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Enchanted Encounter (Get Your Kiss On Route 66 #3)

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by Teresa Ives Lilly

  “Okay.” She closed the door, picked up her suitcase and placed it on the bed. She got dressed, folded her night clothes and put them in the suitcase along with the Bible. It only took a few minutes for her to be ready to go.

  She glanced in the mirror and shook her head. She looked tired and plain. No one would believe I’m a wealthy debutante now. But Lee said it’s what’s inside that matters. I want to be beautiful inside.

  She lifted her suitcase, opened the door and stepped out into the pre-dawn chilly air. Lee was leaning against the side of the pink Cadillac. His suitcase sitting on the ground at his feet.

  Violet handed him the keys. He opened the trunk and put both of their cases inside, then he clapped his hands together. “Are you ready to hit the road?”

  “Yes, but I’m not too sure I can handle all this cheerfulness, this early in the morning. Are you always like this?”

  Lee laughed. “Yep. I’m a morning person. I usually get up about five and spend an hour reading the Bible and talking to God. Gets me started right. So by six, I’m usually pretty cheerful.”

  Violet lowered her eyes. “Oh, I didn’t mean anything disrespectful. I’m not used to getting up so early. Is that what I’ll have to start doing? Getting up and reading my Bible?”

  “Only if it works for you. God wants to spend quality time with you. If morning’s not your best time, then no. But as the day wears on, most people forget to spend time with Him.”

  She nodded. “I’ll give it a try.”

  Lee opened the passenger door and Violet slid into the car. Then he walked around and got into the driver’s side. “You sure you want me to drive?”

  “Yes. I’m barely awake. I may even fall asleep again. I’ll drive after nine.”

  “Okay then, lets go get the dog. You know, we need to find something else to call him.”

  She turned her head slightly and glanced at his handsome profile. “Any suggestions?”

  “Hmm, how about Hopi, since you found him on Hopi Boulevard.”

  “I thought it was Route 66.”

  “Yes, but this section that runs through Holbrook is Hopi Boulevard.”

  “Okay, Hopi it is. I think the Indian I met was a Hopi.”

  Lee grinned. “Maybe.”

  As Lee drove, Violet reached into her clutch and pulled out the rock the Indian had given her. She turned it over and remembered his words.

  “The next man you meet, once you have touched the stone, will be the man you will marry.”

  She turned and glanced at Lee once more. Two days ago, I would never have considered him as a potential husband, but now, not that he would want to marry me, I might actually think seriously about it, if he asked.

  Chapter 8

  Lee drove to the veterinarian’s office and turned off the motor. “I’ll go in and get Hopi.”

  Violet, who had been relaxing, opened her eyes. “Oh, I’ll need to pay. I have a traveler’s check here in my purse.”

  Lee shook his head. “The vet said it was free, since you don’t even know who owns the dog. He wasn’t as bad off after all. Just needed some food, water and rest.”

  “I’m glad. I’ve been worried about the little fellow.”

  Lee smiled and disappeared into the building. In a few minutes he came out carrying the tiny dog. He handed the animal to Violet and then got back in the car.

  Violet had settled the dog on her lap. “He’s such a cutie. I wonder what kind of dog he is?”

  Lee leaned over and inspected the dog. “Just a mutt. Nothing purebred about this guy. You won’t be able to show him off to your friends.”

  Violet sat silent as Lee put the car in gear and began driving. She hated to admit it, but what Lee had said was true. Her friends would be appalled at the idea of owning a mutt. Those who had animals always bragged about their breeding or papers.

  She turned and looked at Lee again. It was the same with him. Her friends would consider Lee nothing better than a mutt. They would never accept him into their group, to attend social events or play tennis at the country club.

  Violet sighed. I never realized what a snob my friends and I really are. I believed like they do, we are somehow better than other people because of our parent’s money, our schooling, our breeding. But, Lee has shown me he’s as good as any one of my group of friends, better in fact. I’m not even sure I could call any of them true friends.

  She lifted the small dog up and gave him a squeeze. Something inside her wished she were holding Lee.


  Lee drove steadily down Route 66 toward California. This early in the morning there was no traffic, so he could push the speed limit a bit. Since they had decided not to stop over night, he wanted to get them as far as possible before he gave Violet back the wheel. He glanced at her profile. She had her head pressed back on the seat and her hand gently stoked the small dog.

  Doesn’t look like I’ll be taking that puppy home with me, he thought.

  He was happy to see her with the dog, especially after finding out it was a mutt. He had expected her to reject the animal when he broke the news, but she hadn’t. Instead he noted she seemed to pull the dog closer like a protective mother.

  Lord, I believe she really has changed. Could You have done such a wondrous work in her heart that quickly?

  Lee thought about his home in California. The old life. Would he fit into it again? Would Violet fit into her life again? Would either of them want to fit into their old lives again?

  Lee firmed his lips. He was concerned about how Violet would react when she joined her friends again. How would she behave when she met Lee again, after he, too, had rejoined his world?

  If only I could take her somewhere else. We could go to the mountains, get closer to God. Get to know one another. His mind swam with daydreams, but each one was wiped away with the reality of this trip.

  Lee switched on the radio. The Platters song, ‘My Prayer’ was playing. He listened to the words in wonder.

  When the twilight is gone and no songbirds are singing

  When the twilight is gone you come into my heart

  And here in my heart you will stay while I pray

  My prayer is to linger with you

  At the end of the day in a dream that's divine

  My prayer is a rapture in blue

  With the world far away and your lips close to mine

  Tonight while our hearts are aglow

  Oh tell me the words that I'm longing to know

  My prayer and the answer you give

  May they still be the same for as long as we live

  That you'll always be there at the end of my prayer

  That’s exactly how I feel about Violet, Lord. I’ve only known her a short time, but she is what I long for. Not the rich debutante I met two days ago, but the lovely Christian woman she is becoming. Will You give me a chance to get to know her better? Will she have the strength to continue to walk with You?

  The song ended and an Elvis song began. Violet pushed up in the seat and ran a hand through her hair.

  “Did I fall asleep?”

  Lee shook his head. “Not for very long. It’s only been a few minutes.”

  “I feel like I slept for an hour. Sometimes five minute catnaps are more refreshing than a whole nights sleep.”

  “Do you want to stop and get breakfast somewhere?”

  Violet frowned. A part of her wanted to make this trip last as long as possible so she could spend time with Lee, but she knew she had special events she needed to attend in California.

  “I can wait until lunchtime. What about you?”

  “Sure, I can wait. There’s a thermos with some coffee in it on the back seat and I slipped in a few donuts. If you hand one of them over to me, I can make it a few more hours.”

  Violet shifted slightly, and set the sleeping dog on the seat between them. She reached into the back seat and pulled a thermos and brown bag up front. She opened the bag and looked in.

  “Yummy! Thos
e look good.”

  “Have one.”

  Violet handed him a glazed doughnut wrapped in a napkin and she took the other. As she handed him his, he wrapped his hand around her wrist gently and pulled her close to him.

  “May I kiss you?” His breath was warm by her ear where he had whispered the request.

  Violet pulled her head back slightly, stared at him, then nodded.

  Lee pressed his lips against hers gently. The kiss only lasted a moment, but it caused her lips to tingle and her heart to pound.

  Lee, turned back to driving and Violet lifted a doughnut to her mouth. They drove along in silence as they ate. Then Violet poured some coffee into the thermos cap and handed it to Lee. When he was finished, she took a small half a cup and drank it too.

  “Not too bad. I think we can do better for lunch. Kingman is about halfway to Long Beach. We can stop there. I’m sure there will be some kind of diner.”

  “That’s fine, but this little one may not make it that far. I think we’re going to have to stop every hour or so and let him out.”

  Lee nodded and within a half hour pulled the car off the road. Violet tied her purse strap around his neck and took him for a short walk. When she got back in the car, her cheeks were pink and her hair slightly blown. When she smiled at him, Lee couldn’t take his eyes from her lips. He was sure his heart had stopped beating.

  “You are beautiful,” his voice sounded raspy.

  Violet lifted her eyes. “Thank-you.”

  Chapter 9

  When they reached Kingman, Lee drove slowly searching for a clean looking diner. He finally spotted one and pulled in. Suddenly Violet’s eyes flew open.

  “What about Hopi? We can't leave him in the car.”

  “He’s so tiny, they probably won’t notice if you keep him wrapped in your scarf.”

  Violet placed the scarf across her lap and set the dog on it and wrapped him. He didn’t even try to wiggle away. Lee slid out and around the car and opened her door. They walked into the diner together.

  Upon inspection, there was a long lunch bar with black spin seats. The floor was the popular black and white checked tiles and the tables against the window boasted red leather booth seats.

  Lee took her arm and they walked to the farthest corner and slipped into a booth. The jukebox was blaring, another Elvis song.

  Violet set Hopi beside her and picked up a menu.

  A waitress appeared in a clean starched uniform, and her Bouffant hairstyle. “Hey, is that your Cadillac out there? Wow, it’s beautiful, just like Elvis'. I love Elvis, I have all his records. It drives my husband batty because I listen to them over and over, but what’s a girl to do? He’s such a dream. I'm Flo, what can I get you?”

  Both Lee and Violet looked stunned but Lee recovered first. “Yeah, Elvis is great. Can we get two sodas. I’ll take a burger and fries, what do you want, Violet?”

  The waitress nearly screamed, “Violet! Is that your name. I love the color Violet.”

  Violet covered a giggle behind her hand then nodded and said, “I’ll take the same.”

  When the waitress walked away, they both burst out laughing. “She’s quite a character,” Lee insisted.

  Violet agreed, but asked, ”Is it wrong for us to laugh at her?”

  Lee thought for a moment. “Probably, if we were actually making fun of her. She was amusing, but I suppose laughing at her wasn’t right.”

  Violet sighed. “There’s so many things I won’t know how to handle. In the past, I would have been rude to the waitress for speaking to me at all.”

  Lee reached over and took her hand. “Just let God lead you. You’re already seeing yourself in a different way. Remember, if you slip into your old habits, once you realize it, just ask God’s forgiveness.”

  “You make it sound so easy.”

  Lee squeezed her hand. “God is the one who makes it easy. He is the one who can help us to change.”

  After their meal, they took Hopi for a short walk in front of the diner, then bustled back into the car. Violet was behind the wheel now so Lee could rest. He didn’t want her driving in the dark. As they pulled away from the diner they could see Flo waving to them from the window. Violet lifted a hand and gave a genuinely friendly wave.

  “She was actually very nice. I’m sure seeing a pink Cadillac was exciting for her. I take so many things for granted.”

  Lee pressed his head back, patted Hopi and began to drift off to sleep with a contented smile on his face.


  I can not believe I am traveling cross country with a man who is almost a total stranger. Violet’s thoughts whirled as the monotony of driving tried to dull her mind. What would Daddy say?

  She turned and glanced at Lee. His long eyelashes were pressed closed and he was snoring slightly.

  He’s so handsome and sweet. I know Daddy wouldn’t approve of him, but only because of his job.

  Then she remembered, Lee had no job. Being a motel clerk was some kind of temporary work. She wondered if he had another job in California. Maybe, just maybe something a bit more prestigious.

  Lord, help me. I know it doesn’t matter to me where he works. I just want to be with him, spend more time together. I’m afraid our lives in California will be too different. I only have the summer in California and then I'll have to go home. If I don’t spend time with him now I may never get a chance.


  Lee opened his eyes and focused on the road before them. The sun was setting straight ahead. He turned and gazed at Violet. He could tell she was tired, by the way her head was dangerously nodding up and down. She kept blinking her eyes to keep them open.

  “Okay, sleepyhead. Pull over. My turn to drive again.”

  Violet jumped at his voice, but turned with a grateful look. “I’m glad you’re awake. I wasn’t sure if I could go much further.” She searched his face nervously. “Are you sure you can drive? We could stay over somewhere.”

  “I’m fine. That nap will last me. I think I can get us all the way to Long Beach, unless you want to stay somewhere. I’m sure we can find another Wigwam Motel somewhere.”

  Her eyes flashed with interest, but she shook her head. “No, I’ve got to be there early tomorrow. I’m expected at a certain engagement and it will take me time to get ready.” She pulled the Cadillac to the side of the road. They both got out, let Hopi walk a bit and then hopped back in, Lee in the driver’s seat.

  As he started the engine and pulled onto Route 66 again, Lee asked, “What engagement?”

  “Remember I told you about Robert L. Pendegast?”

  Lee nodded, eyes straight ahead on the road.

  “His parents are hosting a Monday evening dinner party. It’s quite an honor to be asked to attend. They're a very prominent family in Long Beach. My parents would be upset if I failed to show up. My father and Mr. Pendegast worked together recently and my father sort of pressed him for this invitation. I think my father hopes the son will fall head over heels in love with me and ask me to marry him.”

  Lee didn’t say a word.

  “I know you’re probably disappointed in my wish to attend.”

  “I didn’t say that.”

  “Yes, but as a Christian now, I shouldn’t care about the Pendegast’s place in society, or about a proposal from a total stranger.”

  “But, you should honor your mother and father as long as it doesn’t go against God’s word. So, if this is something your parents wish for you to do, you should go. My concern is what you do once you get there.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Hmm, the Pendegasts are known for hosting cocktail parties for their son. They usually invite all the wealthy friends he knows and the parties go on all night long. Unfortunately, the girls drink too much and get silly and the men drink to much and get fresh. I’m not saying that anything outrageous has ever happened, but it’s not the type of environment I think God would like to see His followers in.”

  Violet’s shoulders sag
ged. She had been looking forward to this particular event for several months, but now she wasn’t sure how she felt.

  “So, Christians shouldn’t drink?”

  “I didn’t say that, exactly. The Bible definitely says not to be drunk, and I’ve never known anyone who attended that type of cocktail party to remain completely sober. It will be difficult for anyone who attends not to indulge.”

  Violet turned away from Lee and watched the scenery flash by. The sky behind them was dark and ahead of them the sun had set. She noticed a few stars beginning to show.

  “But, if I go to the party and I don’t drink, then it’s okay?” She stammered.

  “Violet, I’m not the one to tell you if something is okay or not, right or wrong. That’s God’s job. As you get to know Him better, by reading the Bible, He’ll reveal more truths to you. For now, I suggest you go to the party, but refrain from drinking. Watch your friends and decide for yourself if that’s the lifestyle you want to continue living. Besides, I thought you wanted to meet Robert L. Pendegast.”

  She shook her head. “Not anymore. I feel so differently about everything .He’s probably just like my friends, maybe worse because he’s been raised in such a rich family.”

  “You might be surprised.”

  “I doubt it. I wish you could be there, to help me.”

  Lee didn’t answer and they drove a few more miles in silence. Violet kept thinking about the things Lee had said.

  Lee’s voice broke the silence again. “What if he is different?”

  Violet didn’t answer. The only thin g she could think was; He still wouldn’t be you.


  The sun had risen a few hours earlier. Lee slowed the car and pulled over. Violet’s eyes popped open and she pushed up in the seat.

  Lee smiled at her, enjoying her rumpled look and mussed hair.

  “Why are you stopping here?” Her hand automatically went to her hair and she tried to smooth it back.


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