Book Read Free

Country Wishes

Page 53

by RaeAnne Hadley

  Cool on a rack.

  Makes about two dozen cookies.

  Mexican Chocolate Cookies

  Sweet and spicy, these soft cookies are an elegant variation on sugar cookies and just as easy to make.


  1½ cups granulated sugar

  1¼ cup granulated sugar (for rolling cookie dough balls before baking)

  2sticks unsalted butter, room temperature

  2 large eggs

  2 tsp. cream of tartar

  1 tsp. baking soda

  1tsp. ground cinnamon

  Dash salt

  ½ cup unsweetened cocoa powder

  ½ to 1 tsp. cayenne pepper

  1¼ cups flour

  1 8-oz. bag dark (or semisweet) chocolate chips


  Preheat oven to 375 degrees.

  Line two baking sheets with silicone baking mats or parchment paper.

  In a medium bowl, combine the flour, cream of tartar, baking soda, cinnamon and cayenne pepper.

  Set aside.

  In another bowl, cream the sugar and butter together until fluffy.

  Add the eggs and the vanilla, beating well.

  Add the dry ingredients and the chocolate chips. Mix well until a dough forms.

  Place the remaining granulated sugar in a bowl.

  Roll walnut-sized pieces of dough into balls, then roll the balls in the sugar and put on the baking sheets.

  Bake for 10 minutes, or until the centers are firm and the edges start to “crack.” Cool on a rack.

  Makes about three dozen cookies.

  About the author:

  Born in Washington, D.C., Katherine Moore now lives in a small Pacific Northwest town very much like Silver Birch. She has worked as a food writer, a caterer, and a movie extra as well as a freelance lifestyle reporter and staff writer for magazines in Honolulu, Los Angeles, and Richmond, Virginia.

  Also by Katherine Moore:

  The Christmas Experience: Meredith Manor

  Hotel #1

  The Prodigal: Meredith Manor Hotel #2

  Holiday Hijinks: Halliday Theater #1

  Weird & Wonderful Holiday Romance


  Midnight Kiss

  Jude Ouvrard


  Shy smile, pretty long blonde hair, she is my type of woman. Every time I see her at the Sweet Kisses bakery, I swear she blushes or is so vivacious she practically glows. Outside of the bakery, when she is with her husband, she’s like a black and grey picture. No joy, barely a smile touches her face and her grey eyes hide so much. I don’t know what her relationship is like but I know I could give her so much. I could bring back the color to her world.

  I have one failed marriage behind me. And it made me realize what I want out of this life and she represents a huge part of it. For now though, all I can do is bring her a smile every few days when I get the guys a box of cupcakes and that’s enough. For now. It has to be.

  Chapter One

  After selling my wedding ring at the jeweler this morning, I feel pretty amazing. Free from the cage I was living in for so long. Freedom will be great, I can already feel it. My finger is a lot lighter now.

  Knowing that I won’t ever see this ring again is the best damn feeling. I loved Derek with all my heart but when he started loving his case of beer more than me, it changed. So many things changed. He was drunk more often than not and I was working long hours to avoid the chaos at home. Still, all it did was give me more work in the end. I was his wife and maid.

  Lucky for me, I filed for a divorce, moved out and started living again. That might make me selfish but I don’t care, because living with an alcoholic at twenty-eight years old and cleaning up his mess day in and day out got old, and you know what? I deserve better.

  Work is going great. My bakery is my pot of gold. Hopeful might be a small town in Colorado but the residents sure do love my cupcakes. The firefighters across the street definitely do.

  I’ve never been this happy, not even on my honeymoon.

  Hiking by Bear Lake with my earphones on, my music keeps me going. My legs are getting tired but I’m almost at the best spot of the entire hike so I won’t stop now. As my favorite song comes on, I might have added a small sway in my hips and a little bit of singing. Well, I blame Miley Cyrus for that.

  While I’m walking, I don’t take the time to look around me or smile at the other hikers. I mind my own business, sweat like a pig and try to breathe.

  “Hey Bexley.” I think I hear my name but I don’t pay attention and stay on my path. “Bexley.” Again, I hear my name and someone taps me on the shoulder.

  I yelp, turn around, trip on a tree branch and end up sprawled on the ground.

  “Jace?” I look up at him.

  “Wow, are you okay? I’m sorry I didn’t mean to scare you.”


  He motions to remove my headphones. “I asked if you were okay and said I’m sorry I didn’t mean to scare you.”

  I get up from the ground. “You didn’t scare me, it’s just that I’m focused, you know.”

  “Well, you should put your focus on the sky too because as you can see there’s a big storm coming. I think it’s started already so unless you want to finish the hike with your two feet buried in the snow, you should turn around too.”

  “Not yet, I’m so close to my goal.”

  “Bexley, I’m serious.” The look of his face says it all but I’ve never been one to turn down a challenge.

  “Turn around, Mr. Firefighter. I have maybe another five hundred meters to reach my goal so I’m going.”

  I put my earphones back into my ears and got back to where I was before he interrupted me.

  “For fuck sake, woman!”

  Running might be quicker so here goes nothing. The closer I get to my goal, the more the temperature seems to drop. My clothes are far from being warm enough. Jace was right, I have to turn around or I’m going to die or end up like Leonardo what’s his name in that crazy movie and hide in a deer carcass. Was it even a deer? I don’t really know, but that’s beside the point. It’s freaking freezing and I need to hurry back to my beat up car.

  This isn’t easy, running has never been my forte and my bra isn’t holding everything in place, trust me, I am putting myself in mortal danger here. A concussion and freezing to death could be my destiny. Wouldn’t it be sad to die this way? I can only imagine what the local newspaper would write about me.

  Bexley Dunn, 28, the local pastry shop owner has died from what appears to be a serious concussion and froze to death in the Bear Lake hiking area. There was no sign of violence on her body other than a stretched out sports bra. If there are any witnesses as to what might have occurred, please report to the police station. An autopsy will be performed on Dunn’s body in hopes of gaining more information on her tragic death.

  This is ridiculously insane. Out of breath, I slow down and start walking again. For a day off, this isn’t relaxing. It’s a full workout.

  Alessia Cara’s music keeps me alert but my fingers are cold as hell, so are my toes and nose.

  “Oh lord, is that him?” I see Mr. Firefighter from afar. After ignoring his warning, I doubt he will turn around if I call his name. Running again, I’m trying to shorten the distance between us.

  “Jace, I’m here.”

  Without any sign of hesitation, he turns around and runs toward me.

  “Are you okay?” He asks so loud it echoes everywhere around us.


  We run toward each other and I wonder if I should jump into his arms or not. I laugh as I run.

  “What are you laughing at?” He asks quizzically as we get closer.

  “Us. Are you going to save me again now, Jace?”

  “Bexley... helping doesn’t mean saving.”

  “You bought me all of my appliances when I filed for a divorce. You came running when Derek made a scene at the bakery and today, you warned me and I didn
’t listen.”

  “At this time of the year, you should always check the weather forecast before going hiking. You never know when a storm is going to roll in.”

  “I would if I had a TV but I still don’t.”

  “We’ve got to go now before it gets worse.” Jace tugs on my arm and out of the blue, he grabs my hand.

  “Are we holding hands now?”

  Looking up at him, I see a soft frown creasing his forehead. “I guess so. We have to hurry.”

  He must be well over six feet tall and I’m five feet four on a good day. “Do you realize that I have to walk twice as fast as you do just to match your stride? Your legs are much longer than mine.”

  “Tired already?” He doesn’t slow down or let go of my hand.

  “The rabbit is pushing the turtle to walk faster, I see.”

  “I would say I’m trying to make sure you have all ten fingers and toes tonight.”

  “You are so overly dramatic.”

  “Says the girl with the blue lips.” Jace snorts, displeased by my serious lack of survival skills.

  “Okay, Okay, I’m cold but I’m also out of breath.”

  “Oh my god, you are annoying, woman.” He groans. “Can you face reality already? The mountain tops are already hiding under a thick cloud of snow. We have lost a couple of degrees since noon. You aren’t dressed for the incoming weather and I don’t want to be responsible for your death.”

  That would change the title of my article in the newspaper if I die in the arms of the favorite hunky firefighter in town. That sure would be the source of many rumors. I smile at the thought.

  “You think this is funny?” Jace catches the smile on my face.

  “You are being dramatic.”

  With that, he has enough of me. “I don’t know why I’m doing this but you are getting on my nerves. I’ve got a way to end this.” In one quick move, I find myself slung over his shoulder with my head hanging down. The view of his rear is much better than any mountain or wildlife around here. I bet it’s hard with muscles too. It is very tempting to just reach out and touch.

  “Are you kidding me?”

  “Nope.” He says and I can tell he is going a lot faster now.

  Snowflakes dance their way down from the sky and I decide to let him carry me. At least I can look at the snow and beautiful view around us.

  “Are you available tomorrow at five in the morning?”

  “It depends, what for?”

  “I need a ride to work.” I laugh.

  He chuckles wryly. “You annoy me too damn much. It’s crazy.”

  “I think you like being annoyed.”

  “It depends.”

  After a while, I think he will set me down but no, he doesn’t. I wave at the hikers we cross paths with and they look at us in a strange way.

  That’s okay, I’m relaxing.

  “Okay, we’re here. Be careful, I’m about to put you and your short legs down.”

  “You’re not funny.”

  “I think I am.”

  I roll my eyes at him and wave him off. “My car is here. I guess I should say thanks for the ride.”

  “Wait, are you okay to drive?”

  “Jace, I’m sure I can drive myself home. I’ll see you around.” I walk away from Jace feeling like I’m floating but stop and turn around again to see if this was real or just a dream. Snowflakes are falling on his broad shoulders and hair as he reaches his manly truck. Sighing, I get inside my rusty car with my heart feeling all kind of weird things.

  Chapter Two

  My car has seen better days but it’s still working so I’m keeping it. There’s nothing wrong with a little bit of rust. It is still a Subaru and it’s amazing during the winter season.

  Jace doesn’t seem so sure evidently, because he has been following me from Bear Lake all the way back to Hopeful and I was following the speed limit the whole time. When I get to my apartment all defrosted by my heater, I don’t expect Jace to park next to my car. In fact, he said I was annoying so many times during our trek from the woods, that doesn’t sound too good.

  “What does he want now?”

  I get out of the car and grab my purse wondering if I should say something or just go on into my apartment.

  “Bexley, do you want to grab something to eat?” Wait, What?

  “Umm, I don’t know. You kind of took me by surprise.” To be honest, I’m speechless.

  “Okay, well... it can be some other time.”

  With his tall legs, he eats up the distance between us and two seconds later he’s standing right next to me.

  “Uhh... I can do now, but can I just go up to change right quick?”


  Jace King, the hottest bachelor in town has just asked me out to dinner? Me, the newly forged divorcee. We are going to be the talk of the town.

  “Do you want to come up or are you going to wait here?” I ask unsure if I want to invite a man into my home. He has been inside my apartment before but it was under different circumstances.

  “I can come up.”

  I nod and we go up the stairs. Twenty-five to be exact. Unlocking my door, I’m starting to feel nervous and it shows with my trembling fingers. “The lock gets stuck sometimes.” I say to explain why I’m having trouble.

  “I can take a look at it sometime this week if you want.”

  “I’ll call the landlord. Thanks though.” By some miracle, the door finally decides to spring open and I almost stumble inside.

  We walk into the apartment in silence. I don’t know what to say around him right now. Is he really interested in me or is this some misguided knight in shining armor syndrome?

  “Are you working early tomorrow?”

  “Yes, I am. Cecelia is trying to give me more freedom by doing the morning shift on the weekends but during the week, my alarm is set at 4:30am.”

  “That must be hard sometimes.”

  “It is, but if I want the bakery to have fresh bread and pastries piping hot for breakfast, I have to.”

  “And cupcakes. They are the best.” He gives me a seductive smile that makes my heart jump.

  “Yeah, you seem to be fond of them. You and the rest of the guys.”

  Few times a week, Jace or one of the other firefighters on shift visits the bakery to purchase a dozen cupcakes.

  “It’s our treat after a long day.”

  I blush. Business is doing well, I know but it always makes me blush when I get a compliment.

  “I’m... I’m going to change and then we can go.”

  He smiles and nods.

  I hurry to my bedroom and change. A shower would have appreciated right now. Maybe I can squeeze in a quick shower. In my underwear only I crack my bedroom door open just enough for my head to peek out.

  “Jace, do you mind if I take a quick shower?”

  “Not at all. In fact, I think I’ll go home to shower too and I’ll pick us up some takeout, that way you aren’t rushed and I can shower too.”

  “Great. That sounds good. I’ll see you in a bit.”

  I hear the front door ease closed as he leaves. “Jesus Christ.” My back presses against my bedroom door, I feel like I’m sixteen again. Am I allowed to have a crush on Jace King? “This is so weird.” How am I going to do this again? Can I fall for a man after failing the first time? I know people do this all the time but it is hard to put myself in that position. I have to give myself a second chance or else, I end up alone until I die. Hell no!

  I cross the hall to my bathroom, take my underwear off and get ready for a nice warm shower.

  The prickly forests that are my legs need to be mown down, not that I have any “plans” for tonight but I’m still going to be with a man, so I must be presentable.

  My razor has its work cut out for it; it’s a shame that I’ve let myself go. It’s like the Amazon between my legs right now. There’s a thick layer that isn’t welcome at the moment.

  Since Jace is coming back, I can�
�t take my time. I want to clean the kitchen and living room before he returns as well. The day isn’t going as planned. First, I had no clue about the weather, the cold front bringing snow in the mountains had me all turned around and I missed my goal. Jace happened to be on the same hiking trail I was. What a coincidence! Now, I’m about to have dinner with him and it’s making me super nervous.

  It shouldn’t. I’m a free woman. I’m not linked to Derek anymore. I’m single, divorced, and happier. Maybe it’s time I let someone take care of me. Derek failed at it for so many years. Not for my lack of trying, I did all I could to save him, or us.

  All I keep asking myself is why me? There are plenty of single women in the area. I’m divorced. That means something is kind of broken with me or that I have failed right? I don’t know… I just don’t understand why Jace seems interested in little ol’ me. It confuses me to no end.

  Without wasting more time in the shower, I jump out, twist my hair into a towel and hope that I can do something simple and cute with it afterward. Naked, I run between my bathroom and my room, hoping that my favorite vintage looking skinny jeans are clean. They are. The fit of those jeans is like a second skin; they hug my backside and make it look amazeballs. Of course, I go with lace when I pick my underwear. I don’t plan on showing them off but I do feel sexy wearing them and I need that little boost of confidence right now. It’s all about assuming who I am. Since I left my ex, I have been taking better care of myself. Feeling pretty on the inside and outside has been making a huge difference on my mindset.

  Underwear and jeans on, I dry my hair wondering what top I’m going to wear. I love my hair but it’s so damn thick that it takes an eternity to dry. Thick blonde hair, my mom used to say I had Hollywood hair because my mane would make all the celebrities jealous. Done with the drying, I prep my face with my lotion to smooth the dry skin and the tinge of windburn I got on my cheeks during my hike. Mascara to add more length to my curvy eyelashes, a small amount of strawberry pink blush on my cheeks and a layer or two of kiss me gloss. Perfect!


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