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Dirty Villains

Page 5

by Cheri Marie

  She stands there with her arms crossed. She’s cute when she pouts and I laugh inwardly at the irony. She’s this badass with a gun, but when she doesn’t get her way, she pouts like a two year old. I step in and see there are about twenty filing cabinets lining the wall of the storage space. I start my search checking out each name until I find what I’m looking for.

  “Who is Marco Sing?” I pound my fist on the filing cabinet startling Bella. I stare at her and this time the amusement is gone. She looks terrified of me. “I don’t want to be left out of things.”

  “How are you being left out of things? If anything, I’m the one being left out of things. You’re picking the guys to kill, then killing them and I’m coming in to clean up the fucking mess!” I yell at her. “Be smart about this, not stupid or sloppy or we’re all going to jail. You’re leaving a trail of bodies like bread crumbs right to our doorstep.”

  “If this was your dad, you’d be doing the same thing as me,” Bella says.

  “You’re right and you’d be telling me the same thing. So, are you going to let me do my job as your husband?”

  Bella smiles at the reference. She can’t resist when I call her wife or myself husband. It always makes her smile. She nods and sits down on one of the totes. I keep looking as she mumbles names trying to memorize them.

  “Bella, we can go.” I grab the files that I was looking for and we walk out to the SUV. “Let’s go home.” I tell my driver.

  Chapter Three

  Arabella Ricci

  The hate sex that we had tonight was out of this world. I’m so sore right now that I’m relaxing in the hot tub while my husband’s in the bedroom looking over files. I close my eyes and remember the last day that I talked to my dad in this apartment and met Dominic for the first time.

  There is a chill in the air tonight as I open my window to sit on my fire escape to enjoy the beginning of the fall weather. You can smell how the season has changed already. There is a dampness in the air and the colors are changing to gray, the leaves are falling off. The first couple of weeks of the season change are my favorite. My grandmother used to tell me it’s because Mother Nature was cleaning out her closet and needed to refresh herself. I often laughed at her rambles, but I like to watch the beauty as it evolves each season.

  I wrap the plaid wool blanket around my shoulders pulling my phone out to text my dad to see if he’ll be home tonight. I’m not sure what he has been up lately but, he’s been secretive with me. When my mom left us, he promised me there would be no secrets.

  DAD: I’ll be home soon.

  ME: Good, I’m starving.

  DAD: I told the staff to prepare dinner for us.

  DAD: It’s not just for us though. I have a couple of men coming over.

  ME: What? WHY?

  DAD: Business.

  ME: **SIGH**

  I slam my phone down making sure not to break it. This is the first time I’ve seen my father in about three months and we’re surrounded by his damn business dealings. We’ve talked every day but I’ve missed him. He’s the one constant in my life besides the staff and not having him around makes me feel all anxious. My dad’s line of work always has me looking over my shoulder when I leave the house, even when he is here but when his enemies know that he isn’t here, it’s extra security because they can get to him through me.

  I pull the blanket tighter to me, wishing that it was someone, anyone that would climb this fire escape to take me away from all of this and put me first. I’ve never been in a relationship that lasted more than two months and I’m twenty-seven years old. Most of the guys I meet are at the bottom of the barrel trying to move up in the organization. So, I stick to the one night stands with doctors, male nurses and fellow college students who don’t know who my dad is. When I meet someone, I tend to use my grandmother’s maiden name, especially for school I’d rather no one know who my father is.

  My parents loved each other more than anything and you could not only see it but felt it too. I spent the first fifteen years of my life wondering, how can you compete with that? Now in my mind, I think: if my parents couldn’t make it work, how could I possibly make it work?

  I hear car door slam and I look down to see my dad. I smile while I watch him have a conversation with his driver. Three more black SUVs pull up and I watch as the drivers exit the vehicles. They take quick sweeps around to make sure there is no threat looming.

  The first guy is older…like my dad so around forty-five; short with a belly and a receding hairline. The second man is older with grey hair, tall and skinny. He has a sour look on his face and he hasn’t even had the meeting yet. The man who steps out of the third SUV catches my eye. He’s about six feet four and dashing. He has chestnut brown hair that is pulled back into a bun. He’s wearing a dark suit. This dinner is about to become more enjoyable. I climb into my window when I hear my dad calling my name.

  “Arabella, did you not hear me calling?” My dad stands in my doorway. I smile as I stare at him. Most days it’s like looking in the mirror, we both have black hair, ice blue eyes, but I’m about five inches taller than him. I run to his outstretched arms.

  “Sorry papa. I was outside on the fire escape enjoying the weather.”

  “I want to apologize for the guests. I’ll make it up to my princess.” I smile at his nickname for me. He pulls me into a hug.

  “I love you papa and I just want some time with you. It seems like you’re never home.”

  “I know but I need to get this business up and running.” The business he’s talking about is a strip club in the next town over. Rumor among the staff is that it’s just a front for drugs and money laundering. I know my dad has very few legit businesses, but he wants me to take those over someday.

  “Okay. Do you need my help or are those three men in our living room the ones who are helping you?”

  “You’ll see my princess. Change for a business dinner.” My dad kisses my forehead and closes my door.

  I walk into my closet to pick something I can wear for this business dinner. The closet is about the size of a normal bedroom. My dad let me design it, so I was able to have a spot for everything. I walk to the very back where my suits are hanging. I take off my grey sweatpants and blue shirt. I’m stand in just my blue lace bra and underwear surveying the clothing. I find a white button shirt, black mini skirt, and a suit jacket. I try to decide what shoes I should wear, and then I pick my red high heels. I do a once over in my mirror as I strut into the living room where everyone is waiting for me.

  I make sure to walk with my shoulders back, my face stoic, showing no emotion; my eyes stone as they scan the men and women in the room staring back at me. I notice that the six men are all carrying guns. The women who all look to be half the age of the men they’re hanging on stare at me.

  “Sorry to keep you waiting. I have a test in the morning that I got caught up in studying for on the fire escape, and I lost track of time.” I smile but not letting it reach my eyes.

  “Oh, it’s all right. We were just talking a little business.” One of the men speaks up.

  “What did I miss?” I ask as I walk over to the drink cart to pour myself a whiskey.

  “Honey, business is for men. Women are just supposed to be here looking beautiful on the arm of a man.” One of the accountants informs me. That gets my back up. I can’t remember his name, but he’s rolly polly of a man, wannabe gangster. He’s one man I try to avoid. I clench my teeth at the condescending way he calls me honey and refers to me as a trophy.

  My dad raises his eyebrow at me walking my way with such swagger, he makes people stop and pay attention.

  “Mia Bella.” He kisses my cheeks. “Breathe.” He whispers. I nod. “Let’s eat.”

  We all follow him into the dining room, taking our seats at the long table that sits in the center of the room. It’s a stuffy, overly decorated room and not a place I prefer to eat. We only use it for dinners like this, bosses of other families in the area. The chandeli
er is antique, but I installed video cameras and microphones, so I can pick up on conversations during the meal. I need to make sure that my father is protected always and at all costs. The wait staff files out from the kitchen and sets the table, placing a salad in front each person. I take a sip of my white wine as I watch these men stare at each other. It seems they’re sizing one another up, checking to see which one of them has the bigger dick. I roll my eyes inwardly, how stupid. I smirk at my dad when he catches the look on my face.

  The man to the right of me is a short pudgy man with gray hair. He taps the table in my direction to get my attention. “Yes sir?”

  “How are your studies going?”

  “They’re going well. I graduate in a month.” I’ve been in school to be a doctor since I turned sixteen. The last couple of years I started taking business classes to help my dad with the books on his legit restaurants, and now his strip club. I graduated high school at the age of thirteen, but I decided to wait a few years to mature. I had the pick of colleges, but I chose to stay close to home because of my age, not to mention, my dad wouldn’t let me go alone. I didn’t want him sending me with his goons either, being surrounded by constant security wouldn’t bode will on a date, not that I had those. They stand there with their arms crossed, sunglasses on and perfectly pressed suits not talking and especially not letting anyone near me. They were allowed on campus in the parking lot if I lived at home.

  “Congratulations.” He smiles at me and I return his smile. “Do you have a specialty?”

  I nod. “Trauma surgery.”

  “Wow. I don’t think I could see that much blood.” He laughs, and I join him. Stefano DeMarco has seen more blood in his lifetime than I may ever see in my entire surgical career. He’s been known to cut out tongues, cut off fingers, and rumor is that he actually cut off the cock of the man who was fucking his wife and daughter. Dom DeMarco has been one of my dad’s best friends, not only that, but the man is my godfather.

  Uncle Tony leans in. “How’s your dad?” I look around to see if anyone is paying attention to us when my eyes lock with a set of piercing eyes. I feel a shiver run up my spine when he smiles at me. I nod at him and try to get my attention back to Antonio “Tony” Vallone.

  “He’s good.” I tell him. The wait staff brings out the main course of spaghetti and meatballs. We are so cliché right now, typical Italian meal, not impressive, but tasty. We eat in silence only making eye contact every once in a while.

  When the food is done, my dad clears his throat to get the attention of the room. “Mia Bella, will you please take the women to the home theatre while we conduct a meeting?” I let out a sigh and Uncle Leonardo pulls out my chair.

  “Relax. Everyone will do all of the talking plus you’ll review the video feed later.” He whispers when we’re out of earshot of the guests. I giggle when he winks at me. Leonardo has been teaching me the business since he doesn’t have any children and my father gave him his blessing.

  “Come ladies. I think we have the new Fifty Shades movie we can watch. While they conduct a boring meeting, we’ll drool over Christian Grey and his millions.” I bend down to kiss my dad on the cheek. “Behave father.” He winks at me as I lead the women out of the room.

  “Why can’t we stay there?” a blonde asks. She’s the whiny type, more boobs than brains. Bimbo.

  “We’re the arm candy, honey. The guys handle business.” I inform them rolling my eyes. The women all get comfortable in their seats and I start the movie. Once the credits begin, I go to my room to retrieve my books so I can study for a test I have tomorrow morning before my afternoon shift at the hospital. While I bury my face in my book the gaggle of giggling women around me are making it difficult to concentrate as the point at the screen. I look up at the ceiling rolling my eyes. Unbelievable. Lord, I hope I don’t act like that when I get to be their age.

  Half way through the second movie, I fall asleep only to be woken by the feel of a hand on my leg. I wake up to see the same set of piercing eyes I saw at dinner sitting next to me. “You know you’re cute when you sleep. You’re nose twitches like a bunny.”

  “It does not.” Mr. piercing eyes smiles at me. “The meeting over?”

  “Yeah about twenty minutes ago.”

  “You’ve been watching me sleep for twenty minutes?” He looks away from me and blush creeps into his cheeks. “That’s not stalkerish at all.” I gather up my books and we stand coming eye to eye.

  “Can I see you again? Without your father around?”

  “I don’t think so. My father doesn’t like me to date within the organization.” I try to get around him, but his hand on my waist stops me in my tracks. Heat floods my body at his touch and I immediately think I’m fucked.

  “Please.” The simple word comes out as a firm statement instead of the begging or pleading. He seems sure of himself and that is a turn on. I like confidence and a man who isn’t afraid of a challenge and let’s face it, I’m a handful.

  “I’ll think about it but right now, I’m pretty busy with business school and finishing up my surgical rotation. It could be about four months before I’m available.”

  “Okay. I’ll text you later.” Wait how does he have my number? Piercing eyes kisses my cheek. “My name is Pierce by the way.”

  “Seriously?” I raise my eyebrow up at him.

  “No but you called me piercing eyes earlier, so I thought that I would have a little fun.” He turns and walks away. I groan as I walk out of the room. The men shake hands and my dad kisses the women on their cheeks.

  Stefano comes to give me a hug. “His name is Dominic but goes by Nic to only his close friends. He’s a good guy. It’s one of the reasons I had your dad invite him; for you.” He winks at me before kissing my forehead. He yells goodbye to me before closing the door. I stand there in shocked silence staring at the front door.

  Stefano and my dad are playing matchmaker.

  Chapter Four

  Dominic Ferrari

  I hear my precious Bella crying from the bathroom. I roll off the bed to check on her. “Are you okay?”

  She sniffles again. “Yeah. I was thinking about when you and I first met. The last night I saw daddy.”

  “I’m sorry. I wish it was me instead of him.” I sit on the back of the tub getting ready to wash her back.

  “Don’t say that. I can’t imagine living without you it would be hell, Nic, so you can’t say things like that to me.”

  My wife is showing her soft side? I kiss the top of her head. “I know you miss your father and you want to find the people responsible for his death.”

  “Did you find anything of use?” She smiles sweetly up at me.

  “I think I did but I’m trying to figure out how to do it without them knowing that you know.” She laughs at me because I worded that completely wrong.

  “I’m going to take a couple of the guys to see this guy, do you trust me to get the answers without you?” I know I’m playing with fire right now, “But I promise that once we get the name, he’s all yours baby and I won’t stop you.”

  “Okay. I have to take your dad to the hospital for his chemo treatment anyway but promise me you’ll come back to me?”

  “Always. You’re not getting rid of me that easily. I love you.” I grab her from the tub and carry her to our king size bed where I spend most of the night worshipping her body.

  I wake up later than Bella this morning with thoughts of last night. I smirk knowing I’d do that every night over and over again. I stretch my arms over my head and groan as I sit up working out the kinks in my muscles. I search for my boxers that I was wearing last night and go out to the kitchen for my morning coffee. I hear laughing as I round the corner into the breakfast area. “Well isn’t this nice to see, my two favorite people.” I kiss my wife and then hug my father. “How are you feeling today?”

  “It’s a good day. Mia Bella has been telling me that you might have found the one we’ve been looking for?”

I nod, taking a drink of my hot coffee that Bella has placed in front of me on her way back to the stove to resume cooking us breakfast.

  “Are you going to tell us?” My dad asks. I shake my head no. “You drive me crazy which means I taught you too well.” I laugh at his sentiment.

  “Nice try my love.” I snicker.

  “I tried last night.” She puts my breakfast in front of me.

  “If you couldn’t get anything out of him with your ways then I’m fucked,” my father says and I watch the blush take over Bella’s cheeks.

  We sit around the island eating eggs, bacon, toast, and sausage making small talk. It’s a good morning and I see a glimpse of the Bella that I met and fell in love with. We’d only known each other three days when we got married and there was a connection that we both felt immediately. I couldn’t describe it then and I can’t now. I just know the connection has only grown stronger over the last year. I knew the minute I saw her that she was mine.

  When I’m finished with my breakfast, I take it upon myself to clean the kitchen since Bella cooked. As I clear the dishes and load the dishwasher I find that I’m humming. Interesting.

  As I walk into my bedroom I see Bella looking in the folder. “What’s going on in here?” I ask leaning up against the door jamb scaring the shit out of Bella.

  She shrieks, the folder shaking in her grasp. “Oh my God, you scared me.”

  “It’s a good thing that I hid the real file,” I say walking into the bathroom to get a quick shower. I laugh when I hear her curse at me in Italian and my grab my balls when she threatens to castrate me. I hurry up to shower as my guys will be arriving shortly.


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