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Beast Daddy: Once Upon A Daddy

Page 12

by Callahan, Kelli

  “Yeah…” She nodded. “Like I said—I try…”

  “Is that so?” I narrowed my eyes. “Do you have something to confess?”

  That’s her out if she chooses to take it.

  “There are a few things that I should probably be spanked for…” She exhaled sharply.

  Anabelle wasn’t ready for the spanking to stop. She rattled out a few confessions—things she had done in school, how she waited for her previous foster parents to go to bed so she could sneak onto the computer in the family room, and purchasing things from the convenience store that she wasn’t old enough to legally purchase—all things that a Daddy would consider worthy of punishment. The spanking started up again, and I could sense a shift in her body language—a need that burned beneath the surface to feel the sting of my hand on her skin. That need had probably always been there, but it never had an outlet, so I gave her one. Her ass was quite warm when I was done and started to glow with a red hue that made my cock throb. My desires were melding with hers—becoming the Daddy she needed was turning me on.

  “Are you going to be a good girl now?” I pushed my hand between her thighs and teased her pussy with my finger.

  “Yes Daddy!” She nodded quickly.

  “Then I think it’s time for a reward.” I moved my finger down to her clit. “This is what good girls get…”

  I started rubbing Anabelle’s clit, and her body jerked immediately. The spanking had turned her on so much that she was ready to erupt. My cock throbbed when I felt her body reacting to my touch. It only took a few quick rotations around the hard knot that formed for her to start moaning. I felt her muscles getting tight, so I moved my finger a little faster. A few seconds later, she started to buck on my knee, and the orgasm rushed through her body. A spanking definitely wasn’t going to be an effective way of punishing her—not that I expected our relationship to require that outside of our bedroom fantasies, but I would certainly enjoy being her Daddy when we chased our desires.

  “That was intense…” She exhaled sharply.

  “It was a good start.” I lifted her off my knee. “But Daddy has something else for you…”

  “I bet I can guess what that is.” She reached down and squeezed my cock through my pants.

  I kissed Anabelle and started removing her shirt as she tore at my clothes. The spanking had turned both of us on in a way that felt different than the passion we normally shared. She was a little rougher than normal—it seemed that the trip across my knee had brought out a side of her that I hadn’t seen yet. There was no timidness and no hesitation. Her hand wrapped around my cock, and when I tried to roll over on top of her, she shook her head and pushed me away. I landed on my back, and she immediately straddled me. Her hand guided my cock to the entrance of her pussy, and she started to descend on my shaft. My hands squeezed her hips, moved along the surface of her ass then up her back before I slid them around to the front and squeezed both of her breasts at the same time.

  “I need this right now.” She exhaled sharply, put both hands on my chest, and started to lift up.

  “I belong to you the same way that you belong to me.” I moved my hands back down to her hips.

  The girl that gave up every bit of control when she went across my knee suddenly shifted the power dynamic firmly to her side of the bed. She wanted control of the moment, and I gave it to her. She set the speed and the pace—until our bodies were colliding together. She chased her next orgasm like an addict trying to find the best vein, and I savored every second of her high. Her moans were music to my ears—a sweet melody that turned into an orchestra as the passion erupted. I was normally able to hold back and keep my thrusts moving at a pace that would make her come without giving into the bliss I craved until she was exhausted—I wasn’t able to do that with her on top controlling every single motion that made us spiral towards bliss.

  “Fuck…” My head rolled back against the pillow. “You’re gonna make me come!”

  “It feels—so good!” Her body jerked, and I felt her pussy start to spasm.

  We climaxed at the same time. My balls got tight, and the cum surged through my shaft the moment I felt her orgasm begin. My cock throbbed and pulsated as the ropes of lust were forced from my body while she bounced on top of me. One orgasm wasn’t enough for her, and she kept going, even after my balls were drained. I held onto her hips as she picked up the pace again and kept riding my cock like it was her only path to salvation. She orgasmed two more times before I felt the pressure in my balls again. I had to hold her hips and lift up to drive my cock into her pussy to get more release, but that didn’t stop her body from reacting. I climaxed for the second time, and her orgasm siphoned every drop from my balls before she finally collapsed into my arms. She didn’t even roll off; she just left my cock buried inside of her pussy as she sank down against my chest. Our hearts were beating at the same speed—almost like they had found their own wavelength which existed only for them.

  “I was right…” She sighed and snuggled closer to my chest.

  “About what?” I wrapped my arms around her.

  “I’m definitely going to do a lot of misbehaving now that you’re my Daddy.” A soft laugh echoed behind her hurried breaths that were trying to slow down.

  “Then I’ll have to do what’s necessary…” I gave her ass a light slap.

  “That’s exactly what I’m hoping…” She giggled and moved her ass against my hand.

  “Careful…” I felt my cock throb.

  “Do you have more left? I thought you were done.” She lifted up. “Nope—you’re not done.”

  “I guess I have a thing for girls that misbehave.” I pulled her back close to my chest and moved my hand to her ass. “But I don’t have to put you over my knee to punish you…”


  “Oh fuck…” Her body jerks, and her pussy spasmed on my cock. “Do that again…”


  “It doesn’t feel like you’re done either.” I squeezed her ass with my hand.

  She stayed pressed against my chest and I shifted my weight so that I could drive my cock into her. I gave her ass a few firm smacks, followed by several hard thrusts, and kept that pattern going as the fire was stoked back to life. It didn’t take long for that fire to turn into a raging inferno. We were far from done. Our desires breathed new life into our passion, and we chased both of them until our bodies found heavenly bliss one more time.

  I was beyond exhausted at that point and Anabelle was shaking as she melted into my embrace. There was no way either of us could move at that point. I listened to her breathing as it finally slowed down and the beating in our chest returned to normal. My eyes closed once I realized she was asleep. I drifted into the smooth tranquility of the darkness I used to embrace—but it was no longer a tumultuous nightmare—it was the path that would lead me back to my Anabelle once we had time to recover.

  I finally have a reason to wake up—my heart only beats for her now.

  We stayed in that embrace until we finally woke up and chased or desires one more time before we made our way downstairs. The clock started ticking towards our final moments together before she had to go, and I hated the sound. There were lingering fears left behind that I just couldn’t shake due to what happened in the past. I couldn’t protect Anabelle if she wasn’t in my arms. That terrified me. I did my best not to let that emotion show on my face, because I didn’t want to do anything that would take the smile off hers. She was happy. Her life was on a terrible spiral before she found me.

  Now I want this to be our home instead of my prison…



  One week later

  “Hey Ana!” Gina came skipping into my room with a devious smile on her face.

  “Yes?” I looked up from my tablet and raised an eyebrow.

  “I’m running out of a few things in my makeup kit…” She looked down at the floor. “Do you think you could help me get some replacements

  “Already?” I blinked in surprise. “That should have been enough makeup to last you several months…”

  “I know, but we’ve been playing.” She looked up at me. “I’ve been having a lot of fun.”

  “Let me take a look.” I put down my tablet and hopped off the bed.

  Gina was right—sorta. She had managed to go through a lot more makeup than she ever should have, but it wasn’t like she was running low. There were so many different options to choose from that it would take her a couple of months to go through it all before she was actually in need of replacements. I assumed Sandra had a hand in it as well her face had been painted up a couple of times in the morning, and our foster mother was forced to make her wash it off before she left for school.

  “See.” She pointed at the kit.

  “Yeah, but that doesn’t mean it has to be replaced. Just try a few of the other options. Once you figure out what looks best, you can just buy that, and you won’t waste anything.” I put my hand on her shoulder and smiled.

  “Okay.” She furrowed her eyebrows and nodded—she didn’t look like she agreed.

  “Ana!” Sandra came skipping into the room. “Do you want to listen to some music on my new speaker?”

  “Um, sure.” I nodded and took a seat on the bed.

  Sandra’s teen-pop didn’t really match my taste in music, but I listened to be polite. I preferred rock music most of the time, and there were a few pop songs that I liked, but most of the stuff Sandra listened to was too upbeat for me. She decided that one song wasn’t enough, and the second one was worse than the first, but I nodded along to the beat. When the second song started to wind down, I stood up so I could make a hasty retreat before she tried to get me to stay for a third.

  “Those are my two favorite songs right now.” Sandra looked up at me and smiled.

  “They’re good.” I nodded quickly.

  “Do you think you could refill my iTunes card?” She reached over to the table and picked it up. “I ran out…”

  “I thought you got several of those for your birthday?” I tilted my head to the side.

  That was just a few months ago…

  “I did, but this one can be refilled. I thought you might be willing to help me out.” She waved it at me.

  “I might refill it for you in a couple of weeks.” I narrowed my eyes. “I’m sure you have enough music to listen to right now.”

  Sandra wasn’t happy, but she seemed content with my answer. I was happy to buy both of them a gift, especially if it made them stop trying to torment me and ruin my things, but it felt like they were just trying to take advantage of me. Gina went through a lot of makeup in a week, and Sandra shouldn’t have been out of money that fast. Our foster parents were very generous since the only thing she asked for was an iTunes gift cards. It was before my time, but I remembered my foster mother mentioning that she should be set until Christmas unless she just went crazy—and it sounded like that was what happened.

  I should probably let my foster mother have a talk with her before I even think about refilling the gift card.

  * * *

  The next day

  I woke up with Adam on my mind, which was fairly common, especially when I had a very good dream about him. Our relationship had gotten pretty kinky after I found out how much I liked to be a bad girl across Daddy’s knee. His dominance brought desires to the surface that I couldn’t get enough of and turned me on so much that I always begged for more. Falling for Adam was easy—he was such an amazing man. Everything just felt right when I was with him. The stress of the real world faded away. He brought balance to my life and made me really think about my future, as long as he was a part of it. I was no longer drifting along trying to figure out how I was going to get out of Los Angeles.

  We won’t have a normal life, but we can make something special out of the one we have, even if that means we live in his prison.

  I laid in bed for a few minutes and finally decided that it was time to go shower. I wasn’t fully awake but getting in the shower and turning on the water was instinct. I waited until it got warm, and then stepped in. The first thing I did was put my face under the water so I could wake up a little more. I ran my fingers through my hair until it was wet, and then reached for the shampoo. I dumped some into my hand, rubbed them together, and started working on my scalp. I leaned my head forward and opened my eyes once I started rinsing my hair. The water in the bottom of the tub—was green. I immediately snapped my head back, looked at my hands, and realized they were green too.

  “What the hell!?” I grabbed soap and started trying to scrub them as panic swept through my veins.

  The soap removed some of the green tint from my palms, but they were still stained. I looked at my shampoo bottle and saw a few streaks of green liquid running down the side. I immediately turned off the water, threw open the shower curtain, and jumped out so that I could look at myself in the mirror. My honey-brown curls—were as green as my hands. I stifled the scream that was trying to rise up inside me and hopped back into the shower. I used bar soap, my foster mother’s shampoo, and didn’t see much green in the bottom of the tub. I stepped out of the shower again and looked at myself in the mirror—but it was still green.

  Those evil little bitches…

  “Gina! Sandra!” I wrapped myself in a towel and stomped out of the bathroom without drying off.

  “What happened—oh my god!” My foster mother came charging down the hallway but stopped dead in her tracks when she saw me.

  “They put something in my shampoo!” I snapped at her. “It won’t wash out!”

  “Hold on!” She walked past me.

  She actually lost her temper with them—and based on what they were saying, I was able to figure out that they put ink from a permanent marker into my shampoo bottle. My hair was green, but I was seeing red, and angrier than I had ever been in my life. My foster mother got me to calm down a little bit and offered to help try to wash my hair. She looked up some stuff online and found that there was a special shampoo that could help, but there was also a chance it could damage my hair—which was also a potential side effect of dying it with ink from a permanent marker.

  “Let me run to the store…” She put down the paper towel doused in rubbing alcohol that had been rather ineffective.

  “I appreciate your help, but I think I’ll just go to the beauty salon.” I sighed and shook my head.

  “I’m really sorry,” She leaned against the counter. “I’ll deal with them—this is the last time they mess with you.”

  “Good luck…” I walked out of the bathroom and went to my room.

  I was late—and already had a couple of messages from Adam. I quickly replied and let him know the situation. I couldn’t judge tone over the text message, but he seemed to be as upset as I was. I got dressed, threw on a hat, and made my way to the closest beauty salon. They had a few suggestions, but there was a lot of risk regardless. It would take some fairly strong hair products to get enough of the color out to dye it another shade. I found a picture that I took on my phone and showed them what my natural hair color was. They were pretty sure they could match it, but the chemicals they would have to use to get the green dye out would leave my hair really dry—there was a chance I could even end up bald if I had a bad reaction to it.

  “Just do it…” I sighed and leaned forward.

  I was at the salon for hours. They got the green out and dyed it back honey-brown, but I could tell that it was different. The texture felt really weird and it was frayed along the bottom. I didn’t have green hair and I wasn’t bald, so I considered myself lucky, even if my hair wasn’t the same as it was before my evil little foster sisters ruined it. Whatever truce I managed to get with them apparently ended the minute I refused to become their personal ATM on command. I was beyond frustrated, but after the adrenaline wore off, I just wanted to be with Adam. I sent him a text message so that he would know I was on the way and drove to his house. He
met me at the door with a look of concern on his face.

  “The salon did their best…” I sighed and leaned into his arms for a hug.

  “You shouldn’t have to put up with this.” He squeezed me tight and held my hand as we walked into the living room.

  “They’re just kids.” I sat down on the couch. “I have to keep reminding myself of that.”

  “Obviously your foster parents aren’t doing anything to control them.” He sat down beside me and growled under his breath.

  “I’m sure they’ll get in trouble.” I exhaled sharply. “My foster mother mentioned taking away Sandra’s iPod and putting an end to Gina’s makeup experiments for a while.”

  “I’m sure that will just make them angry.” Adam pulled me into an embrace.

  “Yeah, but maybe they’ll be angry at my foster mother instead of me.” I leaned against his shoulder. “We were supposed to spend the day together.”

  “We’ve got plenty of time.” He pressed his lips to my forehead. “You could even spend the night if you want…”

  “I’m not eager to go home.” I sighed. “I just want to be here with you.”

  “Then don’t leave.” He leaned back and narrowed his eyes. “Stay with me tonight.”

  “My new foster parents have never given me a curfew, but I’m sure they won’t be happy if I stay out all night…” I closed my eyes.

  “You’re old enough to make your own decisions.” His lips moved from my forehead and drifted to my neck.

  “I know.” I nodded and dug my fingernails into his back.

  “You could even move in with me if you want,” he sighed into my ear. “I hate it when you leave.”

  “Are you—serious?” I leaned back from his embrace.

  “I wouldn’t have suggested it unless I was.” He brushed a curl away from my face.


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