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Obsessed With Her Curves

Page 3

by Hope Paris

  “What are you doing?”

  “I don’t follow any rules but my own.” I adjust my hold, feeling my cock bump against her clit. “And you don’t get to cum unless I’m inside you.”

  I think Melanie is about to protest, but instead she moans and arches against me.

  “Then don’t stop. I want to cum for you.”

  I growl and thrust inside her. Melanie starts to moan loudly, which I silence with my mouth on hers. I take her moans as I fuck her pussy, her legs wrapped over my arms as I hold her up. She’s so open to me, so tight. So hot. I cup her backside and squeeze, which has Melanie’s pussy tightening around my cock.

  I’m going to cum soon if she keeps that up.

  “Take my cock, Melanie.” I search with my fingers until I find what I’m looking for. “Take it all.”

  I slide a finger into her ass. Melanie’s whole body stiffens, and then she shudders with a moan she tries to smother into my shoulder. She bites down, and then I feel my orgasm hit me. It thunders through me as I pound her pussy, her thighs slapping against my pelvis. A second later, I’m cumming inside her, my cock twitching as she takes all of me in.

  Oh, God. That was intense. More intense than I ever expected. My legs are shaking, and I lean back against my desk. I shift my arms, letting Melanie lower herself as I wrap her into an embrace, her head still buried against my shoulder. My shoulder is throbbing from where she bit me, but it just seems to keep my arousal throbbing.

  Wow. Just wow.

  Melanie shifts against me. I gently grasp her head and make her look at me, giving her a gentle smile.

  “I did say delaying it would be worth it.”

  “That it was,” Melanie whispers.

  She looks like she’s still in the throes of her arousal. When she opens her eyes, I’m stunned by the complete relaxation and trust. She trusts me? I’m not quite ready for that sort of acceptance. But it eases the tightness in my chest, quieting something inside me that I hadn’t realized was twisting away.

  If only I can have more moments like that . . .

  Melanie’s mine. And she’s going to know about it.


  “You were lucky, Ms. Page,” the doctor says as he comes back into the room with a friendly smile. “The x-ray says there’s nothing broken. The swelling will take some time to go down and you’ll find it a little uncomfortable breathing for a week or two, but you’ll be fine.”

  I heave a sigh of relief. Thank God for that. I was worrying that my hand was broken or my ribs. Just a lot of swelling. Good. No extra charge to my hospital bill.

  I agreed to let Jason take me to the hospital, but that doesn’t mean I was going to hand him a huge bill. As little as possible, if I could.

  “The bruises will go down in a few days, so I would recommend some rest, as much as you can. And no climbing up fire escapes unless you can’t avoid it.” The doctor looks at Jason with a frown. “Get her home and make sure she rests, Mr. Ford. Your girlfriend needs a lot of TLC.”

  “I plan to give her that,” Jason says, giving me a smile that makes my face go red. Why does he have to look at me like that in front of someone else? “She’s safe with me.”

  “Good. I’ll get the paperwork sorted, then.”

  The doctor leaves. I turn to Jason, who has been sitting in the chair by my bed ever since we came into the ER. Apart from going to the bathroom once, he hasn’t left my side. He even switched his phone off, which I know is something he never does.

  Girlfriend. Jason’s girlfriend. That sounds nice, sort of. I lick my lips.

  “You didn’t correct him.”

  “About what?”

  “Being your girlfriend.” I frown. “I don’t think I can be classed as your girlfriend. You made me your PA.”

  And sex toy. But I’m certainly not arguing with that.

  “Oh?” Jason gets to his feet and leans over me, his expression softening. “What do you want our relationship to be?”

  “I . . .” Why does he have to put this on me? I don’t have an answer. “I don’t know what to call it. I’ve never been in this situation.” I feel my face getting even warmer. “And I . . . I’ve never been so wanton.”

  I have been with guys before. I’m not inexperienced. But I know that none of them compare to Jason and what he’s done to me during sex. None of them have made me come so hard. Jason’s commanding stance on sex is more erotic than I expected. With sex before, I was happy to take it or leave it. It was something to be enjoyed, but I wouldn’t get upset if there was no sex.

  But with Jason, that changed. I am desperate for sex, even now sitting on a bed in the hospital. I’m desperate to lock the door, pull Jason onto the bed, and ride him until both of us are cumming hard. Just a few days in his company and I feel like a different person.

  This shouldn’t be right, should it? Why am I so eager for him?

  I don’t think I have an answer to that right now.

  “I see.” Jason brushes my hair away from my forehead and cups my jaw, careful of my bruises. “You’ve never wanted sex so badly before.”

  “No.” I bit my lip. “I have to be mad to be doing any of this.”

  “And I have to be mad if I let you walk away now.” Jason leans over and kisses me, a lingering kiss that leaves my lips tingling. “What we’re doing is perfectly healthy. Having lots of sex means you live longer, so I’ve been told.”

  “Is that so?”

  “Yes.” Jason’s eyes are practically glowing as he looks at me. “Would you like me to show you?”

  That sounds like a promise, a promise of something more long-term than what we’ve got right now. I feel a flutter in my belly at the thought. Long-term with Jason? Could that even be possible? I sure as hell want to find out.

  Jason is about to kiss me again when I hear my cell phone bleeping. I sigh and pull away, reaching for my bag.

  “Leave your phone for now.” Jason tries to tug me back. “I’m not done with you yet.”

  “It could be Mom about Claire.” I find my cell phone and start to open up my messages. “I asked her for an update on the apartment and how Claire’s doing. She stormed out before I left.”

  “What about?”

  “Not having a big party to celebrate having a bigger, nicer place to live in.” I open up the most recent message, which isn’t from Mom. “It’s from Leah.”

  “Leah?” Jason frowns. “Is everything okay?”

  I scan the message and open up the link Leah sent me. And I feel like someone has just punched me in the chest.

  “Leah found a post from Claire on social media. Mom saw it and became distraught.”

  “May I?”

  I hand my cell phone over. Even then, I can still see the post. And it makes me feel sick. How could Claire talk about me like that? And just because she didn’t get her own way.

  Jason starts to pace around the room as he reads the post, a dark scowl passing over his face as he speaks.

  “My sister is a whore who prostitutes herself out to rich men. We now live in an awesome place but I can’t have any friends. And I’m to be treated like a child! I’m fucking eighteen and they don’t seem to realize that! My slutty sister says this is for us but she’s just doing it for herself. I’m nothing to her while she sucks off men for a living. Hashtag, Melanie is a slut.”

  “You could have read that in your head, Jason.”

  “I just wanted to get the words to sink in.” Jason looks up at me, his eyes blazing with fury. “She really posted this on social media?”

  “Yep. And I bet there’s going to be more of those somewhere.”

  Claire is on every social media site. She would have posted it up on everything. And as I’m tagged in the post, my friends are going to see it as well. I have flashbacks to when the popular kids bullied me, saying that I sucked cocks to get the best grades instead of just working hard. Those kids will be friends with my friends, and they’ll see these posts. And they’ll believe they were right.

  Oh, God.

  “Mel? Mel.” I look up and I see Jason staring at me. “You okay?”

  “I . . . I’m okay.”

  Jason snorts.

  “No, you’re not. Look, I’m going to speak to my lawyers about this. We can get these posts reported.”

  “I . . .” I start to protest, but Jason cuts me off abruptly.

  “Melanie, she called you a slut. She’s defaming your character. You’re not going to let her get away with it, are you?”

  I fall silent. Those words hurt, but Jason is right. We’ve let Claire get away with these things because we’re family. Mom and I are too scared to take a step further. We put down rules and try to enforce them, and Claire just ignores us.

  Jason says she’s gone too far, and I know that it’s true. I’m just too scared to do anything about it.

  “I’m doing this, no arguments.” Jason scowls as he tosses my cell phone onto the bed. “She’s gone too far now. Claire’s going to find out what happens when she carries on being petty and pathetic.”

  “She’s my sister.”

  “I get that, but that doesn’t mean she gets a pass.” Jason huffs and heads towards the door. “Give me a moment to sort out the paperwork. Then we’re leaving. Don’t go anywhere.”

  I try to protest, but Jason leaves and closes the door behind him with a sharp bang.


  I glance over at Melanie as I drive us out of the hospital parking lot. She is silent, looking out of the window with a sad look on her face. I think she’d been crying after I left her room, but she looked relatively composed when I came back in. She refused to talk to me except to say she wanted to go home.

  I wasn’t ready to let her go. Not just yet.

  I never thought it would happen. That I would find a woman who just touched a part of me nobody else had gotten near. I have kept myself at a distance from other people ever since my father took his own life, not wanting to let anyone in. Melanie had gotten in. She had simply snuck in when I wasn’t looking.

  So quickly, and I can’t be angry at that. I want her to stay.

  We drive through the streets, turning left instead of right to go to her apartment. I’m not ready to let her go home yet, not after speaking to Leah. Victoria is distraught after finding out about the social media posts, and Claire is angry and defiant. Leah is dealing with her, but Melanie is in no shape to go back and deal with her sister. It’s best that I take her with me. Leah will let Victoria know.

  A little longer and I will take her home. It isn’t enough for me, but I’ll take what I can.

  “Where are we going?” Melanie sits up when she realizes where we are. “I live in the other direction.”

  “We’re going to my place.”

  “What?” Melanie squeaks and stares at me. “Yours?”

  “Claire’s kicking up a fuss, and I don’t want her hurting you again.” I park on the curb outside my brownstone. “We’re going to stay here for a while until she’s calmed down.”

  “Calmed down?” Melanie snorts. “Claire doesn’t calm down. She just simmers and blows up at a moment’s notice.”

  “I noticed that after one encounter.” I get out of the car and walk around to her side. I open the door and reach in. “Besides, I don’t want to let you leave me for now. Call me selfish, but I want to keep you around.”

  Melanie looks bewildered. But then she smiles and slips her hand into mine.

  “Then I’ll stay for a while if you want.”

  “I certainly want.”

  God, she is stunning. I can’t get enough of her. I help her out of the car and lock up before helping her up the steps. Melanie was limping back at the office but she isn’t limping as much now. Nevertheless, I wrap my arms around her and help her onto the porch. Anything just to keep touching her. I can’t stop myself.

  Admit it. You’re addicted to her.

  I let us inside, kicking the door closed. Melanie heads into the living room and looks around.

  “This is a lovely place.”

  “Thank you.” I kick off my shoes and hang up my coat. “My housekeeper does a good job in keeping the place tidy.”

  “Housekeeper,” Melanie says slowly. “You really don’t spend much time here.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “Because it’s very . . .” Melanie gestures at the room. “Empty.”

  I blink. There is furniture here. It’s clear that someone lives here.

  “That was not what I was expecting.”

  “I don’t mean with the furniture, Jason. I mean with the atmosphere. The decor and the lack of photographs.” Melanie turns to him. “It’s like there’s no one living here. It’s just a shell. I guess you treat this place as somewhere to lay your head.”

  I stare at her. I have had a few visitors, but nobody’s ever said that my place felt empty. Melanie sees a lot more than I give her credit for. I swallow and reach for her.

  “Come here.”

  She comes to me immediately, slipping her arms around me as she hugs me. I fold my embrace around her and just hold her close. When have I ever held a woman like this? I can’t remember. Have I ever done it? This feels . . . nice. No expectations. Just nice. Really nice.

  “How are you feeling now?”

  “A little better.” Melanie lifts her head. “Those painkillers are working. My head isn’t hurting as much.”

  “That’s good.” I press a kiss to her head. “Glad you went now?”

  Melanie frowns and sighs.

  “I still need to pay you back for paying my bill, not to mention Claire’s bail.”

  “No.” I put a finger to her lips. “You don’t need to. I won’t ask for a penny for that.”

  Who asks for payment to reimburse a hospital bill? I certainly don’t, and I won’t with Melanie. My woman deserves every attention.

  My woman. I like the sound of that.

  “I insist, Jason.” Melanie shakes her head. “We pay our way. I can afford it now with the salary you’ve given me.”

  She really is something to behold. I find myself smiling.

  “Stubborn to the last.”

  Melanie makes a face.

  “A quality I got from Father, unfortunately. I don’t really want anything to do with that man.”

  I can understand.

  “Now that I know what he’s done, I’m not too keen on being associated with him, either.”

  “What do you mean by that?”

  I realize that I’ve forgotten to tell Melanie about the connection I have with her. I take her hand and lead her to the couch, urging her to sit. I sit beside her, leaning back against the cushions as I turn her hand over in mine, playing with her fingers. Melanie doesn’t say anything. She just sits and watches me. Waiting. I like that about her. She doesn’t push it when I’m not ready. There is a serenity and patience about her that makes her a good balance for any man.

  Not just any man. Me.

  “Your father . . .” I let out a heavy sigh, remembering things that I haven’t thought about in a long time. “I mentioned before that your father was my mom’s doctor. He also took care of our affairs after she died. Funeral expenses, bills, the like. My dad wasn’t in the right state of mind to do it, so Dr. Page did it for us. Everything was taken care of while Dad mourned her. I . . . I was in a state of shock myself, so any help was happily taken. And Dr. Page . . . he helped.”

  He did it so well that I felt indebted to him. Yet he said he didn’t want anything in return. I wonder if he’ll come looking for that debt to be paid out now he knows that I have eight figures in my account. Or if he finds out that I’m with his daughter.

  The thought of Melanie being used as a pawn for her father fills me with anger. I will never let Melanie be used like that.

  Melanie is staring at me like I’ve hit her over the head. Her mouth opens and closes, and then she swallows.

  “I had no idea. Why didn’t you tell me about that”

told you what your father did for us. Everything else? It’s my business, no one else’s.” I grimace and shake my head. “And I’m ashamed to say that I liked and respected him, even at my young age.”

  It’s too bad that he wasn’t there when my father killed himself six months later. I tried to reach out to him, but I couldn’t get through. It was like I didn’t exist. Then a thought occurs to me. Maybe I was of no use because all our money was gone. Melanie said he’d cleaned her mother’s money out and left her penniless. I hadn’t paid attention at the time as I was trying to avoid going into the foster care system. Had he taken all our money as well?

  “I . . .” Melanie’s hand tightens in mine. “I’m so sorry, Jason.”

  “You don’t need to apologize for someone else. Especially not a man like him.”

  “I still feel like I need to.” Melanie looks away. “I wish he wasn’t my father.”

  I shift closer, tugging her to lean against me.

  “He’s not here now, Mel. And he’s not worth it. Forget him.”

  “I try.” Melanie leans her head against my shoulder, snuggling into my side. “It’s not easy, but I try.”

  I can imagine. To love someone and have them cruelly betray you has to hurt. It’s not something that can be easily forgiven or forgotten. In Melanie’s case, it’s certainly not forgiven. She’s still bitter about it. Angry that her father has essentially ignored them, pretended he never had a marriage before the one he has now.

  If that had happened to me, I’d feel the same way.

  “Do you miss them?”


  Melanie looks up at me.

  “Do you miss your parents?” she asks.

  “Every single day.”

  “How old were you when they died?”

  “Fifteen when Mom passed. I had just turned sixteen when Dad killed himself.”

  And when I found his body. Melanie doesn’t need to know that.

  Melanie regards me thoughtfully. She reaches up and touches my cheek.

  “You’ve been alone since they died, haven’t you?” she whispers.

  She knew me too well. And just after a few days.


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