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Tamed On The Ranch (The Crooked Creek Ranch Book 2)

Page 10

by Delta James

  They looked up to see Billy at the head of the trail that would lead them into the barnyard. He waved and then spun his horse back toward home to alert the rest of the hands.

  * * *

  “They got him. They’re bringing him in.”

  When Eddie had hung up the phone, he placed a call to Charlie at the Flying M. When no call came telling them they’d failed to capture the stallion, Charlie informed Sierra and grabbed some of the Flying M ranch hands to head to Crooked Creek to help. Charlie had walked up to the house to let Sierra and Ruth know that Ryder and Luc had secured the stallion and were bringing him and his mares in. Sierra and Ruth had climbed in Sierra’s truck and headed over as well.

  Now hearing the commotion, all four women—Melody, Sierra, Ruth, and Julie—went out on the porch to see the spectacle. Julie had showed up to prepare her audition meal and they had assured her the dinner was still on. When Billy had come galloping in, they asked if she was at a place she could stop because this would be a sight worth seeing.

  Most of the men were mounted and had their ropes at the ready. They had strung fence panels on the other side of the opened gate to the new mares’ corral.

  Melody could hear the horses thundering toward the barn before they could be seen. As they came into view she was mesmerized at the sight. Both Ryder and Luc were galloping straight toward the barn. The ride had taken its toll on both men and their horses.

  Sierra had thought to bring a change of clothes for Ryder so that he could shower and get changed for dinner without having to go back to the Flying M. Melody noticed that while there was a smile on Sierra’s face, she didn’t seem as happy or as excited as everyone else.

  “You okay?” Melody asked quietly.

  “I am,” said Sierra, shaking her head. “This is really exciting and will be great for the business but I’m torn as I want all the mustangs everywhere to be free... and I know that’s not practical. At least with us they’ll be well cared for.”

  “And,” said Ruth, wrapping an arm around her waist, “she would prefer to be down there with them on Joker but Ryder put his foot down and said absolutely not.”

  “Sometimes I think he forgets that I ride better than he does.”

  “No, honey,” said Ruth quietly, “he just doesn’t want to see you get hurt. It’s never that he doesn’t think you’re good enough. I’ve heard him say on more than one occasion to Luc and Charlie that you’re the best hand of the lot of them. But you’re the woman he loves, and he is not going to let you put yourself in situations where you could get badly hurt or killed.”

  “Pfft. You always take his side,” said Sierra dismissively.

  “Where your safety is concerned? You bet I do,” said Ruth with some finality.

  “Oh, don’t fuss at me, Ruthie. If I want to pout, I’ll pout.”

  Melody watched as they halted with the stallion outside the barn door. Several riders had ridden up behind the band of mares, following them like drag riders to keep them moving forward and to cut off any escape they might make. Melody heard Queenie call. The mare was becoming agitated. With everyone else’s focus on Luc and Ryder, Melody slipped quietly away and skirted down the hill behind the drag riders.

  * * *

  Luc saw Melody out of the corner of his eye. What the hell did she think she was doing? He knew Ryder had forbidden Sierra to leave the porch of the farmhouse. It never occurred to Luc that he needed to issue the same order to Melody. He’d have to pray she’d be fine as he and Ryder needed to hand off the stallion to the crew of hands who were on foot and ready to get him into the stall.

  The stall had been reinforced and had a huge opening on the back wall that had reinforced rebar in place from about two-thirds of the way up to the roof. He would be able to see and smell his mares in the adjacent corral and they would be able to come touch noses with him.

  Luc and Ryder stepped carefully off their mounts and loosened the dallied ropes from around their saddle horns. Sensing a loosening of the ropes that held him captive, the stallion reared and tried to charge Queenie, who had settled down once Melody got to her. The crew manning the ropes quickly got him back under control and shortened them so they could manhandle the wild beast into the barn and his new home.

  Luc saw Melody with the water bucket in her hand standing directly in front of Queenie. Before he could advance on her, he heard Ryder say, “Fuck, Luc, what the hell does she think she’s doing?”

  “I have no idea,” responded Luc, “but she’ll damn sure think twice before trying to take on a stallion again with nothing more than a bucket in her hands.”

  * * *

  “It’s okay, Queenie. See? I told you Luc and the boys wouldn’t let him hurt you.” The mare dropped her head into Melody’s arms and nuzzled her.

  “Too bad you won’t be able to say the same thing tonight when everyone heads home and we have the house to ourselves.”

  Melody looked up to see Luc was angry. His face was a study in fury. She saw the rage change to fear in the blink of an eye just before he spun her out of the way and got clipped by one of the wild mares who did not seem anxious to be caught.

  “Oh, my God, Luc, are you all right?” said Melody, rushing to his side, all thought of his being angry evaporating in her concern for him.

  “Have you lost your mind? You could have been killed. What the hell were you thinking?” he said, ignoring the pain from the glancing kick by the mustang mare.

  “Queenie was upset. She was getting her girls stirred up and that stallion looked like he wanted to fight...”

  “So you were what, souris, going to beat fifteen hundred pounds of enraged and aroused horseflesh into submission with a bucket?”

  “And I am not a mouse. Don’t look at me askance, I looked it up on the internet. You should know that even if I am, mice can sometimes roar.”

  Melody had backed up against the fence. There was a part of her that as the adrenaline began to recede realized that perhaps coming down amongst a group of wild horses and thinking she could defend Queenie with nothing more than a bucket was not her best idea.

  Luc advanced on her, taking hold of her arm. “You will not be roaring tonight when I put you over my knee for this little stunt.”

  “You wouldn’t dare,” she said, feeling her own anger starting to rise.

  “You wait until we’re alone. You and I are going to come to a meeting of the minds on this issue.”

  “There is no issue,” she said, trying to jerk her arm away.

  “You’re right,” he said, holding her fast. “Behave yourself between now and then and I may be persuaded to not take my belt to you.”

  He pulled her to him and kissed her hard. It had not gone unnoticed that the opening in his chaps was showing a considerably sized bulge. As he kissed her, his swollen member throbbed against her. Had they not been standing in the barnyard surrounded by people, she would have been inclined to rub herself against him. Watching him and Ryder bring that stallion in had been exhilarating and very arousing for her as well.

  Luc looked up to see Ryder walking toward them. “Is he up safely in the stall? Did anyone get hurt?”

  Ryder grinned at him. “Not yet, but my guess is not everyone will be able to say that in the morning.”

  Melody blushed and Luc agreed with him, smiling. “No, they won’t. But for now, I don’t know about you but I want a shower, something to eat, and to get laid... not necessarily in that order.”

  Ryder laughed. “You better not look at your woman’s face, old friend. I think she might be able to turn you to stone. And I couldn’t agree with you more. Think Charlie and Ruthie will mind if we leave them alone in the great room for a while before dinner?”

  Luc laughed as well and turned toward the house with Melody tucked under his arm. “I don’t much care and I think Charlie would be ashamed of us if we did less.”

  “He would indeed.”

  They got to the porch and Sierra ran to hug Melody. Julie had gone back insid
e to work on their meal, but Charlie had joined them as well. He didn’t look any happier with her than Ryder or Luc.

  “I was so scared you were going to get hurt, but you certainly seemed to calm Queenie down,” she said in a voice everyone could hear. In Melody’s ear she whispered, “In case you missed it, he’s pissed and horny. See if you can take care of the latter before he gets you alone tonight.”

  Melody hugged her back and looked over at Luc, whose dark visage hadn’t changed.

  “That might not be a bad idea,” she whispered back before saying aloud, “I was only trying to help.”

  “Well, your helping could have got you killed,” said Ruth before looking at Luc. “How hard did she kick you?”

  “Not bad. I’ll be fine.”

  Ruth shooed the two couples into the house. “Well, I suspect you boys would like a hot shower and maybe a little nap before dinner. I’ll bet if you ask nice, Sierra and Melody might even be persuaded to give you a backrub.”

  Both couples left her and Charlie in the great room. Luc and Melody headed to their room and Sierra steered Ryder to the guest room.

  Luc closed the door and spun her around, facing him as soon as they were inside.

  “Did you feel my need for you, souris, when I kissed you?” he whispered in her ear as his hand slid under her sweater to grasp her breast.

  “Yes,” she sighed.

  “How naked do I need to get you before I bury my cock in you?”

  “Just naked enough to get the job done.”

  His hand snaked down the front of her body, unfastening her jeans and pushing them down past her thighs. He kept one hand wrapped around her middle so that she was trapped between him and the wall. With his other hand, she could hear him unbuckling his belt and unbuttoning his jeans.

  She was glad of his strong grip holding her in place as she felt his cock throbbing against her backside. Melody wasn’t at all sure she would have been able to remain standing without it.

  “Be very glad, souris, that I have not yet trained you to take my cock in your ass. For if I had, it would be that sheath in which I was burying myself.”

  He ran his free hand between her legs and chuckled as he found her wet and needy for his use. He repositioned her a bit so that she was at a better angle to be mounted from behind. She gasped at his sudden and forceful possession. He pummeled her pussy with his cock at one point, grasping her hips and ramming into her powerfully.

  Melody was incapable of coherent thought or sound. All she could do was brace against the wall as Luc took her—fucking her through two orgasms before pounding against her until he thrust deep and began flooding her pussy with his cum.

  Once it was over, both of them were breathing heavily and leaning against the wall. Luc uncoupled from her and spun her around, kissing her hard.

  “Come, woman,” he said raspily. “Let’s get a shower.”

  She giggled. “You don’t want a shower, you just want to get me naked so you can fuck me again.”

  He took her by the hand, saying, “You may be right,” as they entered their bath where he stripped them both before taking her into the shower with him where he did fuck her again... much to Melody’s delight.

  Chapter Ten

  They were stretched out naked on the bed after getting out of the shower. Luc was lying on his back with one arm under his head and the other resting on her ass.

  “What are you thinking?” she asked quietly, not sure how to read his pensive mood.

  “You don’t want to know,” he said softly.

  “I do. I know I pissed you off, but I didn’t mean to. I just didn’t think.”

  “I know,” he said quietly, “and I’m trying to decide how best to ensure you don’t do that again.”

  “Well, you told me so I won’t.”

  “I don’t think so. I think you’ll jump in to help, especially if it means protecting those you care about without a thought as to your own safety.”

  “No, Luc. You didn’t say I shouldn’t...”

  “Hush, souris. Do not think me so foolish as to believe you needed me to tell you to stay up on the porch where it was safe.”

  “I don’t think you’re a fool.”

  “Nor do I think you are one.” He swatted her ass, making her yelp.

  Swinging his legs over the side of their bed, he pulled on a pair of jeans before walking over to the top dresser drawer where he had begun to store toys he thought they might enjoy. He pulled out a small rubber butt plug. He smiled as her eyes grew wider. She’d become accustomed to his fingering her dark rosebud and had even come to accept his slipping a finger into her when she least expected it. As much as she wanted to tell him she didn’t like it, they both knew better.

  “What are you planning to do with that?” she squeaked.

  His smile was lascivious and predatory at the same time. “It is time my souris learned that when she misbehaves and especially when she endangers herself, her bottom will get punished... inside and out.”

  Luc sat down on the bed and patted his thigh. “Put yourself over my knee.”

  “No. You wouldn’t spank me with a house full of people and when I have to sit down... would you?”

  “Oh, it’s not that I wouldn’t. I just think this may be a better object lesson for you for your earlier misbehavior.”

  He reached for her hand and gently pulled her to him. She didn’t resist even though everything in her wanted to rebel. Once he had her in position he gently patted her bottom in a loving manner.

  “Later, once we’ve said goodnight to everyone, you will come to our room, take your clothes off, and go stand in the corner. When I’m ready, I’ll come get you and bring you back to our bed before putting you over my knee and spanking your bottom thoroughly. When I am finished with you, sitting down comfortably will not be within your ability to do. As for now, I’m going to put this soft plug in your bottom. It will help you to stay focused on why it is you want to stay safe and mind me. It will also serve as a reminder that when everyone has left, you are going to get spanked. It shouldn’t be too uncomfortable but I do think it will keep your attention where it needs to be.”

  “Luc, no,” she said, starting to struggle.

  He landed one hard swat across the middle of her rump, and she bit her lip to keep from yowling.

  Luc chortled. “That’s the only reason you aren’t getting your bottom spanked right now. And when they’re doing renovations, I think it would be wise for you to put a lot of additional soundproofing around our room. I may not always be as accommodating to you not wanting people to know that I am dominant and you are not. Now relax. It won’t hurt you. You’ll just feel a bit fuller than you have when I’ve fingered you.”

  “I don’t like it...”

  Another hard swat.

  “Should I add washing your mouth out with soap to tonight’s menu? I’ve warned you about lying to me about your level of arousal and we both know you always get wetter when I finger you in that manner.”

  He reached between her legs and withdrew a copious amount of her slick essence to coat both the plug and the entrance to her dark portal. He gently inserted just the tip of his finger until he heard her breathing relax and he could easily get his finger into her.

  “That’s my good girl,” he said soothingly.

  He withdrew his finger and Melody’s sense of relief was quickly replaced by a feeling of dread as he inserted the well-lubricated tip of the rubber plug.

  “No, Luc...” she said, hating to beg but being willing to do anything to get him to change his mind.

  “Yes, Melody. You relax and this will be a lot easier to get done. But make no mistake, it will be done before you get dressed to join our guests.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “I believe you. Mostly I think because you continue to assert that you have no interest in being pleasured in this manner. But given that you always become more aroused, I do not believe that your body agrees with your head. Breathe, Melody.
Be a good girl.”

  She started to cry softly. She wasn’t quite sure why. Luc was correct about him not hurting her and as much as she didn’t want it to, there was no denying that his attentions to her anally ramped up her desire for him as did his calm, commanding manner. She felt him press the tip of the plug against her puckered entrance.

  “Please don’t. You can put it in later and fuck me with it still in.”

  He had told her several times that at some point her would insert a plug in her bottom and fuck her pussy while it was there. He’d also told her that there would be times he would insert one after she’d been spanked while she stood in the corner.

  Luc had swatted her hard several times, making her yelp and then blush as she realized that it always caused her to become wetter and want him even more. She had to admit to herself, although she was certain he knew, that she was aroused for him most of the time.

  Everything about him spoke to her—his eyes, his face, the sensual line of his lips, his powerful shoulders and chest that nipped in at the waist before falling straight down through his powerful thighs and calves. And then there was his cock—his truly magnificent cock that never failed to harden and pleasure her in the most amazing ways.

  But never had he threatened to plug her bottom and then make her sit down to have dinner with people. It seemed, however, that was his intent.

  “What makes you think that I don’t plan to do just that?” he asked as he nudged the tip of the plug into her. “Breathe, souris. You will be fine, but mindful of your foolish and dangerous behavior this afternoon.”

  “I said I was sorry.”

  He continued to ease the plug in. As it widened it stretched her more than his finger ever had.

  “I’m glad to hear it. Not as sorry as I plan for you to be. Just remember that once I have finished your punishment, all will be forgiven. Things will be as they were with the exception that the next time you are faced with a rogue, wild stallion, perhaps you will remain where it is safe, n’est pas?”

  The plug continued to push past the tight ring of muscle. Just as she was about to begin pleading with him again, she felt the widest part enter her and her entrance close around a much smaller column. Luc wiggled the plug so she could feel how deep he had placed it and how full her bottom was. He stroked her bottom lovingly, running his fingers from the plug to her pussy where he gathered some of the wet he found there and massaged it into her engorged clit.


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