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Tricky Witch: A Reverse Harem Academy Romance (Academy of the Dark Arts Book 2)

Page 15

by Nikki Dean

  “Put a shirt on and explain all of this to me, because I’m lost and your tits are guaranteed to keep me there if you keep bouncing them around like that.”

  “I’m literally just breathing, Nico.”

  He groaned as he grabbed them over her bra and gave them a squeeze. Bending over, he kissed each gentle swell of her cleavage, then reached around to unsnap her bra. The band immediately loosened and she lifted her arms so that he could pull the straps down them.

  “Fuck, you’re so gorgeous,” he whispered before sucking one stiff peak into his mouth.

  Arousal streaked through her and she arched into him, her body silently begging for more, even though she knew she wasn’t really up for it.

  Nico was though. His gray sweatpants did little to hide the outline of his erection straining toward her.

  Does he seriously not own any other kind of pants? It’s like he knows how much I like these, or something. “You’re a tease, Nico Rodriguez. I want to talk.”

  “I can’t help it. You talk, I’ll listen,” he promised. “You might have to remind me of the details again later, though.” The wicked twinkle in his eye was too much.

  Mallory laughed and pushed him away, her skin feeling oddly bereft as his fingers fell away from her. “Seriously, I want to hear what you knew about this Matt thing. I’m having a hard time with it.”

  Should I have even told him that? Or tell him anything else? They’re best friends, and he’s a TA himself, so odds are pretty fucking good that Nico knew about this little spy assignment already. Why wouldn’t he warn me? Is he part of it? I know he likes me, but it was so fast. Is he being ordered to get close to me, to figure out my magic for Fitzam?

  The thought doused her arousal like a bucket of cold water, and she hustled into the closet to put on her pajamas. The last thing she needed was for him to distract her, or overwhelm her senses with lust before she could see if he was being truthful about the rest.

  Mallory came out to find him lying on top of her bed, the covers pushed down around his feet. She finished her routine quickly, brushing her teeth and washing the makeup from her face before she crawled over him to settle in for the night.

  The fact that he didn’t try to stop her, much less cop a feel as he rolled toward her and held her close, told her that he was respecting her need to talk instead of have sex. No matter how hard his dick was between them.

  “Which one of my jackass friends do you want to talk about first, Nico or Everett?” he asked as he ran his hand gently up and down her back.

  “Matt,” she replied immediately. “Ev just seems like a jerk, and he’s pretty consistent about it, but Matt surprised me a few times today. First, I have to ask you some questions, though.”

  “Yeah? What’s up?”

  Do I just go for it? Or lead up to it somehow? I’d probably just tip him off anyway, and I want to know if he’s being honest. “What are you thinking about right now?” she asked, well aware of the hypocrisy involved in being angry at Matt for invading her privacy, while she literally read Nico’s mind to see if he was being genuine or not.

  I’m only getting in his head because I don’t know him well enough to tell if he’s lying otherwise, and I have to be smart about this. I trust him, really, but this whole situation is just too weird. I have to look out for myself, and this is how I can. I already know that Matt’s hiding something from me.

  “Just you,” he murmured. “How pretty you are, and how happy I am that I met you. How hard I’m going to have to kick Ev’s ass if he keeps this bullshit up.”

  Mallory laughed and leaned her head against his chest, breathing him in. She closed her eyes and relaxed onto her web, melding with his light to look at the images flitting across it. She found one to replicate and slid inside his mind

  “Did you know that Matt was getting reports from my teachers? Or that he would be telling Fitzam about my magic?”

  “I didn’t know about the reports, but I’m not surprised. Captain Fitzam likes to be on top of the details concerning his pet projects, as we call them. I hate to say it, Bunny, but it looks like you’re one now.”

  It was all true. His mind was sincere.

  “Has Matt asked you about my powers or anything?” she whispered.

  “Why would he? He already knows everything, right?” Nico shifted a little against her, stroking her hair instead of her back. “You can trust Matt. I know you must be pissed because you feel like he hid this from you, but honestly, it’s to be expected. Captain Fitzam isn’t the type to just ignore something, or someone, and I can guarantee that he’s got plans for you based off of that traffic video Matt showed us alone.”

  All true, again. At least, to him.

  “What kind of plans?”

  “I don’t know. Knowing Fitzam’s past projects, it could be anything.” Anxiety picked up in his mind, like he wasn’t being completely honest and knew it. Mallory pulled back to look at him, disappointed.

  He sighed. “It’s probably something to do with the amaroq, but I don’t want that to scare you. I don’t have anything more than a hunch to go on here, but he’s been looking for ways to study it for years. If you could somehow understand it, even on a rudimentary level, he’d be thrilled. He’s been sinking a ton of money into research, trying to figure out how it can appear and disappear, where it goes, how it gets information, and right now he needs something to show for it. It doesn’t surprise me that he’s set his sights on you after seeing that traffic video.”

  He was being honest this time, but he was afraid for her, too. He doesn’t want me around it, because he’s worried about me, she realized. This is why he tried to tell me to lie low, and Alec told me to just hide. They’re trying to help me figure my own magic out, but haven’t told anyone else what I’m really capable of. Not that we necessarily know the extent of it yet.

  “Have you told anyone about my web? How I can see animals and people on it?” she asked.

  “Of course not. I’d never do that, Bunny. Fitzam would shit a brick if he knew though, and shove you out into the field so fast I’d probably never see you again.”

  “That would suck,” she murmured, snuggling back against him. “Would you miss me so much?”

  “Absolutely,” he replied without hesitation. “I feel better when I’m with you. More like myself, if that makes any sense. You make me want to forget all of the stupid shit I’ve seen in the world and just be happy again.”

  “Were you not happy before you met me? And do you think Matt would tell anyone about my web in his reports?”

  As though on cue, her phone chimed, alerting them that she’d gotten a text message. That’s probably him now with the email logins. I’ll deal with it tomorrow.

  “Not a chance. Matt wouldn’t tell anyone, especially not Pohler. I wouldn’t say that I was unhappy before I met you, necessarily, but I was,” he trailed off, thinking, “preoccupied. I didn’t think about it. Didn’t think about the future, or what I want from it, just spent my time dealing with classes and students, and hanging out with the guys. I never thought that I’d meet an awesome girl like you, who accepts my magic without freaking out about it, and doesn’t mind my friends being weird, as you put it.”

  “You do have some interesting friends.” He thinks about the future more now that he’s met me? Does he mean a future with me, like marriage and all of that? We’ve barely started dating!

  “Will you answer something for me? You have to be honest,” Nico asked.

  Mallory froze inside, knowing where this was going. She nodded anyway.

  “Do you have feelings for Matt? Or any of the others?”

  Fuck. “I don’t know. I’m just now getting used to my feelings for you. I didn’t plan on any of this, and it kinda seems pointless to encourage that kind of connection with them when I know it’ll just blow up in our faces eventually. Matt’s my handler, and Alec and Damon are my TAs. I don’t want to be the reason any of you get fired.”

  “And Everett?�

  She scoffed. “Ha! Everett hates me, and the feeling is kind of mutual. He’s arrogant and condescending, and a total ass to me. He had the nerve to bitch at me for talking about our little love triangle with Matt with my friends at the bar, like any of it was his business. Not to mention that he keeps telling me I’m just going to get someone killed. So no, I think it’s safe to say that I don’t have any tender feelings for Ev, unless you want to consider the frequent urge to shove my foot up his ass as some kind of kink. Even then, I think I’d pass.”

  “What if Matt wasn’t your handler, and they weren’t your TAs?” Nico pressed. “Would you like them then?”

  “This is getting weird.”

  “Just answer?”

  “If Matt’s entire career wasn’t hanging on my success or failure here, and we hadn’t met because he was hauling me in to the military for doing illegal magic, then yeah, I probably would have wanted to date him. He’s funny, and cute, and he’s fairly considerate, aside from this whole reports thing. He tried to help me before I met any of you, and lied on my official reports to say that my magic had spontaneously manifested due to the life-or-death situation, even though he knew that was bullshit. I didn’t ask him to cover for me, but he was trying to anyway.

  “So what’s holding you back?” Nico asked softly. “I know how much you enjoyed that kiss in the gym. I’m cool with it. If we’re being completely honest, I like the idea.”

  “Um, did you miss the parts about how his career depends on me? And he turned me in for doing illegal magic?” She poked him in the side, then rolled onto her back to look up at the ceiling.

  “Bunny, those are just excuses, and you know it. Someone would have been there to take you in after the video got out, even if it wasn’t him. He didn’t turn you in out of malice, he did it because he had to. And someone else probably wouldn’t have lied on the report for you, and you would have gotten into trouble for hiding your magic. The way I see it, you’re lucky that Matt got to you first.”

  Mallory poked him and rolled over, tucking her back against his chest with a jaw-cracking yawn. “Whose side are you on anyway?”

  He kissed the top of her head. “Ours.”

  “Whatever, you just wanna watch Matt bend me over in the closet, don’t lie,” she teased. His cock got insta-hard, showing her just how much Nico would like to see that.

  “Shut up and go to sleep, Bunny. Or you won’t get any sleep at all.”

  Chapter 21

  Mallory woke to the sunshine streaming in her window and Nico’s mouth on her belly, kissing his way down. She reached down and ran her fingers through his hair, careful not to pull it too much.

  “It’s about time you woke up,” he muttered, lifting himself up her body to give her a kiss. “It’s after ten.”

  “I had a late night.”

  “I know. I wanted to keep you up even later, but I knew how tired you were,” Nico said as he reached down, running one hand up the inside of her thigh to spread them. Settling his hips into the vee of hers, he kissed her again.

  His hard cock teased her opening through their clothes. She reached out through the web and slid into his mind, allowing herself to sink deep. Her skin tingled where it met his, stimulated by the contact on both sides.

  Mallory kissed him one last time, then rocked her hips up to meet his. He pulled back with a grin, which only grew wider as she pulled the hem of his shirt up. Nico ducked his head and let her pull it off of him, running her hands over his chiseled abs on her way down to the waistband of his sweats.

  “I want to suck your dick,” she murmured, eyeing the goods from her vantage point. His pants had an impressive tent in the front and he sucked in his breath at the thought of her mouth on him.

  “Damn, Bunny, you’re getting right to the point this morning, aren’t you?” he replied with a chuckle.

  “I haven’t gotten to do it yet, but you’ve been down on me twice. It’s time to even the score a little.”

  “Fuck, you’re perfect. But you don’t have to,” he rasped out as she reached past his waistband and grabbed his bare cock. She squeezed gently, relishing the foreign sensations that rocked him.

  It was strangely similar to having her clit rubbed, but more... external. She couldn’t wait to get her mouth on it.

  “Take these off and bring that up here,” Mallory ordered. “I want to see what you taste like.”

  He froze, then she heard water flick on in the shower as he disappeared for a half second. Cold blasted her senses for the briefest moment, then Nico reappeared above her, fully naked with only the tips of his hair wet.

  “Did you seriously just take a frigid shower? I know the water didn’t get hot that fast.”

  “Doesn’t matter. There aren’t enough cold showers in the world to keep me from wanting you. You just said ‘taste’ and I wanted to make sure you enjoyed it.”

  “So you’re telling me that you brought some whipped cream?” Mallory asked with a wink.

  “I can get some if you want.”

  She laughed. “I don’t even want to know. Just come here.”

  Settling back against the pillows, she grabbed his hips and tugged until he crawled up her body, kissing her forehead as he went. His cock bobbed in front of her lips as he got up onto his knees, bracing his hands against the desk that served as her headboard.

  Mal licked her lips, then kissed his mushroom-shaped head. He tensed and she saw a flash of herself through his eyes, his dick poised at her lips as she looked up at him.

  It was sexy. She was sexy. Something she hadn’t considered herself before now.

  Mallory flicked her tongue out, watching through his eyes. His belly clenched with anticipation the closer she got until she dragged the flat of her tongue across the sensitive underside of his cock, where the head met his shaft.

  They both groaned at the same time.

  Pleasure shot through him as she licked again, then sucked his head into her mouth. Answering tingles radiated out from her clit, as though he was kissing it over her panties. She took him deeper and the feeling intensified, graduating from the ghost of a sensation to actual pleasure.

  Mallory kept going, licking and sucking until Nico’s hips were rocking in spite of the control he so desperately sought over them. She could feel the orgasm building in him, creating a delightful tension that had started at the base of his cock and now battered at his senses, demanding to be released. She twisted beneath him, rubbing her thighs together as her own body responded to the sensations transferring through her web.

  Nico noticed and reached back, deftly sliding his hand beneath her panties to find her dripping wet, nearly soaking her clothes.

  He groaned at the physical response that she was having to sucking his cock. “God, it’s so hot that you’re enjoying this so much. Almost as much as I am.”

  She didn’t stop to correct him, but sucked him in again, letting his dick hit the back of her throat. Wrapping one hand around the base of his cock, she pumped it in time with her mouth, giving him a sensation not entirely unlike being inside her. Nico shuddered, his fingers penetrating her folds as he clenched his hand.

  Mallory moaned in response, now being hit from both sides as her hips rose involuntarily, seeking more. Nico pulled his hand away and backed up, sliding his cock from her eager mouth just before he came.

  “I can’t hold on much longer with you doing that,” he rasped, his voice taking on a gravelly note. “I want to be inside you when we come.”

  Mallory leaned forward, following him as he got up. She grabbed his hips and pulled him back in for one more deep invasion, swallowing as much of his long cock as she could. The answering sensations on her clit were addictive, not entirely the same as when he went down on her, but not completely different either.

  “Fuck, Mal, I’m going to lose it if you keep that up.”

  “That doesn’t sound like a bad thing,” she whispered back between pulls. “Sounds pretty hot, actually.”

bsp; He groaned at the words, unable to stop himself from grabbing her hair and pressing into her mouth again. “Fuuuuuck. At least switch positions so I can eat you at the same time.”

  Her pussy twitched at the thought of having his mouth and fingers on her while she went down on him and she nodded. They switched quickly and Nico ended up on his back with her legs on either side of his head while she reclaimed his cock, bobbing up and down along his hard length.

  Nico pushed the sensations aside, somehow, as he focused on her. He licked against her clit, alternating between sucking and tonging against it, driving her wild. It only took a few minutes before she was grinding against him, seeking more as she drew him into her mouth as well.

  She got it when he reached up and drove his fingers into her, thrusting them in and out at a furious pace. Mallory stiffened as her orgasm tore through her, leaving her quivering in its wake. Nico buried his fingers inside her for a second as he kept going, licking and sucking until she was an oversensitive mess. She jumped a little as he pulled out, then ran his wet fingers up her backside, teasing her ass.

  “Is this okay?” he asked against her nether lips. She simply nodded, willing to let him do whatever he wanted after that much pleasure.

  His still-hard cock twitched against her mouth as he pressed against her rear entrance, reminding her that no matter how good her orgasm had been, it was only hers. He still hadn’t come, somehow.

  Nico licked up and down her dripping pussy, driving his tongue into her as he slipped one finger past her tight muscles. Mallory moaned at the invasion, so different, yet interesting. His mouth quickly reclaimed her attention as he used his magic, vibrating against her while he added another finger and worked them both in and out.

  Mal kept going down on him, refocusing on his light on her web as she opened up for him, mentally and physically. She took him deep as he rocked up against her mouth in a lust-fueled haze, his eyes locked on his fingers disappearing in and out of her ass above him. He reached up with his other hand and slid those fingers into her pussy, filling both holes at the same time.


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