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Along Came Baby

Page 9

by J. S. Cooper

  “Oh, Danielle, who knew you were such a romantic. There’s no way he’s in love with me.”

  “You like him though, don’t you?”

  “Is it that obvious?”

  “Maybe not, but you never would have called me in England if you weren’t pining for him in some way.”

  “I’m sorry to bother you. I know it’s early.”

  “It’s no bother, Lila. You can call me at any time even if it’s about my obnoxious brother.”

  “He’s a nice guy underneath it all.” I laughed. “He is obnoxious and easily angered, but he can also be sweet.”

  “And this is when I say I have to go,” she said quickly. “I don’t want you to start telling me how good he is in bed.”

  “I wouldn’t talk about that,” I lied. I would totally tell her how much of an expert he was with all parts of his body if I thought she’d be interested in hearing about it.

  “I’ll let you go.”

  “Keep me updated, Lila,” she said before we hung up and I stood there standing in the middle of the street with my phone in my hand wondering what to do next. I wanted to go home, but I didn’t want to be close to Carter. I was nervous I’d knock on his door and demand to know what was up. He couldn’t just talk to me like that and get away with it. It was so totally uncool. And he hadn’t even apologized. It was like he didn’t even get it. I sighed as I realized I couldn’t just stand in the street thinking and decided to hail an Uber. I had to go home. I’d just have to have some self-control.

  I walked up the stairs slowly and my heart stopped when I saw Carter standing outside my door.

  “You’re home,” he said with a sheepish smile and some yellow sunflowers in his hand.

  “I’m home.” I nodded as I headed toward my door.

  “I was worried about you.”


  “I knocked, and you didn’t answer, and I listened at the door, and I didn’t hear any sounds from inside.”

  “You’re such a creeper.” I glared at him, but I couldn’t stop a warm feeling from growing inside of me. He had been worried. That meant he cared a little bit, at least.

  “These are for you.” He handed me the flowers with a small smile.

  “Where did you get those at this hour?”

  “The bodega down the street. I got you a bottle of wine as well. It’s in my apartment still.”

  “Wow.” I licked my suddenly dry lips. “Thank you.”

  “Can I come inside?” He nodded at my door, and I hesitated. I didn’t know if it was smart to let him in. I was still mad at him.

  “I don’t have to the stay the night. I’d just like to talk.”

  “It’s late, Carter.”

  “I know it’s late but just for a bit. I really would like to apologize and explain.”

  “Fine,” I said as I reached for my keys and opened the front door. “Come in.”

  “Hold on, let me get the wine and my guitar.” He hurried toward his door and I watched as he opened it and grabbed a bottle of wine and his guitar that had been sitting there. I also saw Frosty’s nose peeking out the door.

  “Come on, Frosty. You can come as well,” I called out to the dog, and he came running toward me with his tongue hanging out. “Hey there, boy,” I said and rubbed his neck and behind his ears. “Who’s a good boy?”

  “Me,” Carter said, and I looked up to see him standing right in front of me again.

  “You’re not a good boy.” I gave him my sternest look and gestured him inside. “Come on, let’s go inside before I change my mind.”

  “Come on, Frosty,” he said as he pushed past me and ran into my apt. “We don’t want to get locked out.”

  “Carter,” I said in a slow drawl as I walked inside and then shut the door. “Open the wine already.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “I’m going to change into my pj’s,” I said as I walked to my bedroom. “You can make yourself comfortable in the living room.”

  “Okay.” He nodded, and he walked toward the kitchen. “Wait,” he said as he headed back toward me and then gave me a kiss on the cheek. “I didn’t greet you properly.”

  “Take these and put them in water,” I told him as I handed him the flowers, my cheek hot from his kiss. This was all starting to feel all too comfortable and familiar, and I wasn’t sure how to feel about it.

  I was in the bathroom washing my face when I heard a noise behind. I turned around and saw Frosty on the ground behind me.

  “Hey, sorry, I hope you don’t mind.” Carter walked into the bathroom behind Frosty. “We just wanted to see what you were up to.”

  “I was just about to put a face mask on, actually.”

  “Cool.” He paused. “Like a mud mask? My sister always puts them on.”

  “No, a collagen mask. I buy them online. They’re from Korea. Meant to help me keep my youthful appearance.” I laughed.

  “You’re beautiful just as you are.”

  “Uh-huh,” I said. “Come on.” I grabbed a packet from the drawer and walked into the bedroom. “We can hang out in here.”

  “Can I get my guitar? I learned a new song.”

  “Sure,” I said as I sat on the bed and undid the packet to my mask. I peeled off the plastic and stuck the wet side onto my face.

  “Oh, my word, you look like a weird ghost.” Carter started laughing as he walked back into the bedroom. “Hold on a minute,” he said, and I watched as he drew his phone out of his pocket and then put it up in the air.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I’m taking a photo of you,” he said and then I heard click.

  “Carter, no,” I screeched. “That’s not right.”

  “Why not? Now, anytime I want to see you and you’re not around I can just look at this photo.”

  “You’re horrible.” I glared at him, but I wasn’t sure if he could tell behind my face mask. I wanted to ask him if he thought about me a lot, but I couldn’t bring myself to start such a serious conversation.

  “So what’s the song that you learned?” I crawled up the bed and leaned back against the headboard. “Are you comfortable, by the way,” I said as I noticed that he was still wearing his black jeans and a black shirt. “Do you want to change?”

  “Do you mind if I just go down to my boxers?” he asked as he started unbuttoning his shirt. I wanted to jump off of the bed and finish unbuttoning it for him, but I refused to sleep with him tonight. Not after how he’d talked to me. He wasn’t out of the doghouse just because he’d given me some sunflowers. “That’s fine but keep the boxers on,” I said and he grinned. “Yes, ma’am.” He took off his clothes quickly, and before I knew what was happening, he was sitting on the edge of the bed with his guitar in just a pair of tight white briefs. Hot!

  “So, let me play the song I learned tonight,” he said as he started strumming the strings. “When your legs don’t work like they used to before,” he sang and my jaw dropped.

  “Ed Sheeran?” I gasped as he continued singing with a huge smile on his face. “You learned Ed Sheeran for me?” My heart melted as he continued to sing. He got some of the words wrong, but I didn’t care. He had done this because he wanted to get on my good side again. He cared about me in his own way. I didn’t know what that meant exactly, but it was a start. When he finished singing, I gestured to him to put the guitar down and come farther up the bed.

  “I want you to stay tonight,” I said with a small smile. “No sex, but we can make out.”

  “You think I’m going to stay just for a make out?” He pouted, and I slapped him in the shoulder. “Of course, I’ll stay.” He reached for my hand and kissed it. “It will be my honor.”

  “You’re so smooth, aren’t you,” I said as he pulled me into his arms and held me to his chest. I gazed up at his face and he leaned down to peel my face mask off and then he kissed me. His lips were warm and gentle, almost teasing, and I kissed him back softly, enjoying the feel of him against my body. My hands foun
d their way to his hair and I could feel him growing hard against me. I wanted to take his briefs off, but I stopped myself and peeled away from him.

  “Too hot and heavy, big boy,” I teased him as I reached down to squeeze his manhood for a few seconds. I felt pretty powerful when his body stilled, and his gaze turned to one of lust and desire. I moved my hand away and settled against his chest.

  “I really am sorry about tonight,” he whispered against my ear. “I believe you if you say Dante is just a friend. Maybe I can get to know him better to overcome my dislike of him?”

  “Why do you care?” I asked him softly, gazing up at him. “I thought this was just a two-night stand for you?”

  “I’d like to make it a three-night stand?” His hand moved to my breast and cupped it, and I sighed. “No, but seriously,” he stammered. “I don’t know what I want or where this is going, but I know I have a lot of fun with you, and I enjoy being with you, and maybe we can just see . . .” His voice trailed off, and I tried not to roll my eyes. What a typical guy response. What he meant was he still wanted to have sex but didn’t want a commitment.

  “I don’t really know what that means, Carter.” I shook my head at him.

  “It means I have a lot to think about right now. I’m quitting my job. I’m trying to pursue my music. I don’t have time for a girlfriend.” He made a face. “I can’t do anything serious right now. I like you. I think you’re a great girl, but I just can’t be tied down right now.”

  “Okay,” I said and looked away from him. What else could I say to that? It wasn’t like he’d ever led me to believe anything different.

  “Hey, look at me.” His voice was husky, and I looked up into his deep soulful blue eyes. “You’re special to me, Lila. I’ve not met a girl like you before. I want to get to know you better. I want to be the only man you fuck. I want to just take things slowly, okay?”

  “Okay,” I said, and I leaned up to kiss him. I felt like his words were genuine and even though they weren’t the exact words I wanted to hear, they were good enough for now.

  “I have another show tomorrow night. Maybe you can come?” he asked hopefully. “I can take you out to dinner beforehand?”

  “You want to take me to dinner?” I feigned shock, but inside I was jumping for joy. This was a good step.

  “Yes, goof,” he said as he gave me a deep kiss. “Now, we better go to sleep or I’m going to have your panties off soon and we both know what would happen next.”

  “Night, Carter,” I whispered, and we got under the covers with him spooning me from behind. His arms were wrapped around my waist and his head rested on mine. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep feeling warm and content as it hit me that we hadn’t spent one night apart since we’d met.


  “Sugar Pie Honey Bunch”

  “Morning, sexy, made it to work on time?”

  “Yes! :)”

  “What no return compliment?”

  “Like what?”

  “Yes, stud.”


  “Yes, handsome.”


  “Yes, big boy.”

  “Who said it’s big?”

  “Lila! :p”

  “I never told you it was big. :)”

  “Fine. Yes, small boy, then.”

  “Are you crying?”

  “No. I know I’ve got a big dick.”


  “Are you asking to see a dick pic?”


  “. . .”

  “Do not send me a dick pic.”

  “I just wanted to hear you say dick.”

  “You didn’t hear me say anything. I typed it. :p”

  “Will you say it tonight?”

  “At the concert?”

  “No . . . later.”


  “Don’t tell me no sex again tonight?”

  “Carter, is that all you want me for?”

  “I’m taking you to dinner tonight woman. That should answer that question.”

  “Dinner isn’t really a date.”

  “Did I say it was a date?”

  “. . .”

  “I’m joking. It’s a date. You don’t think it’s a good date?”

  “It’s a bit boring.”

  “Then I’m taking you to a show.”

  “I’m coming to watch you perform. Not exactly the same thing.”

  “So you want a properly thought out little adventure sort of thing?”

  “Yes, please.”

  “You’re not asking much of me, are you?”

  “Nope. :)”

  “Let me think of something.”


  “Are you free this weekend?”

  “As in tomorrow and the day after?”

  “That would be this weekend.”

  “Maybe. Why?”

  “I’ve got an idea for a date.”

  “An all-weekend date?”

  “Would that be a problem?”



  “I need to get some work done if I’m going to meet you for dinner tonight. :)”

  “Okay. Go work.”

  “Thanks, boss.”

  “You can call me that tonight.”

  I put the phone on my desk and smiled. I opened up my laptop and searched for fun date ideas. I had lied to Lila when I’d said I had an idea for a date. I had absolutely no ideas, but I did know I wanted to spend the weekend with her. I felt like I was on a natural high when I was around her. Even playing with the band felt more magical when she was in the room. There was something so infectious about her smile. She made me feel like a million dollars. When she’d gotten mad at me the night before and left the club without me I’d been so angry, and then I’d been so worried, and then Danielle had called me to tell me that I was an asshole and an idiot, and I’d known immediately that she was right.

  I still thought that Dante wanted to sleep with her, but I couldn’t keep pushing it if she didn’t want to see it. I didn’t think I was jealous though. I was just looking out for her. It was a weird situation we were in. I’d woken up this morning and just stared at her beautiful face while she slept. I’d wanted so badly to touch her and make love to her. I’d been so hard. It had been torture spending the night with her and not being inside of her. I hadn’t spent the night in a woman’s bed and not had sex since college. In fact, I rarely ever spent the night. I wasn’t sure what had come over me.

  A part of me thought she was like some sort of drug and soon I’d tire of her. I didn’t want to hurt her feelings, so I didn’t want to make any promises I couldn’t keep. I had to admit though that I was excited to spend the evening and the weekend with her. It would be fun. It had been a long time since I’d actually wanted to spend my alone hours with a woman. Normally, I hung out with Harley or Lucas and we jammed or went for a beer. I hadn’t been on a date in over a year. I’d hooked up with a couple of girls I’d met at gigs but only once or twice before dropping them. They’d all been so boring and vapid and talked about their hair and clothes. As if I cared. I didn’t need a woman to talk world politics, but she had to have some sort of brain.

  “Hey.” I stood up as Lila walked into the restaurant. She walked to me with a wide smile and a light in her brown eyes. It was then that something hit me. A weird feeling in my stomach that twisted and turned and burned through the blood in my veins. I swallowed hard as she approached the table and reached forward to give me a hug.

  “So sorry I’m late. I was running from the train station and then I went down the wrong street and got so lost.” She giggled and gave me a wry smile. “I suck with directions.”

  A brief joke popped into my mind about sucking something else, but something in my brain dismissed it. That was an immature joke. I didn’t want her to think I was immature.

  “I’m glad you made it.” I gave her a big hug, and she gave me a quick kiss on the lips and rubbed the top of
my head.

  “I need a drink and lots of food. Give me all the food.” She grinned. “It’s good here, right?”

  “The best,” I said and waited for her to sit down before I sat. “What would you like to drink?”

  “Red wine?” She shrugged. “That goes well with pasta, right?”

  “Yeah.” I nodded and called the waitress over. “I’ll order some appetizers as well, okay?”

  “Sure, sounds good to me.”

  “Was work fun today?” I inquired truly wanting to know everything about her day, her life, everything there was to know.

  “It was okay.” She shrugged and stifled a yawn. I looked at her face closely, and I could tell that she was tired. She’d had a long week; not helped by me and all our late nights. I bit my lower lip. Maybe it was selfish of me to be seeing her when my schedule meant I could only really see her late at night. My job as a musician would always have odd hours. There would be very few nights that I’d be able to actually see her and take her on dates. I couldn’t give her any sort of normal dating situation even if I wanted to, and I was thinking that I wanted to date her. And not just as a test to see how it went. This moment felt momentous. I wasn’t sure why, but I knew that Lila was someone special. It scared me slightly. I didn’t want to think about it too deeply. This was going to be our fourth night in a row together. Surprisingly, that didn’t scare me. What worried me more was how I felt at the thought of not spending a night with her? How had she become so important to me so quickly?

  “Ooh, I’m so full.” She rubbed her stomach and groaned as we walked out of the restaurant. “I feel like I can barely walk.”

  “Do you want me to carry you to the bar?”

  “No.” She pushed me slightly as she shook her head vehemently. “There’s no way I want you to try to carry me.”

  “Try to carry you?” I faked offense. “Do you think I don’t have muscles?”

  “Do you think you need muscles to carry me?” Her face looked distraught, and for a few seconds I thought I had really upset her until she started laughing. “Oh my, you should see your face, Carter. Of course, I know you have muscles. I just don’t want you carrying my fat ass down Eighth Avenue after I’ve just stuffed my face with lasagna and bread. Oh, yeah and a Caesar salad that was one of the most delicious salads that I’ve ever had in my life.”


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