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Dirty Villains

Page 20

by Cheri Marie

  “How was your day? Anything good to report?” her mom, Stacey, asked while wiping her hands on a towel after turning away from a sink full of pots and pans. Stacey was only seventeen years older than Rainkor. She had once been ten times more disrespectful to her parents than Rainkor had ever been to anyone. Giving her unborn child the name Rainkor on the same day she had told her parents she was pregnant was intentional, having already decided he or she was going to be a rebel because the apple couldn’t possibly fall that far from the tree. But the years brought change and a certain sense of calmness to the Harmony house. Stacey had become much more like her own mother, and she spent sleepless nights praying Rainkor would eventually do the same.

  “Nothing unusual. Just the same old thing. I’m going to bed,” Rainkor spoke in a monotone voice, breaking apart the silence.

  “Rain, it’s four in the afternoon. You can’t possibly be tired enough to go to bed now. You didn’t even eat dinner. Tell me sweetie, are you on drugs?” Stacey looked into Rainkor’s eyes and studied her pupils with a concerned look on her face.

  “If I had some drugs laying around, I would take them right now. However, I’m not currently on anything. And you only call me Rain when you need something from me. So, what is it this time? Do you need a favor, or a loan new tires for your car or possibly a new puppy? What is it mother?!” Rainkor spit her words in Stacey’s direction.

  “I just want to know that you’re okay,” Stacey quietly replied. “Can you at least come out and say hello to your father later tonight? He sees you less often than I do.”

  “Maybe for a minute, but I’m working on something important. I’m preparing for college, so that should make you guys happy, right?” Rainkor attempted to look at her mother and smile. She knew the distance between her and her parents had been growing wider since she became a teenager. For a long moment, Rainkor considered walking to her mom and hugging her like she did when she was a child. Instead, she awkwardly turned, went to her room and slammed the door.

  “You’re being a real jerk to my parents Ross. Knock it off!” Rainkor warned out loud.

  “You do understand that is never going to happen. At least you should get it by now. I don’t knock anything off unless it furthers our agenda,” the voice of Ross echoed inside Rainkor’s head.

  “Tone it down, you’re giving me a headache,” Rainkor never backed down to Ross, even though she knew he was the one who boosted her intelligence and strength. Ultimately, he was in charge.

  “Do you understand the plan we have in place or should I make you think about it over and over for the next twenty hours?” Ross spoke.

  “For the love of cute little kittens, can we just give me a break for an evening? I understand the plan. I’ve rehearsed this plan for the last two weeks. You’ve provided visuals in my freaking head for days. What I would actually like to do is take a nap. Maybe everything will sink in to your satisfaction if I can just shut my eyes for an hour. Ross, you are exhausting!” Rainkor pleaded for a break.

  “No rest for the wicked darling,” Ross answered without hesitation.

  “Ross! Do I need to find the bleach?! I am tired! If you want your plan to work, I need to be rested! Do you want me to jumble up everything, so you don’t get the result you want?” Rainkor threatened.

  “Fine, get some rest. But remember one thing little girl. This is not only my plan, rather, it is our plan. I doubt I could think of anything as diabolical as we have on my own,” Ross commented with authority. “So, sleep, because you do not want to disappoint me, trust my words.”

  “Don’t threaten me Ross. I will not perform as well under pressure,” Rainkor answered while crawling into her bed, closing her eyes and falling asleep quickly. She didn’t wake up until hours later, long after her parents had gone to sleep.

  Pacing back and forth at work the next day, Rainkor felt nervous as her shift ended at the restaurant where she worked as a server. Soon, she would be taking classes at the local university where Ross convinced her to apply. He told her to become a lawyer, and although she was advanced enough to begin college years ago, he never wanted too much attention on Rainkor. Up until now, she needed to remain under the radar while he wormed his way not only into the depths of her soul, but her heart and head as well. He was confident she had been infiltrated enough to be his personal soldier, but Ross had done this enough times before and knew a few trial runs were necessary.

  Walking out of work, Rainkor hesitated until the appropriate target had been identified. “Pick him. He is the one you want,” Ross urged her toward a short middle-aged bald man who was small in stature. Rainkor adjusted the short black skirt and tied the bottom of her t-shirt in a knot to reveal more of her soft alabaster skin.

  Drawing in the deepest breath she could manage, Rainkor walked up to the man and tapped him on the shoulder. “Excuse me sir, but do you have time to give me a ride?”

  “Weren’t you my waitress in there?” asked the man as he pointed to the restaurant behind them.

  “That’s how I noticed you. You were awful nice to me. In fact, you always put a smile on my face when you come in to eat. Lots of people aren’t so kind. I was hoping maybe you’d be up to giving me that ride. My car broke down, and I’m feeling a little lost. My name, if you don’t remember it from when I waited on you, is Rain,” Rainkor held out her hand and waited for the man to reach out before she whispered, “I like a man with a strong, firm grip.”

  “Look young lady, I may not have a ring on my finger, but that doesn’t mean I’m desperate. I have no need to pay for any services or whatever it is you call what you do,” the man nervously pulled his hand away and began walking closer to his car.

  “Sir, I didn’t mean to offend you. I apologize. I only wanted a ride, but if you can’t give me one, I’ll ask someone else. I’m sure some kind stranger will want to give me a ride today,” Rainkor looked into the man’s eyes as she spoke.

  “So, are you a cop? I mean, I think you’d have to identify yourself if you are one. Can I pat you down?” the man’s body relaxed as he moved closer in Rainkor’s direction again.

  “Of course you can. You are welcome to pat me wherever you think I might be hiding something naughty,” Turning around within inches of the man, Rainkor held her hands up and spread her legs slightly. “I surrender sir,” she whispered as her head tilted back within inches of the man’s ear.

  After a couple of soft quick taps on the back and a nervous laugh from the man, Rainkor crawled into the passenger side of his car. “This is very nice. You don’t see too many bench seats anymore. There are benefits to having a classic. A lady could get comfortable in here if the chance arose. I enjoy getting a nice, unexpected, big rise out of something.”

  “What is this going to cost me beautiful? I understand you need to make a couple of bucks, and you managed to get past my radar, but let’s lay everything on the table. How much fun am I going to have, and what is the cost of a good time with you?” the man spoke seriously.

  “It’s always a good time when I’m around. Let’s just drive for now. I will make some suggestions, and you can take your time deciding,” Rainkor proposed.

  “That sounds like a plan!” the man cheerfully responded.

  On the way, Rainkor put her hands on her thighs and began circling her skin with her fingertips. At times, her fingers disappeared up her skirt and kept moving.

  “You’re going to cause us to get in an accident, young lady. I need to keep my eyes on the road,” the man said with a tremor in his voice.

  “What I am hearing is that I should stop using my hands and start using my mouth. Am I right?” Rainkor licked the tip of her index finger before sucking it slightly into her mouth.

  “I’m not sure what to do with you, but I do believe you may have some original ideas,” the man spoke as he slipped his right hand onto Rainkor’s knee and began caressing it slowly.

  Five minutes after leaving the restaurant and with minimal direction from Rainkor, th
e car had stopped on a desolate road surrounded by tall cornfields. “Now, I think I’d like to try the entire menu you offer, even if it kills me. Don’t worry, I can pay you well. Money will not be a problem,” the man said as he began unbuttoning his shirt.

  “Show me,” she quickly demanded.

  “Show you what, baby?” the man smiled as he reached in the direction of his belt buckle.

  “I want to see the best parts of you. Now, what exactly do you think I’m talking about?” Rainkor moved closer to the man and gently guided his hand to her thigh as she spoke. In one swift move, she climbed on top of his lap and slowly began rocking back and forth. Looking down, the man kept his eyes on Rainkor’s breasts as they moved closer to his mouth with each gyration. “Now darlin’, before we take this any further, I need to see the cash.”

  “Baby, isn’t that something we can take care of in about an hour? I’m ready to get this going. Look at the smile you’ve already put on my face without even taking your clothes off,” the man smiled deeply without taking his eyes off Rainkor’s breasts.

  But Ross had prepared Rainkor well for this moment. He knew she was going to need additional protection, so Rainkor reached into her purse and pulled out a large jagged hunting knife which she had purchased the prior week. “I’m not here to make you smile. I’m going to take your money and then you’re going to get out of the car and let me drive it back into town. Then you’re never going to speak of this to anyone, or I’ll tell your wife.”

  “You’re going to possibly ruin your life for three hundred dollars?” the man questioned.

  “Yes,” was Rainkor’s only response.

  “Why? And how do you know I’m married?” the man asked.

  “It’s a not a big town we live in Henry. You brought your wife and daughters to the restaurant quite some time ago. I waited on your table, and your family was charming. Unfortunately for me, you’ve come in there alone every time since then. You don’t want to make it too obvious, of course, so you only eat there twice a month, and always on a Thursday. Don’t think I haven’t noticed you checking out my ass or studying my red lips. You seem to have figured out that I’m usually out at three too. I think it’s because you like to watch me walk down the street. I always walk, and sometimes you follow me slowly in your car for a while. You already knew when you asked me that I wasn’t a cop, but this was a fantasy coming true for you, so you played along. Don’t think for one second that I would be with a tool like you, even if you paid me. But your money will buy my silence this one time,” Rainkor heard her voice as she spoke, but the words were not her own. She felt Ross was present during past conversations, but he had never taken control until today.

  “Fine, I’ll get out. I don’t know how I’m going to explain this to my wife. She’ll wonder where I have been when I get home. What the hell am I supposed to tell her?” the man’s voice grew angrier as he spoke.

  “It’s better than a sheriff showing up at your house to let her know they found your body in a cornfield with multiple stab wounds. Put the money on the seat and get out of the car. And, by the way, the only possible way you are allowed back in that restaurant is if you bring your entire family. Do you understand Henry?” Rainkor felt her voice deepen slightly as she spoke.

  After the man got out of the car, Rainkor slid into the driver’s seat and laughed as she left the man near the cornfields. “Why did you take over Ross?” she spoke loudly after she forced the laugh to stop.

  “Because I felt it was necessary,” Ross replied.

  “I don’t understand why you had me practice my lines repeatedly if you were just going to control what I said,” Rainkor said.

  “Because now I know you will do as I say, no matter how small the payoff or monotonous the task,” Ross answered.

  “Screw you! I can still do what I want, when I want to do it!” Rainkor was becoming frustrated and angrier by the second.

  Suddenly, the car swerved, narrowly missing a large tree at the side of the road. “I allow you the sensation of feeling in control, my dear. It’s almost the same thing in this situation,” Ross told Rainkor. “There is nothing wrong with you becoming stronger with a little assistance from me. It feels natural, as a matter of fact.”

  “I suppose it does feel comfortable. It’s nice to have a guide with me to help me through the difficult times. Wait. Ross! Are you making me say this crap? I still want to be my own person! I am my own person, and you cannot have me!” Rainkor screamed.

  “There is no need to yell. Truly, I am right here. I can’t get much closer, and I can certainly hear you at all times,” Ross reprimanded.

  “You can’t hear my thoughts, can you?” Rainkor grew nervous at the sound of her own question.

  “Not yet. But I can create thoughts for you. I’ve been working on that for quite some time.” A loud laugh from Ross rippled through Rainkor’s brain.

  Rainkor’s breathing became difficult with the realization of what Ross what telling her for the first time. Feeling so much shock at the news she was hearing, Rainkor’s senses shut down while she was driving.

  It was dark when Rainkor’s eyes opened again. Feeling anxious, she sat up quickly to try to figure out where she had passed out. Sweat dripped from her forehead as her eyes squinted in the darkness.

  “You’re safe at home, my dear Rainkor,” Ross broke the silence and made Rainkor jump a little. “I took over for awhile since your tiny human brain was not adapting to the stress of the situation. I feared you weren’t strong enough at this point. Don’t worry though, I’ll make us stronger with time.”

  “This isn’t fun anymore Ross. I want you to leave,” Rainkor attempted to take a stand.

  “It’s been established that is not going to happen. I was kind enough to have you put on your favorite comfortable, yet hideous, sweatpants and t-shirt. You will learn to love me again. If you don’t, go ahead and drink the bleach. You’ll die, but I won’t. I’ve decided your mother would make a good substitute for you. I’ve been studying her for years when I’m bored with you, and her soul is much newer than yours. She will learn quickly. Is this want you want? I’ll help you find the bleach if you’d like. Your mom would be so vulnerable if she found you lying on the floor, vomit covering that lovely face.” The voice of Ross lowered an octave in Rainkor’s head as he spoke.

  “You’re awful, and I wish my soul had been older and could have kicked your ass when I was born,” Rainkor’s tears flooded her words.

  “Now, it’s time to move onto our next project. Stop crying so you can pay attention. The drama is done, and you need to come to terms with your reality. This can be fun, so enjoy the ride! We might need to get a bit bloody with my new plan, but that just shows us the best is yet to come! Oh, and I have a surprise for you, I’m going to allow you to decide what to spend Henry’s money on, so make it good!” Ross began. “I know deep down you think hurting others is wrong, but what I need to become crystal clear to you is that sometimes it is our only choice. Now I’m going to tell you about your neighbor Austin. He may seem like a nice guy, but he really enjoys threatening his girlfriends. And, I know you’re going to be surprised, but he hit two of them repeatedly. He turned their eyes black and blue, Rainkor. But even more, it damaged their souls. It’s not difficult to hear a soul cry out. You just need to listen.”

  “Austin hits women? I find that hard to believe. He was my first kiss when I was twelve. It was behind our houses, on the other side of the big tree between our yards. I thought he was the sweetest boy. No, Ross, I don’t believe you!” Rainkor said, rejecting Ross’ words.

  Without warning, Rainkor’s head was filled with horrible pain-filled cries. Tears formed again in her eyes and blurred her vision. Instinctively, she felt around her bed for the hunting knife, almost cutting her hand on the sharp blade. Turning to leave her house and go next door, Rainkor wiped her tears with her free hand.

  “Hide the knife,” Ross reminded.

  Scanning her room, Rainkor found
the sheath for the knife, put the blade inside, placed it in her pocket and pulled her shirt out to cover the weapon. She slowly walked down the hallway toward her front door, noticing her parents weren’t in sight. Rainkor let out a long breath and walked out into the night to find Austin.

  “What do I do now Ross? I can’t walk up to his door, knock and ask his parents if Austin’s home because I need to stab him since he hurts innocent women. I don’t really even understand what I am doing here,” Rainkor began tearing up once more.

  “Austin will be home any minute. You know he gets home around ten thirty most nights. Rainkor, you really need to become more observant. You’re truly not a model student,” Ross replied with impatience.

  “I’m doing the best I can,” Rainkor replied.

  “Do better,” Ross commanded.

  Headlights blinded Rainkor for a moment as Austin’s car began pulling into the driveway. Rainkor could hear music beating loudly within his closed windows. She noticed a slight flicker from a lighter as Austin lit something, but his door didn’t open.

  “Go to him, Rainkor,” Ross urged.

  Rainkor’s feet began to move slowly and with hesitation. Eventually, she found herself knocking on Austin’s car window. He jumped in his seat and hid his hand until he looked over and saw who was standing there. “Dude! Rain, you scared me! I’m just trying to relax before going inside. Work was brutal today! Do you want to join me for a couple of hits? This is pretty good stuff!” Austin relaxed the more he spoke.

  “Sure, Austin,” Rainkor replied quietly. Moving around to the passenger’s side of the car, she opened the door after he unlocked it. Sitting down stiffly, she drew in the strong smell of weed and held her breath for a long moment. Carefully, she slipped the knife in between the seat and the door.

  “I’ll give you the real thing, you don’t need to use my second-hand smoke to get a little buzz,” Austin smiled as he passed his joint to Rainkor. Although he looked like someone who belonged on a beach with a surfboard tucked under his arm with his light curls and tanned skin, Austin had never stepped foot on sand or swam in the ocean.


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