Andrew nodded. “I think I can help you with some of this, particularly defense production and scientific developments.”
“I was hoping you could,” replied Layla with a pleased smile. “I’m having your own suite of offices designed at the Palace. You will have a place to work, with people to assist you. You must hire your own staff, as only you will know exactly what you will need. I’ll show the offices to you when we return to the Palace. Feel free to make any changes you feel are necessary.”
“I spoke to Colonel Emerson earlier,” said Andrew. “He said he expects to have the Imperial guard up to one hundred strong shortly.”
Layla nodded. “The Imperial Guards have numerous duties. Besides protecting us, they are also responsible for the security of the Palace and the Palace grounds. I believe Colonel Emerson wants nearly four hundred when all is said and done. I know he’s been doing a lot of training and recruiting.”
“What about Marines? Will any of them be assigned to the Palace?” Andrew would feel better if some heavy firepower were close by, especially if the Confederation attacked and managed to land troops.
“Yes, the Palace and its grounds cover a large area. There will be about two hundred Marines assigned as well. Their responsibility will be primarily the outer areas.”
“When will Princess Krista be back?”
“The day after tomorrow,” answered Layla, smiling. “This tour of the core worlds has been a good experience for her. She’s also very excited to get back and to see you, since I told her that you are a Royal.”
“I’m still getting used to that myself.”
“I understand Kala is on her way.”
“Yes, her ship left a few days ago. I’m sure she’s just as astonished by all this as I am.”
Layla laughed. “You will get used to it. I’ll make sure you don’t get overwhelmed by everything. I know it can be a lot to handle.”
“Where’s Derrick today?”
“At the attack interceptor training facility. He’s helping Major Barkley get everything situated. Did you know they’ve already started training interceptor pilots?”
“I heard that. Everything’s moving very rapidly.”
Layla nodded, as a more serious look took over her face. “We must, if we want to survive. This war with the Confederation is only just beginning. It could last for years.”
Andrew knew still much work was going on in orbit. Fleet Admiral Marloo wanted the defensive grid around Golan Four to be so powerful it could resist a major attack by the Confederation without depending on its defending fleet. Someday Andrew wanted his parents to visit Golan Four. He would like them to stay here, but he understood how they felt about Earth. It was their home, and they didn’t want to leave it.
In time Andrew hoped to feel the same way about Golan Four. Layla was doing everything she could to help him understand his duties as a Royal. On the far wall of Layla’s office was a large painting of the Imperial Palace from the days of her father. This was what Layla was trying to rebuild. He had already decided he would do everything in his power to make her dream come true because now that dream had become his as well.
Chapter Thirteen
Krista was finally back at the Palace and was thrilled to find out that she could move into her old rooms. Even more thrilling was speaking to Andrew about being a Royal. They stood in the Royal Court, talking about her trip.
“Prince Andrew has a nice ring to it,” said Krista, smiling. “How soon before Kala gets here, and how does she feel about living in the Palace?”
“A little more than two weeks,” replied Andrew. “She’s as uncertain about this as I am. I never expected this to happen.”
Krista grinned. “I’ll have Emira pick you out some attendants. She’s very good at what she does.” Krista had come to greatly appreciate the older woman and head attendant.
“Ensign Allert wants to be one of my attendants,” replied Andrew. “That’s all she talks about.”
“She will be good. I’ll tell Emira, and I’m sure she’ll approve of it. After all, Brenda has already been a big help to me and Layla.”
“So, what are your immediate plans?”
Krista let out a deep sigh. “I have to tell Layla, Fleet Admiral Marloo, and General Gantts everything I learned on my trip. It’s a good thing I took lots of notes.”
“I have an office here at the Palace now,” said Andrew. “I’ll be working on research and scientific advancements, particularly on items related to the war.”
“Aiden did a lot of research,” said Krista approvingly. “He helped design much of Sanctuary.”
Andrew didn’t know that. Maybe it would be a good idea for him to look up and to read about some of what Prince Aiden had done and had worked on. It might give Andrew an idea of some of the things he needed to do.
“The Confederation fleet should be nearing the outer reaches of Earth’s system in about two weeks. Do you think they will be ready?” A look of great concern was on Krista’s face.
“Don’t forget Imperials are in the Solar System, and Admiral Reynolds has had time to prepare. Even so, I’m afraid it’ll be one hell of a battle, especially if the strength of the Confederation fleet is anywhere near what’s been reported.”
Krista walked up the steps to the high-backed chairs that she and Layla sat in. She saw a third one had been added for Andrew. “I wish we knew more about the Morag. They’re the most secretive of the seven races of the Confederation.”
Krista ran her hand over the velvety softness of her chair. She turned around, looking over the nearly empty Royal Court. Several Imperial Guards watched her and Andrew and a few Palace workers, were busy wiping everything down. Krista knew that Layla shortly planned on having regular public meetings in here. “I’m going to the attack interceptor base later this afternoon to inspect it. Would you like to go?” Krista really wanted to see Mathew.
“Plan on seeing Major Barkley while you’re there?” Andrew grinned knowingly.
Krista turned red and nodded. “Yes, I haven’t seen him since I got back.”
“I’ll go,” replied Andrew, smiling. “I can act as a chaperone.”
Krista shook her head. “Now you sound like Emira and Layla.”
Andrew grinned. “I was your age not too long ago.”
“That’s what Layla says, but I’ve seen how she carries on with Derrick.”
“But they’re engaged.”
Krista sighed. “I know. I promise to be good.”
Admiral Reynolds examined the latest reports. The Confederation fleet was only days away. Across the Solar System, the final preparations for all-out war were being put into place. Admiral Reynolds was currently in the dreadnaught Dassault, inspecting the defenses on and around Pallas. There was no doubt in his mind that, in this attack, the asteroid would come under heavy assault.
“All the ODPs are in place,” reported Captain Everett.
On the ship’s main viewscreen, one of the massive ODPs was visible. Large fusion energy beam turrets covered the structure, as well as missile tubes. The ODP was protected by a thick skin of battle armor and a powerful energy shield. This particular Orbital Defense Platform had the firepower of four dreadnoughts. In all, twelve protected Pallas.
“Switch the viewscreen to one of the surface PDCs,” ordered Reynolds. The ODPs were the first line of defense, and it was a very powerful defense.
The viewscreen flickered and then changed to show one of the sprawling defense centers dug into the surface of Pallas. The Planetary Defense Center covered four square kilometers of the surface. Fusion energy beam turrets pointed upward toward space, and batteries of missile launchers were everywhere. The PDC was protected by a powerful energy screen and, in addition, had four hundred heavily armed Marines manning the perimeter defense stations, in case the Confederation managed to land troops. Forty of these massive PDCs protected Pallas.
“We’ve created a killing field,” commented Captain Everett. �
�If the Confederation comes here, we will kill them.”
“Maybe,” replied Reynolds, not quite convinced. “We have two thousand attack interceptors based inside Pallas as well. The Dassault will have twenty dreadnoughts and two hundred battlecruisers in its fleet. If the Confederation attacks Pallas, we’ll send the fleet in along with the interceptors.”
“Who will command the fleet?” asked Captain Everett.
“You will,” replied Reynolds. “Effective immediately I’m promoting you to the rank of rear admiral and giving you command of Seventh Fleet.”
Reynolds attention was drawn back to the viewscreen, as a full squadron of attack interceptors flew by. The interceptors were being used more and more to patrol the system, as all the patrol vessels had been pulled back to help beef up the defending fleets.
“What will we do about the eight battlestations?” asked Everett. “They’re bound to be a priority target for the Confederation fleet.”
“The battlecruisers that normally help defend the stations have been pulled back, as well as the attack interceptor squadrons. I’ve already given the order to evacuate all eight stations and to set their defenses on automatic. I won’t sacrifice the crews needlessly.” Reynolds knew it was useless to attempt to save the stations. They had served a useful purpose for the Humans of Earth and Pallas, and now they would face their final battle.
Captain Everett shook his head worriedly. “This battle could erupt across the entire Solar System. Then what do we do?”
Admiral Reynolds let out a deep sigh. “We have four main priorities. Protecting the Earth, Moon, Mars, and Pallas. If we have the forces, we’ll add Ganymede.”
“What about Titan?”
“It’s too far out. We just don’t have the ships to cover everything. We’re building up their defenses and digging large underground bunkers to keep the population safe. Even so, we may lose many of the people who are living on that moon. We wanted to defend Titan, but the logistics just aren’t working out.”
“Where will Admiral Leeson’s fleet be positioned?” Leeson had the largest of the fleets. He was also by far their most experienced admiral.
“Just outside of the Moon’s orbit,” replied Reynolds. “We don’t dare commit our fleets too soon in this battle. It could be disastrous if we suffered heavy losses early in the engagement or got caught too far out of position.”
The Dassault passed across Pallas and moved deeper into space. A powerful ring of defensive satellites and missile platforms orbited the asteroid. These would be the second line of defense. “There are so many satellites that it’s difficult to maneuver between them,” commented Everett.
“I know. I just hope what we’ve done will be enough.”
Fleet Admiral Horrabe nodded in satisfaction. They were only five days away from the Human system, and his attack plans had been distributed to the fleet. Their combined fleet would break into eight subfleets to attack all eight of the defensive stations simultaneously, then reform into two subfleets to attack Titan and Ganymede.
Thereafter they would release over one thousand probes to search and to scan the interior of the Human system. After the interdiction stations and the targeted moons were destroyed, the fleets would join back up into one united fleet and wait for the results from the probes. Once those were in, it would be time to launch the actual attack on the inner Human worlds.
Every day the Confederation fleet conducted battle drills. Horrabe had picked out a star system two days from Earth where he could drop the fleet out of hyperspace and could practice a number of mock drills and engagements. When he was satisfied with the combined fleet’s performance, he would move the fleet into the Earth system and commence the attack.
Admiral Kreen grew aggravated. Several times he had asked the Great Council to allow him to destroy one or two cities on the Human planets he was attempting to bring back under Confederation control. He was sure, if he were allowed to do this, the Human Empire would quickly capitulate and would agree to the edicts of the Confederation. His fleet was currently engaged against a Human world with a powerful defensive grid. It was far out in the Human Empire in an isolated region. It was the only reason he was being allowed to carry out this attack.
“How did they put up such a powerful defensive grid?” asked First Officer Falorr, as the Avenging Light shuddered from the weapons fire impacting its energy shield.
“They’re a very advanced world and heavily industrialized,” replied Admiral Kreen, as he studied some data on one of the screens. “Have all ships target the grid over the planet’s primary continent. Continue sending the demand for them to surrender. Inform them that failure to do so will have serious consequences.”
First Officer Falorr looked at Admiral Kreen but did not reply. Instead he turned to carry out his orders.
The battle in space intensified as the Druin battlecruisers and battleships closed with the planet’s defense grid. Above the planet, brilliant flashes of light showed where defensive satellites were being blown apart. Occasionally a brighter flash indicated the destruction of a Druin warship.
The defensive satellites were constantly firing their energy beams at the nearest Druin vessel. Missile platform crews were carefully choosing their targets and then firing huge barrages of missiles, which overwhelmed their target, smashing down its defensive screen and making the ship vulnerable to energy beam fire, as well as additional missiles.
For nearly twenty minutes the battle raged as the Druins tried to knock a hole in the grid over the primary continent. The military commanders on the ground were constantly moving satellites around to fill holes caused by the Druin attack.
The Avenging Light shook violently, throwing Admiral Kreen to the deck. He stood up and gazed at the damage control console and the several glaring red lights flashing there.
“Energy beam hit to our starboard side,” reported First Officer Falorr. “We have three compartments open to space.”
“Launch four fusion missiles at their capital city,” ordered Admiral Kreen. He was very angry that the Avenging Light had been damaged.
“Admiral, we’ve been ordered by the Great Council not to target any Human cities or other civilian population centers.”
“Our worlds are on guard for such an attack,” responded Kreen dismissively, as he sat back down. “Launch the missiles.”
First Officer Falorr nodded. He would not disobey a direct order from his admiral. “Stand by for orbital bombardment,” he ordered, stepping near the tactical officer. “Four Class One fusion missiles are to be targeted at the planet’s capital city. Air bursts at one thousand meters.”
The tactical officer looked from First Officer Falorr to Admiral Kreen and then carried out his orders.
“All ships are to focus on the defense grid directly above the capital,” ordered Kreen. “I want it weakened sufficiently, so our missiles will get through.” On one of the viewscreens, he saw another one of his battlecruisers being ripped apart from heavy weapons fire. This should not be happening and would not be happening if the council had agreed to his demands to strike at Human civilian population centers.
“Fleet is firing at designated coordinates,” reported First Officer Falorr.
“Missiles will be launched in twenty seconds,” the tactical officer informed Admiral Kreen.
“Put the capital up on the main viewscreen.” Kreen wanted to watch the destruction.
On the screen a sprawling city appeared. It stretched out for kilometers in all directions. Numerous towering skyscrapers were visible.
“Ten seconds,” reported the tactical officer.
Admiral Kreen’s eyes focused on the city. From the beginning, he felt it was a mistake not to bombard Human cities from orbit. If the Great Council had done things his way, this war with the Humans would be over. This would be a good demonstration for the council.
“Missiles are launching.”
; -
From the Avenging Light four fusion missiles shot toward the planet. They flew rapidly through the weakened defensive grid. The ground commanders saw the missiles in disbelief. They changed the targeting of a number of satellites and managed to shoot two of them down. The remaining two missiles entered the atmosphere, streaking toward their target.
On the ground in the capital city, warning sirens sounded. Many people had already gone to shelters; now those who hadn’t sought a place of safety. Aircars lifted off and headed out of the city. Collisions became common as cars disobeyed the traffic rules. Panic spread, and soon all order in the city broke down.
Suddenly two brilliant flashes of light lit up the sky. Two massive blasts of heat and energy swept downward and out, smashing buildings and vaporizing tens of thousands of civilians. The blast wave traveled outward, leveling everything in its path. In less than twenty seconds nearly two million people died. The air suddenly rushed back into the heart of the twin blasts, forcing a column of superheated air to rise, creating twin mushroom clouds that shot high above the ravaged city. Damage now extended as far as twenty kilometers in all directions.
Admiral Kreen nodded in satisfaction. “What is the estimate on casualties?”
“Computer predicts ten to twelve million Humans will die from the immediate effects of the twin blasts,” reported First Officer Falorr. “Should we notify the Great Council of what we’ve done?”
“Contact the planet below and demand their surrender first. Tell them, if they don’t, we will destroy more of their cities. Order them to shut down their defense grid immediately.”
A few moments passed, and the communications officer turned toward Admiral Kreen. “The planet has surrendered, and the planetary defense grid is being shut down.”
Kreen looked over in First Officer Falorr’s direction. “Contact the Great Council and tell them what we’ve done. Also report the planet has surrendered and is now under Confederation control.” Perhaps now the council would see the wisdom of doing what Kreen suggested.
The Forgotten Empire: The Battle For Earth: Book three Page 16