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Douglas Kendall

Page 19

by Jason the Rescuer

  Durdaine threw his head back. "Ha!", he barked, and looked back at Dalton. "A likely story. I know EXACTLY what you're after! You Infinity City types all want the same thing. You're just after..."

  Monique, shocked and offended by Excarver Durdaine's tirade, finally found her tongue and interrupted in an even voice,

  "Excuse me, Mr. Durdaine. It is not what you think."

  "Monique, stay out of this," he father said crisply.

  He mother nodded her head in the direction of the hallway.

  "Just go to your room, dear. We'll take care of this for you."

  Monique looked from one cold, disapproving face to another.

  Were these the people who would be running her life forever aboard this ship? What a dreadful future was in store for her then. No Dalton. Just his sweet memory, and these sour three who cared nothing for her feelings.

  Dalton, seeing the look on Monique's sweet young face, now downturned, stroked her arm to comfort her.

  Excarver Durdaine snorted in disgust at their affection.

  His cold old mind viewing it only as another example of their teenage lust. He sneered, "You're just as vile and deceitful as that Jason."

  Dalton looked up sharply at the old man. What a horrid thing to say! Dalton had finally had enough of this. Standing as straight and tall as he could, he said, "Sir, you should not talk that way. Jason has done so much for you!"

  Durdaine's eyes grew wide, and he began nodding his head vigorously, his gray and black hair flying wildly about. "Yes!

  Yes! He most certainly has, hasn't he?" Durdaine now froze. He stood for several moments just glaring furiously at Dalton. He bared his gnarled old yellow teeth in a snarl, whipped an arm up pointing toward the open door, and growled, "Now you get out!

  Get back to that sailship of yours, and don't come back!"

  Durdaine was shaking with anger. "And you are not to see Monique again! EVER! DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!"

  Dalton could stand this no more. These people were horrible! He leaned over quickly to Monique, and whispered "THE

  GARDEN!" Then he slipped past Durdaine, and fled the apartment.

  Dalton turned down the nearest hallway, and ran off heading for the garden.

  Durdaine remained behind to tell Monique's parents to keep an eye on her. Monique stood there in awe as her parents and Excarver Durdaine all three discussed the situation regarding Dalton and herself as if she was not even there. She silently left the frontroom, and entered a hallway as if heading for her room. Instead, she quietly opened the door to the utility room, silently closed it behind her, and left the apartments through the backdoor at the back of the utility room.

  A moment later, Jason entered the corridor, walked up to Monique's apartment, having followed PF24's instructions, and knocked. Monique's father answered the door, and there was Durdaine standing behind.

  They invited him in but no one sat down. Jason stood tall and square with his arms folded. Durdaine began lecturing him with the importance of Conovarian genetic purity, and how important it was not to introduce any defective recessive genes.

  Durdaine informed him that Conovarian genes were so pure that cousins could marry with no risk to their offspring. Even brothers and sisters could mate without causing genetic defects.

  Few brothers married their sisters, of course, but if a man or woman became sterile for non-genetic reasons, through disease or accident, it had become customary for one of their siblings to artificially provide the required egg or sperms, thus keeping the offspring looking more like the parents than if strangers had been used.

  With an extreme effort of self-control Jason patiently listened to Durdaine's lecturing, then politely informed them all that he had actually been summoned back to the sailship to make ready for departure, and had simply dropped by Monique's residence to find Dalton.

  Durdaine informed him coldly that he had ordered Dalton back to the sailship, and personally forbidden him to ever see Monique again.

  Jason looked narrowly at Excarver Durdaine. The room grew quiet as the other three noticed the smoldering look on Jason's face as he fixed each one with his steely blue-eyed stare. Jason told himself that he must keep his relations with the colonists civil if he hoped to gain financial reward from this rescue mission. He tensely excused himself, and beat a hasty retreat.

  22. FLIGHT!

  Monique met her dear Dalton in the garden. There he was, standing dejectedly beside one of the flower wells below a tree.

  Would this be the last time she would ever see him? He wore a loose white shirt and light brown trousers. He had not cut his dark hair during his time repairing the colony ship which gave him a moppy look. He stood with his usual straight posture looking down into the flower well. She had learned that great inner turmoil could be brewing inside her young lover's short, lean frame even though on the outside he looked calm and serene.

  She walked over to him, and he reached out and held her hand.

  "Nobody wants us to be together, Monique," he said sadly and quietly, still not looking at her. He was very hurt that after all the work he and Jason had done for these people, they had turned on him like this. Again and again, life had betrayed him.

  His mother had uncaringly left him as an infant. Katz had callously dumped him out onto the awful streets of Infinity City.

  Was there NO justice for him?

  Sensing his inner pain, Monique caressed his soft cheek. He was so vulnerable, an easy victim of the powerful adults. "They were very unfair to us," she said with conviction. "Especially to YOU, Dalton. They have no right to tell us what to do." She felt deeply betrayed by the reaction of her foster parents.

  Dalton was a very sensitive and caring person. In spite of all he had been through during his short life, he still wanted nothing more than to help other people. She loved him for his kind and gentle heart.

  They discussed the incredible reaction of her foster parents and Excarver Durdaine, the miserable situation they were now in, and the bleak, empty future awaiting them.

  With a tear in her eye, Monique looked into Dalton's loving face. "Dalton, we're about to lose each other forever. I can't bear to see you go!"

  The sadness beginning to contort her sweet face wrenched at Dalton's heart, making his own eyes grow moist. "Oh, Monique!

  Why did we ever meet? Life without you will be nothing."

  They embraced sadly, holding each other tenderly. They gently caressed each other, each trying to make the other feel better.

  Monique suddenly pulled away, and looking intently into Dalton's face said, "You MUST take me with you aboard your sailship! Let's escape!"

  He looked down. He could not face her. "Monique, I cannot.

  They... they won't permit you onboard." He balled his fists in frustration, hating himself for having to lie to her. It was JASON who would not permit a girl onboard the sailship. His reaction when he had caught Dalton looking at Monique in virtual-reality had proved that out.

  "Because I'm a girl?" Monique informed Dalton that all the colony ship was buzzing about Ethera Durdaine's affair with Jason ABOARD THE SAILSHIP. Dalton was shocked. He had not known that Jason had brought any colonist over to the sailship. Jason had irrationally harassed him about being interested in Monique while he was secretly busy with Ethera aboard the sailship! How unfair! Monique had asked repeatedly to visit the wonderful sailship from Infinity City. But Dalton had always declined citing 'Militia Guard regulations,' secretly because he had thought it would have made Jason angry. And now to learn that Jason had himself brought over a girl! That was just not fair at all!

  Suddenly, Dalton changed his mind. With a burst of passion he took both of Monique's soft, petite hands in his, looked into her deep dark blue trusting eyes, and said, "Monique! Let me take you away from the colony ship! Come with me aboard the sailship! We'll be free to do whatever we want! If it's okay for Jason to bring over a girl, then it will be okay for me, too!"

  He had changed his mind! She was amazed
and surprised, but she quickly accepted, though wondering what the officers aboard the Militia sailship would think. Dalton would handle it, she confidently decided. Oh, to go with him! She had been so afraid that she would never see him again. And now to escape from the colony ship with him! It was like a dream. Monique gave him a kiss for luck, and they embraced warmly, holding each other tightly. Then Dalton gently pulled away. He took her hand warmly in his. With an excited look in his dark eyes he whispered, "Come!", and led her out of the garden, for the last time.

  They fled to the nose cone of the colony ship. No one was there. They entered the air lock that he and Jason had been using. Dalton needed a spacesuit and spacebike for Monique. It was late, and Jason, he assumed, was over in the sailship, probably even waiting up for him to get back.

  But Monique needed a spacesuit to get across to the sailship! Then Dalton remembered something. He quickly jerked opened the storage cabinet where he kept his own spacesuit and spacebike. There at the back was a second spacesuit and spacebike set! Dalton had noticed their mysterious appearance a few days ago, and had assumed they were just spares Jason had brought over. Busy with final repairs and Monique, he had not bothered to ask Jason about them. He pulled out the spacesuit, and upon closer examination discovered to his surprise that it was cut for a woman! Dalton thought of his own suit also cut for woman, only fitting him due to his small stature, and Jason's

  'suit, which was far larger and bulkier. He suddenly had an almost overwhelming feeling of inadequacy, and began having self-doubts about their plan. What was he doing, anyway?! NO!, he raged inwardly. I'LL SHOW THEM! WE'LL SHOW THEM! THEY CAN'T


  Sensing her love's inner-turmoil, Monique stroked Dalton's cheek. Their eyes met, and each knew the other's thoughts. They embraced tightly, desperately, and clung together for a few moments. Then Dalton gently disengaged Monique, gave her a kiss, and helped her slip into the spacesuit. He then slipped into his. He strapped Monique aboard the other 'bike, and strapped himself onto his. Through the spacesuit helmet crystal faceplate, Dalton noticed Monique staring at him apprehensively.

  He winked, turned on his radio, and instructed the computer to link his radio to Monique's. He spoke soothingly to her, and explained how the spacebikes worked and what they were about to do. After he convinced her it was all completely safe and computer controlled, she smiled, and said she was ready. Dalton told the computer to cycle the air lock.

  Not knowing that Jason's suit and spacebike were stored in one of the other cabinets of the air lock, and Jason was actually onboard the colony ship looking for him, Dalton assumed Jason was over onboard the sailship, maybe even asleep in the living quarter. As soon as he and Monique were aboard, Dalton assumed the three of them would just sail away. Jason would understand why Monique was with him. They would all sail around the Galaxy together! Three happy Adventurers!

  As the air pumped out, Monique touched the wall of the air lock of the colony ship. The colony ship had been her only home all her life. She would be leaving her foster parents behind maybe forever. Was she doing the right thing? She looked at her beloved Dalton sitting confidently astride his wonderful spacebike. She would follow him anywhere!

  Then, they left the colony ship, and headed for the sailship. Neither would ever set foot aboard the colony ship again.

  Jason arrived at the closed inner hatch of the colony ship nose cone air lock just as Dalton and Monique, aboard their spacebikes, were slowly jetting out through the outer hatchway.

  Jason saw the indicator panel on the outside of the air lock indicating the outer hatch was open. Jason assumed this was Dalton, and was relieved that he was finally heading back to the sailship, though Jason had no idea Dalton was not alone. He pressed a button to open the inner hatch, then waited while the outer air lock hatch closed, and it began cycling. Finally, the inner hatch swung open.

  Jason assumed this would be the last time he would leave the colony ship. He opened Dalton's storage cabinet to fetch the spacesuit and spacebike, that Ethera had used. He would bring them along with him. If only things had worked out with her. If only she hadn't wanted to go with him... Her spacesuit and spacebike were gone!

  He yanked open the cabinet with his own 'suit and 'bike, and quickly began pulling on his suit, thinking to himself: Ethera must have gone over to the sailship! She STILL wanted to go off with him! Couldn't really blame her of course, he smugly thought. Maybe it would not be so bad with her after all. Just the three of them, him, Ethera, and Dalton, sailing around the Galaxy, raising hell in every port! He grinned at the exciting thought...

  Dalton and Monique arrived at the sailship, and cycled through the air lock. Dalton was getting panicky, knowing that he was getting her in big trouble. He nervously removed and stowed their 'suits and 'bikes. He could not bring her into the living quarter, Jason would be in there asleep or eating. He did not want Jason to know that she was onboard until he had thought out how to keep her there. He brought her up to the pilot room, avoiding the noisy elevator floor which would have alerted Jason.

  Dalton looked around the pilot room thinking hard. He glanced through the transparent dome overhead. He saw someone leaving the colony ship, coming toward the sailship! He wildly thought: It must be Durdaine, or one of his guards. They knew he was kidnapping Monique, one of their colonists! What if they attacked the sailship!

  Monique saw a wild look spreading across Dalton's face. She looked off in the direction of his stare, and saw someone leaving the colony ship on a spacebike. She just assumed it was Jason coming back after leaving her parents' apartment. Dalton must be nervous about telling him he had brought her aboard. This made her feel nervous, as well.

  Dalton told the computer to start the propulsion jets. He would move out farther away from the colony ship to get away from the colonist coming over. There was no program set up for the computer, so Dalton jumped into the pilot chair, and activated the manual controls. They folded out from the arms. He waited for the propulsion system to warm up and complete its self-testing.

  Monique asked what he was doing. He told her he was keeping her safe from whoever was flying over. She began to grow worried. Why would she need to be kept safe from Jason? She asked him that. He told her Jason was down below. That was Durdaine or someone come to take her away from him forever. He shouted at the computer not to communicate with anyone outside the sailship. His hands were on the controls.

  He told her they were not Militia Guard, or at least he was not. There was only two of them. They were rescuers who had come to rescue the colony ship. But it was 80 light-years from the new world, and even farther from CONOVER. He could not let them take her back or she would just grow old and die aboard the colony ship.

  She did not understand all that was happening. What was he saying?! He was sounding crazy! His face was intense with panic, his eyes darting all about but avoided her! And he was taking her away from the safety of the colony ship, from her family! She hissed, "Dalton, what are you doing?!" But he ignored her! She grabbed at his arm to get his attention, tragically JUST AS HE WAS ACTIVATING THE JETS WITH THAT HAND!

  The jets responded obediently to the control stick in Dalton's hand, and swung around, firing at a wild angle, swinging the sailship around sharply. The delicate gravitonic sail generating the sailship's artificial gravity was yanked to the side, and several of its control lines tore loose. Red malfunction alerts began flashing across the control boards, buzzers sounded loudly, and the computer began issuing all sorts of dire warnings. Gravity aboard the sailship quickly dwindled and was gone. The suddenly uncontrolled centrifugal force of the spinning sailship threw Dalton and Monique upwards. They both crashed head first into the transparent dome over the pilot room.

  As Dalton had lifted from the pilot seat, grabbing frantically to get a grip on one of its arms, he had jostled the propulsion control stick again, and now the sailship went jetting off, out of control.

bsp; The force of the spinning sailship caused a small drawer in the pilot room to pop open, and a small audio tape came flying out, falling upwards, coming to rest on the entangled unconscious boy and girl.

  Jason watched from his spacebike in shock and confusion, and then in growing horror as his sailship suddenly rotated over, and then began to move off. He caught a glimpse of the small forms of Dalton and Monique crumpled and unmoving against the pilot room dome as the sailship jetted away, rotating over and over.

  He yelled for the sailship's computer to cut the jets, but it would not respond because of Dalton's order not to communicate with anyone outside the sailship.

  23. RESCUE

  Jason smacked the manual control override of his spacebike, grabbed the controls and swung the 'bike around, jetting back toward the colony ship at top speed. His thoughts were cool. He had to save them! And, there was only one solution!

  The nose cone of the colony ship yawned before him, a black pit surrounded by the barely visible gray bulk of the colony ship, surrounded by the endless star field. The nose cone lights were out! He had not needed them coming out because his sailship computer was automatically guiding his spacebike. He called for the computer but was still cut off. He called for the colony ship computer PF24, but received no answer. His helmet radio was locked into the deadened sailship channel.

  As he rapidly approached nose one area, he could see the little yellow inner-lights of the air lock he had left only a short time before. A very tiny target! But what the hell...

  As the spacebike arrived at what he determined was the halfway point between where he had turned around and the air lock, he swung it around, and used its main jets to begin braking his progress -- slowing down his accumulated speed. Now traveling backwards, he had to look over his shoulder to steer his way in. He tensely manipulating the steering jets.

  Though he was now slowing down, the little air lock approached rapidly. Too rapidly! If he hit it too hard, he would crash inside, maybe even break through its inner hatch causing an explosive decompression of the entire axis tunnelway.


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