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Page 16

by Reagan Woods

“I think we have too many clothes on.” She couldn’t stop the happy laugh that poured out. Finally, they were going to be together, joined as one.

  “Do you still think you love me, Lacy?” His voice was hard, the look in his eyes uncompromising.

  “I know I love you, Bram,” she sighed happily.

  Bram had the tunic over her head in a matter of seconds, that greedy, clever mouth latching onto her breast and pulling even as he teethed the nipple lightly forcing a moan from her. “More,” she demanded.

  His hand slid back into her hair, pinning her down as he growled, moving to torment the other breast. The other big hand massaged the wet tip his mouth left behind, fingers finding the perfect melding of pain and pleasure as they pinched and teased. “Your skin is so soft,” he panted, nuzzling the valley between her breasts. “And I could breathe you in all day.”

  Removing his hand from her hair, he pushed up to catch her eye. “Put your hands beneath your head,” he commanded, waiting until she did as he said. “Don’t move them. Do you understand?”

  She nodded. That wasn’t good enough. “I said, do you understand?”

  “Yes, Bram.” She smiled. “This time, I’ll be good.”

  His hand slid beneath the waistband of her trousers, pushing them down to her ankles. “If you’re not good, you’ll be punished.”

  “That’s big talk,” Lacy taunted, curious to see what it would get her.

  Gripping the fabric between her feet, he whipped her ankles into the air, exposing her bare bottom. His callused hand traced over that sensitive skin. Swiftly, he bent.

  “Ouch!” She yelped. “Did you just bite me?”

  The other rounded cheek received the same treatment. Her hips bucked in reaction as he rubbed the two bite marks firmly. “Oh, my God.” The sharp pain slid through her, making her squirm.

  “I won’t tolerate defiance, Lacy,” he explained, letting her legs drop back to the bunk and sliding the pants from her feet. “Not in this aspect of our relationship.”

  Narrowing her blue eyes, she reminded, “You’re not the boss of me, Bram.” Another nibble or two and she’d come apart, but he didn’t appear interested in giving her an easy release. Her heart throbbed thickly in her breast, shaking her wet, sensitive nipples torturously.

  “You said you love me,” he stated, flicking her sensitive clit. “You asked me to keep you and indicated that you wanted me.” Each word was punctuated with a hard pinch to that sensitive bud of flesh. “Was that an act?’

  Lacy willed him to continue his ministrations, but he backed away, crossing his thick arms over his chest.

  His expression went hard. “Was it real, Lacy?”

  She frowned at him. “Of course.”

  A self-satisfied smile flitted across his face. “Then, in my culture, you’ve petitioned to join my House, such as it is.”

  “Okay?” Moistening her lower lip with her tongue, she pushed, “Does that mean you’ll give me what I want now?”

  One brow winged up. “And what is that?”

  “You.” Her answer was as simple as her need. “Now, please.”

  His flowing pants pooled on the ground as he deliberately stepped free of them. Everything in her tightened in anticipation of that hard, hard length. He was different from a human man in coloring and size. Thighs rubbing together, she moaned at the sight of his thick inches. “God, that’s big,” she whispered.

  “And you’re going to take it all, aren’t you?” He didn’t pause or fumble, lowering over her, his arms slid beneath her, holding her steady for his first thrust.

  She was more than ready as his wide head forged inside, stretching her deliciously. Every veiny inch throbbed as she instinctively clenched around him.

  Forehead dropping to hers, he moaned. “Lacy.” His chest heaved with the effort of holding still. “You have to relax. I won’t last,” he warned, teeth grinding.

  Her fingers clenched together beneath her head as she fought to control the urge to bear down until he gave in and rode her hard. “Please,” she whimpered, arching up to rub her aching nipples against his chest. “More.”

  Chapter 37

  Bram had never felt anything so exquisite as the tight, wet grip of Lacy’s body on his cock. He needed to bring her to completion before he lost control and pounded into her like a mindless animal. Luckily, he paid enough attention that he knew what to do. Between the public induction ceremonies and the tendency of wealthy Doranos to brag, he understood what and where female erogenous zones were.

  Lacy herself told him everything else he needed to know with the slow undulation of her body beneath his, the way her breath caught when he did something she liked and, of course, her very vocal instructions.

  He watched her unfocused eyes, realizing the hard, gripping sensation was her body’s way of telling him she was close to her peak. Pushing forward, he bottomed out inside her, grinding his pelvic bone over her hard clit.

  “Yes,” she hissed, bucking against him. “More.”

  The slow slide out had his eyes rolling back in his head, but he maintained dogged focus on her pleasure. His muscles quivered and sweat rolled down his back. It took everything he had to move with slow deliberation. When he pushed back in, he pinched her clit between his thumb and forefinger and added a hip roll.

  Her eyes closed, breath quickening as her muscles fluttered maddeningly around him. That lithe body drew into an arc as she strained for release.

  “Look at me, Lacy,” he gritted, gratified when her eyes snapped open. The blue orbs locked on his as he pressed their foreheads together.

  Keeping a steady pace, he hitched her leg up higher on his hip. That slight change in angle had him thrusting deeper. His spine tingled, but he held off his own orgasm with nothing but will power. Thumb sliding over her slippery clit, he kissed her mouth hard, pounding out a hard rhythm.

  “Oh!” She seized around him. “Oh, God,” she choked, her walls pulsing and sucking as he pistoned his hips. “I’m coming.”

  He sat back on his ankles and dragged her up by the backs of her knees, thrusting in time to her squeezing caresses. The wring of her tight body as he slammed into her was his undoing. With a mighty groan, he let go of his control and let the sensations wash over him.

  “Lacy!” He shouted her name, pushing so far inside her tight body he knew they would never be separated. “You’re mine, Lacy,” he told her, pinning her to the sleep surface as he worked the last of his seed into her. “Mine to protect, mine to honor, mine to breed. Until you desire me no more.”

  The traditional words struck him as he hovered above her. He never believed he would have cause to utter them, let alone to such an open and giving female. She was perfect. Her body glistened with the sheen of perspiration and she’d never looked more beautiful – or more vulnerable. Flushed skin, chest heaving, her smile was more than a little dazed.

  He’d also never thought to breed a female. His genes weren’t pure, and, frankly, it wasn’t fair to saddle a child with that kind of life. Maybe he should pursue sterilization? It was something they could discuss – but not now. This moment was perfect, and he didn’t want to ruin it.

  “Well, that was an odd combination of thoughts,” she panted, wrapping her legs around his hips to hold him close. The frown of confusion between her arched brows was adorable.

  “Er – they’re traditional words of acceptance,” he explained. “When a female makes petition for a place in a male’s House, he grants it thusly. Normally, I would have dominated you in public, but, well, you’re an Earther. Your people seemed rather…shy about mating.” He grinned down at her, adding, “And I couldn’t wait.”

  “If you want to fuck in public, I’m down.” Her eyes glinted wickedly, and he felt a primal reaction to her words. “Exhibitionism doesn’t bother me. In fact, I can likely accommodate whatever forms of BDS&M you’re into. It’s pretty obvious you’ve got a dominant streak and I’m very adventurous.”

  “BDS&M?” He frowned. Wha
t was she talking about?

  “Bondage, domination, sadism and masochism,” she answered. “Though, to be honest, I’m not into giving or receiving large amounts of pain. I don’t want to be whipped or caned, but I’ll take a little spanky-spanky every now and again.”

  Bram rolled that around in his head, absorbing her meaning. “Good to know. Er – you know you can’t really go out in public on Cuva, right?”

  “I realize I’m too different to blend. You’ll just have to make it up to me with lots of not public sex.” She shifted beneath him, and he realized his weight pinned her to the sleep surface.

  “Here, let me…” He moved to disengage from her slick heat.

  Lacy pouted, tightening her arms and legs around him. “I like you right where you’re at.”

  “I feel confident I’ll be returning here again and again.” He smiled into her sated face. “Now that I’ve tasted this physical pleasure, I’ll probably drive you mad with my appetite for your sweet body.”

  When he was situated next to her on the narrow cot, she rolled to face him. “You hadn’t ever…?”

  “Never,” he told her, brushing her damp hair back from her face. “If it wasn’t to your liking, tell me what to change.” He knew she loved him, so he wasn’t ashamed to admit his inexperience.

  Her smile dazzled, and she pressed closer, tangling her legs in his. “My very own alien boyfriend is a natural Dom. I think I’ve died and gone to heaven.”

  “Boyfriend?” He puzzled aloud, nonplussed. “I am male but not a youth.”

  “It’s a term of affection.” She patted his chest reassuringly. “Trust me, there’s nothing boyish about you.” Her little hand squeezed his bicep appreciatively. “You’re all man.”

  “Male,” he corrected with a grin. “Men are from Earth.”

  Drowsily, she snuggled against him. “All those things you said – the words of acceptance? I’m probably not mommy material, I barely remember my mother and my father was a righteous bastard. If I could have that family thing, though, I’d want it with you.”

  Bram held his silence and let Lacy finish out her thought. He wasn’t sure of his ability to speak, to form words. The lub-dub of his heart pounded in his ears and he shifted uncomfortably.

  “No,” he finally gritted out. “I don’t want children. Not ever.” His genetic material was undesirable, and he would never foist that heritage on a child, not after what he’d been through in life.

  “Relax, big guy.” Undeterred by his adamant tone, she petted his chest and burrowed closer. “We’re on the same page.”

  Chapter 38

  Some Weeks Later

  “I can’t use my identification chit to enter Cuva,” Bram’s baritone startled Lacy.

  They’d been silent for several hours. It was a comfortable silence, with each engaged in his or her own tasks. For her part, Lacy manually flew the skimmer both for the practice and because they encountered an inordinate amount of space junk and debris. So much so, that Bram began monitoring communications channels a few days ago.

  Now, he sat at a little workstation he’d rigged at the end of the tiny bunk. The things he could create out of junk parts amazed her. He had upgraded the skimmer’s once-laughable communications system and tapped into the powerful relay system used throughout Doranos Space.

  Lacy nodded acknowledgement of his words. They’d discussed this issue at length. “It would alert the authorities that you’re alive and they might come for us.”

  It was a valid fear. She didn’t want to be separated from Bram or sent back to Earth, not now, and certainly not after the CORANOS High Council, or some part of them, had known she and Bram would be collateral damage when they sent the assassin.

  “I managed to access my off-planet accounts,” he informed her. “So, I had new documents forged for both of us. My contact will meet us outside the moon colony of Heza. She will bring your disguise and everything we need to make entrance to the planet.”

  “She?” Lacy raised a brow, switched to auto pilot and swiveled her chair to face him. This was the first time Bram had ever mentioned another female. He talked about Vank, about his brother Warriors and sometimes told stories about leading hunting parties on Cuva. There wasn’t a whiff of a female in his life.

  “Sesk’aa.” He continued to work, squinting to read whatever was on his screen.

  She watched him through narrowed eyes. Who was this woman? Why would she help a self-professed outcast like Bram?

  By the time he raised his eyes to hers, Lacy had imagined half a dozen scenarios where Bram left her high and dry for some alien chick. As if sensing the direction of her thoughts, he grimaced and tugged sheepishly on his ear. “My mother.”

  “Wait, what?” She slumped back against the chair in confusion. The only thing she knew about his mother was that she hadn’t wanted him. “I was under the impression she was dead,” she said delicately. For all Lacy knew, he’d been raised by the Cuvan equivalent of wolves.

  “She lives,” his words were clipped. “Sesk’aa belongs to the House of the Hezite Governor. It is a very prestigious House, and she is well cared for.”

  Lacy folded her arms over her chest. “Why don’t you ever talk about her?”

  Bram became riveted to his screen and he muttered absently, “Our parting generated some hard feelings.”

  Sensing he wanted to avoid more questions, Lacy dug in. He couldn’t go from orphaned reject to son of one of the most powerful Houses in Doranos Space. That didn’t make any sense. “What happened?”

  Both big hands scrubbed down his face before he looked in her direction again. “I came home from leading an expedition one day. She was gone. I haven’t spoken to her since.” He delivered the words while starting at a point over her shoulder. His tone was flat and unemotional and said more than any angry rant ever could. His mother had hurt him deeply.

  “How old were you?” She whispered, unsure she really wanted to know but unable to bite her tongue.

  “That was my thirteenth summer,” he answered somberly. “After that, I was on my own.”

  “Wow. And I thought my mother was a prime candidate for mother of the century. At least when she left, she left me with my father.” Lacy gave a head shake of disgust. “I already don’t like her.”

  “You don’t know her.” Bram ‘s laugh sounded forced, but he also seemed relieved by her show of solidarity. “She was famous in her day, and, truthfully, she didn’t join a House until I was old enough to be on my own.” He paused to scratch his ear. “The way she left, well, that hurt, but it’s in the past. You are my future.”

  Sniffing, Lacy turned up her nose. “I’m grateful for her assistance, I guess.” Then, her curiosity got the best of her. “What was she so famous for?”

  “Um,” he cleared his throat uncomfortably. “My culture is different from yours, remember.”

  “No kidding,” Lacy rolled her eyes and propped her feet on the head of the cot, settling in for his story. “I’m very aware of the whole ‘from another planet’ thing.”

  “Sesk’aa is very beautiful,” Bram said stiltedly. “She never said who my father was, just that he was of mixed heritage, and she settled on Cuva to avoid the harsh judgement we would endure on a more civilized planet.”

  “So Cuva is less judgmental?” She tilted her head, trying to reconcile what he was saying with everything she’d learned about Doranos Space and culture in the reconditioner. Cuva wasn’t covered much in the hypnotic lessons.

  “Cuva is primitive. It’s a destination for wealthy Doranos to prove their survival skills and hunting prowess,” Bram answered. “People who live there are more concerned with survival than status. Anyway, Sesk’aa insisted on continuing her work as a companion for hire – a perfectly legitimate career choice for a female on her own.” He raised a brow, waiting for her inevitable questions.

  “Er – you already know about my past,” Lacy dismissed with a wave of her hand. “I’m not about to diss your mom for doing
what she had to do.”

  He nodded jerkily, his shoulders relaxing slightly. “I’ve been a gifted tracker and successful hunter since a very young age and I earned a reputation that had the elite lining up to join my safaris.”

  “That’s why you were such a good tracker on Earth,” she realized.

  “It’s how I met Vank and joined the Warriors,” he added, a flicker of hurt crossing his face.

  The glimpse of emotion had her choking back words of anger and frustration. Her heart ached for Bram, but she didn’t know how to show her sympathy. She wanted five minutes alone with the spoiled Corian prince. How could he have betrayed Bram like that? He’d betrayed her, too, but it wasn’t personal for her. Vank had been the closest thing to a friend Bram had, and leaving him to die on that pirate ship was unforgivable.

  “Inevitably, the visiting dignitary or wealthy dilettante would hire Sesk’aa,” Bram continued. “They wanted her, but she wouldn’t petition to join their Houses, so they left and spread stories of her beauty, her skill as a lover.” He wrinkled his nose. “Until Doriak, the Hezite Governor, came along with his vicious appetites and somehow won her. Then, she left without a backward glance,” he finished, voice flat.

  “She sounds like a real peach.” Lacy commented ironically as she looked away to furiously blink back tears. She wanted to get angry on his behalf, but Bram wouldn’t appreciate pity and she totally got that. If she were better with words, she would find a way to express the soul-deep affinity, the kindredness, she felt for this man.

  Seeming to understand her dilemma, he said in a low, husky voice, “I love you, Lacy.” Standing abruptly in the cramped space, he pulled her out of her seat and crushed her close. “I can’t tell you what it cost my pride to ask her for help, but you are worth it.”

  That, right there, was the reason this alien man had her heart. He hadn’t once put anyone or anything else ahead of her well-being. “We’re going to make our own kind of happily ever after, Bram,” she vowed quietly.


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