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Clutch Endgame

Page 2

by Tarrah Anders

  “I think you’ve got it. Now try a few bats.” I need to regain control, remember that she’s hanging out with me as a guest for a promotional stint and that’s that. If this one activity has me all riled up, I can only assume what the next would be. I reach into my pocket for my cell and open my emails. Scrolling to find out what Melinda has planned for us next, my eyes zero in on the schedule. When I find it, my heart starts beating and my mouth dries.




  WHEN I WOKE up this morning and it was just your average day. There were no clouds in the sky, the sun was shining bright, and my neighbors were blaring Despacito like it was going out of style, their morning ritual. You think you are tired of that song and then by the time it kicks in you’re singing along to it, you might shake your ass to it a little, and not even know it. I went to FanFest this winter with some friends and randomly threw my name into an Ultimate Fan drawing, and I won. When I interviewed for my new job, I mentioned that I won as I saw they were new partners with the team and my new boss, Mr. Lyons gave me a chance to see what I could bring to the firm.

  I received the schedule of the day with the Hornets, and tucked it away in my notebook to glance at later. I would write a blog that would post to our website and all of our social media on my time as an Ultimate Fan day experience, a new public relations thing that the Hornets Franchise was doing this season. I couldn’t blow today and no matter which player that I was paired with, I would need to keep any of my fan-girling to a minimum, even though I’m not a die-hard fan.

  Of course, I happened to be paired with Gunnar Reynolds, the hottest catcher of the league, and likely the most sought-after player of the entire baseball franchise this season. He was pure sex dressed in jeans and a regular T-shirt showcasing the sleeves of colorful tattoos on both his arms.

  Boom. I’m pregnant. My ovaries have combusted and I’m with child without even touching him. It’s immaculate!

  He’s definitely hotter in person, and for some reason taller than I expected him to be. I quell the excitement vibrating through my body at being this close to him by mentally stretching and clearing my throat. That should help.

  We start the day with breakfast at a pancake diner downtown and then we drove up Interstate 15 to Boomers, a family fun zone with batting cages where we spent an hour alternating at-bats. When he helped me with my stance, I felt my body flush and my stomach doing somersaults as my ass brushed against his erection.

  We are currently on our way somewhere else, and Gunnar has been tight lipped with where. His grip on the steering wheel was tight, his knuckles white and his jaw is tight as he weaved through the streets. His Jeep pulls into a parking lot of an aquatic center, and I shoot him a confused look.

  “I don’t have a suit,” I say with a hitch to my voice.

  “Melinda went ahead and took care of that. In her email, she said that there is a gift shop or store and they have bathing suits. The cost has been taken care of,” he explains with his eyes forward.

  “So, we’re going swimming?” My jaw probably hits the Jeep floor mats. A wet Gunnar? Okay. I can do this. I mentally prep myself.

  “You got a schedule, right? Melinda must have it out for me,” he says under his breath as he parks the car.

  “Why do you say that?” I turn my head to him in question.

  “Because I’m supposed to be on my best behavior and swimming pools with attractive women don’t always encourage that,” he smirks playfully.

  “At least you’re honest.” I laugh as I open the door.

  We walk into the facility together and the receptionist, Melinda and a few other people with cameras that I recognized from the batting cages greet us as well. Melinda approaches as we walk in and Gunnar shakes hands with the staff at the center while flashbulbs and the clicks of the shutter echo throughout the space.

  “Sawyer, you have your selection of any of the bathing suits they sell here. You guys have a few hours here to do whatever. There are slides, and a lap pool inside.” Gunnar comes to stand beside us and listens in. “The place is only closed to the public for the first hour as a means for the both of you to be comfortable, but then they have to open it up. There will also be children who will be present at that time. They’ve all signed up to be a part of the free swim time, so they know to respect the boundaries as well that they will be on their best behavior.

  “Are the photographers going to be here for the entire time?” I ask Melinda self-consciously as I cross my arms.

  “Only for a little bit, but you won’t even notice them around,” she waves off.

  “Any of these photos that will be taken today, we get final approval right?” Gunnar asks coming to stand at my side.

  “Correct. Now Sawyer, you can follow Becky, and she can show you to the bathing suits,” Melinda says dismissing me.

  I choose a bathing suit, a one piece that fits me perfectly and grab a towel then head out to the deck. Gunnar is standing on the edge in board shorts, his back to me talking with one of the photographers.

  He stands tall, his back is muscular with a large tattoo of a sun and some sort of tribal stuff around it in the middle of his back. There is a slight slope that leads to a bubble butt, not a jiggly one, I’m pretty sure he has a firm ass. His calf muscles are huge and his feet - well they are perfect.

  The photographer he’s talking to must mention my arrival because he slowly turns around. He tries to control his features, but his mouth opens a little and he hasn’t blinked as I approach.

  “Hey. So, you want to race and do some laps?” I ask nervously.

  “I was figuring that I show you a few of the exercises that I do and let the photographers get some of that. Then we can do whatever. Get these guys out of the way.”

  “So staged photos?” I ask.

  “Not really, but kind of,” he says nervously.

  The next hour went by quickly, with Gunnar showing off his swimming skills and then I would demonstrate for him what I knew, which was a cannonball and a belly flop. As we enjoyed one another’s company and loosened up, it was no time before the photographers were gone when Gunnar was the first to go down one of the slides. We take turns, both running on the deck and dodging each other from being pushed into the pool.

  I was trying to dodge past him as his arm shoots out and grabs me. His arm wraps around my middle and then he bends to lift me. My arm reactively goes around his neck. He starts towards the pool, pushes off at the last minute, and we both land in the deep end of the pool. I hold my breath and clutch onto him, his grasp tightening on me. We break the surface of the water, and I wipe my face with my free hand while Gunnar holds onto me.

  I look at him and as our eyes meet and he licks his lips.

  “Fuck it,” he says quietly leaning into me.

  Our lips meet, and I feel like I’m floating. Which is entirely possible, since we’re in water.

  The kiss is hesitant and unsure, as if he is not sure if we should be kissing or not. I’m not completely sure if we should, but this moment feels right. I run my fingers through his hair and pull him closer to me, he groans. His mouth opens, his tongue seeks entrance and when I open my lips, our tongues dance against another. He tastes like bubble gum, and his skin smells like Dove soap and chlorine as I use my senses to remember this moment. I don’t think that kissing was on the agenda, but I’m not complaining.

  We pull apart, both out of breath, his eyes are glazed and a slow smile creeps to his face. He licks his lips again.

  “You taste like cotton candy,” he says.

  “Um, thanks?”

  “I want to know what the rest of you tastes like,” he says in a whisper as he moves us in the water. He loosens his grip on me and my legs find the pool floor, my arm is draped around his neck still as his hands find my waist and he continues to move me to the wall. With my back brushing against the tiles, our bodies flush against another, he leans in for another kiss. My lips part automatically, and I’m
swept up in the moment of the kiss again. His hand moves up my body, and he discreetly palms my breast. I lean into him and push myself up to wrap my legs around his waist. I can feel his erection through our bathing suits and I shamelessly rock my body against it. One moment we are completely alone and the next we hear the thunderous sound of bare feet against the pool deck and chatter as a group of children enter the pool.

  Gunnar and I separate quickly and look to the kids, invading the otherwise quiet pool area with the echoes of laughter as they come closer. They spot us in the far corner, drop their towels, and make it to us in no time.

  “Gun! Gun!” Our moment is gone and Gunnar looks to me sympathetically.

  “To be continued.” He leans into me, his hand in the water finding my hip again, kisses my cheek in promises, as kids jump in the pool around us and soon Gunnar and I are surrounded.

  AFTER THE POOL, it was time to eat again. I was famished but not just for food. The kisses in the pool only left me wanting more, making me crave more attention and touches from him.

  I shake my head. I shouldn’t get involved with a ball player, especially since this day is something I’m supposed to write about for work. I need to look at this unaffected, which is now close to impossible, as I’m as affected as one could get.

  Gunnar sits across from me, shoving a hamburger in his mouth as he takes a bite that is too big for his mouth. As he chews, I observe him. He’s comfortable in his skin and his surroundings, yet doesn’t seem to notice how much of an influence that he has on others as everyone is staring in our direction right now.

  “Why aren’t you eating?” he asks me with a mouthful of food.

  “Just thinking.”

  “Oh yeah? What about?” he tries to smile around the food in his mouth.

  “I’m not sure yet.”

  “Not sure yet? About what you are thinking? That’s confusing.” He smiles and shakes his head as he sips on his water.

  “Do you see yourself as a celebrity?” I ask leaning forward.

  “Yeah, sure.” He shrugs. “But I try to elude to the fact that I’m not. I’m just like the next guy though. I prefer keep a low profile and out of the spectators eyes, but I know that’s not always a possible feat in my position. The bright lights, the way that I’m treated sometimes, can be overwhelming. There’s nothing extra special about me, I put my pants on the same way that everyone else does, I don’t eat any other way and I too, like to be lazy and just binge watch television sometimes. I want to do normal things like sit here with an attractive woman and eat a meal. I also want to kiss her again.”

  I feel my face flush.

  So we did just that. As we leave the restaurant, he grabs my hand, when we reach the Jeep, and he pushes me against the passenger door. He cradles my jaw and pulls my face to his with a growl. He passionately kisses me, in a kiss that you only see in the movies. His hand cradles my face as we kiss. My hands are resting on his waist, while his travels down my neck and my arms to my waist as well. He takes my breath away and then as he pulls away, he rests his forehead on mine.

  “I don’t want to do this next thing that Melinda has planned, except we kind of have to.”

  “What’s next?” I ask.

  “Head back to the stadium for an official tour of the grounds and facilities.”

  “Why didn’t we start out there?”

  “They had some meetings this morning. This is a little bit of a tour slash watch us throw the ball around too,” he explains. “This will lead up to the game tonight, where I hope you will be cheering for me.”

  “Of course, who else would I cheer for, the other team?” A part of me doesn’t want today to end and I’m not wanting to share him with anyone else yet. The other part is glad to have other people around, to stop us from doing anything stupid. And by stupid, I mean everything that I want to do to him.

  He looks at me with a quirk of his eyebrow and a grin.

  “What would you rather do?” I ask him playfully.

  “I want to leave marks all over your body in the most satisfying way. Then, I want everyone to know what we just did and what I intend to do with you.” He leans in and whispers against my lips before capturing them with his.

  We break from the embrace and he lets me in the car. We proceed to the stadium and do exactly what he says. I toss the ball with him and a few of his teammates and before I know it, time is up and it’s nearly game time. Gunnar has to get ready for the game and before he goes, he corners me in the dugout.

  “Stay,” he says.


  “This day doesn’t have to end; I don’t want it to end. So, stay after the game.”

  “Okay.” I whisper.

  “Yeah?” He bends at his knees so he can look at my eyes.

  “Yeah,” I nod. We exchange numbers, so he could reach me after the game, and he kisses me softly before he informs me that I have a voucher waiting for me in the gift shop.

  I browse the gift shop and look for a jersey with his name on it and a cute matching skirt with the team’s name on the rear. Once I find the perfect one, I use the restroom to change and head down to my seat, just behind home plate. I’ll have a perfect view of Gunnar, and the game as a whole.

  I’ve been to a few baseball games before, but I’ve never had a major interest in the game itself until now. Sure, like any red-blooded female, I’m all about the tight pants, although the pants are a little baggier than I thought they were. Still, as I watch Gunnar get into position in the catcher’s box, I pay special attention to the way that his white striped pants are pulling against his ass. If only the umpire would get out of my way giving me a full view of Gunnar squatting down.

  The game was long, but exciting. The Hornets went into extra innings and came out winning with what others around me called a moonshot right out of the park. I receive a text from him telling me where to wait for him and while I want to rush to the spot, I force myself to keep my cool and to walk slowly.

  Melinda comes out the side door first and looks surprised to see me.

  “Ms. Rotham, how was your day? Did Gunnar treat you well?” she asks approaching me with a questioning look and overall confusion.

  “He did, thank you. It was a lot of fun. Thank you for providing the opportunity.”

  “If I may ask, what are you still doing here?” She tilts her head in question.

  “I am waiting for Gunnar.”

  She takes a deep breath and shakes her head. “Oh, Ms. Rotham.” She begins but is cut off by the door she just emerged from slamming and a barrage of the players coming into the courtyard.

  “There you are. Oh hey, Mel-,” Gunnar says coming up to my side.

  “Gun, can we talk privately?” Melinda gestures to the side.

  Gunnar looks to me apologetically, puts his bag down beside my feet. I watch the body language during the conversation and see two identical postures. Gunnar is irritated and so is Melinda, but obviously for different reasons. Gunnar says one final word, then walks away from her, picks up his bag, and grabs my hand. We walk quickly through the rest of the courtyard and down the street. His Jeep is parked in Tailgate Park, and we silently get in. When we reach the underground parking garage to his place, his tensions seem to ease up, and he starts to breathe again.

  He kills the engine, turns to me and grabs my hand.

  “Look, I think you know that I want you. I want every inch of you. But I will drive you home, if you want me to?” he asks, his eyes searching for the answer.

  “I want you, too,” I say breathy.

  That was all he needed, he clicks off my seat belt and pulls me over the center console. He moves his seat back and pulls my face down to his.

  “I don’t know if I can wait. I need to feel you.” He pulls away slightly. “I need you to feel me.” He pushes his hips up so they meet with my center. I feel the hardness of his cock underneath me and take a deep breath.

  His hand is on the slope of my neck, pulling my face down to meet his
. His other hand is gripping my hip as his hips are pushing into me. I can feel him, all of him as we grind against another in the front seat. He mumbles something incoherent against my lips as we kiss, and his hand goes in between us, up my skirt and into my panties.

  “Fuck. You’re so wet, is this for me?” he asks, fingers feeling around my pussy. Teasing me as he massages and then pulls away, slipping between his lips.

  I moan out of frustration into his mouth and then his fingers plunge into me changing the frustration into happiness. My hips move in tandem with his hand, and I can feel the beginning of my orgasm building.



  MY FINGERS ARE BEING SUCKED into her pussy and her walls clamping down and clinging onto my digits.

  She’s breathing heavily in between kisses. I want to sink my cock in her more than ever, but we haven’t even made it up to my place yet. I’m more than content with just feeling her and watching her get off, with the knowledge that it’s me getting her off. As she comes down from her orgasm, she slows her rotating hips and her breathing becomes more regular, as her heartbeat is beating out of her chest.

  “Let’s get upstairs, as much as I like seeing my name on your back and the team name on your ass, I want these clothes off.” I make sure she’s watching as I pull those fingers to my mouth and suck off the juices. Her nostrils flare as I pop them out of my mouth and hum in satisfaction. “You taste amazing, I don’t think I’ll ever get enough.”

  We get to the elevator, with my cock pressing insistently against my zipper. When the elevator opens, I pull her out of the space and quickly down the hall to my front door. I’m fumbling with the key as she giggles beside me, finally the key is inserted, and I push the door open.

  “Um, tour?” I ask to be a good host, hoping she declines.

  “Later,” she says leaning against the front door, dropping her purse at her feet and licking her lips. I am crowding her space within seconds, knowing she just granted carte blanche to her body. My hands go to her waist as I hoist her up, and her legs go around my middle. I spin her around and kiss her passionately as I navigate us down the narrow hallway and toward my bedroom at the end. I throw her onto the bed and she lands with an umfph then stands. She slowly begins to remove her shoes and then starts on her clothes with her eyes on mine. I’m stuck in place, jaw slack from the view until she clears her throat. With an unstated look of your turn, I catch on and start to remove my clothes as well.


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