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Blood of Fate

Page 7

by Leeah Taylor

“I know, neither am I.”

  “I may never be ready to share them.”

  “It’s okay, I’m not asking you to. I’m only asking you to give this a chance. To trust me.” Her heart thudded between his ears, matching his own. He slid his hand over her cheek. “Please, stay.”

  There was no doubt in his mind she wanted to stay as much as he wanted her too. Torn for no other reason than Juliette and Damien. Stuck in the middle of their storm and chaos. It wasn’t fair, and they didn’t even know how unfair their turmoil was to the rest of them.

  “Take a chance, Sweets. For me. For yourself.” He captured her lips, kissing her deeper. Consuming every ounce of her sweetness and getting hard when she moaned. “Stay.”

  She blew out a breath, swallowed hard and nodded. “I’ll stay.”

  There was a measure of uncertainty and he wondered how much of it was for Juliette.

  “Hey,” he hooked a finger under her chin to make her look up at him. “We’ll just have to make sure she stays.”


  “No one more than me wants Jules to stay right where she belongs. Home. With her family.”

  “She’s all I have.”

  “I know,” he pecked her lips. “Trust me, I know.”

  She was all he had at one time too, and then she was gone.

  Riley | 11

  She tried to make him put her to work, but he pointed to a stool and told her to sit. To prove she wasn’t about to be ordered around, Riley planted her ass on his bar top. Ollie only smirked in his charming and sexy way while shaking his head.

  Natural, like it was always him and she only needed to find him. She’d never felt something as normal as waking up, curled into his chest that morning, like it was where she was meant to be.



  Love at first sight wasn’t an idea she believed in, and she wasn’t sure she did now, but it was something at first sight with Ollie and not just attraction. Love remained to be seen. He’d be easy to love though, and she knew it before the sex.

  During the day, the bar was empty save for a handful of staff. It was bright, and a sweet scent hung lightly in the air. There was something magnetic, magical, about the old building.

  “How old is this place?”

  Ollie had stopped and looked up from the paperwork in front of him. “Well, I was flashing my charming smile in this place when it was nothing more than this bar top, the back room and half the dance floor, which wasn’t a dance floor.”

  “And how old were you?”

  He smirked. “Seventeen or so. Maybe sixteen.”

  “Wow,” she scanned the old wooden beams holding the building up. “So, old.”

  “Yep,” he laughed. “I’m old.”

  “Don’t look a day over twenty-five.”

  The smirk turned to a gentle smile with the light reaching his eyes. “Added onto it late eighteen hundred. More in the early nineteen hundred.”

  “Who owns it exactly?”

  “We all do, but it’s my bar. Damien and Lucien just profit from it.”

  “Ollie,” the petite pink haired girl popped out of the backroom. A grin grew and eyes sparkled as she took Riley in. “Oh, well, hello.”

  “Ivy, behave.” Ollie said with an edge to his voice.

  The grin widened with a devious spark. “Now, boss, you know better than to tell me that.”

  He smirked. “Ivy…”

  She giggled. “Isn’t he cute when he gets all flustered?”

  “Not flustered.”

  “You look a little flustered,” Ivy teased.

  Riley bit back a smirk.

  “Did you need something?” Ollie asked.

  “Yep,” she bobbed her head. “Need to borrow ya.”

  “I’ll be right back, Sweets.”

  The pet name made her more smitten with him, and it seemed to be a Frost brother quirk. It was the way he said it with his own tender sweetness, but a hungry need laced through it. And the need flickering in his gaze only fed her own.

  She looked over the bar again, taking in the warmth oozing from everywhere, like Ollie’s spirit somehow fused into the wood. She could see the place becoming home. Sterling. Juleps. The Frosts.

  “Huh, the werecat.”

  The chilly tone, spiked with a hint of resentment, slithered down her spine and she bristled before twisting around on the bar top. Any threat she may have had from his voice vanished when she took in a thin blonde. She looked him up and down with her brow arched. He was attractive enough, but nothing remarkable about him.

  “That’s right,” Riley crossed her arms over her chest. “And you’d be?”

  “He’d be the cheating ass bastard who better haul his ass back upstairs where it belongs. Working.” Ollie said, glaring as he came out of the backroom. Ivy behind him with her arms crossed with a similar look.

  “I want to—”

  “Don’t push it. I’ll stick my Sweets up on the bar tonight and see your ass out on the streets if you don’t turn around and walk away.”

  Drew rolled his eyes. “She’s just a good fuck and distraction until—”

  “Get out,” Ollie nodded toward the entrance. “Now.”

  The man looked wounded. “You can’t be serious.”

  “Oh, Drew, don’t test me.”

  Drew clenched his fists at his side and the contempt written all over his face. Either he was about to go nuclear or storm off and he looked undecided.

  Drew snorted. “She doesn’t change shit.”

  “She does actually,” Ollie crossed his arms. “She’s made you easily forgettable. Barely a blip. An unremarkable memory.”

  “Two days,” he crossed his arms. “Does not erase ten years, or that I was the love of your life.”

  Ollie laughed. “You were not the love of my life. Not even close. But it’s cute you think you were. Really, Drew, adorable. Now,” he turned serious. “Get. Out.”

  “Just like that?”

  “Just like that.”

  “All because of some cat?”

  “No,” Ollie shook his head. “Because you keep crossing the lines I draw.”

  Drew clenched his jaw. “While you announce to anyone who even looks in my direction…”

  “That you’re a cheating whore? Because you are. Because we aren’t talking about one isolated incident but repeatedly fucking any man who crossed your path in those ten years. Like a sickness. So, if I can keep someone from being infected by you, I will. Last warning, get the fuck out of my bar and do not come back.”

  Xavier started across the room from the front door, eyes hard as steel as he locked onto Drew. Riley found the man intimidating. He had at least six inches on her and two hundred pounds. Probably more. It was no surprise he guarded the Frosts doors.

  He stopped behind Drew with his hands clasped in front of him. “Sir?”

  Drew glanced over his shoulder before scowling at Ollie. “I tried to fix it.”

  “Some things are damaged beyond repair,” Ollie said. “And I didn’t want you to fix it. I told you then, I told you the other day. We’re done. We’ve always been done. No amount of anything would change it.”

  “Drew,” Xavier uttered. “Time to go.”

  Riley thought she imagined it, but she was sure Xavier almost smirked. An odd satisfaction flashing in the man’s eyes. Probably wanted to do it for years.

  “Forty years. This is bullshit.” Drew muttered before turning toward the exit.

  Ollie huffed, shook his head, and swallowed up the space to her. He didn’t look mad. Or even upset. His usual gentleness shined through.

  Riley reached for him, tugging him by the shirt to her. “How long have you wanted to do that?”

  “Twenty years,” Ivy muttered under breath while pretending to look busy but did nothing about the delighted smile on her lips. “Damien will be disappointed he didn’t get to do the honors.”

  “You hush,” Ollie smirked, wedging himself between Riley’s legs. “She’s probably right, though.”

  “I usually am.”

  “Are you looking to get replaced?”

  Ivy giggled as she stopped at the door to the backroom. “Like you could find anyone better than me.”

  She winked at Riley before disappearing.

  “I like her.”

  “You would.”

  She ran her fingers through his hair. “You didn’t do it for me, right?”

  “No,” he shook his head. “It was for me. I’ve been holding on to him for too long and he never deserved it.”

  “But you love him?”

  He sighed. “Sure, in a way.”

  “I don’t care—”

  “I believe love, no matter the demise, is forever. It stays with you. Sometimes meaningfully and others in an ugly way. But it sticks with you.”

  Her experience with love went as far as family. She never fell in love and never had the chance to be hurt by it, but sure she was staring the opportunity in the face.

  Ollie | 12

  It was like electric sparking in the air. Come to life with the pulse of music and flow of liquor mixed with the excitement in the crowd. All of it feeding the itch tingling beneath his skin. An easy daze to give in to. Fall into its grasp and let it have all the power.

  “Is it always like this?” Riley asked.

  “Sterling has an affinity for partying,” Ollie said, taking in the dance floor from the railing above. “And the street gala is no exception.”

  The booze was cheaper. The bands were solid, booked months in advance. And the atmosphere was addictive with Chelsea’s touch. She had no problem driving the bill up, and Lucien never uttered a word. He only handed her the credit card and said have fun.

  She would get away with it. If Ollie tried or Damien, Lucien would have a cow.

  “So,” Riley dragged the word out. “I think we might get our wish.”

  If the sudden overly sated cheeks on Juliette were any indication, things were changing. He hadn’t seen his big brother in such great spirits in decades. It only took one hundred and fifty years, but a storm and galaxy finally collided and this time it didn’t tear the world down with it. Instead, it seemed the two phenomena were in harmony.

  He chuckled. “I think they have crossed lines they can never come back from it.”

  His brother scraped rock bottom, and the only way was up. Fix all the wrongs. All the mistakes. It was a long climb up that mountain, but he was trying on purpose, and it was more than he ever gave Juliette.

  And rumor going around was Chelsea was working hard at the house on a secret little surprise in the garden. Ollie didn’t have to guess what it was, and it proved Damien had always been the romantic one.

  “I still hate your brother on principle,” Riley said. “But I can at least admit he loves her.”

  “Never seen a love so damned determined to shine but be obstinate at the same time.”

  “Think it’s enough?”

  “It’s more than enough. Love is not this complicated. It holds a power all its own and, if they let it, can heal a lot of hurt between them. They just need to give it a chance and some time.”

  He didn’t expect his brother uttering the words to be a cure all, but it was a start. A place to begin. There was no one else for Damien. They were it for each other.

  “Guess it proves two alphas together can be entirely implosive and impossible.”

  Ollie slid an arm around her waist, pulling her flush to him. “Hmm, perhaps. Or they can be entirely epic and perfect together.”

  She arched a brow. “Perfect may be a stretch.”

  “I’m sure we’ll find out.”

  All that mattered was she was perfect to him. Not much more he needed. Or wanted. Riley patched a part of his world. Slipped into place like the last piece to a puzzle. Consuming his heart and dragging him down into a joyous place he’d craved for too long.

  He ran his nose up her jaw, inhaling jasmine and getting more lost. A subtle, gentle lull erupted in her chest. Vibrating against him and he smirked with his lips at her ear.

  “Kinda like you purring for me.”

  It had a power all its own. Luring him deeper. Getting him good and hard. She let her head fall back, ensnaring him with her cobalt ocean. Lit up with a fresh, hungry need. He smirked. Sometimes he had that effect.

  “Shit, come on,” he tugged her away from the railing and through the crowded lounge.

  He’d planned on keeping her at the bar with him. Escape the chaos of his brothers for a night. Where he could better explore her from head to toe without every person in the house knowing it.

  But getting her good and alone was hours away, and he wasn’t inclined to wait. The street gala always went long passed the fireworks. Well beyond the legal serving hour. He never put much stock into human laws if he knew he could get away with it. Money bought a lot in a small town like Sterling and Sheriff Kordall wasn’t a concern. He’d be at the bar for a drink of his own later tonight.

  With a glance over his shoulder, he nudged her into the conference room and planned on doing what he wanted the other morning. The minute Riley took her place at the table, right next to him, brought on visions of her spread over it. Flush, writhing and panting. It also seated her place in Sterling. As a council member. Meaning she was staying. For good.

  “Aren’t we supposed to be watching for—”

  He had his lips on hers, swallowing up any logic she was about to talk into him. There were at least twenty-seven of their men in Juleps with eyes in all directions. Another forty out in the streets. If Ramsey showed, two less sets would not be the difference between spotting him or not.

  Assuming he had the balls to show up at all.

  The purr vibrated deeper in her chest as she pushed up on tiptoes to press her lips harder to his. He lifted her up and set her down on the edge of the conference table before stepping back to soak her up.

  While her pink cheeks never failed, she had the ability to look anything but innocent at the same time. She leaned back on her elbows and her brow arched up at him as her tongue peeked out over her bottom lip. Only Riley could pull off a concert tee and cute short skirt and make it look sexy.

  Shaking his head, he whispered his fingers up her legs and under her skirt. “You know, you look downright sinful.” He slipped his hand between her legs, wet and ready, and hung his head. “God and you aren’t wearing any panties.”

  Riley straightened up, and her fingers went to his belt. “Figured you’d appreciate that.”

  “Like I said, perfect.” A growl rumbled in his chest. “And I will love proving it to you.”

  She grazed his lips. “Then why are you still talking.”

  I don’t have to be told twice.

  “Just know.” Ollie tore at the button of his jeans and shoved them down. “I plan on exploring every inch of this decadent body all night. Take my time with you.” He pressed himself between her legs with his lips over hers. “Learn all the ways to make you whimper and moan at my mercy.”

  “And I look forward to making you work for it.”

  This girl.

  He went to claim her candy sweet mouth and start showing her how hard he was willing to work for it. Light and chatter invaded their moment as the dug swung open, and he hugged her close to block the view.


  He hung his head. Of course, it’s Lucien. Why not?

  “Somebody better be dead.”

  “They got eyes on Ramsey.”

  “Shit,” he gave Riley an apologetic look as he yanked his jeans up. “Stay here for me, Sweets. Yeah?”

  She nodded. “End this.”

  “Plan on it.”

  He kissed her hard for a little taste of the candy he planned on feasting on all night. As soon as he dealt with his baby brother. Kick his ass, or kill him, for trying to blow him up, a
nd cock blocking him.

  “Let’s go haze our new baby brother,” he said, going for the door.

  Lucien narrowed his eyes on him. “Just don’t kill him.”

  It’s exactly what he deserved and loyalty to family always mattered was pissing all over it. But Lucien was the one in charge. Always had been. And this time was proving to be no different. He declared Ramsey lived, and any other option was unacceptable.

  “No promises.”

  Riley | 13

  She handed a mug to Juliette and sat on the edge of the bed. Last night was supposed to be spent fighting for control with Ollie between the sheets. Instead, she spent it curled up to her best friend, praying she lived.

  “How are you feeling?”

  Juliette shifted in the bed and winced before blowing on her coffee. “Like my best friend dug the tip of a blade out of my chest.”

  Riley never wanted to do it again but would never hesitate either. She couldn’t stand by while Juliette slipped away, watching Ollie and Damien break because of it. It gutted her.

  “He wanted me to live,” Juliette whispered.

  Riley tilted her head to the side with her brow pulled together. “What are you talking about?”

  “Ramsey. He said to tell them to get the tip out and maybe I lived. He wasn’t quite done with me yet.” She sighed. “I don’t know, it’s like he cares.”

  Riley scoffed. “Jules, he tried to kill you. Twice. At least.”

  “I know but…”

  “But what?”

  “There’s something about him, and I don’t know what it is, but he looks at me and knows me.”

  “Well, he does kinda know…”

  Jules shook her head. “No, I mean something intimate. Something deeper. And I can’t explain it.”

  “He kissed you.”

  “And it was chaste. Innocent. Like he was trying to figure something out.”

  “Does any of it really matter? He tried to kill you. Tried to kill Ollie.”

  “It shouldn’t matter but for some reason it does because something is off. Something doesn’t feel right.” She shrugged. “I don’t know. Maybe I lost too much blood.”

  “Yeah, we’ll go with that,” Riley laughed. “Because you are talking nonsense.”


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