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His Desire

Page 20

by Lizzie Lioness

I got off his lap and led into one of the bedrooms in the suite. Fuck. I could get used to this place. The room was massive and had an extra-large king-size bed that sat against a full-length window.

  I turned around and the guy closed the door.

  “I’m Ally,” I greeted.

  “I’m Kai Storm,” he replied.

  “Love the name,” I complimented.

  I stepped backwards towards the bed and sat down on the firm mattress.

  “I need your help.”

  “What kind of help?” I narrowed my eyes at him.

  “I want to make that girl jealous,” he confessed. “I like her a lot.”

  I smiled at him. He was obviously into her and I didn’t know why he wouldn’t just say something. Fuck. I doubt she’ll say no, especially by the way she was looking at him.

  “I’ll pay you whatever you want,” he offered.

  And there it was. Money. What we lived for and what we needed to live.

  “Done, but I need to tell you that you’re an idiot. This isn’t the way to get the girl.”

  “I want her. Badly. I just need to focus on something else right now.”

  “So why torment her?” I looked down and adjusted the straps of my dress which slid against my shoulder.

  “Because when the time comes, and I’m ready to be with her, she needs to want me as bad as I want her. I’m not interested in a simple fling.

  “I’ve seen the way she looks at you. Trust me, Kai. She wants you already,” I grinned.

  God, he’s so smitten with her.

  “So, what do you want me to do?”

  “Be extra flirty with me.”

  “I can do that.” I stood up and strolled over to him, leaned in and gently planted a kiss on his cheek. “Lead the way, Kai.”

  He smiled, turned around, and walked out the door. My attention briefly went to the other girl and I could see the disappointment in her face, hating that I came out of a bedroom with him.

  Don’t worry, gorgeous. He’s all yours.

  My lips curved into a smile when the girl grabbed the back of the guy’s head and pulled him in for a kiss. Looks like she was trying to make him jealous too.

  Kai sat down on the couch and I sat down next to him.

  “Who’s the guy she just kissed?”

  “That’s Oz,” he replied.

  The truth was, I already knew who Oz was from a photo that was shown to me. He looks better in person.

  Oz and the girl’s conversation were loud, that everyone turned to them when he asked if she’d ever kissed a girl. When she replied no, he pointed in my direction, and she stood up making her way over to me.

  “He wants to watch us, does he?”

  She nodded. This girl won’t be the first one I’ve kissed and she certainly won’t be the last.

  “You’ve never kissed a girl?”

  She shook her head. “No.”

  I smiled, and gently placed my hand on her face, leaned in and pressed my lips against hers. They were soft and luxurious and our mouths slid against each other like butter. The girl parted her lips and I gently slid my tongue to meet with hers. She was stunning. Her short brown hair and blue eyes were captivating. Fuck. If Kai didn’t want her so bad, I would have taken her to the bedroom myself. Shit. I need to stop before I do something crazy.

  I broke the kiss. She looked at me briefly before her gaze was directed at Kai. They need to lock themselves in a bedroom and just fuck it out with each other. Tonight’s games are definitely going to be interesting.

  I was standing at the police station with Kai, Jake, and Natasha and we were all in shock.

  Kai had just found out that his girlfriend was kidnapped as a child, and raped by her so-called dad.

  My blood was boiling while listening to what sick fucking thing her father had done. That’s not what a family is supposed to do.

  “I’m going to stay out of this one,” I said to Kai.

  He left to meet Isla’s dad who was already beaten up by Holden. I wondered if Kai would do the same thing.

  It had been one week since I was at that police station. A smile was plastered on my lips, and I was making my way to a pub. After turning into the lot, I parked my Silver Porsche next to the entry.

  The door creaked when I stepped out of the car, and made my way to the establishment.

  As soon as I went inside, the stench of stale beer and lit cigarettes invaded my nose. The wet dog smell coming from the molded carpet made it hard to breathe. I need to find him and get the fuck out.

  I looked around the bar and the man caught my eye. He was sitting down with a drink in his hand, grabbing the free nuts, and chucking them back a few at a time. I strolled over and sat down on a stool next to him. He looked at me, smiled, and eyed me up and down my body, while I ignored his stares.

  “Hello, sweetheart,” the man said.

  I turned my head to him. “Hello,”

  My attention switched to the bartender. “Whiskey on the rocks.” He nodded and moved away to make my drink. The man next to me was smiling, and snuck glances in my direction.

  My attention was cut short when the bartender returned, and handed my drink. I paid him cash, took the drink, and brought the glass to my lips, allowing some cool liquid to burn my throat. After I stepped off the stool, the man whispered.

  “Leaving already?”

  I smiled at him. “Looking for a good time, but there’s no one here that’s interested in me.”

  He bit his lip and looked up and down my body. My short black dress curved down so the flesh of my breasts was visible. I wanted to entice him. To lure him where I wanted.

  “I’m interested.”


  My voice dipped quietly, and I leaned over pressing my lips against his ear. “And what exactly are you interested in?”

  Older men are my preferred entertainment. The way they pay attention to detail on my body. Most of the younger guys I have fucked had no idea what they were doing. Except for Holden. I could fuck him and his girl again.

  The man leaned over and whispered back. “I want to taste you.”

  “Well, what are you waiting for?”

  “I’ve got a motel room across the street.”

  I nodded. “Let’s go.”

  The man stood up and we both made our way outside. The moment I left the establishment, I took a deep breath. That pub is fucking horrendous.

  The motel was a short stroll across the street. When we reached his room, he took the key and unlocked the door with his shaking hands. The man moved aside so I could walk in.

  After shutting the door, he held onto my waist and pushed me against the wall. “I want you.”

  I smiled at him. “You can have me, but I have a thing about cleanliness. I need you to take a bath first.”

  He narrowed his eyes at me. “A bath? Really?

  I nodded and licked my lips. He stepped back away from me and started to slowly remove his clothes, as if he were seducing me.

  “Are you going to join me?” he whispered.

  “No. I want to watch,” I replied.

  The man and I moved towards the bathroom. Naked and vulnerable, he bent down and turned on the faucet allowing the water to flow down. He picked up the stopper and plugged up the drain before turning to me.

  “I can’t believe a woman as beautiful as you, is interested in someone like me.”

  “I love older men.”

  We stood there watching each other, and a few times he had taken his cock in his hand, giving it a few pumps. When the bath filled up, he smiled and stepped inside sitting down in the tepid water. He took the soap and rubbed it against his body, cleaning himself.

  “Is this good enough for you?”

  “No. More. I need my man clean.”

  I bent down, took out my gloves and put them on, grabbed the shampoo bottle and emptied the entire contents in the water. My swollen lips pressed up against his ear when I leaned in and whispered to him.

“So, I heard something about you.”

  He looked at me with a confused expression. “What’s that?”

  Reaching around my back, I pulled out my trusted knife and showed it to him. A look of horror carved across his whole face. He knew what I was going to do.

  “I heard you like to kidnap little girls and claim them as your own,” I growled.

  “Who the fuck are you?” he hissed.

  “Your worst nightmare.”

  The man tried to pick himself up from the tub, but I pushed him back down. The extra soap I had used made the tub greasy and he was unable to grasp a hold of himself. I looked at the bruises on his face and I must say that Holden did a fantastic job beating him up. I knew Holden was special.

  There was something superior about taking someone’s life when you knew they deserved it. That asshole for instance, kidnapping a young girl, abusing her, he deserved to be punished. But I couldn’t get caught. This will have to do.

  The man thrashed in the bath as I held him down, preventing him from getting up.

  “You’re making this extremely difficult for me,” I grunted.

  He stopped moving and started begging for his life.

  “Please don’t do this.”

  A mischievous grin appeared on my lips. “Of course, I’m going to do this. You deserve so much more than this easy way out. I should be cutting off your dick, but then they’ll suspect murder,” I continued. “I’ve already typed up your suicide note. I must say, your reasoning for taking your own life is quite sad. Admitting what you’ve done to Isla and all.”

  “So, this is about my daughter?”

  “She’s not your daughter you lowlife piece of shit. She never was. You took her from the people that truly cared about her and now you’re going to pay.”

  Unknowingly, he placed his arm on the side of the bath which gave me direct access to his wrists.

  “Please don’t,” he begged.

  “Too late.”

  He looked down not realizing that I had already cut him, and the blood was seeping from his wrists.

  “Shit,” he whispered.

  “That’s for Isla and anyone else you no doubt took advantage of. I’ll be coming for your wife next,” I promised.

  I stood up and got a new pair of gloves, cleaned my fingerprints from the blade and placed it in his hands, making sure his prints coated them correctly. The blade dropped into the water, when I placed it in his free hand.

  Oh, well.

  The blood pooled on the tiled bathroom floor and I stood there with a smile on my face. Holden would be so proud.

  After making my way back into the bedroom, I removed the suicide note which was tucked in a clean white envelope, and placed the note on the bed. Reaching in my bag, I took out my phone and called a cleaner to make sure there was no evidence of me ever being in the room.

  “Yes, it’s done. Right now. I’ll send you the address.”

  After I hung up the phone, I grabbed my purse and walked out of the room, satisfied that the second person I killed in the past couple of days, both fucking deserved it. Oz, because I was hired to kill him for beating up a woman, and Isla’s dad for what he did to her.

  Did I forget to mention that I’m not actually a call girl, but a highly trained assassin licensed to kill?




  “He’s dead.”

  I shook my head vigorously at Kai and sat up on the bed. “What?”

  His eyes filled with sympathy, but I didn’t want any. I hated the man that claimed to be my father, but I was still shocked.

  “Did you say he’s dead?”

  Kai nodded.

  I’m fucking glad he’s dead. I wonder how he died.

  “Where is he right now?” I continued. “How did he die?”

  “His body has just been found at a motel not too far from here,” Kai answered.

  I knew I wouldn’t be able to believe he was dead until I saw his body for myself. “I need you to take me to him,” I mumbled, chewing the inside of my cheek.

  “I don’t think that’s such a good-,” Kai stopped when I put my hand up towards him.

  “Please, Kai. For my own sanity and peace of mind. So I can sleep better at night. I need to see the dead body of the man who abused me for years. The man who lied to me my whole life,” I begged.

  Kai took a deep breath and nodded. “I’ll take you, baby. I just want to make sure you’ll be okay seeing him.”

  Fuck, yes. I’ll be okay. I want to see his lifeless body lying wherever the fuck he is. I want to feel nothing when I see him and everything all at once.

  “I’ll be fine,” I promised.

  Kai leaned over, wrapped his arm around my neck, and pulled into his embrace. He placed a gentle kiss on my temple and the sensation of his lips lingered when he pulled away. Never would I imagine finding someone better than the man who was doing everything to comfort me.

  “If it gets too hard, we can leave the motel.”

  Kai and I have made our way to the parking garage which was two floors underneath the hotel lobby. We stepped out of the lift and his Red Mazda was already in view. Using his key, he unlocked the car door and I stepped inside, before he made his way to the driver’s seat. Kai put the key in the ignition but held off turning it on.

  “We can leave anytime you need to,” he whispered gently.

  “I know Kai, but I need to do this.”

  “Okay,” he replied, turning the key to start the car.

  The ride was quiet, but quick. I spent most of the trip trying to settle the sickening feeling that was in the pit of my stomach. My dad’s friend was a cop. God, what if he’s there? What if I see him? Fuck. This is bad.

  “What are you thinking about right now, baby?” Kai pulled me from my thoughts.

  “I’m fine, I’m just curious about everything, you know?”

  Kai nodded. “I know that this won’t be easy, but I’m here for you.” He reached over and took my hand in his before he placed it on his lap. “We’re here.” Kai turned into the Motel parked the car.

  As I looked out the window, I noticed a rundown building with faded off white paint and cracks that ran along the outside. Four parked vehicles were in the lot and three of them were patrol cars. Room Number 4 had police tape stretched across the door.

  “Are you ready, baby?”

  “I’ve been waiting for this day for years. I’m ready,” I turned to Kai and smiled.

  We both stepped out of the car and make our way to the room. The sickening feeling in my stomach hadn’t left. Kai released the police tape and we both treaded inside before he placed the tape back again. The instant aroma of death was overpowering, and the need for me to cover my mouth and nose was instant.

  “It’s a lot to take in,” Kai said.

  I nodded, agreeing with him, and removed my hands. I took a deep breath. Being a cop, Kai was probably used to this sort of stuff. I wasn’t sure how much I could handle, but I knew I couldn’t give up. I needed to see him.

  A second police officer comes out of the bathroom wearing gloves, a hair mask, and disposable shoe covers. He recognized Kai.

  “Philip, what’s going on?” Kai narrowed his eyes.

  Phillip reached out and showed Kai a folded white paper. Kai took some gloves from the back of his pocket, slipped them on his hands before taking the note. I leaned over and read the contents with Kai.

  It was a suicide note. A note that confessed everything he did to me. Kidnapping me at the park before claiming me as his own daughter, and even the abuse.

  My lips trembled as I read each line meticulously. It was typed up so I couldn’t compare his handwriting. His handwriting was always fucking messy.

  “Got it, baby?”

  I nodded and Kai handed the note back to Phillip.

  “Where is he?” I asked Phillip.

  “In the bath tub. It’s pretty gruesome in there. Are you sure you sure you want to go in?”

/>   I nodded without saying a word. Kai strode towards the bathroom and I followed close behind. As soon as I stepped onto the tiles, I caught my breath. The smell was more intense and horrific than when I had first walked into the room. I covered my mouth at the sight of what was in front of me. Something I wouldn’t imagine even in my nightmares. His body was in the bath tub, and his arms were draped to the side. A large pool of crimson red blood sat on the tiles beneath his slit hand. I uncovered my mouth and marveled at the sight in front of me. Kai walked up to me and placed his hand in mine.

  “So, he killed himself?”

  “Looks like it,” Kai replied.

  I nodded, but something was off about the picture in front of me. Maybe it was because I knew what a selfish prick he was, that he would never admit to what he did in the letter. And the letter itself was typed up. My dad never knew how to use a computer, so typing was out of the question. The confession. The words he used did not come from him. He didn’t talk like that, so I couldn’t see it coming out on paper that way. Why did they do it? Who killed him and made it look like a suicide? Fuck, it’s pretty damn genius. Someone wanted him dead, whether it was because if what he did to me, I wasn’t sure. Either way good fucking riddance.

  I broke my gaze from the body and turned to Kai, who was looking at me intensely.

  “Are you ready to go?”

  I nodded and smiled. “Thank you, I’m ready.”

  Kai took off his gloves and reached out his hand for me. I accepted it willingly, and we walked out of the bathroom and motel room, before we stepped back in his car. The moment I sat inside, I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I felt a sense of relief wash over me. Closure. It’s what I needed.

  “I’m so proud of you, baby.” Kai grinned, taking my hand and placing it on his lips. I turned to him and smiled. Kai probably thought this was hard for me to witness, but to be honest, it was one of the easiest things I’ve done when it came to deal with that monster in the bathtub.

  “I’m actually okay.”


  What a fucking relief. He’s out of my life for good.

  I nodded and Kai pulled me in for a hug. His body was pressed against mine and it awoken something inside of me.


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