. I’d thought she would have been a little sad that she hadn’t heard from me, given the night we’d just had. But maybe she had lied to me and this was something she did frequently. My eyes narrowed as I watched her throwing her head back and laughing even harder than before. Did she have a thing for this guy? Granted he was handsome in one of those dark Italian ways with his brunette hair and olive skin. Was that the type of guy she liked then? He couldn’t have been further away from my golden blond hair and blue eyes. But he wasn’t the one slamming into her last night.

  “Yo, Stevens, want another one?” Chad’s voice brought me back to the conversation, and I nodded.

  “Yeah, man,” I said and then because I could see no reason not to I decided to head over to go and chat with Lila. “I’ll be right back, I think that I see a friend.” And with that I walked over to Lila’s table. “Hey, Lila,” I said in a loud cheery voice as I approached their booth. “Fancy seeing you here!”

  “Carter!” She looked at me in surprise and gave me a shy smile, and I was pretty sure she threw a guilty look toward the guy next to her. I could feel myself growing angry. Was she playing me and this fool?

  “So who are your friends?” I asked looking around the table. “I’m Carter Stevens, by the way.”

  “Dante Vanderbilt.” The guy next to me nodded at me, a smile on his face. I hated him instantly as I noticed his Rolex. Rich prick. I looked away from him without acknowledging his outstretched hand and looked at the other two at the table.

  “And you guys?”

  “Sandi.” An older looking lady beamed at me and fluttered her eyelids. She was about fifty-five, but she was still hot. I beamed back at her.

  “Nice to make your acquaintance, Sandi.”

  “Ben.” The other guy was nondescript in looks and from what I could tell, personality. No competition there.

  “Surprised to see you here, Lila,” I said as I turned back to look at her. “I thought you had a busy day today. At least that’s what you said last night.” I have a quick look to Dante so he could infer exactly what I meant by that comment and he just smirked. Asshole.

  “I did have a busy day, but Dante convinced me to come out,” she said with a smile still on her face.

  “I see.” I nodded and waited for her to ask me about my day or why I hadn’t texted, but she didn’t say anything. “So can my friends and I join you? We can make a party of it.” And before they had time to respond I called out to Chad and Brandon and waved them over.

  “Join us, why don’t you?” Dante said in a smug voice and I looked over at him for a few seconds without saying anything. If Lila was hooking up with this jerk she was an idiot and had no taste.

  “So how do you guys know each other?” I asked as Chad and Brandon approached.

  “We all work at the firm together.” Lila took a sip of her strawberry margarita.

  “I see,” I said and then I had to laugh at how crazy I was acting. “You look nice today, Lila.”

  “Thank you, Carter. You look nice as well.” Her brown eyes were warm as she looked at me. “I’m glad to see you made it into work,” she teased me and all of a sudden my shoulders relaxed.

  “Have you had dinner?” I asked her and then looked to see what dishes were on the table.

  “No, I was going to cook when I got home.”

  “Oh yeah?” I raised an eyebrow at her, hoping for an invite. I didn’t normally see women two nights in a row, but I’d excuse it this time for a nice home cooked meal.

  “Yeah.” She nodded, with no invitation extended.

  “What are you cooking?”

  “Quiche Lorraine with a salad.”

  “Yum,” I said and licked my lips.

  “I think he’s hinting for an invite, Lila,” Dante said and he laughed then as he chugged from his beer. “And quite obviously.”

  “Oh.” Lila looked at me and blushed. “Did you want to come for dinner?”

  “If it’s not an inconvenience,” I said as if I was some old Victorian gentleman. “Hey, can I chat with you for a second.” I grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the booth. I placed my beer can on the table and walked toward the door holding her hand. We exited and then I turned toward her.

  “What did you want to say?” she asked me curiously, and I just leaned forward and grabbed her face and started kissing her. She kissed me back and my hands ran up to cup her breasts through her blouse. “Carter.” She shook her head and pulled back. “We’re outside.”

  “So?” I said, but I took a step back. Was she concerned that Dante might see?

  “In front of the restaurant on a busy street.” She shook her head at me. “I’m not going to make out with you in front of the world.”

  “It’s not like I’m asking you to fuck right here in daylight,” I said feeling slightly annoyed.

  “I never said you were.” She shrugged. “I’m here with my workmates. It’s just not professional for me to be here making out with you. They’ve never met you before. They’ve never even heard of you before. You’re not my boyfriend. I don’t want any questions.”

  “What sort of questions?” I asked, but I knew I was just being difficult. What she said made sense. I just didn’t like it.

  “You kn
ow what sort of questions. The who is this guy question and how do you know him.” She sighed. “I don’t really want to talk about my one-night stand with the world.”

  “Or your two-night stand,” I said and winked at her.

  “What does that mean?” she asked, her face going red. I laughed as I ran a finger down the side of her face.

  “It means that tonight I’m going to show you how to have even more fun.”

  “Oh?” She blinked and then smiled at me. “How do you know I had fun last night?”

  “By the way you screamed out my name.” I watched as she blushed again. “It’s a good thing that I’m your neighbor because you would have woken me up with all your crying out.”

  “Carter.” She made a face at me. “Shh.”

  “Am I lying or am I telling the truth. Just a little bit harder, Carter, just a little bit deeper, yeah, that’s how I like it, big boy.”

  “Stop.” She hit me in the arm as she laughed. “I didn’t say any of that.”

  “Exactly. Because I knew just what you needed without you having to tell me.” I winked at her and felt myself warming as she giggled. I enjoyed watching her laugh, her face looked so beautiful and carefree as if she had no worries in the world.

  “You’re so full of yourself.” She grabbed my hand. “Come on, let’s finish our drinks and then we can go back.”

  “So eager.” My heart was racing. I loved that she wasn’t playing games. She wanted this as badly as I did. “We can just leave, I don’t care about my beer.”

  “I can’t just leave.” She shook her head and dragged me toward the front door again. “Dante will wonder what happened.” I held my groan in as she said his name. I didn’t like the guy, but I wasn’t going to tell Lila that; though a part of me wondered if I should warn her that he was likely trying to get into her pants so she should steer clear of him. I followed her back to the table and I could see Chad giving me a knowing look. I just ignored him and went to the bar to pay my tab. Then I walked back to the table where Lila was chatting with Dante.

  “You ready?” I asked. “There’s a train arriving in seven minutes that we can make if you hurry.”

  “Wow, you must be hungry.” Lila’s face held a trace of humor and I rubbed my stomach.

  “Yeah, I haven’t eaten since lunch. Let’s go.” I grabbed her hand and threw down two twenties on the table. “This is for Lila’s share,” I said and smirked at Dante. He wasn’t the only one with money. Granted, I was about to be leaving my six figure a year job, but at least for now, I was a baller as well. And if I ever made it as a musician, I’d have more money than I’d know what to do with.

  “You’re a bit rude, you know that right?” Lila gasped as I made her run toward the station.

  “How am I rude?”

  “You can’t just put money on the table and say let’s go. I was trying to make plans with Dante and I wasn’t able to.”

  “What a pity.” Like I cared.

  “I just don’t get you, Carter Stevens., she said as we ran down the steps. “I know I don’t know you well, but I know Danielle quite well and she’s so sweet and nice and you’re . . .” Her voice trailed off as we went through the turnstile.

  “And I’m what?”

  “You’re quite bullish,” she said as we finally stopped to wait for the train that was going to arrive in two minutes.

  “Bullish? Well, that’s a new one.” I pulled my phone out. “I guess what they say is true.”

  “What do they say?”

  “You should really get to know someone before you sleep with them.” I winked at her and she just groaned.

  “You’re too much.”

  “But you still want me.”


  “Just maybe?” I looked at her thoughtfully. “Just maybe, huh?”

  “Did I stutter?” She smiled.

  “You’re going to pay for that tonight?” My mind already trying to think of suitably dirty punishments that would have her begging me to take her.

  “Oh yeah? Is that a threat?”

  “No, it’s a promise,” I said, and the conversation was stopped by the arrival of our train.

  “So tell me why you decided to become a lawyer,” I asked her as we sat down. I was surprised to realize that I actually cared about her answer. I was genuinely interested in getting to know who she was. This was something new to me and I wondered if I was finally maturing or if this was because she actually had a career and the majority of women I hooked up with were wannabe models and actresses.

  “I wanted to save the world.” She made a face. “I used to watch these TV shows that made being a lawyer seem so glamorous and cool.”

  “And it’s not like that?”

  “No.” She made a face and sighed. “When I went to law school, I had a bad feeling that I wasn’t going to enjoy practicing law but I wasn’t sure. I took some moot court classes, and that’s when I realized I really didn’t enjoy public speaking. I get really nervous being in front of large crowds.” She shook her head. “So opposite to you, huh?”

  “I get nervous sometimes, but yeah, not really. I love performing to large crowds. The larger the better. Where did you go to law school again?”

  “University of Iowa.” She winked at me. “Go Hawkeyes.”


  “In heaven there is no beer, that’s why we drink it here. And when we’re gone from here, our friends will be drinking all our beer.” She sang the Iowa victory song, and I groaned even louder.

  “Corn lover.”

  “Hater.” She laughed.

  “So your family lives in Iowa?”

  “Yes.” She nodded. “I grew up in Des Moines, but went to Iowa for undergrad and law school.”

  “And then you moved to the big city?”

  “Ha ha,” She rolled her eyes at me. “I’m not some farm girl, you know. My dad is a policeman and my mom is a nurse.”

  “Nice, my dad is an accountant and my mom was a housewife,” I said. “They’re in Ohio, but I moved here for college.”

  “I heard. You went to Columbia?”

  “Yup, bet you didn’t think I was a smarty-pants, huh?”

  “Nope,” She grinned at me. “I never would have guessed you were smart. I’m still questioning it.”

  “Very funny.”

  “So tell me something else about you, Carter. What do you do for fun?”

  “I like to write music. I want to release my own album with original songs,” I said thinking about the band and my goals. “I also like to bowl. A lot.”

  “Oh yeah? Are you good?”

  “Let’s just say I took a class in college. I’ll whip your ass.” I looked at the sign as the train stopped. “Our stop is next.”

  “Yup.” She nodded.

  “Have you ever been to Chelsea Piers? They have a really cool bowling alley there.”

  “No, I’ve never been.” She shook her head and then jumped up. “This is our stop.”

  “We should go sometime,” I said as we walked off of the train and I saw the look of surprise on her face. “I mean if you can make the time.”

  “I didn’t think you’d actually want to hang out with someone you’re having a two-night stand with.” She looked slightly embarrassed, and I wasn’t exactly sure how to answer her. It wasn’t normal for me to hang out with the women I hooked up with outside of the bedroom and I never invited them bowling. Bowling was sacred to me. It was one of my all-time favorite activities and I usually only went with my good friends.

  “Well, just because we’re having a two-night stand doesn’t mean we can’t also be friends.” Not that I needed anymore friends.

  “Yeah true,” she said, and I watched as she took out a couple of dollars from her handbag to give to an old man that was begging outside of the subway station.

  “He’s just going to buy alcohol,” I said as we walked away.

  “We don’t know that. Maybe he’s going to buy food. Maybe he’s going to
pay his rent.”

  “Maybe he’s going to buy drugs or pay for his BMW.”

  “Carter, why are you so cynical.” She gazed at me thoughtfully. “I’m the attorney. I should be the one doubting his intentions.” And then she paused for a second. “And you know what, it was three dollars. It’s for him to decide what he does with it. When you give charitably, you can’t tell people what to do with the money. They do what is in their heart.”

  “Did you go to a catholic school by any chance?” I asked her as I looked at her earnest face, with her cute little nose up in the air.

  “Huh? What?” She looked confused.

  “You seem like such a Goody Two-Shoes with all your charity talk. I was curious if you went to catholic school.”

  “Carter Stevens, really? Really?” She opened the main door to the apartment building and then turned to me. “I didn’t go to catholic school no, but we did go to church every other weekend when I was a kid.”

  “Oh no, are you going to try and convert me?”

  “Convert you from what to what?”

  “I don’t know.” I laughed as I followed her up the stairs. My eyes were focused on her shapely ass and I wanted to run my hands down it and squeeze, but I stopped myself.

  “Well here we are,” she said as she stopped outside of her apartment. “Are you going to come in?”

  “You don’t know how badly I want to come in.” I winked at her and she groaned as I laughed. “But I should walk Frosty first. As that is the reason I’m here, after all.”

  “Oh, yes, poor little Frosty.” She smiled. “Don’t let me stop you. I’ll change and start dinner and you should come over as soon as you can.”

  “Sounds good to me,” I said and stepped forward and kissed her. “I’ll be as quick as I can be.”

  “Okay.” She smiled and unlocked her door. “I’ll see you soon.”


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