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Dirty Villains

Page 24

by Cheri Marie

  Jacks opened the door, to and escorted the human in and then backed out and closed the door. She looked wild with her hair swimming around her face. Her eyes were knowing, as if she expected the invitation after the speech. Her face smirked in a side smile that was flirtatious and almost dangerous. Ursula was not the woman to be intimidated, she was the aggressor in all situations. Since childhood though, she preferred the female species to the male, she knew that to reproduce a male would be needed, but she never concerned herself with that. What she did concern herself with was the figure of a mermaid, or that of a female shark, their bodies strong and capable. Their minds open to love and to being dominated by another woman, but the flexibility to dominate if the current flowed that way. She preferred the touch of another female octopus, to that of her male counterparts, and although her family acted oblivious to this preference, since her takeover, they couldn’t argue or they could be banished. Ursula liked what she liked and her family would not shame her or make her feel like what she wanted sexually was any of their business. This woman though. Her body was sleek, her breasts swayed in the water, her hips were wide. Her bottom was round and firm. Ursula took her shape in with her eyes, moving from her feet to her face, settling on her eyes. The color was a translucent blue. Ursula felt she could look into her soul. What was shocking is this woman didn’t seem fearful or intimidated by Ursula.

  “What is your name human?” Ursula asked, gliding over to her to take her in from all angles. She circled her closely, while the woman didn’t waiver. She didn’t jump or move, and she kept eye contact when Ursula was in her face.Ursula found this somewhat amusing, because she didn’t let just anyone maintain eye contact with her. It seemed like a test of dominance and Ursula was in charge.

  “My name is Sheeva,” she told Ursula. Her voice raspy and rough. It was almost masculine in timber.

  “Sheeva, who are you to test me so openly. Why do you not fear me like every other human in the chambers?”

  Sheeva chuckled a little, but maintained her strength. “You are unlike anything I have ever laid my eyes on, something inside of me is trying to tear away from my body to ravish you. I have never wanted anything so much, and it is giving me a strength I didn’t realize I had. I’m not scared I am filled with want.”

  Surprised by this answer Ursula stopped. She took Sheeva by her neck and a low moan escaped Sheeva’s throat, Ursula’s lips grazed Sheeva’s and Sheeva tried to push towards her. Ursula squeezed a little, feeling her magic run through her, she knew that Sheeva was telling the truth and felt her lust. She pushed her away.

  “Jacks,” Ursula yelled.

  Jacks entered the room.

  “Take this human back to the chambers,” she said as she maintained eye contact. In those moments, Sheeva felt the sting of rejections and her eyes showed a shame. This is what Ursula wanted to see. She needed to create her role in Sheeva’s life. She needed to seem unattainable. Her sex was exquisite and she knew once she gave it to Sheeva that she would feel like she won. She didn’t expect to be rejected. This was exactly how Ursula wanted this to go, even though her sexual energy was high, and she wanted to fuck Sheeva, she had to dismiss her in an almost cruel way.

  Once she was away, Ursula lay in her bed and had sexual thoughts of Sheeva and pleasured herself. If there was one thing she learned early on was that she would never depend on another to give her body pleasure. She made it her mission from an early age to learn her body and appreciate the excitement she could feel with her imagination. She learned what she could rub on and how to give herself the most pleasure. She would know what she liked and how she liked it, she felt this was necessary to be a great lover.

  The next day Ursula woke with an agenda. She was to make Sheeva her slave. It was unlike Ursula to wake with someone on her mind, but she did. She had heard tales of underwater species falling in love with humans and the gruesome deaths of boths parties that followed. This thought dangled in the back of her mind like a dull headache. She kept her intentions to the front of her mind as to not lose focus on what she wanted to accomplish. She would have Sheeva fall in love with her, but the love would never be returned, not only was the incompatibility between her and a human the number one issue, but the laws and the death sentence that would follow was a close second. That didn’t mean that she couldn’t have some fun with Sheeva. Besides this was the first time she had been challenged by a potential sexual conquest. First there was business to tend to.

  She went to the lock box to retrieve her gifted diary and began to read more about the chambers.

  When the chambers were created, it was said to be a creation of magnificent proportion that would change the dynamic between humans and sea creatures. For centuries, humans hunted sea life, and this was the change that sea life needed to become the dominant species. The power was under the sea, as we were able to move freely on land and under sea due to the creation of our water suits. We were stronger than humans and we took what we wanted from land only to seem a figment of their imagination. Humans couldn’t blame undersea life, we were only creatures in their fairy tales, the magic of the King, was built from human souls caught inside the shell. When worn, the souls would encompass the body of the one who was chosen to wear it. The magic would then give the wearer the ability to turn human if wanted to trick those on land to make them believe the wearer was human versus the sea life that they were. The magic also gave the wearer the ability to transform others into whatever they wanted. The magic was endless when it came to moving objects, reading minds, mind control, and any other type of magic that could be conjured up in thought. The more souls that are absorbed into the shell the more power that would run through the chosen one. Ursula, you are the chosen one. The power will be bountiful and endless to you. Use it how you wish, but make sure the chambers stay plentiful and running as the chambers are the key that keeps us connected to human life. Control is important and the control the chambers give to Octopi, is necessary for us to stay in charge.

  Ursula continued to read for a little while longer, taking in the words that her great-grandfather left her. She was in awe of what she had strung around her neck. It seems more infused into her neck than it had before. She hadn’t tried to take it off since it was placed onto her as her crown was. She also never remembered the shell glowing the way it had when it was around her neck. She knew now that this was piece of history around her neck was haunted. Not only by souls of humans, but by the past of her species and all those that ruled before her.

  Ursula fingered the shell. It glowed a beautiful golden color that almost lit the room. The book she held in her hands also glowed a magnificent yellow. The ink on the pages bold and full of truth and history. She knew these words were her legacy and she knew that she would add to the book as she continued to grow as a queen. She decided to get herself ready to tend to business outside her private sanctuary.

  As she went out to her kingdom she wanted to make sure all of her kingdom was running smoothly. She glided the sea floor around to different areas with her guard Jacks. There were soldiers all over that were around for Ursula’s protection in case she needed it. She went to a few marketplaces, to make sure stock was in and customers were happy. She visited other facilities that were place to help provide care for species in need, she wanted to make sure equipment was functional and that there wasn’t anything spreading around that she should know about. She also made it a point to visit the poorer areas, to make sure no uprising was starting. She knew that maintaining control and power was important and she knew that her kingdom seeing her would keep them in line knowing that she was around and not just sitting on her throne being oblivious to her following.

  When she returned to her castle, she told Jacks to retrieve the woman he had brought to her before. Jacks asked no questions and followed orders. When he returned, he knocked on her door. The same as before he left the woman at the entrance and shut the door leaving her to Ursula.

  Sheeva, looking beautiful, had the sam
e look on her face, but the light in her eyes seemed different. She still kept eye contact with Ursula.

  “You still look me in the eyes after my dismissal of you last time?” Ursula questioned her.

  “Yes my queen. I will still maintain eye contact, because even after last time, my want has only grown stronger. I have dreamt of you and your lips haunt me in my waking state. Not ever would I have thought I could yearn for a queen, but I do.”

  Her words floated around like guppies. Ursula approached her. Almost nose to nose, Ursula thought of their similarities and their differences, and she thought about the magic she possessed. She could kiss Sheeva and give her lungs the ability to breathe underwater. Then they could fuck as she wanted. Her ample bosom, was ready for touch, her nipples erect with excitement, she looked at Sheeva’s chest and her nipples were hard too. Ursula went to grab them, cupping Sheeva’s breast in her hand, feeling the nipple stabbing her palm, she liked that it was so hard and didn’t deflate when she grabbed it. Sheeva gasped with surprise, she didn’t know that Ursula was about to touch her so intimately, not yet anyway.

  Ursula took her time touching Sheeva’s breast, she wanted to know the shape of them. She wanted to feel both nipples hard in her palm, she wanted to tease Sheeva. She wanted to appreciate her breast. Ursula was a powerful ruler, with very little patience for her following, if she felt that someone might need punished, she just did it, no explanation, to reasoning. With her lovers though, she was patient. She received pleasure from giving as much as receiving. Touching and groping Sheeva gave her as much pleasure as it did to Sheeva.

  Ursula pressed herself close to Sheeva, wrapping her arms around her to feel her round bottom. The curve of her cheeks were perfect half circles, where her butt and legs met was a perfect crease that Ursula rubbed her fingers through. There was no stopping where her hands from moving as they seemed to have a mind of their own. Each curve on Sheeva seemed miraculous. Moans filled the room. Ursula finally touched her lips to Sheeva’s. She decided in that moment that she would use her magic to give Sheeva the ability to breathe underwater. Ursula took her tongue and maneuvered around the oxygen that was being lined to Sheeva’s lungs and removed it. Sheeva started to panic, but in the same instant Ursula breathed her magic into her mouth. Sheeva’s throat glowed from the magic that Ursula passed to her.

  Just then Jacks entered the room in a hurry, “My Queen, there is a situation in Sharktrant, the Sharkrains have taken hostages from the Octopi, humans, and Jellynites. They are said to be dangerous and wanting some sort of collateral from you to release these hostages.” Jacks’ eyes were bulging and clearly he was not prepared for such a huge situation to occur. Ursula could feel herself become angry, not only was her romantic time interrupted, but the Sharkrains were under strict rule from her great-grandfather, to keep the peace under sea or lose their species all together. They knew that messing with Octopi, especially was out of the question.

  Ursula’s skin glowed peach, she felt her anger rise. Her necklace almost shocked her throat. She held her hand out in the direction of her scepter, and with a whir, it darted to her hand. She didn’t look at Sheeva before she left and she left no direction for her.

  Sheeva was breathing on her own, but worried that it might not last long, then decided to not worry and to just make herself comfortable and invisible until Ursula’s return. As the door slammed, Ursula was gone and Sheeva stood there...wondering.

  Ursula, with her entourage, quickly approached Sharktrant, she could already see the boarded houses, the blocked buildings, and other areas that signs adorned that said, “Enter If You Dare,” “Enter and Die,” and “NO OCTOPI.” Ursula felt her anger rise, her skins was a much deeper pink then and with her eyes rimmed in red she burst all of the signs. The pieces shattered and started to float to the seasphere. Ursula’s army was ready to fight, she has all sea creatures backing her, but she felt confident that her powers could diminish the problem in seconds. Her veins pulsed with anger. Her body glowed, she swam forward. She had a purpose and it was to take as many casualties she felt necessary and to show the Sharkrains who the rightful queen was.

  Then she saw the gathering place after moving through the streets, she approached a building made of stone, in front, dead fish and fish bones circled the entrance. Graffiti splashed like blood around the entryway warning off visitors. Ursula got the point, but did not care. She took her scepter and pointed in at the entryway blasting the entire front off the building, stone, bones and debri exploded around her and her army.

  Once the debris started to settle Ursula moved forward, scepter up, magic pulsing through her body. She felt invincible. She was about to take lives, and not hold back, Sharktrant would be another part of her district once this was done, and the Sharkrains would become extinct. Whichever sharks she decided to spare would become part of her staff, she would enslave them in the worst positions of her castle. They crossed the line that was drawn in the sand for them, and now they would pay.

  Ursula saw the hostages, her emotions did not change, if she had to take their lives to prove a point she would. Then she saw the pack of sharks. One by one they filed out from all sides of the main hall. They had weapons, and a look of war in their eyes. Their faces were painted in shark tribal designs, letting Ursula know that her presence wasn’t welcome there. The first shark spoke.

  “Ah look, the queen decided to show her face, what say you Ursula? You are not the fearless leader that your grandfather was. Why show your face here? Do you think your glowing skin and big tits would have an effect on what we are doing here?” He chuckled, along with the others. It makes no difference you being here, we are tired of the Octopi reign and we are claiming our distract as ours.”

  “You think for one second that I would let you decide what happens next? I am fully prepared to show you who’s queen. I told you and the rest of the sharks before, don’t test me.” Just then without warning Ursula shot a stream of fire to the shark she was talking to. In an instant his body exploded, leaving remnants of his skin and bones to float in front of all the other Sharkrains. They took a second to gain an understanding of what just happened, which was long enough for Ursula to start shooting fire at the rest of the sharks. Each shark was shocked by each hit, each one exploded with the fire that the first one did. More blood, bone and skin stained the water around them. To prove her point, Ursula took the lives of the hostages, just as a warning that no species would be spared if they decided to go against her reign. Her body shook with anger, her skin glowed red. She shot fire and beams until the last body was a thought. All this and not one of her soldiers made a move. Ursula finished the war in minutes and without any help.

  She looked behind her, addressing her soldiers, “get all of the remaining Sharkrains, bring the to the castle and put them in a holding cell. I will decide what to do with them. Clean up this mess, we don’t need their blood floating through our waters. Next time, if you decide not to even make an attempt to fight a war no matter how ahead you think I am, you will die.”

  She heard the murmurs of “Yes Queen,” and “Yes My Queen,” as they all dispersed in shame. As her army went to collect the rest of the Sharkrains, Ursula started toward the end of this distract. She needed to consult her diary for answers on what to do next. There were goods that came from this city, did she want to ruin that? Did she want to kill or enslave the rest of the sharks? There were decisions that needed to be made. Right then all she could fully think about was getting back to Sheeva. She wanted to finish what she started before she left, she needed the release now more than ever. She wanted to release on Sheeva. With that thought she hurried back to her castle.

  When Ursula returned to her boudoir, Sheeva was there sitting on her bed. Her hair wild, her eyes patience and clear. She was breathing without an apparatus, and she was stark still. Ursula stopped, looked at her and said nothing. Sheeva stood and stared at Ursula with anticipation. She silently moved closer to Ursula. When she approached Ursula, she was cl
ose. Their bodies touched. Ursula’s legs coiled around Sheeva, bringing her closer, while Ursula’s arms grabbed and touched her body. Sheeva touched Ursula also. Feeling her breasts, touching her decolletage, running her fingers through her silvery-white hair. Ursula and Sheeva kissed hard and passionately, lipstick smeared, makeup smudged. Their fingers intertwined together as they devoured each others kisses. Passion was running high and Ursula felt her skin glowing a ravenous blue, she threw Sheeva to the bed.

  Sprawled and wild, Sheeva opened her legs to invite whatever Ursula wanted to do to her. Ursula took the hints and glided on top of her. They tangled in the sheets, they kissed and rubbed each other. Ursula showed Sheeva how to pleasure her, and Sheeva showed Ursula.

  Time had passed and Ursula felt energized. While Sheeva lay in bed napping, Ursula went to her diary and removed it from it’s trove. She didn’t want to rest, she wanted to figure things out. She wanted to invite Sheeva to be her slave, she wanted to rid the castle of the sharks, there were so many things that she wanted to do her mind was a whir of movement and thoughts. She felt anxious, and satisfied. Her emotions were all over the place. She knew that no matter what she felt like on the inside she would not wear her emotions on her sleeve, she wasn’t that kind of octopus. She was stronger than that, but she had questions. She needed answers. She flipped through the book and came across the entry she needed.

  If ever there is a time for battle, suit up. Do not play favorites, do not try and keep up appearances. You will have blood on your hands and you will need to live with it. Those close to you may end up hurt or dead and you will have to keep ruling your kingdom. There are no times for breakdowns and there are no times to let your guard down. Stay one step ahead of everyone else. The sanctity of your kingdom and your reign are all that matter. If you do break down, keep it private. Never let anyone, no matter how close you feel they are, see your weakness. Don’t let anyone around you know you have tears to shed or a reason to shed them.


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