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His Desire

Page 23

by Lizzie Lioness

  After killing Isla’s dad, I decided to stay in town to search for her mom, who seemed to have gone into hiding as well. I’ll get to her, one way or the other. I knew it might take a while, but I didn’t mind being in this city, especially with Holden and Daisy around.

  Mmmm. Holden and Daisy. Fuck. I need to stop thinking about them.

  My eyes closed and images flashed in my mind of me riding Holden and kissing Daisy. Needing to cool down, I stood up, threw the remote on the couch, and made my way into the bathroom. After removing my clothes, I turned on the shower and stepped inside, the tepid water reduced the heat that was escaping from my body.

  After a thorough wash, I turned off the shower and made my way back into the bedroom with a towel wrapped tightly around my body. I went to the night stand, opened up the drawer, pulled out my gun and spun around quickly aiming it at the two people who through my peripheral vision, saw them in the room.

  “Ally…” the beautiful woman whispered. My heart was racing, but I had no choice but to lower my weapon and place it back in the drawer.

  “I take it you know who we are?” the man grinned.

  Yeah, I definitely know who the two of you are.

  I nodded my head slowly. Romeo, the best contract killer in the business, and Rosa…well, she was not one to mess with.

  “I know who you are,” I breathed.

  “Do you know why we’re here?” Romeo asked.

  I slowly shook my head and swallowed hard.

  “Someone witnessed what you did to that man at the motel.”

  My eyes widened at him. “Who?”

  “Some rapist cop we’re here to kill.” Romeo rubbed his hands together. “I fucking hate rapists.”


  The Contract Killers


  I ran out of the interview room and bolted outside. It was intense meeting my brother and I needed to catch my breath. The air had been sucked out of my lungs and I felt like I couldn’t breathe. As I stepped out onto the pavement, my eyes closed, and the welcoming cool breeze hit my face.

  “Isla,” Isaac whispered.

  My eyes opened and I turned around to Isaac my new brother, gazing at me with a concerned expression on his face, which was laced with guilt.

  “Isaac,” I replied.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean-”

  I cut Isaac off. “I know, it’s a lot. It was for me too.”

  “More so for you after everything you’ve been through.”

  I dipped my head low and kicked my feet to the ground. I whispered without making eye contact “If you find it’s too much, we don’t have to-,”

  “There’s no fucking way I’m abandoning you now,” he continued. “Or ever.” Nodding quickly, Isaac walked up to me and pulled me in for a hug. I settled into him and the tears came down uncontrollably. His embrace was what I’d been missing. Comfort from someone who would love me unconditionally. Family. I remained in his arms for a moment before I quickly pulled away and wiped the tears that had stained my cheeks.

  “I’m sorry,” I apologized.

  “Don’t be,” he replied.

  “You okay, baby?” Kai interjected. I looked behind my brother and noticed Kai just outside the entrance.

  “I’m okay,” I smiled.

  “I should go. I need to pick up Max from preschool.”

  “Thank you for coming down.”

  Isaac removed his cell from his back pocket and handed it to me. “Put your number in and I’ll call you when mom and dad come home.” Grinning, I took the phone after he unlocked it and eagerly added my number. “It was amazing to meet you, Isla. I can’t wait till you see mom, dad, and Max.”

  “Neither can I,” I beamed.

  Isaac turned, and briskly walked towards his car. I brought my attention to Kai. “That was amazing and intense.”

  Kai grabbed my waist and pulled me into him. “I’m so proud of you, baby.”

  “Thank you,” I replied. Kai leaned in and gently pressed his lips with mine while his hand cupped the side of my face. A moan escaped both our lips.


  When we managed to pull away, I bit my lip and grinned at him. “If we don’t stop now, I think I’ll be pushing you into the back alley,” I flirted.

  Kai smiled. “Don’t tempt me.” “I want to take you out tonight.”

  “Really?” My eyes lit up with excitement. Kai nodded and moved his hands down to my waist. “Where?” I continued.

  “I have a couple of places in mind.”


  Kai took the keys for his car from his back pocket and handed them to me. “I need to do some work here. Come by and pick me up in a few hours.”

  “I haven’t seen Holden in a while. I’ll pay him a visit and come pick you up after.”

  Kai nodded, and gently pressed his lips on my cheek before he made his way back into the station. “I’ll see you soon, baby.”

  I was in the car after paying Holden a visit. I’ve always loved staying with him and Daisy because it was the one place I truly felt safe. There was something comforting about spending my nights there, knowing I wasn’t alone, yet being able to trust the people who were there with me.

  We spent time on his couch drinking beer, and I told him about Isaac and what happened with my parents. We chatted about Max and how adorable she is. Somehow, the conversation took a turn and we talked about my dad’s suicide. I confessed to Holden about my hunch, and that I didn’t think he killed himself. Holden was shocked, but always trusted my instincts and his own.

  The traffic lights turned amber and I slowed my car down. There weren’t many cars on the road which I found unusual at that time of the evening. When the lights changed to green, I pushed down on the gas and continued the journey to Kai. Suddenly, I heard sirens blaring behind me. I glanced in the rear-view mirror and could see a man with a helmet on a motorcycle. Fuck. I wasn’t speeding, and not over the fucking limit. I let out a frustrated sigh, veered the car to the right, turned off the engine, and put it in park.

  The police officer unmounted his motorcycle and made his way towards me. His helmet was still firmly on his head. When he reached my door, he motioned for me to wind down the window, which I obliged immediately.

  “Excuse me officer. What seems to be the issue?”

  He reached for his helmet, took it off and my breaths were faltered. All the air sucked out of my chest, freezing along with my body. When I tried to speak, the cop punched me through my open window and everything went black.

  “Isla, wake up,” a voice whispered to me.

  My eyes tried to flutter open, but something was stopping me. Deep down I was scared. Afraid that the person in front of me was the cop who abused me years ago.

  “Girl, wake up.”

  Wait. That’s a girl’s voice.

  “It’s okay, you’re safe,” Ally whispered.

  My eyes finally open, and the beautiful bombshell was kneeling in front of me with a concerned expression on her face.

  “Ally?” She smiled at me before she stood up and reached out her hand for me to take. I grabbed a tight hold of her and she gently helped me to a seated position. “What the fuck happened? The last thing I remember was...”

  “You fucking bitch!”

  Pain shot through my scull when I turned my head to the voice. “Jim,” I whispered, rubbing my cheek where he struck me. The cop was sitting on the cold and dark concrete ground with his back against the tan bricks. His hands were in cuffs that were chained to the wall. My thoughts were pulled when Ally screamed at Jim. Damn, she’s not the sweet girl I met at the party.

  “How are you feeling?” Ally asked me.

  My hands touched the side of my face where Jim had hit me, and I winced in pain. “Ow.”

  “Yeah, he clocked you good. You took it like a champ though,” she winked.

  I raised my eyebrows. “A champ? I blacked out.”

  “Yeah, but you’re awake now,” Ally grinned. />
  “How did I get here?”

  “I brought you over with a little help from some friends.” Ally rubbed her hands together and her attention was brought around the room.

  “Hello,” a man greeted, smiling. My attention directed at the voice and I noticed an incredibly sexy man standing next to a beautiful girl. Two people I’d never met in my entire life. The man had a black beard with white streaks of hair running through, piercing blue eyes and a killer smile. The girl had long, soft dark brown hair, which sat just under her shoulders, light blue eyes, and peach luxurious lips.

  “Um, hi”

  “I’m Romeo and this is my girl, Rosa,” he introduced. Rosa smiled at me. I looked between the three of them.

  “Isla,” Jake whispered.

  Fuck. Four of them.

  “Hey, girl,” Natasha smiled.

  Seriously? What the hell is going on?

  Struggling, Ally took my arm and helped me to my feet. My eyes glazed the room and I noticed someone missing. Kai! Shit!

  “Where’s my phone?”

  “In your bag over by the couch,” Ally informed.

  Frantically, I grabbed my purse and looked inside for my phone. My hand covered my mouth when I noticed all the missed calls and notifications from Kai, and a few from Holden.

  “I need to call Kai.”

  “Wait!” Ally shouted.

  My eyes drew together. “What?”

  “You might want to hold off,” Ally said.

  “What? Why?”

  “Because of what we’re going to do to this cop here. You don’t know how Kai will react.”

  “React to what? What the fuck are you going to do to him?” I yelled.

  “We’re going to kill him,” Ally grinned. Her voice was calm and controlled.

  “Kill him?” I questioned.

  And then it hit me. “Oh, fuck!”

  Ally smiled. It was her. She killed my dad.

  “I hope you don’t mind what I did to that poor excuse of a man you called your father. Your mother is next,” Ally vowed.

  “I knew it. I fucking knew it!” I exclaimed.

  “What?” Ally narrowed her eyes.

  “I knew he didn’t kill himself. I told myself there was no way that selfish asshole would do that. The typed letter alone gave it away.”

  Ally’s eyes widened. “You knew and you didn’t say anything to Kai?”

  I shook my head slowly and Ally looked proud, nodding her head and smiling. “I kept that to myself, but this? This I need to tell him. He’s worried sick about me. I was supposed to pick him up.”

  After dialing his number, Kai answered in a panic. “Oh, my God. Where the fuck have you been? Why haven’t you answered me? I was worried sick!”

  “Please, baby. Don’t freak out.” My voice was calm, but inside I was screaming.

  “You can’t say that to me and expect me not to worry. What happened?”

  “I got pulled over on my way to you,” I explained.

  “What? A cop pulled you over?”

  I lowered my voice to a whisper. “Yes.”

  “Who pulled you over? I swallowed hard, took a deep breath, and stayed quiet. “Which cop, Isla?”

  I dipped my voice low. “You know which cop.”

  Kai’s deep breaths broke the silence until he spoke. “Isla, please tell me he didn’t…”

  After explaining to Kai what happened with Jim, he began to yell over the phone. “Fuck! He hurt you? I’m gonna kill him! Where the fuck are you? Where is he?”

  “I’m gonna fuck that tight pussy of yours when I get out of here!” Jim screamed. Ally punched him in the face.

  “Fuck. He’s there with you now?”

  “Yes,” I replied.

  “Tell me where the fuck you are,” Kai demanded. “Send me the address.”

  I hung up the phone and texted Kai the address that Ally provided me.

  “So how do you want to do it?” Ally asked me.

  I furrow my eyes. “Do what?”

  “Kill him,” she breathed.

  “Woah. You want me to kill him?”

  “If you want. I’m not opposed to letting you do it. If you can’t stomach it that’s fine, but your ass will watch as I cut off his dick,” Ally professed.

  “Are you fucking crazy, bitch?” Jim screamed.

  Rosa paced right up to Jim and clocked him in the face. “I think Ally already told you to shut the fuck up!”

  Romeo smirked. Rosa walked over to him and crashed her lips onto his. Ally smiled watching them both. I looked down at Jim and noticed the bruises on his face. His nose was crooked and bleeding.

  When Jim took off his helmet, I recognized him immediately even though he had less hair and more weight.

  He was sitting on the concrete floor, looking up and down at my body and sneering. I hated the way he was gazing at me. It was the same way he used to when he would come by to my house. Jim would lick his lips and I would gag.

  “Don’t look at me that way!” I warned. Jim’s evil laugh echoed throughout the basement. Rosa pulled away from Romeo and was about to go up to him, but Ally stopped her.

  “I got this.” Ally chortled. She walked over to Jim, reached around her back pocket and took out a knife. She released the blade, smiled and kneeled in front of him.

  His grin faltered and his expression turned serious. “What are you going to do with that?”

  “By the end of the night, your dick will be cut off. Gone. It will be mine to feed to the dogs. Keep laughing or looking at Isla the wrong way, and I’ll make the pain last longer,” she promised.

  “You wouldn’t. Hurting a cop is-”

  She took the knife and placed it against his crotch. “Do you really want to fucking test me?”

  His voice trembled. “N…no.”

  I couldn’t help but enjoy the interaction between Ally and Jim. The amount of times he made me feel scared, I lost count. Jim would always smell of stale beer and cigarettes which always made me sick to my stomach.

  Ally stood up and brought her attention to me. “Are you okay?”

  I nodded and smiled and satisfied knowing that Jim was going to pay for what he did.

  Ally closed the knife and put it back in her back pocket.

  “How did I end up here?” I asked Ally. She was about to answer when my phone buzzed.

  Kai had arrived, and Jake went up from the basement to bring him back down. The moment Kai’s eyes locked with mine, we ran to each other, and I threw myself in his arms. He held on tight for a few minutes, and I took deep breaths to inhale his familiar scent. When I pulled away, Kai noticed the bruise on my face.

  “What the fuck? He did that?” I nodded and his eyes widened. Kai placed me down gently and cupped my face in his hands. “Where the fuck is he?” I turned my head towards Jim and Kai noticed everyone in the room.

  “Ally? What the fuck?” Kai bellowed.

  “Kai,” Ally grinned.

  “Who the hell are you two?” Kai asked Romeo.

  “That’s Romeo and Rosa,” Jake chimed in.

  “Am I supposed to know who they are?” Kai asked Jake.

  “Contract Killers,” Jake explained.

  Kai shook his head and turned to me. “Did anyone else hurt you?”

  “They all protected me. I’m not sure what happened. Ally was about to explain.”

  “And I want to hear it, I just need to do one thing first.” Kai leaned in and brushed his lips with mine before he pulled away and made his way to Jim. The fury in his eyes burnt holes through him. Kai was angry. More than I’ve ever seen him before. Without saying another word, Kai punched him in the face. Repeatedly. Again, and again. It took Romeo and Jake to pull Kai off him. When they finally pried him away, Kai threatened Jim.

  “Fucking asshole. You’re going to be punished for what you did to my girl!”

  Jim coughed up crimson blood which stained his bruised lips.

  “Okay, someone tell me what the hell is going on?”
Kai looked around the room, and begged someone to answer him.

  “Bro, it’s a lot to take in. Are you sure you want to get involved?” Jake asked him.

  “Are you all here to protect my girl?” Kai questioned.

  Romeo, Rosa, Jake, and Natasha all nodded their heads. “Good. Then I want in.”

  A lump formed in my throat. For years I had felt alone and suddenly I had six people willing to kill someone for me. Willing to protect me.

  Kai turned his head to me. “He needs to die, Isla.”

  Fuck. Can I stand here and watch one of my abusers be killed? Castrated like Ally wanted to do?

  Hell, yeah. I can.

  “We’re going to make him suffer for a bit, then we’ll kill him. I’ll arrange for some cleaners to come and take his body to destroy it,” Romeo explained.

  “What will they do to his body?” I asked.

  “Destroy it so no one can ever find him,” Rosa replied. She took out a hair tie from her pocket and gently wrapped her hair back.

  I took a deep breath and Kai held my hand tight. “I probably would have killed him anyway, Isla.” Kai leaned in and whispered.

  Ally strolled over and outstretched her hand with her knife. “What do you say, Isla? Would you like to get your revenge on?”



  The retractable knife was tight in Ally’s grasp. My eyes locked with hers and she smiled. I liked Ally, a lot. I had dreamed about stabbing my father for years, but the opportunity never presented itself, until now.

  “I don’t know,” I hesitated.

  “You don’t have to, but by God, you will sit and watch while I detach his dick from his body. There are things I can put up with, not a lot of things, but abusing kids is not one of them. I know Romeo and Rosa feel the same way.”

  I brought my attention to the two contract killers who were nodding. “No questions asked. We kill them without warning,” Romeo growled.

  “Fuck you all!” Jim screamed. The terrified look etched on his face was something I had wanted to see for a very long time.

  “You don’t have to be the one to do this, you know?” Kai whispered.


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