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Douglas Kendall

Page 24

by Jason the Rescuer

  Monique said confidently, "That won't hurt anything. We DID

  have the same mother, and both our fathers were genetically identical. But, our fathers were from CONOVER and had not one genetic defect, recessive or otherwise. On CONOVER brothers and sisters commonly share their eggs and sperm, through artificial insemination, of course. No brother or sister that grows up together cares to get married. That's taboo anywhere that's civilized, and I assume on Infinity City, too." Jason nodded vigorously. "But, Dalton and I just met a few weeks ago. We don't even look much alike, pigment-wise at least. He looks more like his father, and I look just like my mother." Jason had a sudden vision of the shock on his parents faces when they would see Monique for the first time. "Everything will be just fine!

  You will introduce me as Monique Stomec from the colony ship.

  Dalton will remain Dalton Romeg. I will take Dalton's surname, if that is traditional on Infinity City. Which leads me to another question. Uncle Jason, as captain of this sailship, can you perform the time-honored ceremony of marriage aboard a ship that is away from any port?"

  Jason smiled and shook his head, "Monique, you'll fit in just fine on Infinity City. You're are starting to sound like a Grand Dame already! Yes, I suppose I can marry you, and give you away, as well." Jason looked straight up at the ceiling of the living quarter, and spread his hands. He said to no one in particular, "What an Adventure this has been!"

  He suddenly jumped to his feet. "This means that before anything more, I've got to get up to the pilot room, and find a fast current for Infinity City!" He dashed out of the room and up the central chamber ladder to change course for Infinity City.

  Dalton and Monique went over to the couch at the back of the living quarter. Dalton looked at Monique, "We could have had the baby at CONOVER."

  But she disagreed, "No, not there. Too many bad feelings.

  Besides, I want to see Infinity City. Does Jason have much family there?"

  "Not much," Dalton answered. "Just his parents. He's always wanted a big family. He envies all the larger families..."

  Monique interrupted, "Dalton, you mean we'll have grandparents to watch our children?!"

  "Children?", Dalton asked, uncertain about her use of the plural form

  "Oh, yes! I grew up so alone, with no brothers or sisters.

  I want to have as many kids as we can!"

  Dalton gulped and grew a little pale, but finally grinned as he caught the enthusiasm in her bright, smiling, thoroughly happy face. "Jason will love to hear that! And by the way, Monique, just for the record..." Dalton knelt down in front of her on one knee, and took her hands in his. Her hands were soft and warm and very delicate. He felt his face suddenly burning, though her reassuring smile made him feel so loved. "Will you marry me, my darling Monique?"

  She sighed deeply, blinked at him, and held her head to one side drinking in the moment. She would never forget the look on this sweet young man's delicate face. He was so solemn! Yet his dark, comforting eyes were so full of eagerness. Then she reached forward and gently stroked her wonderful friends soft hair. "Yes, forever," she breathed...

  Jason married them that very day, and they became husband and wife. And, on home to Infinity City they all sailed.


  Jason's parents were stunned when Jason showed up one day with Dalton, Monique, and their new baby. When Jason Sr. and Maynyn learned the entire story, however, they became delighted at being the grandparents of the two charming young newlyweds.

  Dalton, Monique, and their little baby boy moved in with their loving grandparents (Jason's parents) into the apartments above the little curio shop, and Dalton began working with his grandfather (Jason's father) in the little family shop. Everyone was blissfully happy.

  Soon, Jason, as itchy for Adventure as ever, sailed away for Conover to try and wheedle a reward out of the authorities.

  Unfortunately, Dalton's new found domestic responsibilities prevented him from sailing off with Jason. But he could still dream of high Adventure out in the Galaxy! Sometimes he even sat around the shop idly considering the possibility of going back into the past to rescue his mother. If only he had a sailship...

  And in the curio shop where Dalton worked, there was a strange little object that had been there for a long time. The object had unimagined powers that no one knew about... YET.

  Jason, and his good friend John One accompanying him to CONOVER

  to help settle a certain score, would learn all about these powers. They would eventually become essential for the survival of Infinity City, and all the worlds of the Galaxy.

  And back on the colony ship Ethera Durdaine seethes with rage for being left behind by Jason. The daughter she carries will take after Jason in many ways. And then raised by her grandfather Excarver, leader of the colony ship, the girl will master the techniques of subtle tyranny. What will happen when she discovers a secret passageway into the insane segment of the ship and learns to influence the mad geniuses to do her own bidding? Will the influence of her mother's and grandfather's murderous hatred for Jason be enough to motivate her to commandeer the ship to go after him?

  But, all of this continues in the further chronicles of Infinity City...


  Read the next exciting book in the Infinity City series!

  "SEARCH FOR KATZ" - Infinity City Book #3



  INFINITY CITY - A very old, artificial world constructed within the first event horizon of a nondescript black hole somewhere in the Milky Way galaxy, populated exclusively by humans. Highly sophisticated gravitonic technology allows safe, continuous suspension of the disk-shaped world, as well as construction of faster-than-light gravitonic 'sailships' for trading within the Galaxy, and defense from hostile 'neighbors' also possessing similar technology. Political system: Strict rule by female-only Council of Grand Dames, each G.D. representing one of each of the principle Houses or Families of Infinity City. Chief male activity: 'Adventure,' defined as 'daring and lucrative Galactic exploration and trade,' and also compulsory service within the formidable Infinity City Militia Guard, as required by the Grand Dames of all Infinity City males.



  PILL OF LIFE - Prevents aging. It must be ingested monthly. The ultra-sophisticated biogenetic technology for producing the PILL

  is unheard of anywhere except Infinity City. The scientists of Infinity City have never successfully manufactured the PILL

  outside of the unique gravitonic radiation within the black hole.

  Adventurers normally take a large supply, in case they become stranded. Unfortunately, the molecular structure of the proteins making up the PILL are very complex, giving the PILL a shelf life of only about 25 years. If an Adventurer is stranded, even with a large supply he will only stay young for 25 years, and then begin aging. The PILL cannot survive cryogenic storage.



  SOUQ - Most Infinity City stores or shops, of similar category, tended to group together. Any store that is part of one of these groupings is referred to as a souq.



  NEIGHBORS - The residents of Infinity City refer to the few other cities within black holes as their NEIGHBORS. All have degenerated into unstable regimens of tyranny. Without the political stability to foment sophisticated biogenetic technology, they have no ability to produce the PILL OF LIFE.

  They began raiding Infinity City merchant ships for plunder, and also foolishly for the PILL, which these ships carried in abundant quantities for their crew, though each prescription of the PILL worked only for a single person's genome. The raids grew in daring and number until Inf
inity City set up its famous Militia Guard to protect itself and its main routes of trade.



  WELL OF THE WISH - a mysterious black and dark red brick cistern, at the very heart of Infinity City, located above the sparkling point of the black hole's second event horizon. Built by the Original Builders, and one of Infinity City's oldest artifacts.



  JOURNAL - Refers to "Infinity City Journal of Recent Adventure,"

  a fascinating monthly publication detailing exciting recent activities of the Militia Guard and private Infinity City Adventurers. Highly recommended to all visitors expecting to participate in local topical conversation.

  Distributed throughout the Galaxy by Murdoch Publishing, Infinity City.



  BACK-BOUNCE - A sailship voyaging back in time, and then returning with everything in the past reverting to its exact original historical configuration by the time the sailship re-enters the black hole, as if it had never left. However, any object brought back remains in existence.






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