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Busted Play: The Series (Players, Books 1-6)

Page 21

by Stella Marie Alden

  “Move in with Maya. Her apartment is bigger than mine. Five! Got it?” I slam the door and ping my friend, Melanie Quinn.

  Me: Lunch?

  Mel: Sure.

  This has to be the worst Valentine’s Day on the face of the planet.

  I wrap my scarf closer against the wind. A nor’easter is supposed to be barreling up the coast and will drop at least a foot of snow by week’s end. I hear there may be another scheduled after that.

  Bring it on.

  Our favorite hangout, Talon Bar, isn’t open yet, so I text her a small place known for a decent lunch, sit in a comfortable booth, and order a local artisan beer. The place used to be an auto body shop. The garage doors were replaced by plate glass and look out onto the sidewalk. The tabletops are covered in sixties Formica, the floors have a feeling of old cement, and the walls are cinder blocks. Like everywhere in Bushwick, there’s a disdain for opulence.

  Mel shows up in about a half hour looking like a million bucks. She always did but even more so when she married CJ and had his kid.

  “What’s wrong?” After she tugs off her warm parka and motions to the waitress, the tears I’ve been holding back, slip out and fall down my cheeks.

  “I caught Jared in bed with Maya.” It’s so damn hard to say out loud but once I get started, it spews. “In my bed! In the apartment that I pay for. Using the sheets that I bought. What the fuck? Ew!”

  When the server comes over, Mel orders me another. I down it, she pulls me out of the booth, and drags me to the lady’s room.

  She splashes cold water on my face and scolds like no other woman can. “No one is going to see you fall apart. You hear me?”

  I nod. This area of Bushwick is like a small town. Everyone knows everyone else’s business. If I sit here crying and getting drunk, it will get back to Jared.

  Fuck that.

  “He’s a loser, sweetie. Always has been.”

  I dry my face on a paper towel, and the mirror reflects this sad, puppy dog look. Then we exit the bathroom, go past the bartender cleaning glasses, and head to our booth.

  Once we’re settled, I grab the bowl of crispy kale and munch thoughtfully. “Did you know he was cheating on me?”

  “Of course not. I would’ve had CJ beat his ass from here to Texas, if that’s really where he’s from. I’ve had my doubts. Not only that, he has this roving eye thing going on. I never quite trusted him.”

  “Now you tell me.”

  “I did try.” Mel gives me a knowing look and squishes me in a hug which makes my eyes start to sting again.

  She’s the big sister I never had. “Dammit. I got him the nicest Valentine’s Day card and bought this little lace teddy… oh shit.”

  The waitress returns and Mel orders us both a salad but I don’t think I’ll be able to eat. Maybe that’s the problem, I’ve been so miserable recently that I gained two pounds. Maybe I haven’t paid enough attention to him, been pretty enough, not been good enough in bed.

  I try to focus on what Mel is saying but it’s like she’s light-years away when she snaps her fingers in front of my face. “How did you happen to be home in the middle of the day?”

  “Oh my God. That’s the other thing I didn’t tell you. I almost got fired. The HR guy at Patten Securities told me to take the afternoon off.”

  “What the fuck? I thought they liked you.” She motions to the bartender and points at my empty glass, finally understanding how utterly wretched my day was and it’s only half over.

  “My new boss thinks I need to be less confrontational. He said I would’ve gotten a higher number, except for that.”

  “Holy shit. Is that even legal?”

  “I’m not sure but when I went to talk to human resources about it, my friend Jeanette was gone and this other guy was there. Hot as hell guy, by the way. When I told him what went down, he was pissed.”

  Mel’s brows furrow as she swallows down some lettuce. “Wait. That’s good, right?”

  “No. You don’t understand. He wasn’t pissed at my boss. He was pissed at me!”

  “Wait a minute, what did you say to make him so mad?” Her intelligent eyes narrow.

  Time to ‘fess up, Izzy.

  “I may have mentioned a lawyer.”

  “You didn’t.” She puts both her hands on my shoulders, as if she’s about to shake some sense into me.

  “I know, I know, but you wouldn’t believe the shit I’ve had to take. Sometimes, I have to tell it like it is and men don’t like it. But, if a guy says the exact same thing in the same tone of voice, then it’s fine. Gah!”

  I finish off my beer and order another but that’s it. There’s no point in getting drunk. I just need to take the edge off.

  “Listen, CJ’s brother, Andy, is a lawyer. You want me to talk to him?” Mel watches me, and I realize she’s still playing with her first drink. She has to go back and work this afternoon and I feel bad for putting all this on her but she’s always been my rock.

  For a moment my hopes jump up but then, as I think it through in my head, I realize I got no proof of any wrong doing. “No. I guess not. It’s all so vague. Nothing in writing. No witnesses.”

  “Well he must’ve had to write down a reason for giving you a lower percentage on your review.”

  “Oh yeah, he did. He said I hadn’t put in enough billable hours.”

  “Is that true?”

  “Shit. Yes. But he was the one who assigned me the non-billable work. Gullible, gullible, gullible.” I clunk myself on the forehead. “For a fucking genius, I can be so damn stupid.”

  “Know what you should do?”

  “Stay here and drink?”

  Mel grins and hands the bartender her Amex. Then she digs into her giant purse and hands me her workout clothes. “Go to the gym. Work it off. Sweat.”

  “I guess I could use it. I can’t even go home until five. I gave Jared until then to move out.”

  “Wait. You left him alone in your apartment with your stuff?”

  “Yeah.” Suddenly, I remember her past, how her boyfriend locked her out and stole everything she owned.

  She picks up the phone and presses speed dial. “Hi honey. Can you get Jack to the address I just texted to you? Izzy is kicking out Jared… Agreed… Uh-huh… Jack should make sure the guy only takes what is his… I know. Right? Uh-huh… Okay. I love you, too. Bye.”

  She smiles at me. “Don’t worry about a thing. That cheating asshole will be gone when you get home.”

  “Wait. Maybe it was all a mistake…”

  “A big mistake. Give me your cell phone.” She makes a big deal deleting him out of my contact list. “No cheaters. You deserve better. How long you guys been a thing?”

  “Just over a year…”

  She calls an Uber and puts me in it, along with a bag of her workout clothes. “Go. Text me when you get home.”

  “I will.” Then, I try Jeanette but her cell still goes directly to voicemail.

  Chapter 3


  “Dad?” I stand in the door of his hospital room and wait for his okay.

  “What the fuck are you doing here?” When I was a kid, that tone would’ve made me turn on my heel and run. Now, it just makes me sad. The guy’s got just a couple months to live and can’t even be civil.

  “I just got here. Thought I’d stop by.” I stand at attention at his bedside while he inspects my choice in clothing.

  “You look like a bum. You know that? You got the day off or something because you better not be working at my company, representing me, looking like that.”

  I glance down at my leather high-tops, Lucky jeans, and Italian dress shirt to make sure I’m not covered in mud or coffee stains. When all seems fine, I realize I haven’t seen my father since my stylist insisted I change my image.

  “It’s Cherry’s thing, not mine. Part of the whole package of taking your company public. Do you mind if I sit?” Not waiting for his answer, I pull up a chair.

  On closer in
spection, his skin’s so pale, it’s almost translucent and his hand shakes as it lies at his side and I take it. “Dad, let’s not argue. Okay? I just came to tell you that the accountants are looking over the books and the paperwork is all in place. We should be ready in a couple weeks.”

  Steel eyes that I inherited meet mine. “Don’t fuck this up. That place means everything to me.”

  Yeah, I get that. It meant more than spending time with me and Mom growing up. He never managed to get to one of my football games, graduations, or the opening of my first company.

  Sadly, I realize that he’s never going to change, not even on his deathbed.

  I sit with him for a while, letting him insult me some more as that seems to be the only thing that makes him happy.

  When I’ve had enough, I stand, lean over, and shake his hand. “I’ll see you again, soon.”

  “Try to get a pair of dress pants, son.”

  I turn and the whole thing is so bizarre that I bite my tongue and make my escape. I wonder if he even realizes I’m worth billions to his millions.

  I ping my driver, Slate, who’s in front of the entrance in minutes. He glances at me in the rear-view mirror as I jump in the back seat.

  “How’s the old man?”

  “Hasn’t changed a bit.” I open my phone and check my emails, pretending like I don’t give a shit, that his attitude still doesn’t hurt like hell.

  “That bad?”

  “Yeah. Take me back to the office, okay? I need to work this off.”

  After getting changed into a t-shirt and shorts, I open the door to the company gym and head toward the second of three treadmills. The first is already taken by a gorgeous ass in the tiniest of running shorts. She’s probably one of Xavier’s ‘special’ girls.

  Fuck. I need to put a stop to that, first thing, tomorrow.

  This isn’t college and we aren’t twenty. No matter how rich you are, and I should know, you shouldn’t be fucking women that work for you. Period. It’s illegal, unethical, and not the kind of thing investors like to hear.

  I walk beside the woman to get her name so I can hand her a pink slip and my mouth drops open.

  No way. It’s that woman from this morning, Isabella Harte.

  She blushes from her ears to the top of her breasts, bouncing in a bra with not nearly enough support.

  “Hey.” She slows her pace to a walk and all I want to do is take her over my knee for wearing an outfit like that in public.

  She must’ve guessed what my look implied, because she shrugs. “I didn’t expect to see anyone here in the middle of the day.”

  Her eyes rest upon the tent in my sweat pants and now it’s my turn to be embarrassed but I shake my head and stand on the edges of the treadmill next to hers. What does she expect, wearing something so revealing?

  Of course, my fucking hard-on makes it hard to walk, let alone run so I start up a conversation. “Have you thought if you want to stay with Patten Securities?”

  Tossing me a glare, she taps on the screen in front of her and ups her pace. “Yes.”


  “The jury’s still out.”

  “Most girls would jump at the chance to work at this company.”

  Her pony tail swings as she turns her head and shoots daggers from her eyes. “You do know that using the term girl is condescending, right?”

  “What the fuck is your problem?”

  “My God. Where did you get your degree? Walmart?” Her sneakers pound on the treadmill faster, her long legs creating a fast stride.

  “I don’t think I care for your tone.”

  “Good. Then I’m doing it right. Wasn’t sure.” She lets go of the bars just long enough to stick earbuds in, completely tuning me out.

  I may not be as rigid as my dad but I do figure my billions deserve some respect and am about to tell her that but remember I’m not Grayson James Patten the third. I’m supposed to be Statten, some HR employee and am about to blow a perfect opportunity to figure out what the hell is going on in my dad’s company.

  I play with the treadmill controls until I’m running faster than those long legs and she glances up to check me out.

  She’s really pissed me off with all of her feminist bullshit. If she was really worried about being taken seriously, she sure as hell wouldn’t dress like that. Her sweet body has me heated me up like a randy teen and it’s time for payback.

  Once I get up a good sweat, I toss off my shirt and throw it on the floor in front her.

  She glances at my abs, her mouth drops open, and she stumbles. She would’ve fallen off the treadmill had I not jumped off and caught her midair.

  Sweaty and heart pumping, she’s in my arms. Our lips are just inches apart and I’m dying to see what they taste like. Officially, she doesn’t work for me, she works for my dad. There’s no harm in just a little kiss. Right?

  She smells so damn good and if she hadn’t wrapped her hands around the back of my neck, I’m sure I would’ve let go.

  It’s those damn blue eyes, all wide and open, with the centers black, full of desire. A pink tongue slips out to lick her lips and the scent of her pheromones are like an IV drip right into my blood stream.

  I swear I’m innocent of what happens next. She’s the one who pulls my lips to hers for a quick taste.

  When she repeats the act, I drop her feet down.

  The only brain cells firing are the one led by my dick. However, eventually some other neurons fire, my hands drop to my sides and I stare as if struck by lightning.

  She does the same, breathing hard, and face bright red to the tops of her ears. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a woman blush deeper and it’s cute as hell.

  “Oh shit. Sorry. Oh my God. I’m really, really sorry.” She scrambles out of my grasp and bolts for the locker room.

  I think about pursuing but I’m in New York for one reason only. To find out where the money is leaking out of my father’s company so I can take it public before he dies from cancer. I need to stay focused, get this thing done, and head back to LA.

  As much as I’d like to taste more of what she offered, it’s not going to happen.

  I hang outside the door of the locker room to explain and eventually, shout in, “C’mon now. Let’s go get a cup of coffee.”

  Chapter 4


  Hell no. I don’t want coffee. I want to go home and bury my head in the sand for eternity. What was I thinking?

  Shit, shit, shit.

  I take my time showering and even more getting dressed but when I exit the locker room, he’s still there, leaning against the wall-sized mirror, looking all too sexy.

  At least his shirt is back on but when his gaze meets mine, it’s mesmerizing. “We should talk.”

  “No. I should be getting home—”

  A vision of Jared and Maya flashes in my mind’s eye and I get teary-eyed. I’ll probably need a new mattress and to burn my sheets if I’m ever going to sleep in my apartment again.

  Not understanding what’s going on inside my head, he tucks an index finger under my chin and moves a lock of hair behind my ear. “Hey, none of that. It was just a kiss.”

  “Listen. I’m sorry, about everything. I, uh… I’m not usually like this. I had a really bad day. I should go.” I can’t do this. My kisses were all about being dumped and needing to know I’m still attractive.

  This guy is too over-the-top to be my rebound. His fingers wrap around my upper arm and slightly touch the side of my breast. That kicks off all sorts of warning bells but still, I let him lead me out the door.

  “I noticed a Starbucks around the corner… or are you a Dunkin’ kind of girl?”

  What harm could come from a cup of coffee?

  When he helps me with my coat, I notice he’s only wearing a thin leather jacket. “Starbucks is fine. Uh, but you’re not really dressed for the weather. Where’re you from?”

  “LA.” In the hall, he taps the elevator’s down button and rests his a
rm over my shoulder as if I might bolt.

  Damn if that doesn’t feel good so I lean in, and let him walk me out of the building.

  “Hold on.” Once outside on the street, I stop at the local sidewalk vender and buy a red cap with a heart and mittens with the fingertips open. Then, I find a soft, matching scarf and wrap it around his neck.

  When my fingers brush against his rough jaw, he holds my hand and I wonder if he’s thinking about those kisses. The spell is broken by another customer clearing their throat behind us.

  I pull away from Mr. James Statten with a shy smile. “I can’t have the new HR guy freezing to death. What will Xavier say?”

  “About him. How is he as a director?”

  “Uh, he’s okay.”

  “You damn him with faint praise.”

  The guy quotes Shakespeare?

  He steps around to the street side of the pavement. It’s a real old-fashioned move that I haven’t seen since leaving the Midwest. He’s making it really hard to hate him.

  “How about I explain inside.” I wait until the little yellow man appears in the traffic signal, then cross the street.

  He holds the door for me, we order a couple lattes, and find two open spots by the window. After placing our cups down, a complete gentleman, he pulls out my barstool. Then I sit and try to think of a way to say what needs to be said without sounding confrontational.

  Finally, I give up. “Well, I’m pretty sure Xavier fucks any employee with two breasts and a clit.”

  The HR guy’s handsome face gets red and dark brows crease. “What? He ever hit on you?”

  “Me? Definitely not. I’m not his type.” I lean my boobs over his drink, touch his hand, and giggle. “Oh, Xavier, is there anything I can get for you? Oh Xavier, tee-hee, let’s work some overtime.”

  “It’s that obvious?”

  “My friend, Jeanette was onto him. I’m just betting that asshole fired her, didn’t he?”

  His eyes shift to his coffee leaving me to wonder what he’s hiding but he’s quick to cover up. “I haven’t had a chance to review the files. I only just arrived this afternoon.”


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