His Desire

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His Desire Page 15

by Lizzie Lioness

  Daisy nodded. “Okay. I’m up. I’m up.”

  Daisy jumped out of bed faster than our bodies could handle that we almost stumbled to the ground. As I opened the closet, I picked out the easiest and quickest clothing I could get changed into before Daisy and I made our way to the car.

  “What did she do?” Daisy’s head was turned to me. I shrugged my shoulders and started the engine.

  “I have no idea, baby. I swear, I think she’s been hiding something from me, but I’m not sure if this is part of it,” I continued. “I’m worried about her.”

  “I know. This isn’t like her,” Daisy agreed. She picked up her bag and took out her phone to call her aunty, the lawyer.

  “She sounded so scared. She was in tears, Daisy,” I wept.

  Daisy rested her hand on my leg and rubbed it against my grey sweatpants. She was providing me comfort when I needed it the most. She had done that since the first time we met.

  Daisy spoke to her Aunty who told us she would meet her at the station, but wouldn’t get there for a few hours. I was grateful that she was awake and willing to help.

  The drive to the station doesn’t take long. We parked a few streets away as nothing closer was available. We stepped out of the car and I took Daisy’s hand in mine, which she squeezed gently and steadied from shaking.

  “It’ll be okay,” she comforted.

  We stepped inside the station and there was a young gentleman in a police suit, with a coffee cup in his hand, and he was seated behind the desk.

  “Can I help you,” he asked, his eyes had locked with mine.

  “My name is Holden. I’m here to see Isla Luella.”

  “One moment.” The policeman put up his forefinger before he stood up and stepped out to the back. Daisy and I took a seat in the waiting area just near the reception desk. My knee started to bounce up and down, and I was biting the skin off my nails. I never fucking bite my nails. What the hell is wrong with me?

  Daisy took my hand and placed in on her lap to stop me. I turned to face her and she gave me a comforting smile. Needing to feel more of her, I leaned in and kissed her on the cheek, and rested my head on her shoulders. She started to run her fingers through my messy hair. The affect she had on me was instant. Daisy calmed my nerves completely. Our eyes closed and we were breathing together, waiting for the cop to return.

  “Sorry, Isla is unavailable at the moment. No one can see her right now.”

  Unavailable? God, Isla please tell me you asked for a lawyer.

  “Did she ask for her representative? They’re on their way,” I lied, knowing that we still had to wait another hour or so for Daisy’s aunty.

  “I don’t believe she did,” the police man replied.


  Daisy took out her phone and frantically contacted the lawyer. I could hear the conversation over the receiver and her aunty said she would be another couple of hours as she was working on an important case, but would get to the station when she could. God, but not soon enough!

  “She didn’t ask for her lawyer, baby,” I whispered to Daisy.

  “I know. She should have. I don’t know why she didn’t.”

  My heart was racing again and my palms were dripping wet. What did she do to land her in a place like this? Fuck. I need to find out. I stood up and made my way to the police officer, who was sitting back at the desk again.

  “Excuse me,” I whispered politely. He looked up at me with an uninterested expression. “Can you please tell me why she’s here at least?”

  “You mean, Isla?”

  Ugh. Who else for fucks sake?

  “Yes, Isla.”

  “I’m sorry. I can’t disclose that information,” he hissed.

  “Please. Look at me. I’m worried. Tell me why she is here?” I begged, placing both hands on the top of the reception desk, to stop them from shaking.

  The police officer took a deep breath before his expression softened. “Murder,” he whispered.

  “I’m sorry. Could you repeat that? I thought I heard you say murder.”

  “I did say that.”

  No. Fucking. Way. There’s no way she would ever hurt anyone let alone kill them. This is a fucking huge mistake which I need to fix. Fuck. I need to call Kai.

  I turn away and pondered, trying to calm myself down. Daisy narrowed her eyes when I sat down beside her.

  “What is it?”

  I shook my head, unable to believe what the cop had told me. “Murder.”

  “What!” Daisy yelled. She stood up and began pacing the room. “Fuck!”

  I took out my phone and dialed Kai’s number, my hands were still trembling. Profanities escaped my lips when it went straight to voicemail. “Fucking answer me!”

  The cop came out and stood in front of me, concerned about my outburst. “Do we have a problem here?”

  I shook my head and he turned away, and the moment I sat down my phone vibrated, and I immediately recognized the number belonging to the hotel. After answering the call, my blood boiled as I was told about the murder that occurred in the penthouse suite. Going off at them for not contacting me earlier, my attention was cut short when the door of the police station swung open. Kai was being escorted in wearing handcuffs, his arms tight around his back. Kai’s jaw dropped open when he noticed me.

  “What the fuck did you do, Kai?”


  I was sitting in the interview room, my heart beat out of my chest, and my knees were erratically bouncing. The tears were cascading down my cheek. With no idea what the hell was going on, it made everything worse. Every feeling I had was heightened from fear. God, why did they kill him? Why Oz?

  My heart dropped when I heard that scream. My thoughts immediately went to Kai and I was hysterical thinking something had happened to him. I ran out and saw Oz’s body lying out on the tiled floor on the balcony, in a pool of his own blood. He was stabbed, a few times by the look of it.

  I bit the skin off the side of my nails and shook my head to clear the thoughts. Calm down, Isla. There has to be an explanation. A simple reason explaining why Kai was arrested and taken in cuffs.

  My mind was clouded in that interview room. All my thoughts rested on Kai. I wonder if he’s okay. God, is he hurt? Did they charge him? I know he didn’t do this. I wanted to rest my forehead in the palm of my hands, but my efforts were faulted when I realized I was cuffed and chained to the foot of the table. How long have I been here for? “Deep breaths, Isla. Deep breaths,” I whispered.

  The door suddenly swung open. A young man walked through. His hazel eyes had a streak of green that ran through them, his dirty blonde hair was short, and messy, and his five-o-clock shadow complimented his face. The man’s voice was calm and soothing.

  “Hi, Isla. Do you know why you’re here?”

  I nodded, assumed he wanted to talk to me about Oz’s murder. But surely, they know I had nothing to do with.

  “Yes, well we’ve got a problem here. A lot of people were brought in for questioning. A lot of the women and men that were at that um…meeting.” The man put emphasis on the last word.

  My breath escaped my lips and I shuffled in my seat. “What’s it got to do with me? I didn’t do anything wrong.”

  “Well that’s what we’re trying to figure out. Who did kill Oz in that penthouse suite?”

  “I don’t know. I wasn’t in the room when it happened,” I confessed.

  He narrowed his eyes at me. “You weren’t? Where were you, Isla?”

  “I was with my boyfriend.”

  The police man tilted his head to the side. “Boyfriend? You’re a call girl, aren’t you?

  I shook my head. “I used to be, but I stopped recently when I started seeing my boyfriend, Kai.”

  The man swallowed hard and looked towards the mirror, which I knew from every movie I had ever seen, that it’s actually a two-way window where other cops could watch interviews take place. He brought his attention back to me; his face was pale.

“I’m sorry. I thought you said you were Kai Storm’s girlfriend.”

  “Yes, that’s because I am.”

  “Kai Storm? The…um. Other guy we cuffed?” he hesitated.

  “Yes. Please tell me he’s okay. I’ve been worried about him. He didn’t do this. I was with him the whole time,” I urged.

  “Excuse me for a minute.” The man stood up, but I stopped him.

  “Please tell me he’s okay and not being charged for something he didn’t do.”

  “I’m sorry. I can’t tell you anything about our ongoing investigation.”

  I put my head down in my hands again and the clink from the chains thumped against the table. I want to help Kai. I need to help him. Fuck. Holden should be here soon. I’ve asked for a damn lawyer, but they haven’t arrived.

  Suddenly, there was yelling behind the door and I immediately recognized the voice as Kai’s.

  “She’s fucking off limits! Get her out of those cuffs now!”

  The door swung open and Storm’s fierce expression was etched all over when he barged in. His breathing was heavy and his fists were rolled tight into a ball that all blood had drained from it.

  My mouth dropped open when I looked down to his hands which were free from cuffs. He wasn’t alone, and the people that surrounded him weren’t phased by his presence. I swallowed hard. My own breathing matched his, and it suddenly hit me. He was hiding his identity from me this whole time. Kai Storm, was a cop.

  I knew I had hidden things from him, but that was different. My blood was boiling and my teeth were gritting. It made sense. Why he was so distant with me at the beginning. Why he didn’t want to have sex, but still wanted to get to know me. This is fucking why.

  “Isla, baby,” Kai whispered.

  I shook my head. “Don’t.”

  “Jake, I’ll take it from here,” Kai looked towards the cop.

  “Sure thing, bro.” Jake walked out of the room with the other officers. Kai bent down and he placed a hand on my knee, which I quickly tugged away. Our eyes locked in place, but I found it hard to focus on him through my tears. He took out a key and unlocked the cuffs from my hands, the chains were still attached to the table. I rubbed my wrists, turning them around a few times. Damn those cuffs were uncomfortable. Kai cupped my face with his hands, but I flinched, moving away. I hate cops. Something I had never told Holden or anyone else before. I don’t fucking trust them, and now I can see why.

  “Please don’t touch me,” I scowled. Kai eyes swam with sadness as soon as I had pulled away from him, but I didn’t care. I wiped the tears that fell down from my tired eyes.


  There was a sincerity in the tone of his voice. Kai was desperate to comfort me, but I couldn’t let him. I just can’t. I needed some time to think about what it all meant.

  “I want to go home,” I demanded. My eyes narrowed at him and my tone was firm.

  “Come with me. I’ve got another room booked. We can go there and talk. Please, baby,” Kai begged.

  I shook my head quickly. “I’m not going anywhere with you, Kai.” His eyes glossed over and I knew he was holding back tears. It was killing me, but I needed some time alone, or at least with my best friend.

  “You’re free to go. Holden’s waiting outside for you,” Kai dipped his voice low.

  I stood up and Storm got off the floor. Just as I turned around, Kai grabbed my arm and pulled me closer. I tried to move away, but he only held on tighter. I couldn’t help but break down in his arms. His scent was a mix of chlorine and aftershave. There were only a few people I had trusted in my life. Kai, Holden, and Daisy. Or at least I thought I did. After finding the strength to pull away, Kai’s tears slowly began to spill from his eyes.

  “I’m so sorry,” he breathed.


  Fuck. I knew this could happen. That she would fucking hate me when she found out the truth. God, I didn’t want her finding out this way, but I couldn’t tell her. I needed to stay undercover.

  “Come with me. I’ve got another room booked. We can go there and talk. Please, baby,” I begged. She shook her head at me.

  “I’m not going anywhere with you.”

  She was hurting and it was my fault, but when I heard her say those words, it caused a lump in my throat. Tears started to form in my eyes. Fuck. I care about this girl more than I’ve cared about anyone else before. We hadn’t known each other for long, but I couldn’t stop thinking about her since she kissed me on that bridge. I can’t lose her, but I know she needs space.

  “You’re free to go. Holden’s waiting outside.” My voice dipped low. She stood up from the chair and I got off the floor. She went to turn away, but I grabbed her arm and pulled her back into me. I need to hold her one last time. Isla tried to pull away, but I only held on tighter. I can’t let you go, baby. Not just yet. Isla used her strength and finally pulled away from me. The tickling sensation of slow tears slid down my cheek. She walked out of the interview room and Shante and Channing strolled back in. They looked at me with sympathy, but I knew exactly what they were thinking.

  “Storm,” Shante whispered.

  “Don’t. I know what you’re going to say.” I ran my fingers through my hair and took a deep breath.

  “You can’t help who you fall for.” Shante’s voice was raised and firm.

  “She’s right,” Channing interjected.

  “Maybe I shouldn’t have started anything with her. Maybe it was a mistake. She fucking hates me right now,” I growled.


  Tears still streamed down my face while I was escorted out to the front area of the police station. Holden and Daisy were sitting down next to each other, her head rested on his shoulders. They both jumped out of their seats when they noticed me.

  “Oh, thank God,” Holden yelled, before he pulled me in for a hug. Still crying, I felt like all of the air in my lungs had been sucked out, and I could no longer breathe. I mumble through my tears.

  “Can I stay with you guys tonight?”

  “Of course, but we need to talk as soon as we get home,” Holden urged.

  This is it. The conversation I have to have with him about being a call girl. Fuck. He’s going to hate me.

  “Okay, Holden,” I agreed. The three of us walked out and made our way to his car. Holden opened the rear passenger door. I stepped inside, and my head rested on the window. He started the car and made his way home. The ride was quiet and the only noise had come from my light sobs.

  When we arrived at their place, I made my way into the lounge room and fell back helplessly on their couch. Daisy put on the kettle and Holden sat down next to me. My eyes closed, but I heard the conversation Daisy had with her Aunty telling her not to worry about coming.

  “Okay, I love you Isla, but you need to tell me what’s going on,” he demanded. Daisy carefully strolled into the lounge room before she handed me a much needed hot cup of tea. I placed my finger on the handle, and used my other hand to steady the cup, before I brought the mug to my lips, and took a sip. My attention was brought to Holden and Daisy, who was sitting next to him.

  “Why the hell were you taken in and why was Kai arrested?”

  I breathed out a humorless laugh. “Arrested. That’s what I thought too.”

  “I saw him walking through the station with handcuffs on. They took him to the back; I assume to charge him.” Holden explained. My laugh became louder and my eyes swelled with tears again.

  “Kai wasn’t arrested, Holden. He’s a cop,” I confessed, placing down the mug on the dark gray coffee table. Holden’s mouth dropped open.

  “What?” Holden narrowed his eyes.

  “He’s a cop,” I repeated.

  “Like his dad?”

  “Wait, are you serious? His dad’s a cop too?”

  Holden nodded. “His mom as well. You didn’t know?”

  I shook my head. “No, I didn’t. Not about him or his dad.”

  “Fuck!” Holden cursed. He took a deep bre
ath and bit the inside of his nails.

  “I…I have to tell you something else, Holden,” I whispered and shuffled in my seat, turning my body to him.

  “I know you do. What is it you’ve been hiding from me?”

  I swallowed hard. “Please don’t hate me. It’s about Kai and myself.”

  “I’m listening.”

  “Do you remember that time I was waiting for you at the hotel because we were going to go out, but you cancelled on me at the last minute?”

  Holden’s eyes moved to the top of his head as he tried to recall the event. He nodded. “I remember.”

  “Well, what you don’t know is some man came up to me and gave me a proposition.”

  “What kind of proposition?”

  “Sex,” I blurted.

  “Sex?” Holden continued. “What do you mean sex?”

  “Sex…for money. Specifically,” I hesitated. Holden’s breathing quickened. He realized what was going on.

  “Ace,” he whispered.

  I nodded. “I needed the money. I thought it was going to be a one-time thing, but I couldn’t stop.”

  “Are you fucking kidding me right now?” Holden fumed. His eyes narrowed, and a fire ignited in them. His breathing was still heavy.

  “Calm down, Holden.” Daisy placed her hand on his knee.

  “You were a call girl?” Holden asked.

  I nodded. “I was desperate, Holden. I hated waitressing. You’ve seen where I live. I can’t do it anymore. I just can’t,” I wept. Holden’s expression softened and he became calm.

  “It’s okay, Isla.” Daisy interjected. She gave me a comforting smile before she reached over and took my hand in hers. “Everything will be okay.”

  “I’m sorry,” Holden apologized. I looked at him with a confused expression.

  “For what? You’ve done nothing wrong.”

  “I should have helped you more. Found a way to get you out of that dump.” Holden ran his fingers through his hair and over his face.

  “You let me stay here when I needed to. You’ve done more than you know. You and Daisy.”

  Holden whispered underneath his breath, unaware that I could hear him. “I have no right to be mad at you after Ally.”


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