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Kindred Souls: Entire Series Books 1 - 5

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by Bree Branigan

  He already knew the answer to that, and in that moment, Nora decided to throw caution to the wind and give into the urges he sparked. Urges as natural as the ones that made her hunt for sustenance and seek human blood. She hadn’t felt this kind of attraction for anyone other than her sire since the night she’d been introduced as his prospect, hundreds of years ago.

  She looked at him. He was staring at her expectantly, his blue eyes wide with curiosity. Nora licked her lips. How delicious he was as he sat there; a brawny innocent. His fingers were lightly caressing her breast now, and she shivered to his touch.

  Without thinking about it for more than a second, she hoisted her skirt above her waist. Beneath it she wore nothing. Nora pushed Fletcher back, straddling him to the bed and leaning down to kiss him long and hard. Her hands tore through his clothes, discarding them as she clawed at his skin with her long, purple-painted nails.

  Fletcher still wanted answers, but it was difficult to ask questions when she brought her body down on him like that, grinding in deliberate turns and circles, teasing his growing erection with her wet, warm slit. He enjoyed her forcefulness and the battle for control that made her pin his arms over his head. He had no way of knowing that she was taking advantage now, in case her next bite did manage to give them a clean slate.

  There was only so much he could take, though. While Nora was undoubtedly stronger than he was, Fletcher was an athletic man who had decided right there and then, as she ripped his clothes off of him and discarded them carelessly, that being able to fuck her was a matter of pride. He pushed her off of him, onto her back, and slipped his body between her thighs with a smug look in his eye. Defiant as he pushed two fingers into her, and began to fuck her, slowly at first, then harder and harder. Until the slap of his fingers as he slammed them into her filled the otherwise quiet room.

  “You’re so hard…” She moaned with a hand that tried to keep up with his finger thrusts as she stroked his dick. “You’re so hard and warm…”

  It was enough to drive any hot-blooded male insane. Certainly enough to get Fletcher to forget everything, from the strange setting and unknown surroundings to the fact that the woman he was flipping onto her stomach on the bed wasn’t a woman. Not really. She had yet to establish what she was exactly, but it was safe to assume that she was a different species. Something else.

  That didn’t stop him, though. She was beautiful. That was an undeniable point, but there was something else, a magnetism that both of them were experiencing and neither could explain.

  She wiggled her ass against his erection, and he penetrated her hard. With deep, powerful strokes he pumped. She pushed herself back against him, her breath coming in short, sharp pants. His penis raged inside her, rocking her body. Her hands gripped and tore at the bed-sheets.

  Fletcher hoped that she’d tell him more later, once he started asking all those questions she had promised to answer. Questions about vampires, feeding on humans, and whether or not he was safe. Or, more importantly, why he felt that he was. Why all those deep kisses, the way her hands combed through his hair or clawed at his back, felt like they were a natural thing that was just waiting to happen. An inevitability of life.

  She had similar questions. Not about vampires, and definitely nothing that he’d be able to answer for her, but she was as curious about this thing stirring between them as he was about her and the forces that had put her in his path. She had never been a big believer in destiny, in things meant to be, but there was something about the way he felt against her – about the way his hands burned against the cool of her flesh that made her want to tear through his neck and drink him dry.

  He couldn’t know how lucky he was that killing wasn’t in her nature. That there were vows made, and that breaking those vows was punishable by death. He was lucky that, in spite of all the carelessness she showed in doing this, in each moan that spilled out of her mouth as he fucked her harder, she respected the rules that made her clan what it was. And she respected the elders that set them in motion to ensure a safe haven from the more vicious clans out there.

  She felt his hands on her shoulders, his fingers digging into her skin. It was a roller-coaster ride; wild, invigorating, intoxicating. Her breath grew ragged. She could hear the high-pitched squeaking of the mattress as he pummeled her, shuddering and groaning as his semen spilled into her body. He kept on. A fiery rumbling began to emanate inside her, and then everything exploded. With cries of joy, waves and waves of pleasure assailed her shuddering body.

  Nora had been with both vampires and humans since she had been turned. Her encounters with humans were only sexual; just part of the hunt, different to what went on with her own kind. Different from Marcel and the intimacy they had shared for centuries now. She loved Marcel in ways that she would never love anyone else, and yet, Marcel had never made her come so hard. Never made her scream so loud. Loud enough for her to flirt with the thought of them being caught for something as stupid as being too loud while fucking.

  That was the great thing about crummy old motels like this. People expected those sounds to pour from behind the chipped doors, and no one was surprised. Just like no one speculated about what went on, really went on, in those rooms. For Nora, it had always been a scene right out of the Twilight Zone in which aliens and werewolves were probably fucking in the rooms around them. For Fletch, this was a whole different world, opening up and swallowing him whole. No one had ever made him feel this way. No one had ever made him come this way.

  She turned to face him, their bodies intertwined. His heart was pounding so hard and fast she could feel it beating in her chest. Hers raced at the thought of biting into his neck and just letting the blood pour into her mouth to the rhythm of that post-orgasmic percussion. It was instinctive: the rise of her head, that slow drag of lips along his neck – coated with that salted caramel sweat and her teeth, sharp and ready, sinking into his flesh. His blood hot tasted rich as it spilled into her mouth and she just drank to the rapid thump that dispensed blood like a tap.

  It was too much to handle; all the heat. His cock still inside of her and him, all of his warmth against her dead cold. His blood in her mouth, his cum all over her pussy and thighs, and his breath, like hidden messages on mirrors and car windows. Then, with another orgasm, she began to lose control.

  Chapter 6

  He was all she could taste when she woke up. All she could remember as she rubbed her eyes, looking around and trying to figure out where she was, exactly.

  It was gradual. After him, his taste, she remembered where she was. She remembered passing out when she should have been getting dressed and getting out of there. She remembered drinking, and getting lost in the rhythmic flow of his blood. That’s when she really woke up. Panic started creeping up on her as the memory of the previous night hit slow but steady. The sex, the way his dick felt – hot and hard with that same beat pulsating through it as he fucked her. The world dancing to the rhythm of his heart, his thrusts and the stiffness of his cock. Then his blood. All the blood. She sat up fast, convinced that she’d find a corpse beside her and instead found an empty space he hadn’t occupied in at least a few hours.

  “I had to go to practice and to class,” came his voice from one of the chairs in the small sitting area a few steps away from the bed. “I wasn’t sure of what is and isn’t true, so I told the staff not to disturb you and hurried back as soon as I was done school. It was still light out, so I just read while you slept…”

  He over-explained because he had spent a good chunk of the four hours she had slept through just watching her. First with the dreamy breathlessness of a lover and then, as time went by, as an observer that couldn’t help noticing things like the fact that she wasn’t breathing, or how there was no movement behind her lids. Nothing. Fletcher knew she was dead but this, seeing her looking both lifeless and serene, made him doubt what he knew, what he thought he knew, and what he was convinced he’d experienced the night before.

  She had bee
n impossible to wake in the morning so, unsure of pretty much everything, Fletcher pasted the curtains shut and sealed the light out of the room – just in case. Then, asking the staff to leave his “girlfriend” alone until he was back, he’d reluctantly left for practice.

  “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me…” Nora buried her face in her palms.

  “What?” Fletcher looked up, honestly lost. There was just so much she could be annoyed by. “I wasn’t sure if it was okay to just leave you --”

  “No, no, it’s not that.” She waved a hand, pulling the sheets up against her chest like it would make a difference to cover up her tits at this point.

  It wouldn’t. Part of the pleasure of watching her came with those perfect breasts, perky and pink-nippled. It had taken everything in him not to just reach out and cup them. He had to remind himself that being allowed to do so didn’t give him a permanent pass, but God, was he tempted. How he’d wanted to wake her up by kissing her, taking her into his mouth and letting the heat of his tongue and mouth slowly rouse her out of her death-like sleep. He thought of slipping under the sheets, between her legs, and then fucking her one finger at a time until he could hear those cries again—loud and uninhibited- as they shook through her and left her a trembling, sweaty mess that made him want to fuck her into the mattress.

  “What is it, then?” he asked, sitting back down after almost leaving the room in a huff, as if he hadn’t been waiting for hours just so that she could answer all of the questions she had promised to answer last night.

  “How much do you remember?” she asked, slipping out of bed and keeping the sheets close to her as she tried to find her clothes.

  “What do you mean?” He motioned to the dresser, her clothes neatly folded on top of it.

  “I mean: do you remember everything since we met?” she asked without looking at him, the sheets dropping to pool at her feet as she moved towards her clothes. “Did I drink your blood last night?” she asked, arms raised with the dress she was slipping on her bare body. “I did, didn’t I? Did I hurt you? You look fine. How are you? Fine?”

  “I don’t know what any of that means, Nora. Can you slow down?”

  “No.” She shook her head, dressing in a hurry. “I need to go home, pretend there is at least some normalcy before they send someone to find me and that someone finds me with you.”

  “What would happen?”

  “They would probably kill me,” she said, looking around for her left boot, the right one already on with the laces loose.

  “And me?”

  “They would probably want to study you first, see if it’s me or if there is something about you that’s making you immune.”

  He stood up and moved to her, grabbing her by the arms and forcing her in front of him. “Can you please slow down. You’re really scaring me right now.”

  “Okay,” she said, pushing him away with a little too much force, sending him stumbling over onto the bed. “You’re right. I am a vampire. The thing is, you are not supposed to remember me after I feed on you. This is the second time I have, and you just - you remember me perfectly. You remember our conversations?”

  He nodded.

  “Fuck,” she sighed, her boot in her hand as she lowered herself onto the chair he had been occupying before. Their places reversed. “This isn’t good. This can’t be good.”

  “Or maybe it is,” he suggested, propping himself up on his elbows. “Maybe there is a reason I can remember you.”

  “A reason like what?” Nora shook her head.

  He just didn’t understand. Fletcher couldn’t know how bad this was – how unlikely. It was complicated. As far as she knew it had never happened before and, if it had, the results had been bad enough for it to be one of those things that nobody talked about.

  “I don’t know, fate? Destiny?” He raised his eye-brows and shrugged his shoulders a little.

  “Hundreds of years have left me convinced that there is no such thing.”

  “Why are you so scared?” he asked hesitantly, assuming that whatever she was scared of, he should be scared of too. “How can I help?”

  “No one can know,” Nora said, slipping the boot on and tying her laces furiously before pushing herself onto her feet.

  “Please,” Fletch laughed, dropping his weight back and stretching comfortably on the mattress. “Like anyone would believe me if I tried to tell them that, what? I am a vampire’s boy-toy? Do I even want to know how many centuries we are talking about here?”

  “I’m serious, Fletcher. No one can know. I don’t know what is going on and I need to do a bit of research, but you need to be quiet about this…”

  He came to stand behind her, his arms moving around her waist and pulling her into him. “What do you mean “this”?”

  “Fletcher, please…”

  “Mmm? Please what?” He buried his face in her hair. She could feel his hardening cock against her ass, and her body tingled maddeningly.

  He really didn’t know what he was getting them into. He had no way of knowing. In fact, Nora didn’t really know what they were getting into either, if anything at all.

  Technically, she hadn’t done anything wrong. It’s not like she could choose who would and wouldn’t be immune to the venom. She had to admit that she liked how it felt, and wanted to ask all sorts of questions, like what it felt like to be fed on and if it really was like taking a psychedelic drug.

  This wasn’t the time, though. She needed to get back home, do some research and find out if there was any way to hide Fletcher from her clan. He knew too much and chances were that if he was immune to her bite, he was immune to everyone else’s too. They were still years away from the new generation being chosen, so what was left? Nora couldn’t help imagining the worst possible scenario. That alone made her panic enough to keep her mouth shut. To make him keep his mouth shut.

  She wasn’t sure what it was about him, but she cared. She cared about him, about what happened to him, and about getting to see him again; getting to kiss him again. She wanted to bring him back here for another session of sex so intense she had been close to ripping him open.

  “I need to go back to my clan,” she said, checking her phone and then slipping it into her back pocket before she began looking for her keys, pulling away from him before he could distract her again with those hands and those lips – with that cock, already getting hard. “let them know that I am alive and well, and see if I can find something out. You have to go do your thing. And please, this is especially important right now, don’t tell anyone. You are already one too many people who knows what we are.”

  “I would never do anything that could jeopardize your safety,” he offered.

  Nora could tell he meant it. The funny thing was that she could relate to how he felt, no matter how weird it was to experience it after having known Fletch for only a few days. The connection she felt to him was undeniable and, to be honest, she didn’t want to deny it. She didn’t want to ignore it either but, for now, it was best. It was the safest course of action until she found out what all of this was about; what his immunity meant, if anything at all, and if it was personal or just something in his blood. Was there something she was doing that was causing it? Or was it just nature – something that could not be helped?

  “Come here,” Fletcher said, pulling her into his arms. He didn’t understand that this was potentially life threatening, and this may not have been the best time for him to get affectionate with his vampire lady-friend. He had never been good with timing though, and she made him feel a passion he had once felt for football but had lost somewhere along the way.

  It was difficult to argue with him and, again, Nora didn’t want to. She moved into his arms, melted into his embrace and got lost in that sweet measured kiss that made her feel an age she couldn’t even remember at this point.

  She didn’t need an elder to tell her that this boy, whatever he was, would only bring trouble into her life. She could see it herself, righ
t there, in the way his hands held onto her hips as he kissed her with a soft determination that made her immortal knees weak.

  Chapter 7

  “Nora, where the fuck have you been? I’ve been looking everywhere for you.” Elise practically pulled her into the manor when she returned.

  “What the hell is going on here?” Nora asked as she glanced around. The house was abuzz with movement and concerned-looking baby vamps rushing to their rooms with arms full of blood bags. “What’s with the blood bags?”

  “We’re not hunting for a couple of days,” Elise explained offhandedly. “Where were you? Do you have anything to do with it?”

  “With what? Elise, what are you talking about?” Nora looked at her with narrowed eyes.

  Something had gone terribly wrong. It was in all the faces standing around awkwardly, like someone was waiting for a punishment that could come down on just about anyone.

  “Where were you?” Elise insisted, gripping Nora’s arm so hard she couldn’t help immediately assuming this was about her little affair.


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