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D.C. Power Games Box Set

Page 13

by Ivy Nelson

  “Thanks for the donuts,” she said instead.

  “You are most welcome. Let me know if you need anything else. Coffee’s still hot in the kitchen.”

  Caffeine was the perfect escape and she made a beeline for the kitchen. This wasn’t awkward at all. She heard Gary speaking in a low voice to Evie, but she couldn’t make out what he was saying.

  A few minutes later, she leaned against the counter enjoying her second cup of coffee when Evie sauntered in. She heard the door into the garage open and shut meaning Gary had left the two of them alone.

  Evie rummaged in the fridge for a minute before pulling out an apple and leaning against the door.

  “I admire anyone who can handle Peter’s demands,” she said. Carrie doubted the sincerity of the girl’s words, but she listened anyway. Setting her mug on the counter, she did her best to keep her posture relaxed and open, refusing to show Evie just how threatened she was feeling right now.

  “I’m not sure what you mean but thanks,” Carrie said.

  “I mean, he’s dominant as fuck and it’s not easy being his sub. He demands a lot of anyone he plays with as I’m sure you already know since you’re sleeping with him. I never made it that far.”

  Carrie’s head was shaking, still unsure what she meant.

  “I asked other Doms to train me hoping I could get a second chance to please him, but it looks like you beat me to it.”

  Carrie placed her palms on the counter her behind her and studied the girl for a moment before speaking. “Evie I’m sorry. I had no idea. You’ve got the wrong idea though. I’m not his submissive. I’m not even submissive in general.”

  A smile, if you could call it that, spread across Evie’s face. It gave her the creeps. This girl was clearly obsessed with Peter.

  “He’s interested in you though. It won’t be long until you’re begging him for attention once he’s moved on to the next girl,” she said bitterly.

  “That’s enough Evie. You have about thirty seconds to get your ass into my bedroom with your nose in the corner.” It took all of Carrie’s willpower not to snicker when Evie whirled at the sound of Gary’s voice.

  “It’s not what it sounds like,” Evie said.

  “I think it’s exactly what it sounds like and you’re down to twenty seconds. Corner, now,” Gary said through clenched teeth as he moved further into the kitchen. “And your butt better be bare when I get in there.” His hand connected with the girl’s ass and Carrie jumped at the loud cracking noise it made. Evie yelped and scurried down the hallway.

  When she was out of site, Gary turned to Carrie and said, “I’m very sorry about that. Peter played with her a few times, but she got more attached than he did. I thought she and I were making a bit of a connection but I’m not really the type to collar a girl either.” He shrugged and picked up an empty mug, filling it with coffee. “I hope she didn’t make you too uncomfortable.”

  Carrie smiled. “Not too much. I’ll be OK. Can you take me to work later?”

  “Sure. Would you rather me beat her ass before or after you leave?”

  Carrie felt her face heat and she quickly swallowed the last of her coffee.

  “I need a shower before I’m ready, so do what you need to,” she said before making her escape to the guest room. As she closed the door, she heard Gary whistling a happy tune as he walked down the hall.

  An hour later, after hearing the pained and sometimes pleasured cries of Evie, Carrie sent Gary a text to tell him she was ready when he was. A few minutes later, a knock sounded.

  “I’m ready when you are little lady,” Gary said with a wink when she opened the door. Carrie grabbed her bag and gave him a shy smile.

  She nearly choked on her tongue when they entered the living room. A very red-assed Evie stood with her hands on her head and her nose pressed to the wall near the fireplace.

  “I’ll be back as quick as I can,” said Gary. “I swear, Evie if that quarter has moved even a centimeter when I get back, we’re starting your punishment over.”

  There were only sniffles in response, but Gary seemed satisfied, so he led them to the garage where he opened the passenger door of his truck and waited for Carrie to climb inside.

  As they drove through the streets of D.C., Carrie was feeling more and more confused. On a whim, she pulled out her cellphone and fired off a message to Peter.

  Tell me about Evie.

  • • •

  Peter stared at the text, confused. There wasn’t really much to tell about Evie. Who did she think Evie was? The girl was fun to play with occasionally, but it had never been more serious than that. She was far too bratty for him to consider as a serious submissive. Had Gary said something to her?

  Not much to tell but I’ll answer any questions you have.

  He knew from a text from Gary, that she was on her way to work. After a few minutes of no response from her, he slipped his phone back into his pocket and tried to focus on his job. Protecting Upwood had proved a bit boring lately though and he was having a hard time, especially with the monotonous paperwork that came along with being in charge of a detail.

  He felt his phone buzz a half hour later.

  “Hey brother, I’m sorry if I made your life complicated.” It was Gary’s voice that spoke when Peter answered.

  “I’m not sure yet. What did you tell her about Evie?”

  “Nothing. Evie stayed at my house last night and may or may not have said some inappropriate things to Carrie this morning.”

  “That’s your new sub?” Peter asked incredulously. It wouldn’t be the first time the two men had played with the same woman, but he didn’t think Gary liked Evie like that. The two had always just been friends.

  “It’s complicated. I thought I was doing her a favor while letting off some steam of my own. She’s fun, but I’m pissed as hell at her for how uncomfortable she was making Carrie this morning.”

  “I’ve clearly got some cleaning up to do. Thanks for the heads up,” Peter said.

  Ten minutes later, Peter ended the call with a clearer picture of what had happened. Evie was being her normal bratty self because she didn’t get the serious commitment out of Peter that she had been hoping for. By the time Gary finished explaining what went down, Peter was half tempted to ask for ten minutes alone with Evie and his hairbrush. But from the sounds of it, Evie wouldn’t be sitting anytime soon. Gary also invited him to a small party at his house the following evening, but Peter told him he would have to see how work turned out.

  As the day went on, Carrie still hadn’t answered his text and he began to grow worried. Hopefully Evie hadn’t done any real damage to his chances of exploring his attraction to Carrie. If she had, he could come up with a dozen creative ways to punish the girl. When it came time for him to get off, he sent another text letting Carrie know he was on his way. This time she gave him a one-word answer.


  She was definitely pulling away from him. How could he salvage this? When he pulled up to the curb in front of the Post building, she stepped out.

  “How was your day?” he asked when she had pulled her seatbelt across her body.


  “I hear Evie had some unfortunate things to say to you today. Would it be OK if I set the record straight?”

  Carrie shrugged, an indifferent look on her face. Peter sighed. “Come on Carrie. Don’t be like this. You’re too smart to fall for her hyperbole.”

  “Am I? Are you really as dominant as she claims? Do you really demand a lot from your subs?”

  “I can be, and I often do demand a lot,” he answered. No sense lying to her now. “But it’s never outside a girl’s limits. You have to know that.”

  Carrie was silent. “Are we going home or to the rest area?” she finally asked.

  “It’s up to you,” Peter said, purposely keeping his voice low and even.

  “It’s been a few days, let’s check out the rest area as long as you’re sure nobody is following us.”
  “Smart girl,” he said.

  A half hour later, they neared the rest area and Peter reached over to pick up Carrie’s hand. It didn’t go unnoticed the way she tensed up, but she didn’t pull away, so Peter gave her a gentle squeeze. “I’m sorry if Evie scared you. I want you, but I’m not looking to collar you and make you my slave or anything like that.”

  Her eyes were closed when she said, “It’s OK. I’m sorry I spook easily.”

  It wasn’t much, but it was honesty and he appreciated that. Turning the engine off, he let go of her hand and climbed out of the car.

  “Let’s see what there is to see.”

  Under the trashcan lid, there was another envelope waiting for them. It was too dark out, so Peter insisted they drive home before opening it.

  It turned out to be a photo of another girl. Peter didn’t recognize her, but Carrie did, and her hand flew to her mouth. “Oh my God, that’s Savannah. She was so nice to me every time I went to the Cabaret. I hope she’s OK.” He had never heard real fear in her voice. Not even when these pricks set her house on fire. It wasn’t herself she worried about but others, and that made him smile.

  “Can we go to the club and see if she’s there?”

  “Absolutely not.” Peter’s voice was hard, and he plastered a scowl on his face when she looked up at him. When it looked like she might cry, he softened his expression and put his hands on her shoulders.

  “Look, I know you’re worried about your friend, but they already tried to kidnap you from there once. There is no way in hell I’m letting you put yourself at risk like that. The next time Upwood asks to visit the club, I’ll make sure I’m part of that detail and I’ll keep an eye out for her.”

  Carrie’s eyes were wide, and he could tell she was still fighting back tears as she nodded her agreement.

  “Hey, it’s going to be OK.”

  After they had a late dinner in his living room, Carrie excused herself to go to bed and Peter stood to say goodnight. It was then he remembered there was something he wanted to ask her.

  “Gary’s having a party tomorrow night. Do you want to come with me?”

  Her blush pleased him; her answer pleased him even more.

  “I would love that. I like Gary’s house, Evie notwithstanding.”

  He crossed the room to her one more time. “She says a fucking word to you and Gary will toss her out, OK?”

  Carrie nodded and turned on her heel, scurrying to her room. Peter stared after her long after the door to his guest bedroom closed. What was this woman doing to him?



  “I thought Gary’s parties were only once a month,” Carrie said as Peter watched her climb into his SUV.

  “His big parties are. This one is smaller and ultra-exclusive. Invite only. Gary has to like you to get an invitation.” That prompted Carrie to stick her lip out in an adorable pout.

  “I’ve known him for years. Why am I just now getting invited?”

  Peter grinned. “Jealous, are you? It’s probably because last week was your first party at his place.”

  That seemed to placate her because she said, “I suppose I can forgive him then.”

  “You sure you’re OK going to this with me?” His concern over the things Evie had said to her still lingered and they hadn’t really talked about it yet.

  “Absolutely. I’m not promising you my virginity or anything though.”

  Peter just stared at her. “I have no idea what that even means, Carrie.”

  The giggle that bubbled out of her made him smile as he navigated D.C. traffic. After the bar and the night with the cucumber, there had been little talk of kink or even sex, but Peter wasn’t a pushy person. Things would happen if they were supposed to.

  Now, they were heading to one of Gary’s private gatherings that he held a couple of times a month. Peter liked most of the people there, though he would probably be even pickier than Gary about who he let in. At the end of the day, he trusted Gary not to put their privacy in any danger because the soldier from Texas had privacy needs of his own.

  When they pulled up to the big house, Peter quickly jumped out and went to the passenger side where he opened the door for Carrie. She hopped out and looped her arm through his. He had to fight the urge to back her up against his SUV and fist his hands into her hair while he kissed her. Patience, he reminded himself as he led them to the front door and knocked.

  Edith answered the door and grinned when she saw them.

  “Come in you two. Everyone else is here.”

  “Do I know everyone?” Carrie asked.

  “I think so? Actually, you probably don’t know Damion. He rarely comes to my house,” Edith said thoughtfully.

  Peter watched as Carrie mulled the name over. “Nope. Don’t think I know a Damion.”

  “He and Gary are bull whip buddies. Whatever the hell that means,” Edith said, rolling her eyes.

  Peter got the distinct impression that she wasn’t a fan of Damion.

  Inside the house, they stood around the kitchen island and talked to other party guests. Everyone was in a jovial mood because it was the weekend. Gary was telling some wild story when they first walked in and when he was done, he made a point of coming up to them.

  “Hey you two. I wanted to let you know that part of Evie’s punishment is that I rescinded her invitation to tonight’s little gathering.”

  Peter winced. That was harsh. Evie lived for these parties. Beside him, he felt Carrie relax though, so he was grateful for Gary’s decision.

  “I hope you didn’t ban her altogether,” Carrie said, her voice timid.

  “Nah. She just needed to learn a lesson. She’ll be back to the next one causing trouble and getting her ass beat just the way she likes,” Gary said with a wink.

  Gary wandered off to talk to his other guests, and Peter spent the next little while enjoying his view of Carrie as she animatedly spoke to everyone around her. She was friendly and people were drawn to her. It was no wonder she was never short on partners to play with. He fully intended to see if she was willing to play with him tonight. Impact play was a favorite of his, and he knew from watching her at the last party that she enjoyed it too. It seemed like a safe place to start. Keeping his dominance completely out of it might be difficult, but it was worth a try.

  When he spotted a break in her conversation with another sub, Peter moved up behind her.

  “Would you come talk to me in the quiet area?”

  She turned her head up to look at him and smiled. “Of course.”

  Grabbing her drink, she followed him to the quiet social area. Instead of beating around the bush, Peter got right to the point.

  “How would you feel about playing with me tonight? Nothing too crazy. Just some impact play.”

  She took a long swallow of her drink, and he noticed she was avoiding eye contact. He resisted the urge to cup her chin and guide her face until she met his gaze.

  “I… I don’t know Peter. I’m not sure it’s a good idea.”

  Disappointment tugged at him, but he did his best to keep an impassive look on his face. “I can respect that. Is that a no, never, or a no, not now?”

  A small smile pulled at the corners of her mouth and he relaxed a little.

  “Just not now.”

  “OK. Will I know when it’s OK to ask again?” Maybe it was an unfair question on his part, or maybe she would offer some insight for him.

  For a moment, her eyes clouded, and he thought he’d upset her, but then her smile got wider. “I’m sorry. I’m being rude. You brought me here. The least I could do is play with you.”

  Peter frowned and took her face in his hands. “Let’s get one thing straight. You owe me nothing. We are two friends who came to a party together. There is no obligation to play with me,” he said, struggling to keep his tone even. It pissed him off that someone somewhere had put this kind of pressure on her in the past. “I’m sorry if I ever gave you the impression that I
expected something.”

  “I’m sorry. I just… there was the cucumber and most people who take a girl to a kink party have expectations. Then there was all that stuff Evie said.”

  Taking her hand, he said. “I’m not most people Carrie. My turning you down for sex should have told you that. I want to explore with you, but you will never get pressure from me. Anybody who does pressure you, deserves to be chased out of the lifestyle. And I’m pissed as hell at Evie. If Gary hadn’t beat her ass, I would.”

  Her shoulders sagged and she backed away to sit on the couch.

  “Thank you, Peter. I’ve been worried about this. I… It’s not that I don’t want to explore with you. I’m just really confused, and I process things slower than some. Evie didn’t help any.”

  Peter closed his eyes and prayed for patience. Once again, he was glad that Gary had uninvited the bratty submissive.

  “Take your time, sweetheart. I’m not going anywhere, and I have no expectations. I’m definitely dominant and I may poke around and see if you have a submissive side, but never until I have your consent. I’m sorry if I ever gave you any reason to think otherwise.”

  She waved her hand. “No. This is all my bullshit baggage that I drag around with me.” Standing, she leaned up on her tip toes and kissed his cheek.

  “I might need to go socialize with some other people here if you don’t mind. There are a couple of sadists I’ve played with before who approached me. I don’t know what I’m going to tell them yet.” She paused, twisting the hem of her blouse. “If you see somebody else you want to play with, just know I won’t be jealous or anything.”

  The idea of her playing with someone else did make him jealous, but that wasn’t something he felt like he should voice, so he buried it and gave her a smile.

  “Just let me know when you’re ready to go home. I’m going to catch up with Gary and some of the other guys,” he said, hoping his disappointment was well masked.

  Watching her walk away was hard. After a minute of standing alone in the quiet area, he moved back to the main living area and sidled up to Edith who was in the midst of a story about a scene gone awry with one of her subs.


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