The Forgotten Empire: The Battle For Earth: Book three

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The Forgotten Empire: The Battle For Earth: Book three Page 17

by Raymond L. Weil

  On the viewscreen, Admiral Kreen saw the two swelling mushroom clouds of the twin missile strike. Already the clouds were high up into the atmosphere. Today the Humans had been taught a valuable lesson. Future conquests should be much easier, and soon this absurd war with the Humans would be over.


  A few hours Later High Princess Layla called an emergency meeting of the Imperial Council. The meeting was held in the newly completed situation room beneath the primary building of the House of Worlds. Only four members were present. It would take too long for the others to reach Golan Four. Later it would be required that all members of the House of Worlds keep representatives present, in case they were needed.

  As soon as everyone arrived, Layla called the meeting to order. “We just received word that a Druin fleet has attacked the world of Ranier Two out on the periphery of the Empire. The world had a powerful defense grid and felt it was immune from being conquered by the Confederation.

  “We believe Druin Admiral Kreen is in charge of this fleet. Under his orders, four fusion missiles were launched at the planet’s capital city. Two were shot down by the defensive grid, but two managed to penetrate the grid and detonate above the city. The civilian deaths are estimated to be between ten to twelve million.”

  “But the Confederation’s Great Council agreed not to target civilian targets,” protested Governor Julian Bemire of Ambary Two.

  “Admiral Kreen,” muttered Governor Elaina Dreel of Glimmer. “This action from this particular Druin admiral does not surprise me. He has bombed dozens of Human cities over the years, possibly more.”

  Chancellor Darl Stein looked at Fleet Admiral Marloo. “What will we do? We don’t dare let this go unchallenged, or there will be more such bombings.”

  Fleet Admiral Marloo let out a deep sigh. “High Princess Layla and I feel that, if we don’t respond, the Confederation’s Great Council will look at this failure to act as a sign of weakness. We have no choice but to send a fleet task force to the Confederation and attack one of the Druin worlds.”

  “Who do we send?” asked Governor Dreel. “Our fleets are pretty extended as it is.”

  Derrick stood and looked around the room. He hadn’t discussed what he was about to say with anyone. He saw Layla look at him with concern in her expression. “I’ll take Fifth Fleet into the Confederation and attack one of the Druins’ primary planets. We know from captured data where a number of them are located.”

  Layla felt as if she had been punched in the gut.

  Everyone in the room went silent for several moments. Then Princess Krista spoke. “That will be highly dangerous, and Fifth Fleet is but a fraction of what it once was.”

  “It must be done,” said Prince Andrew, standing up. “It is the only response the Confederation and its Great Council will understand. Not only that, we must launch this attack as soon as possible. The more time that passes without a response, the more likely it is we will lose more cities and, with them, more planets.”

  Layla wanted to send someone else, but there was no one. Derrick was one of the few admirals who had been in Confederation space. The other was Admiral Cleemorl, but he was busy sitting up the defenses of Tantula Five and could not be spared. She noticed that everyone in the room were staring at her, including Andrew and Krista.

  Layla slowly nodded her head. “Derrick and Prince Andrew are correct. In this instance, I don’t see where we have a choice. Derrick, how soon can Fifth Fleet be read to depart?” Layla was doing everything she could to stop her voice from quivering. She was about to send her future husband on a highly dangerous mission, and there was a good chance he might not return.

  “If we push it, the fleet can be ready late tomorrow.”

  “What will you use as a flagship?” asked Fleet Admiral Marloo.

  “The dreadnought Defiant arrived with Rear Admiral Carrie. It’s a new dreadnought straight out of Pallas. I’ll have my command crew transferred over immediately after this meeting.”

  “What size is Fifth Fleet currently?”

  Derrick let out a sigh. “Not as large as I would like. We have picked up a few ships from the convoys. Currently Fifth Fleet has eighteen dreadnoughts, counting the Defiant, and 132 battlecruisers. I would like to take two battlecarriers with me as well.”

  “Why battlecarriers?” asked Andrew, looking confused.

  “My heavy warships might not be able to get through the Druins’ defenses, but several hundred attack interceptors may be able to.”

  “And an interceptor can carry four small fusion warheads,” said Fleet Admiral Marloo in understanding. “If just one or two get through, they could cause considerable damage.”

  “That was my thinking,” admitted Derrick. “The Confederation has demonstrated in every battle where we have used attack interceptors that they are not prepared to deal with such craft. I’m hoping we’ll find the same is true of the defenses around their planets.”

  Fleet Admiral Marloo stood and addressed the assembled group. “This will be an extremely dangerous mission. We have told the Confederation what we would do if any civilian targets were hit by Confederation forces. There is no doubt in my mind they will expect a swift response, and their defenses and fleets will be at the highest level of preparedness. Rear Admiral Masters, are you prepared for your fleet to suffer substantial losses to accomplish your mission?”

  Derrick nodded. “We’ll do whatever is necessary.”

  Marloo turned toward High Princess Layla, whose face was slightly pale. “High Princess, you and Rear Admiral Masters have announced your engagement to the Empire. Are you prepared to allow him to undertake this mission?”

  Layla stood and forced her voice to remain in control. “He would not be the man I fell in love with if he were not willing to do this. I don’t want him to go, but I recognize that, for the good of the Empire, he must.”

  “Very well, then we are decided. Rear Admiral Masters, prepare your fleet. Have the shipyards provide you with anything you think you may need. Contact Rear Admiral Carrie and have her assign two of her battlecarriers to this mission. I would recommend placing an extra squadron of attack interceptors on each one, as you may find you will need them.”

  “How long will it take you to reach your target?” asked Andrew.

  “About seven or eight days,” replied Derrick. “From what I know of the Druin worlds, the one I have in mind is deep in the Confederation. In order to make an impression on the Confederation, we must attack a major world. A large colony will not do.”

  “Does anyone else have any questions?” asked Fleet Admiral Marloo.

  There were a few questions, but all were quickly answered.

  “If that is all then, I call this meeting to an end,” announced Layla. “Chancellor Stein, contact the other councilors who could not attend and inform them of our decision. I would also prefer that word of our planned attack not be announced until after we make the attack. I don’t want to run the risk of the Confederation discovering what we’re about to do.”


  Layla walked with Derrick, as they left the nearly completed House of Worlds. “I absolutely hate this. We’re not even married yet, and you’re leaving on probably the most dangerous mission we’ve sent anyone on yet.”

  Derrick stopped and took Layla’s hand. The guards stayed back, giving the two some privacy. “What would your brother have done?”

  Layla let out a deep sigh. “The exact same thing. Just promise me one thing.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Come back to me. I’m not sure I can do this without you at my side.”

  Derrick smiled. “You’re much stronger than you think. You’re the High Princess of the Human Empire. Look at what you’ve accomplished so far.”

  Layla leaned forward and kissed Derrick. She didn’t care who was watching, and, after all, they were engaged. Leaning back, Layla stared into Derrick’s eyes. “When you get back, we’ll go to the deep vault beneath the Imperial Library, whe
re the Royal jewelry is kept. We’ll pick out an engagement ring.”

  Derrick nodded. “As you wish.”

  “I’ll also wait to pick out most of the furnishings to my suite of rooms, since someday they will be yours as well.”

  “I thought you and Krista would move in immediately.”

  Layla nodded. “I’ll furnish several of the rooms to get me by until you return. I don’t really want to sleep on the floor.”

  “We better get going,” suggested Derrick. “I have a lot of calls to make.”

  The two turned and walked off together. The pair represented the future of the Empire, and Derrick was, once more, going off to war.

  Chapter Fourteen

  In the Confederation, the Great Council was once more meeting in an emergency session. The word of what Druin Admiral Kreen had done had spread quickly, and the council was expressing much concern over what the ramifications of that might be.

  “He destroyed a large Human city, killing over ten million inhabitants,” began Ardon Reull. “High Princess Layla Starguard has made it very clear that such an action would result in retaliation and the loss of one of our worlds.”

  “The Humans won’t dare attack us,” declared Clun, the Druin councilor, with confidence in his voice. “It was an idle threat they made in the hope of preserving their cities. I agree with Admiral Kreen. If we destroy more Human civilian targets, this war will end quickly.”

  “But what if they do retaliate?” asked the Lamothian councilor. “We have already lost one of our worlds to a Human attack. We can’t afford to lose another.”

  There was silence for a brief moment, and then Morag Councilor Damora spoke. “Admiral Kreen made a serious error in judgment. Inform him immediately that he is not to destroy another Human city. We must wait and see what the Humans’ reaction is to this current action. Inform Admiral Kreen that, if he disobeys the council again, he will be removed from the command of his fleet.”

  “What do we do in the meantime, until we find out what the Humans will do?” demanded the Lamothian. “We have sent many of our ships with Fleet Admiral Horrabe. We have others in the Human Empire, and we suffered significant losses in previous battles.”

  “Reduce our fleet units in our controlled star systems,” recommended Damora. “Pull back our fleets to defend our core worlds. It is almost certain the Humans will attack one or more, after what Admiral Kreen has done. I do not believe what High Princess Starguard said was an idle threat.”

  Klug of the Morphene was constantly changing forms. At the moment he vaguely resembled a humanoid figure, though his body was partially see-through. “Are you certain the Humans will attack?”

  “We have left them no choice,” answered Damora. “They will attack and attack soon. I suggest all our core worlds prepare.” Damora was angry at the action Admiral Kreen had taken. The Druin admiral was endangering the Confederation and the Morag’s future plans to dominate the galaxy. Damora allowed his mind to roam over the thoughts of each councilor, making them feel that what they had just heard was correct.

  “We must do as Councilor Damora has suggested,” said Councilor Ardon Reull. “We shall recall our ships and will notify Admiral Kreen to halt all of his offensive actions for the time being, until we see what actions the Humans take.”

  “Our fleets will be ready,” said Ralor Conn of the Zynth. “If the Humans come, we will destroy them.”

  “How soon before Fleet Admiral Horrabe launches his attack on the Human world of Earth?” asked the Lamothian representative. “Can we ask him to spare part of the population to be used as a food source for my people?” Several big feasts were coming up shortly, and they had no semi-intelligent species for the special feasts.

  Councilor Damora felt repulsed by the Lamothian’s request. Their desire for intelligent food had long been under discussion by the Morag. Due to the usefulness of the Lamothians, nothing had been done to bring it to a stop. All indications now seemed to indicate that had been a serious error. Probing the minds of several councilors, Damora chose Cryler, of the Zang, to speak. With a little mental prodding, Cryler was made to see the error of the Lamothians.

  “No,” said Cryler, in his high screeching birdlike voice. “It is wrong to feed upon intelligent or semi-intelligent species. This council should have stopped your vile perversions long ago. In the future, no intelligent or semi-intelligent species will be made available for you to consume.”

  Several councilors were stunned by these remarks. Very seldom was criticism of one of the seven races heard or allowed.

  “The Morag agree,” said Councilor Damora.

  “As to the Lamothians,” said Councilor Ardon Reull, “do any of the seven races object?’

  “We do!” wailed the Lamothian. “We must have intelligent food for our feasts and rituals.”

  Everyone else remained silent.

  “I suggest you find some other food animal for your feasts. Effective as of today, no more intelligent or semi-intelligent species will be made available to you.”

  “What about the Humans being used as slave labor on some of the core worlds?” asked the Lamothian desperately. “Surely those will still be made available.”

  Ardon Reull shook his head. “No, those may be needed as a bargaining chip someday in this war against the Humans. They will continue to serve in the labor-intensive positions they currently have. None will be turned over to your people.”

  “I wage a protest,” cried the Lamothian. “Our worlds demand a full hearing to determine the validity of our claims to be allowed to use intelligent food for our feasts and rituals. We have that right as one of the seven races.”

  “As you wish,” replied Ardon Reull. “When this war with the Humans is over, we will consider your protest. As far as when Fleet Admiral Horrabe launches his attack, it should be sometime in the next few days. We are holding hyperlight communications to a minimum, so the Humans cannot determine the exact position of his fleet.”

  Ardon Reull looked around at the councilors of the seven races. “I would suggest now we go prepare our core worlds for a possible attack. We must not underestimate the Humans, as they are extremely uncivilized and dangerous. They have already destroyed a Lamothian world. Don’t let one of yours be next!”


  Derrick was onboard the Defiant, mobilizing his fleet for its attack in Confederation space.

  “Admiral, Fleet Admiral Marloo has come onboard and is heading toward the Command Center,” reported Lieutenant Bree Wolman from Communications. She had replaced Andrew as communications officer.

  “I wonder what he wants?” said Audrey, as she worked to familiarize herself with the new dreadnought and crew. She had already made three complete tours of the ship, meeting key officers and crewmembers.

  “Probably to wish us well on our mission,” replied Derrick.

  Derrick had been busy assembling Fifth Fleet and getting all the crews recalled. Some ships still only had 40 percent of their crews onboard. He had already said his goodbyes to Layla. She had cried in her quarters, begging Derrick not to take any unnecessary chances. He had promised her he wouldn’t, but he had a job to do, and he would accomplish it one way or another.

  The hatch to the Command Center slid open, and Fleet Admiral Marloo stepped inside.

  “Attention, admiral on deck!” shouted Captain Banora.

  Everyone stood and saluted.

  “As you were,” said Marloo with a smile. He stepped over to Derrick. “Would you please activate the ship’s address system and connect it to all the ships of Fifth Fleet.”

  Derrick reached forward and pressed several icons on his command console. “All ships and crew are connected.”

  “Members of Fifth Fleet, this is Fleet Admiral Marloo. You are about to embark on a very dangerous but necessary mission. The best wishes of the Empire go with you. Rear Admiral Masters has volunteered to lead this mission into Confederation space. He could very easily have stayed on Golan Four in the safety of
the Imperial Palace. Instead he has chosen to lead this fleet in our time of need.”

  “With the approval of the Imperial Council and High Princess Layla Starguard, Rear Admiral Derrick Masters is hereby promoted to the rank of full admiral of the Empire.” With a smile, Marloo took out a small box from a pocket and, opening it, removed the insignia of a full admiral and handed it to Derrick. “Wherever you go, the Empire goes.” Marloo stepped back and saluted Derrick, as did everyone else in the Command Center.

  Derrick was at a loss for words. There was only one other full admiral in the fleet, and that was Admiral Cleemorl. He felt greatly honored by what had just been bestowed on him.

  Returning the salute, Derrick spoke. “I won’t let you down, sir, or the crews of Fifth Fleet. We will accomplish our mission and will return.”

  “Do what needs to be done, Admiral. Now let’s go to a briefing room and talk. I want to know your target and what your plans are for attacking it.”


  In the Imperial Palace, Layla was in her suite of rooms. Before Derrick left, she had talked him into helping her pick out a few pieces of furniture. The bedroom was furnished, as well as the main living area. She was currently sitting on a comfortable couch, a pillow clutched to her chest. She had been crying, wondering if she were fit to be the High Princess of the Empire. She was showing weakness, but she couldn’t help it.

  A knock came at her door, and Emira came in. “I thought I would find you like this.”

  Layla looked at Emira, knowing she could not hide her feelings. “Is this wrong? Am I fit to be the High Princess?”

  Emira smiled gently and came over and sat down beside Layla. “Your mother cried for hours when Aiden announced he would be defending Golan Four with the combined fleets. She knew he had volunteered to die so more of the people assigned to the Sanctuary project could escape. Being a ruler does not mean you have no emotions. You’re just as Human as anyone else. Derrick is a good man, and one I highly approve of. He reminds me of Aiden in many ways. We both know that, if Aiden were here, he would be the one leading this mission. If Derrick will be your husband, you must allow him to lead his own life and to do what is necessary to defend the Empire.”


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