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Stolen Portrait Stolen Soul: A Shadow Slayers Story (Shadow Slayers Stories Book 2)

Page 10

by Nellie H. Steele

  Alexander smiled at him. “I’m sorry, Damien. I didn’t keep it from you on purpose, but I didn’t want to be the one to tell you.”

  “Wow, I must have looked like a complete idiot when we made our appeal to Michael and Celeste.”

  “No, not at all. Everything you said still fit the situation, despite it not being an affair,” Alexander answered him.

  “You confronted them?” Gray asked.

  “Yes, I spoke with Celeste. When that didn’t work, Damien insisted we speak with both of them, one last ditch effort before we told Celine.”

  Gray nodded to Damien. “Wow. I’m very impressed.”

  “Anything for Celine,” Damien answered. “I didn’t want her to be hurt.”

  “Celine is lucky to have you,” Gray answered.

  “Thanks. Well, I’m lucky to have her, too.”

  Celine entered the room, pulling on her cardigan. “Okay, I’ll take the first watch with D.”

  “I’ll check back in a few hours, switch with you,” Gray said.

  “Thanks,” Celine answered. “How is he, Millie?”

  “Holding his own,” she answered. “I’ll be in my room, wake me at once if anything changes.”

  “Will do,” Celine answered.

  Gray, Alexander and Millie left the room, leaving Damien and Celine alone to stay with Michael. Celine wandered to the bed, perching on the edge, taking Michael’s hand in hers. She gazed at him. “I’m sorry,” she whispered.

  Damien placed his hands on her shoulders, giving them a rub. “It’s not your fault,” he said.

  “It is,” Celine answered, glancing at Damien. “I made her the way she is.”

  Damien cocked his head, not understanding what she meant. “Wasn’t she like you before you were… you know, like you?”

  “Yes, she was. But when she… the night I brought her back, she became what she is now. It was my mistake, I was sloppy. I’ve been trying to find a solution, but I haven’t found one yet.”

  “To turn her normal again? I mean, not normal, like you. Not that you’re not normal, but…” Damien babbled.

  Celine held up a hand to stop him. “Yes, normal, for us.” She turned back to face Michael. “I never expected she would do this to Michael or anyone in this house, though.”

  “So, this explains the attacks in town?” Damien inquired.

  “Yes. That was problematic enough. I was searching for a solution, but at least those were contained incidents. She never attacked the same person twice.”


  “She’s smart, at least I assumed she was. If she kills someone with one of her attacks, intentionally or not, we’ll have another vampire on our hands.”

  “Oh, wow, really?”

  “Yes, which is why it’s vital we keep Michael alive.”

  “Poor Michael, yeah. I understand.” They sat for a few moments in silence, Damien sinking to sit on the other side of the bed. “Do you suspect Celeste will come back for him?”

  “It’s hard to say. I’d like to say no, but if she becomes desperate enough, she may. The larger danger lies in his need for her.”

  “What do you mean?” Damien questioned.

  “It’s difficult to explain, but Michael will feel drawn to her, even if she isn’t calling to him. As much as she needs blood from him, he longs to be with her, too. As much as you try to, preventing them from seeking out their host can be tricky.”

  “But seeing her again could be deadly!”

  “Yes, reasoning with him will be impossible. That’s why we need someone to be with him 24/7. We must make sure he stays here.”

  Damien nodded. “I’ll help.” He reached across to hold Celine’s hand. “We’re a team, remember?”

  Celine smiled at him. “Thanks, D.”

  The pair stayed with Michael until two in the morning. Gray and Alexander took over, allowing Celine and Damien, in particular, to rest. Celine promised to stay with Damien so he could get some sleep. He was concerned he wouldn’t be able to fall asleep given all the excitement. With Celine in the room, he was asleep in minutes.

  When he awoke, a note lay on his night table from Celine explaining she was checking on Michael. Damien leapt from bed, changing his clothes and racing to Michael’s room.

  He tapped on the door before poking his head inside. Gray and Celine were waiting inside, Celine leaned over Michael, pressing a cloth against his head. “Hey,” Damien whispered, “how is he?”

  “Hey, D,” Celine said, “come in. He’s okay. He’s been a little restless, but he hasn’t woken up yet. He’s still a little feverish.”

  “Is that normal?”

  “That he hasn’t woken? Yes,” Gray answered, “and perhaps for the best. He isn’t as much of a danger to himself if he’s asleep.”

  Damien nodded.

  “How did you sleep?” Celine asked.

  “Like the dead, I mean…” Shock crossed his face. “I slept well is what I mean.”

  “Did you eat?”

  “No. I came to check on Michael first. I can stay with him for a while,” Damien offered.

  “Get something to eat first, D.”

  “I’m okay,” Damien answered. Celine raised an eyebrow at him. He held up his hands. “Okay, okay. I’ll grab some breakfast then come back up!”

  Celine nodded to him, smiling. “Why don’t you go with him?” Gray suggested. “The sun’s almost up, he should rest comfortably now.”

  Celine paused a moment before answering. Millie joined them in the room. “How’s the patient?” she asked.

  “He had a good night,” Celine answered. “He was restless about half an hour ago, but he’s settled now.”

  Millie checked his vital signs. “Still feverish, although I’m not surprised. All things considered, his progress is good.”

  “Good,” Celine answered.

  “On that note, you two should go for breakfast,” Gray suggested to Celine and Damien.

  “Oh, yes, please go, I’ll stay with Gray and Michael for a bit,” Millie assured them. “I’d like to do a more comprehensive exam.”

  “Okay,” Celine agreed. Alexander joined them before they left for their morning meal. Everyone greeted each other, discussing Michael’s condition for a moment longer before Celine and Damien departed.

  “Millie, you should get some breakfast, too. Alex and I can hold down the fort.”

  “All right, if you don’t mind.”

  “Not at all,” Gray assured her.

  “I’ll return after breakfast to check on him,” Millie said, excusing herself from the room.

  “He hasn’t awoken yet?” Alexander inquired when Millie left.

  “No, other than some restless moaning just before daybreak, he’s been quiet.”

  “I hope the trend continues.”

  “So do I. Celine doesn’t need his health or lack thereof on her conscience.”

  “Yes, she has enough on her mind.”

  “I quite agree. I wonder if the magnitude of what’s weighing on her is causing these painful memories.”

  “Painful memories?” Gray asked.

  “Yes, she may not have had the chance to tell you with everything that’s happened. The only reason I am aware is because I was with her last night when one occurred.”

  “Tell me more about it.”

  “She said it was the second she had. Both involved traumatic moments with Celeste and the Duke. She said pain shoots across her head when she experiences them, but it passes within moments. She told me she experienced something similar as Josie when her memories were integrating, but never as Celine.”

  “No, I don’t recall her ever experiencing anything like that, but I recall her describing something similar when she was Josie. She’s taking everything onto herself, as usual. It’s taking a toll.”

  “I’m sure this incident adds to it.”

  “No doubt. I will speak with her about it. I don’t want her suffering alone again like she did years ago.”

/>   “Please remind her I am here for her, as well,” Alexander requested.

  “I will. It helps to have her family here. Damien helps, despite her feeling responsible for him and his safety.”

  “He cares for her, too. He was so very concerned about her learning about Celeste and Michael. We planned to tell her this morning. I was hoping she would find out when Celeste was ‘resting.’ We were trying to avoid what happened last night.”

  “Good plan, too bad it didn’t work out,” Gray answered.

  “Yes, it is unfortunate. But perhaps now we’ll be able to stop the situation.”

  “Let’s hope so. For all of our sakes. Have you found anything that could be helpful in restoring Celeste to her rightful state?”

  “I have found little. A few vague references, nothing concrete.”

  “Damn. Celine and I both researched it and haven’t found a solution yet either.”

  “We’ll keep searching. This is only temporary.”

  “Even temporary, it is causing enough problems.”

  “Yes, I agree. Especially for poor Michael.”

  Chapter 12

  Gray and Alexander stayed with Michael for most of the morning. Celine and Damien checked in multiple times, but Celine insisted Damien get a little more rest. In the afternoon, Avery along with Charlotte and Alexander continued to monitor Michael’s progress. For most of the day, he remained quiet and resting. Still feverish, he experienced a few bouts of restlessness and pain. Millie checked in often, administering pain medication and changing bandages as needed.

  As evening approached, Celine and Damien relieved Avery, Charlotte and Alexander. Gray promised to join them later. Both of them opted to eat a light dinner in Michael’s room. Damien’s concern grew since Michael had not yet awoken. In the middle of their dinner, Michael groaned, opening his eyes. Each of them dropped their sandwiches to rush to Michael.

  “Michael?” Celine asked, taking his hand in hers.

  “Hey, buddy,” Damien said, “how are you feeling?”

  Michael moaned in pain. “It’s okay,” Celine said. “D, can you get Millie?”

  “Sure,” Damien said, hurrying to leave the room.

  “Michael, can you hear me?” Celine asked again as Damien began to exit the room. He didn’t respond for a moment, glancing between Celine and Damien. “It’s okay. You’re in your room. You collapsed last night. Millie was able to stop the bleeding from your neck. You’re going to be okay.” She placed her palm on his forehead. He was still warm. Beads of perspiration were forming, so she hoped his fever was breaking.

  Millie entered the room with Damien. “I see the patient is awake,” she said, grabbing her stethoscope and blood pressure cuff.

  “He hasn’t spoken yet, but I explained to him what’s happened,” Celine reported. She stood, stepping back to allow Millie full access to Michael. Damien put his arm on her shoulder. Both of them waited in anticipation to hear Millie’s findings.

  “All right, Michael. How are you feeling?” Millie asked, listening to his heart before taking his blood pressure. She shined a light in his eyes and took his temperature. She also checked his bandage and wounds.

  “I feel…” Michael began.

  “Yes?” Millie asked.

  “Tired, weak,” he muttered just above a whisper.

  “That’s to be expected. You lost a lot of blood and we almost lost you. But you’re recovering well. You still have a slight fever. Your wounds appear to be healing. Your blood pressure is slightly low but nothing to worry about. Your heart rate is good. Given the circumstances, you’re doing well.”

  Celine squeezed Damien’s hand. The news was good. Millie said the first forty-eight hours were the most critical. They were almost through twenty-four with signs of improvement. Michael was still pale and weak, but he was recovering. They needed to remain vigilant to ensure there were no setbacks.

  “You should try to rest more, Michael,” Millie instructed. “You’re not out of the woods yet.”

  Michael’s forehead crinkled. “Are you in pain?” Millie asked.

  “No. What time is it?” Michael inquired.

  “It’s close to seven thirty in the evening,” Millie responded.

  “Is it dark?” Michael asked, his voice rising to a higher pitch.

  “Michael,” Celine said, circling the bed to sit down on the opposite side and side-stepping the question, “you need to rest. Don’t worry about that now.”

  “Is it?” he insisted, becoming perturbed.

  “Yeah, it’s already dark,” Damien answered.

  Michael groaned, pushing himself to sit up. “Whoa, whoa,” Celine said, holding his shoulders, trying to ease him back into bed. “You need to rest.”

  “No, no, I need to go.”

  “Michael, you cannot go. You are far too weak,” Millie told him.

  “Get off of me!” Michael said, trying to shake Celine’s hands from his shoulders, a haunted look in his eyes. “I need to go to her.”

  “No, you don’t,” Celine insisted. “Michael, she doesn’t want to see you. She isn’t calling to you.”

  “No, that’s not true!” Michael exclaimed, anger in his voice. “You’re lying. I need to go to her.”

  “Hey, buddy,” Damien said, approaching the bed. “You’re way too sick to go anywhere. Just rest.”

  Michael grunted, pushing Celine away. He threw the covers off, crawling from the bed, unsteady on his feet. “Michael, stop!” Celine yelled. To Damien she said, “Get Gray.”

  Damien nodded, racing from the room. Celine grabbed Michael around the shoulders. He shoved her aside, taking a few tentative steps to the door. Celine grasped his shirt, pulling him back. “No!” he shouted. They struggled for a moment before he managed to escape her grip, knocking her onto her backside. Millie, who had filled a syringe with a sedative, approached him. He batted at her, trying to evade her. She was unable to stick him with the needle. “Leave me alone!” he shouted as he made a run for the door.

  Still on the floor, Celine flung her hand in Michael’s direction, hurling a small fireball his way. It struck him square in the back, knocking him forward into the closed door. Celine sprung to her feet, ready to blast him again, if needed. Gray and Damien sprinted into the room. Celine pointed to Michael. “He’s there, get him back in bed.”

  Gray grabbed hold of Michael, struggling to get him upright. Damien assisted and together they returned him to his bed. Michael struggled but could not free himself from the two men’s grasps.

  “Hold him down, I’ll give him a sedative,” Millie directed. She stuck the needle into his arm, pressing the plunger down to deliver the narcotic. The fast-acting formula accomplished its goal, putting Michael to sleep within moments. His struggling ceased, his eyes closing, his body going limp.

  Everyone breathed a sigh of relief as Michael slipped back to sleep. “How could he make it that far?” Damien inquired once the emergency was over.

  “Vampire victims can exhibit surprising surges of energy and strength when they sense the need to get to their hosts,” Gray answered.

  Celine nodded. “We couldn’t give him the sedative before he made a run for the door.”

  “I’m surprised you managed to stop him,” Gray said.

  “I had to use a rather extreme tactic,” Celine admitted.

  Gray raised an eyebrow, a smirk crossing his face. “You didn’t…” he said.

  Celine, a wry expression on her face, nodded. “Yes, I’m afraid I had to blast him. Just once, just a small one.”

  “Blast him?” Damien asked.

  Celine approached the window, opening it, and tossed a fireball out. “Ohhhh,” Damien said, realization dawning on him. “Really? Does that hurt?”

  “Oh, yeah, they hurt!” Gray said. “Especially for a human.”

  “I didn’t want to do it!” Celine exclaimed. “He left me no choice!”

  “I don’t blame you. It would take that much to stop someone intent on getting t
o their host.”

  “Remind me never to tick you off, Celine,” Damien said. “Why didn’t you use your magic sleeping trick?”

  “I couldn’t get a good enough hold on him to try. He was intent on getting to Celeste.”

  Millie checked Michael’s pulse. “He seems to be asleep for now,” Millie said.

  “Good,” Celine said. “Why don’t you finish your dinner, Millie. We should be fine now.”

  “If you’re sure,” Millie said. “I’ll check back after I’ve finished.”

  “We’re sure. I’ll stay, too, Millie, just in case,” Gray said.

  “Great. I’ll check back after dinner. Alert me if there are any changes.” Millie departed on her way back to the dining room.

  “Whew, I can’t believe you blasted him,” Gray chuckled.

  “I can’t believe he needed it,” Damien said. “I didn’t realize how much of a danger to himself he’d be.”

  Celine shook her head, not as amused. “We have to do something. This will not stop.”

  “There’s not much we can do, Celine,” Gray said. “We’ve found nothing. I spoke with Alexander, he found nothing new either. The best we can do now is keep an eye on him. Make sure he makes a full recovery and doesn’t find his way back to Celeste. Although she may think twice before she uses him again.” Celine stood in silence, arms crossed, staring at Michael. “Celine, you must let this go. We’re doing all we can. We’ll keep looking for a solution, but you can’t let this eat you up.”

  “I’m not. Just because I want to find a solution sooner rather than later doesn’t mean it’s eating me up.”

  “You are. Alexander told me about the painful visions you’ve been having. You can’t keep doing this to yourself.”

  “Painful visions?” Damien questioned.

  Celine rolled her eyes. “Yes, she’s been having physical symptoms and visions, memories,” Gray said.

  “I was planning to tell you, but it only happened once. It didn’t seem that important. Then it happened again last night while Alexander and I were together.”

  “What’s causing it?” Damien asked.

  “I’m not sure. I’ve never experienced this before. At least not as me. I suffered something similar when I was Josie. As my memories started to return and integrate with Josie’s, they would come in snippets and they’d often be painful. But I haven’t experienced this with my own memories.”


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