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The Astral Ordinance Book I

Page 9

by Meltem Y. K


  Jayna took a shower after putting Liam to bed and sat on the floor. She tried to remember Ethan’s instructions about meditating. Surprisingly, she could hear his voice playing like a recording in her head. She quickly felt herself relax and get into a meditative state. She was being charged with life giving energy from the Astral plane. She lost all sensation in her body as she became one with her breath. When she was fully charged she slowly opened her eyes and looked around. Her alarm clock showed that she had meditated for twenty minutes although to her it felt like only two or three.

  She sat at her desk and logged on to her email account to check for messages. There were three. One was from Pavlina, sent about forty-five minutes ago. It was a puzzling letter. Jayna’s heart raced as she read.


  I did as you told me and thought about all my options. I can’t be happy with any of them. I was stupid and irresponsible. I ruined my life. If I tell my parents about my “situation,” they won’t understand. They will probably kick me out. They’ve been telling all their friends that I am starting pre-med in September. How can I start pre-med in September three months pregnant? Where will I go when they toss me out? What will be my options then? A home for pregnant teens? Followed by a life in poverty? How will I get an education if I have this baby? How will I live with myself if I have an abortion? I spent the last two years dreaming about becoming a doctor. I cannot have an abortion. It goes against everything I believe in. All I know is that I can’t have this baby and I can’t have an abortion. I don’t have an option that will work for me. I’ve done nothing but think about my options since you dropped me off at home this afternoon. Bottom line is that I have no option but to take care of this as quietly as I can. I am sorry that I am not brave enough to face my parents and tell them that I messed up big time. I just can’t do this. Please, please, please, DO NOT CRY for me, and remember that I love you. You are the best friend a girl could ever wish for.


  “Oh my Lord, what have you done, Pav?”

  Jayna could not believe this letter. What was she planning on doing? Running away? What did it mean to quietly take care of this? Why is Pavlina asking me not to cry for her?

  Jayna didn’t know what she should do. She called Pavlina on her cell. It was turned off. Now what? Should she call their house? Wake up her parents? And say what to them?

  Ethan had told her no more Astral travelling by herself. It was too early for him to meet her yet. How could she get a hold of him? No phone calls were permitted either – that would give away too much. Oh God, what could she do? She had a very bad feeling about Pavlina. Something was very wrong.

  Maybe if she sat in meditation and called him he would somehow hear her. It was worth a try. Jayna sat cross legged in the middle of her room, closed her eyes but she could not relax. Her breathing would not slow down. She took a deep breath and blew it out. Oh, that was better. That helped her feel a bit more relaxed, but not nearly enough to call it a meditative state. This wasn’t working.

  What if she got out of her physical body and took a quick zip over to Pavlina’s to see what was up; only there and back. At least she would see if Pav was still home.

  Jayna lied down on her bed and used the sacred geometry to shift into the Astral plane. Immediately the house became transparent and she could see through the walls. Liam was asleep, she didn’t even look in her parents’ direction for fear of seeing things she didn’t want to see – they had a right to their privacy. Jayna visualized Pavlina’s bedroom and she was there instantly. Pavlina was in her bed, also sleeping. So, she hadn’t taken off somewhere. Yet. Jayna looked around to see if there was a suitcase or an overnight bag that Pavlina might be taking in the morning. No, there was nothing like that. Jayna was puzzling over clues as to what Pavlina was going to do next when she heard her.

  “Jayna, what are you looking for?”

  Jayna jumped. Did Pavlina speak to her in her sleep? She never had that experience before. She went closer to Pavlina’s sleeping form.

  “I am here, Jayna. Look up.”

  Pavlina was hovering over her sleeping form, but she was way up at ceiling level. Jayna had been looking at things that were on the ground and had totally missed Pavlina floating up there.

  “Pav? Why are you up there?”

  Pavlina looked at Jayna with very sad eyes, but did not say anything.

  Jayna floated up to Pavlina’s level and touched her shoulder. Pavlina felt way different than Ethan in his Astral form. Pavlina had very little life force left in her. Jayna could barely feel it.

  “What’s going on, Pav?” Jayna asked. “I don’t understand.”

  Pavlina’s lip quivered and a tear ran down her cheek.

  “Pav,” Jayna said in shaky voice, “are you dead?”

  Pavlina answered her friend’s question with a question of her own. “I don’t know, Jay. Can you see dead people?”

  “No idea.”

  “I took a bottle of extra strength Tylenols. I was too chicken to stab myself in the heart. I thought this would be a lot less messy and less painful. I lied down on my bed and waited for the pills to work. I lost consciousness for a while; then I thought the pills wore off and that I was waking up. I tried to get up, but I found myself floating up here. I am stuck up here; I can’t get down – or get back into my body.” Pavlina explained, “Maybe I am dead. I am not sure. How are you supposed to feel if you are dead?” Pavlina asked looking scared.

  “Are you in pain, Pav?”

  “No, I am not in pain; just stuck here. I can’t move like you can.”

  Jayna wasn’t sure what was going on. She wished Ethan was here. He would probably know what to do.

  “Pav, I am really new at this Astral stuff. I am not sure why you are stuck there; but I do have an idea. I am going to scream as loud as I can and hope that Ethan or one of the Masters can hear me and come for help. So, just stay calm, while I try this.

  Pavlina nodded.

  “Okay, go for it.”

  Jayna took a deep breath and she screamed at the top of her lungs.

  “EEEEEEEEEEEEETHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN, if you can hear me, please, come. I am at Pavlina’s.”

  “Wow, that was loud. You blew out my eardrums,” Pavlina said.

  A second later Ethan appeared looking extremely anxious.

  “Jayna, what’s wrong? Are you hurt?”

  “No, I am not hurt; but she is.” Jayna pointed to Pavlina’s physical body with one hand and to her weak, Astral form with the other.

  “Pavlina, say hi to Ethan”.

  “Hi,” Pavlina said obviously embarrassed. “Sorry to bother you in the middle of the night.”

  “Ethan, this is Pavlina. She tried to kill herself tonight, but we are not sure if she managed it. She took a bottle of Tylenols.”

  This was the most bizarre introduction Jayna had made in her life.

  “So, is she or isn’t she?” Jayna asked, Ethan, “I mean, DEAD?”

  “She isn’t yet, but she is fading fast,” Ethan said.

  “She is stuck in that spot. Do you think we can bring her down and shove her back in her body?” Jayna asked. “I am sorry, Ethan. I didn’t know what to do, all I could think of was to call you and hope that you’d hear me and come. Pavlina needs our help.”

  “Yes, she does. She is hovering over the edge. She still has a chance to come back, but there isn’t much time. Those drugs have to be flushed out of her stomach very soon, and she has to make a decision whether she wants to keep fading until she is completely passed over to the other side or come back into her body in which case we can help her.”

  Ethan looked Pavlina straight in the eye and continued, “Ultimately, the decision is yours.”

  Jayna started to cry, her friend was quite possibly dying.

  “Pav, c’mon, you have to choose life. You can’t just throw in the towel. You can still get an education and realize all your dreams and ambitions. You can defer university
till next September. So what? Start a year later. Go ahead and have your baby. If your parents kick you out, you can stay at our house. I will help you, I promise. Please, don’t go,” Jayna begged.

  Pavlina was fading.

  “Pav, you can’t do this to me. I won’t lose my best friend.”

  Jayna’s tears were coming in torrents.

  Pavlina could not stand to see her friend crying. She reached out with both arms and hugged Jayna.

  “C’mon, we gotta get you back into your body.”

  Ethan explained the plan, “I will stay with you, while Jayna goes and gets help. They will probably have to shock you to pop you back into your body, but don’t be scared. I will be with you, you won’t be alone. Okay?”

  Pavlina nodded.

  “Jayna, go back and call her house. Say whatever you have to say to get her parents to go in and check on her. Get them to feel her pulse or something. They have to get the paramedics there immediately. When you’ve done all you can and you are not needed anymore, come back into the Astral plane. I will wait for you by her side, so you know where to find me.”

  Jayna took a deep breath and sighed in relief. Now that there was a plan to save her friend’s life, she was feeling a lot better.

  Jayna threw her arms around Ethan and gave him a big hug. Ethan hugged her back, then held her face in his hands and kissed her. Jayna felt a very strong current run through her body while their auras sparked and shimmered.

  “Go now,” Ethan said.

  “Wish me luck,” Jayna said and vanished.

  Pavlina had witnessed the hugging and kissing and all the sparks that flew. She wasn’t sure how she felt about it.

  Ethan looked at Pavlina’s tired face and tuned into her thoughts. She had a lot of emotions running through her head. She was scared, she was upset, she wasn’t sure how well she was going to handle her second chance at life, and now she was confused about seeing her friend kiss a stranger. She was wondering what they were to each other, she hadn’t missed the fact that when they kissed sparks flew. They literally lit each other up.

  “You kissed her,” she accused Ethan.

  Ethan didn’t hesitate. “Yes, I did.”

  “What does this mean? Are you guys, like, going together?”

  “Yes, we are.”

  Pavlina became quiet again. At the moment, she didn’t have a lot of faith in relationships. What if this guy hurt Jayna the way Darren had hurt her? Not physically, but emotionally. She was swept off her feet for a couple of months, had a whirlwind romance then was dumped; and now she was pregnant. What would happen if this guy decided to dump Jayna? How could Jayna cope with the heartache? The way sparks flew when those two kissed she didn’t doubt that they’d be doing other things pretty soon. At least, they didn’t have to worry about Jayna getting pregnant.

  Naturally, Ethan could hear every thought that was running through her head.

  “Pavlina, I would never hurt Jayna. I am assigned to be her trainer and partner. We quickly grew on each other. You needn’t worry about our relationship.”

  He sounded sincere.

  “Is it true that you can see the baby inside me?” Pavlina asked.


  “Can you see if it’s a boy or a girl?”

  Ethan focused for a second; he nodded. “Would you like to know what it is?”

  Pavlina’s eyes sparkled even though she was weak.

  “Yes,” her voice was like a whisper.

  “It’s a girl.”

  Her bedroom door opened and Pavlina’s parents rushed in. Looks like Jayna had done her part.

  “I don’t know what Jayna was thinking, calling us at this time of the night, claiming she has a bad feeling about Pavlina,” Ethel Pek complained.

  Her husband John went over to their daughter’s sleeping form and touched her shoulder.

  “Pav, honey, are you okay? Jayna thinks you might not be feeling well.”

  There was no response from Pavlina, and her skin felt clammy.

  “Ethel, this girl is cold and clammy. Something is wrong.”

  He grabbed Pavlina from her shoulders and gave her a good shake. There was no response, she wasn’t waking up.

  “Where is the phone?” John asked his wife.

  Ethel found the phone and handed it to her husband.

  John dialed 911.

  “Dispatcher, we need an ambulance immediately. My daughter is not well. Her skin feels cold and clammy. I am shaking her, but she is not responding. I am not sure what happened to her.”

  John listened to the dispatcher’s questions on the other end of the phone and followed her instructions. He felt for a pulse.

  “Yes, she has a pulse, but it’s week.”

  “Sir, we have an ambulance on its way. Have someone meet the paramedics at the door. If you have a dog, please put it in a room, out of the way,” the dispatcher said.

  “Ethel, you stay right here, I will go down and meet the paramedics at the door. Keep talking to Pavlina, I am sure she can hear you even if she is unconscious,” John instructed his wife.

  “Pavlina, baby, can you hear me?” Ethel cried out in a panic stricken voice. She started sobbing when her daughter did not respond.

  Seeing her mother fall apart this way did not help Pavlina. Her aura faded a bit more.

  “Listen to me Pavlina,” Ethan said. “You have to really want to live and not fade away on me. You can survive this. No matter what the paramedics say, you can’t give up. You have to hang on to life and choose to stay, not cross over. I can’t help you if you give up. A lot of people will be devastated. Do you understand?”

  Pavlina nodded looking very tired.

  Ten minutes later Ethel could hear the paramedics at the front door; then they were running up the stairs. One of them pulled her away from Pavlina and checked the young girl.

  “I don’t have a pulse,” he announced.

  The scene was playing out like Ethan had predicted. Pavlina was looking scared but she did not fade anymore. Ethan drew some healing symbols on Pavlina’s Astral form that helped her maintain what little life force she had.

  “Pavlina, they will shock you in a few seconds. I want you to focus all your attention and will yourself back into your body. I won’t leave you until you are out of danger. The next few hours will be touch and go, but no matter what you hear the medical crew say, remember, you don’t have to die tonight. You can decide that you will live and keep fighting. Many people die for a few minutes and come back. You have to believe that. You must trust me and keep fighting. There is a lot the medical science does not know about the soul. Look, the fact that you saw Jayna and met me should be proof enough for you that what I am telling you is true. You will live and have a beautiful baby girl. You are only a few weeks along your pregnancy, but there is already a soul assigned to your baby. I will appeal to the Ascended Masters to grant you a gift, so that you can meet your daughter.”

  Ethan closed his eyes and asked the Masters to show Pavlina her future daughter. A beautiful baby girl appeared in front of them. First she was a newborn, then a toddler, then school age. Her image changed to show her at various points in her life.

  “Did you see your daughter, Pavlina?” Ethan asked, “Hang on to those images of her and you will pull through.”

  As Pavlina hung on to her will to live, the paramedics shocked her back to life.

  Ethan saw her Astral form merge into her physical form.

  “We have a heartbeat,” called out one of the paramedics.

  Her parents were watching all the activity from the corner of the room, trying to keep out of the way. They were both crying tears of relief when they rolled Pavlina out on a gurney.

  “Mr. and Mrs. Pek, one of you could ride to the hospital in the ambulance with your daughter,” said one of the paramedics.

  Ethel went with the ambulance while her husband followed it to the hospital.


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