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Tamed On The Ranch (The Crooked Creek Ranch Book 2)

Page 13

by Delta James

  Once they’d passed through the corral and were in the barnyard, the gathered ranch hands cheered.

  “That was amazing, Melody,” said Eddie. “I don’t know that I’d have walked into that herd of mares like that.”

  “Queenie would never have let them hurt me,” said Melody with confidence, hoping that Luc would agree with her.

  “I agree,” said Sierra. “She’s the boss mare and her staying close to you like that let the others know Melody wasn’t to be harmed... don’t you think, Luc?”

  Luc nodded. “I do.” He turned to the men. “Show’s over, guys. Let’s get back to work.”

  The group broke up. Luc kissed Melody briefly before heading into the barn.

  Sierra and Melody linked arms as they headed up to the house.

  “Am I in as much trouble as I think I am?” Melody asked.

  “More. That was really a dangerous thing to do with those mares. Luc is pissed and rightfully so.”

  Melody sighed. “Shit. Shit. Shit. I do not want to have him pissed at me again.”

  Sierra giggled. “Then quit doing stuff that could get you hurt. That’s the quickest way I know to piss them off.”

  “While I’m thinking of it, we sent Billy to be there with Julie when she tells her dad she’s coming to work for us.”

  “Probably not a bad idea.”

  “Luc suggested we fix up the old foreman’s cabin for her. Well, actually he said them.”

  “So you think Billy might be sleeping there instead of the bunkhouse? It wouldn’t surprise me. Ryder said he’s been seeing her for a while.”

  “Actually what I told Luc was he just doesn’t want anyone in the house so he can have his way with me anytime he wants.”

  Sierra laughed. “There’s probably some truth to that.”

  “Any advice as to how I mitigate his being pissed about my going out with the mares?”

  “As much as I hate to say it, you deserve whatever he dishes out. You damn near gave me heart failure yesterday afternoon with the mustangs and then this morning. I’ve grown up with horses all my life, and like Eddie I wouldn’t have walked in with those mares. But I do think Queenie would have protected you. As you don’t have a personal horse, you might see if Luc won’t get her broke to ride for you.”

  “So no suggestions?”

  “Sorry. My best advice is just submit—God, I hate that word—to whatever he decides to do. You might trying beating him to the punch and apologizing, but that isn’t going to save your butt.”

  “Ugh! I do not want to think about that. So, I haven’t seen the foreman’s cabin. How long do you think it’ll take us to get it ready?”

  “We need to clean it out first. It’s been vacant for a couple of years. Ruth and I can tackle that over the next couple of days. I’ll go down today to see if we need them to haul in a dumpster or if we can just use my truck.”

  “That’s not fair. I’ll talk to Luc about...”

  “If you’re already in trouble, I wouldn’t push him.”

  “But this place, managing it, is supposed to be my job.”

  “Luckily for you I don’t mind and I have a lot of empathy for your situation. I’m going to go run and take a peek and then we can make plans.” She turned to leave, but stopped. “But for the record... I thought what you did was really cool.”

  It only took Sierra a half hour to return, declaring the cabin wasn’t as bad as she’d feared and she thought she’d get some muscle from a couple of the ranch hands and have them clean it out before she left.

  Melody and Sierra finalized the plans for the renovations to the house and the old foreman’s cabin as well as the construction of a commercial kitchen and the guest cottages. They also made a decision regarding their selection of the contractor and got everything scheduled to start. The plan was to have them focus on the foreman’s cabin, then the main house, and then the guest cottages and commercial kitchen.

  The day passed all too quickly for Melody. She was not looking forward to facing Luc’s wrath when he got back up to the house. Melody asked that Sierra make their excuses to everyone at the Flying M.

  After Sierra had left, Melody spent some time on the computer reviewing her action plan with all the items she needed to have everything up and running on schedule. One of the guest cottages would be set away from the others. The idea was to use it as a bride’s room the day of the wedding and a honeymoon suite that evening if the couple so desired.

  Melody had started dinner. She had been mindful to choose something that could be eaten regardless of what time Luc came up from the barn and whether he chose to eat before or after he punished her. She kept checking to see if he was heading up. When she saw he was coming toward the house, she went into their bedroom, stripped, and placed herself in the corner.

  “Melody?” he called from the kitchen.

  “In here.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  He entered their bedroom and smiled. She knew he meant to punish her and was letting him know in no uncertain terms that she accepted that and was submitting to him. He would have preferred to simply spend a quiet evening in bed with her... well, maybe not all that quiet. Her pretty bottom still held some color from last night. Tomorrow at this time it would be showing several welts.

  “Not what I expected, but I appreciate you accepting the foolishness of your behavior and that you are going to get spanked for it. Do you remember what I told you would happen were you to endanger yourself again?”

  “Yes, sir,” she said, her voice trembling. “You said you’d take your belt to me and that after I got spanked, you’d put that plug back in me.”

  “And knowing that, you thought it was a good idea to go in with the mares?”

  “I... I didn’t think,” she admitted.

  “Then I will try to make this a more memorable punishment so you don’t forget as easily next time.”

  “Luc, please. I know I should have thought about the risk involved, but I didn’t. I just acted.”

  “And I need to get you to think before you act. But you shouldn’t have had to think. I very clearly told you to stay on the opposite side of the fence... and you didn’t do that either, did you?”

  He sat down on the edge of the bed.

  “No, sir.”

  “Bien, as we are in accord, you come over here to me.”

  She turned to face him. His gaze ran down her body, settling on her very aroused nipples.


  “Come here to me, Melody. You get on your knees. I mean to make use of your mouth.”

  She knelt in front of him and watched as he freed his swollen cock from his jeans. He watched as she licked her lips and opened her mouth obediently. He stood and pressed the head of it against her mouth. Grasping her head on either side, he slid his full length past her lips and touched the back of her throat while its weight lay upon her tongue.

  “You are not to use your hands, but you suck me while I take you this way.”

  She nodded and he began to thrust back and forth while she used only her mouth to increase his pleasure. She felt exquisite. There was no doubting that Melody was skilled with a blowjob, but he’d found the more he directed and controlled it, the more arousing it was for both of them. He savored her sucking motions as he ran the underside of his cock over her tongue. Each time as he withdrew almost completely, she would swirl her tongue around the very end of his staff, licking any pre-cum that was leaking. He fucked her mouth hard and fast, causing him to erupt in her mouth and shoot his load down into her belly.

  He withdrew. “Lick it clean,” he commanded and she complied, rocking back on her heels when she was done. “I want you to go to my dresser in the top drawer and fetch me the butt plug I used last night.”

  Luc watched as she started to protest, thought better of it, and gracefully rose from her knees to do as she was told. She retrieved the plug and handed it to him. He took it from her and then guided her across his knee.

  He rubbe
d her bottom until he felt her relax. Then he raised his hand, brought it down on her backside, and watched as the area he connected with colored immediately in a more vivid shade of red than the pale background color left over from yesterday. He heard her sharp intake of breath and knew that she would feel this spanking more than last night’s as her derriere had yet to completely recover from that spanking.

  What she wasn’t going to be prepared for was the degree of pain and discomfort the welts were going to cause her.

  He spanked her over her entire backside—first one cheek and then the other and then in the middle. He spanked the upper cheeks and then the lower and occasionally gave her a good upswing on her sit spots.

  Luc was angry that she had so quickly put herself in danger and had blatantly disobeyed him without a thought. He meant to ensure she would at least consider the consequences of that kind of behavior.

  Even though he had just had her bring him to climax, he could quickly feel his cock hardening. Seeing and feeling her pretty backside show the effects of his loving discipline, and he knew it was loving else he wouldn’t be so angry, was incredibly arousing. As he didn’t want to think of himself as a complete unfeeling bully, he momentarily stopped spanking her to reach between her legs.

  “Bien,” he said, discovering she was rapidly becoming as wet as he was hard.

  “Luc,” she cried. “Please, I won’t do it again.”

  “I heard the same from you last night and yet here we are less than twenty-four hours later. I’ve got to know you are going to be safe around the stock and think about your actions.”

  He grimly went back to spanking her. He felt he was truly getting through to her as she was now crying and trying desperately to get away or at least avoid his swats. He had her trapped where he wanted her and she could do neither.

  “Please,” she said in a drawn-out wail.

  “Do you understand what you did was dangerous and that you will not do it again?”

  “Yes, please be done.”

  “No, sweetheart. I told you I would stripe your bottom with my belt and I will.”

  Luc removed the thick western-style belt from its loops and doubled it over so that the sterling silver trophy buckle was in his palm and would not make contact with her punished backside. He raised the belt and laid it across her entire behind in a two-inch-wide line of fire.

  Melody began to howl in pain and renewed her struggles. He brought the belt back down across her bottom, careful not to cross the welts inflicted previously as they started to raise.

  “You earned this for your foolish disobedience. When I tell you to stay, you will stay. You will not disobey me, especially where your safety is concerned.”

  He welted her a fourth time and she began to sob. He laid the fifth weal in a diagonal stripe across the other four.

  He put the belt down on the bed where she could see that he had done so. He reached between her legs to fan the desire he knew was there. He wanted her arousal and need to have that sated to rival and even exceed how much her bottom was hurting and he had no doubt it was quite painful.

  “No, no,” she managed to get out between sobs.

  “Yes, Melody, you will let me give you a bit of pleasure to focus on rather than the pain and heat radiating from your beautiful backside.”

  He stroked her pussy, coaxing her body to produce even more natural lubricant. He kept one finger inside her while he rubbed her clit as well, making the broken sobs turn to quickened breathing as her body ratcheted up to come for him. He knew her body so well. She was designed and hard wired for pleasure.

  While one hand continued to play with her, the other drew out her viscous fluid to cover her back entrance and the rubber, actually silicone, butt plug. As she came calling his name and her need for his dominance, he slid the plug in easily, causing her to wail as her climax finished.

  “Luc, no, please take it out.”

  “No, you will wear it for at least as long as I have you stand in the corner. And maybe longer. I must say that it was much easier to slip into you this time, although I think that had more to do with your coming than with you being accepting.”

  He helped her up off his lap but kept her standing between his legs. He reached up and rolled both of her nipples between his fingers. He then pulled her closer and latched on to one of her hardened beads with strong suction from his mouth as his hand slipped back between her legs.

  He chuckled as he felt her surrender to her own need, pushing her breast into his mouth and bucking her mons against his hand. Melody threw her head back and moaned as she came again for him. Luc could feel his cock throbbing to the same beat with which she pushed against his hand.

  As her body lost the rigidity of her active climax, he stood and turned her to the corner.

  “Now, my naughty girl, you go stand in the corner. When I think you are sufficiently repentant, I will put you on your knees in our bed and fuck you.”

  He watched her with a mixture of love, lust, and pride.

  * * *

  Melody stood in the corner completely spent. As she supposed he had meant it to, the plug filling her dark portal served as a reminder that he was dominant and she would submit to him. The reminder was reinforced by the sting of the welts she knew were swelling. She understood now Sierra’s warning to avoid, if possible, Luc ever taking his belt to her.

  What Sierra hadn’t warned her about was how, even though her bottom was on fire both internally and externally, her desire and arousal for the man who was the cause could so inflame her libido.

  She couldn’t suppress the smile on her face. Melody was fast discovering she had a love/hate relationship with the butt plug. She hated to admit that she found it very arousing. Even more so that he had inserted it when she was climaxing.

  “You find your punishment amusing?”

  “No, Luc. In the hope of soothing some of your ire, I was just thinking that I have a love/hate relationship with this damn plug. And the truth is that I hate the fact that I love having you use it on me.”

  Luc grinned. “Do you now?”

  “Yes. It pushes and fills in very interesting places and I like how it reminds me that you’re dominant and not me. Jason tried to make me feel submissive, but all it ever made me feel was resentful. But with you, there’s a loving quality to your dominance that really gets to me.”

  “That is because I am dominant. Jason was a poseur. He thought if he told you he was dominant and humiliated you often enough you would believe him. But humiliating a woman is not a show of dominance or the practice of an alpha male. It is the practice of a bully who seeks to hold himself up while putting his woman down.”

  Melody peeked at him over her shoulder. He was smiling at her with his love for her showing not only in his eyes but all over his face. She caught him looking at her and smiled as she felt herself blush.

  “Luc, I really am sorry. I didn’t mean to disobey you and I will try not to do anything like that again.”

  “This time, my sweet, I believe you. Come over and climb up on our bed.”

  Melody crossed to the bed and climbed up on it, staying on her knees and spreading her legs. When he didn’t reach for the plug, she looked back over her shoulder.

  “It will remain where it is while I fuck you,” he said in answer to her unasked question.

  He guided his rigid shaft to the wet, swollen lips that guarded the entrance to her warm, welcoming sheath. He thrust forward in one long stroke with his pelvis bumping the plug. Both the surprise of the contact as well as how it nudged its way deeper into her painful bottom made her gasp. He gave her no time to think or recover as he pummeled her pussy with his hard cock. She felt herself losing all sense of time and place as she tumbled headlong into a place only he seemed to be able to send her.

  Luc groaned as her pussy contracted around him in orgasmic bliss. He pumped her the entire length of her climax and then began to play with her clit. It became obvious that he was far from done with her. He c
ontinued to fuck her as she reveled in his lovemaking. The full feeling in her rear was a new sensation when he was also pumping her pussy. Each made the other feel more expansive and sensitive. She recognized something new stirring in her nether regions as he began to play with her nipples and then retreated to her clit.

  As her breathing once more became erratic and just as she started to crest the wave of yet another orgasm, Luc quickly removed the plug from her ass and withdrew his cock from her pussy.

  “No,” she wailed in true distress. “I need you. Luc, please.”

  “Surrender to me, Melody. Submit. Tell me you want me to claim that last virgin hole of yours.”

  Melody couldn’t believe he wanted to fuck her there. What was worse was she couldn’t believe how much she wanted him to. Fear and desire warred within her. She could imagine taking his large cock in her tightest hole but found she wanted so desperately to please him that she welcomed his use of the passage that had yet to be breached by a cock.

  “Yes, Luc. Please fuck me there. Fuck me where you had the plug.”

  She had only a moment to feel the well-lubed head of his cock probe her puckered hole before she forced herself to relax and breathe so as to ease his entrance. He was far bigger than even the widest part of the plug. The stretch was painful at first. She started to struggle but he held her fast.

  “No, sweetheart, breathe and accept that I will take you this way.”

  “Luc... please...”

  “Shh, souris. You didn’t like my finger or the butt plug at first, but now you admit you enjoy the physical sensations and feelings they give you. Focus on pleasing me and knowing how brave I know you are to submit to my need to possess all of you.”

  Melody did as he asked. She found that by focusing on how submissive it made her feel, she was able to relax her body. She knew that by submitting to Luc in this way, she gave him tremendous pleasure both physically and emotionally. And knowing he treasured that submission made it all the easier to give it to him.


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