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You're The One For Me (Player Loves Curves Book 5)

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by Hope Ford

  You’re The One For Me

  Player Loves Curves 5

  Hope Ford

  You’re The One For Me © 2020 by Hope Ford

  Editor: Kasi Alexander

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.


  1. Serenity

  2. Dusty

  3. Serenity

  4. Serenity

  5. Serenity

  6. Serenity

  7. Serenity

  8. Serenity

  9. Dusty

  10. Dusty



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  About the Author



  I lift my leg up and rotate my ankle, trying to get relief to my foot. I’m only on my fifth hour, but my feet don’t feel like it. It seems like the twentieth. I put my foot down and rotate the other one, trying to figure out how I’m going to make the next three hours. This waitressing gig isn’t easy, especially when I work the special VIP events. But as long as I keep reminding myself how much more it pays an hour plus tips, I know I can get through it.

  “No time for dawdling, Serenity.” My boss walks by me and tsks at me. He is a control freak and he seems even more stressed about this event compared to the others. I get it; there are a lot more high status names for this one, but man, give me a break. I haven’t had one, and I’m feeling it.

  I smile at him, trying to cover up what I really want to say to him, then pick up the tray filled with hors d’oeuvres that is ready to go out and walk back into the ballroom. When I first started working the special events, I was excited about meeting celebrities. But the more I worked them the more I realized that most of them—not all, but most of them—are usually especially difficult customers with even worse manners. A man takes an appetizer off the tray as I hold it out to him. He doesn’t look me in the eye, no thank you, nothing. I walk away muttering to myself, “Oh well, another day, another dollar.”

  I stop at the next group of people and offer the tray to them. They all shake their heads or ignore me, so I start to walk away. I get only a few steps and am stopped with a hand on my waist. I suck in a breath, preparing myself. There’s always some random asshole that has to take being handsy too far. I pull gently from his grasp and turn to him, putting the tray between us. The man puts his hand on my arm and slides it up to my shoulder.

  Gritting my teeth, I say, “Hawaiian chicken bite, sir?” I press the tray toward him and back away.

  There’s always a fine line on how to deal with these situations. I’ve lost count how many times I’ve been grabbed on the ass tonight. Of course, the boss doesn’t care about me and he certainly doesn’t want me to offend any of the VIPs. I keep my face calm, hiding my disgust behind a small smile.

  He looks at me lecherously and says with a big grin, “No, but I know what I’d like a bite of.”

  Without commenting, I turn to walk away, but he holds on to my hips and slides up behind me, pressing his front to my back. The tray teeters in my hand and I grab on to it to keep it from falling. If I lose any of these prepared snacks, they’ll be coming out of my check. When I get it steady, I turn to the man, about to let him have it.

  “I suggest you leave the lady alone,” says a man to the guy that just had his hands on me.

  The creep looks up into the face of the man that came to my defense. I can tell he’s about to say something, start an argument, but when he finally cranes his neck all the way backwards to look into his face, he decides otherwise. With one last look at me, the asshole walks away.

  Sputtering, I take a deep breath, happy that there wasn’t a scene. I look up at the man, taking in his full, hard body, his dark complexion and short beard. He’s staring down at me with concern filling his face. “You okay?”

  I set the tray on the nearest table and try to get my wits about me. His hand touches me on the center of my back and I gasp at the contact. When I turn back to him, he’s apologizing with his hands up in the air. I can feel heat rushing to my face. He thought I took offense to his touch, but if anything, it was the opposite.

  I never touch the customers, but with him, I reach out, putting my hand on his forearm. I can feel the muscles flex, but he doesn’t pull away. “I’m sorry I’m so jumpy. Thank you for helping me with that.” I nod in the direction of the retreating man.

  His one hand drops, but the arm that I’m holding stays where it is, as if he’s not wanting to lose contact. I let out an embarrassed laugh and slide my hand to his to shake it. “I’m Serenity.” I know I’m looking up at him with awe on my face, but it’s been a long time since I’ve seen a guy act like a real gentleman. The tattoos on his arms stand out to me and I try to get a closer look without being obvious.

  He takes a step toward me, turning his arm so I can get a better look. When I look at him, he’s smirking back at me.

  “Oh my, I’m so sorry,” I stammer. “I’ve never seen someone like you… I mean, I’ve seen someone like you, but… Oh, just forget it. Thank you.”

  I can’t believe I’m acting this way. I turn to walk away, but he stops me, laughing. “It’s okay”—he looks at my name tag—“Serenity.” His smile is something else, but I feel by looking at him that he’s not really used to smiling. “I get it. I know I’m big, tattooed, probably everything your mother warned you about.”

  I put my hand to my head and shake it. How embarrassing can I get? When I finally get the nerve to look him in the eye, I shrug. “Actually, my mom always said there’s helpers in every crowd. Those are the good ones.”

  He shakes off my compliment, and his forehead creases as if I’ve just reminded him about what just happened. “Really, you don’t have to thank me. Are you okay?”

  This guy is sexy and so nice!

  “I’m fine. Really. Uh, I’m sorry, what’s your name?”

  “Dusty Burgess,” he tells me in his deep voice that sends chills down my back.

  “Well, Dusty…”

  Someone clears their throat behind me and I see my boss watching me, shaking his head. Even though I can’t hear it, I can just imagine the tsking noise that he always makes. I’m breaking cardinal rule number one: don’t socialize with the guests.

  I pick up my tray and turn back to Dusty. “I’m sorry. I have to get back to work. It was nice to meet you… and thanks again.”

  I walk away. It’s hard not to want to stay close to this knight in shining armor, but I’ve got to keep working if I want to keep my job.



  I almost skipped out on tonight. It’s a Fourth of July party and fundraiser to raise money for food banks. I could have just sent a check in, but my agent thought since I just got traded to the Mavericks a few months ago it’s important for me to show up. There’s a lot of players here, I know, but there’s a lot of players from other teams too. I’ve only been here an hour and already I’m sick of the uptight, pretentious show. Even though it’s outdoors, next to a pool, the atmosphere is pretty intense. This really isn’t my thing. I’d much rather spend an evening at home than do this.

  Of course, then I’d have missed meeting Serenity. Just remembering the way the man positioned himself against her makes me want to punch something. I’m sick of the men that treat women like objects. I have three younger sisters and just the thought of them getting treated like the way Serenity w
as has me seeing red. I hope I never forget who I am and start acting like some of the assholes I’m surrounded by at this party.

  The waitress that was fending off three different guys earlier had been calm, but when the douchebag by the pool went after her, I had enough of standing by. I just couldn’t stomach watching and doing nothing. Now I can’t seem to take my eyes off her. She’s working the crowd, smiling at everyone, but I can see the guarded way she carries herself. I hate that she feels like she has to. How many other men here feel they have the right to touch her? She has on black pants and a white button-up shirt. Her blond hair is in a long ponytail that swings back and forth as she walks. All in all, she looks conservative, but her curves are what’s causing the men’s tongues to wag. Just watching their reaction to her as she walks by is telling. And she doesn’t seem to have a clue how she affects people. It’s almost like she doesn’t know how beautiful she is.

  I take a drink of water as someone slaps me on the back. I start to cough and turn to greet Henry, one of the pitchers for the Mavericks.

  “I’m outta here, man,” he says.

  I point my water bottle at the crowd. “Is it always like this?”

  Just as I say it, there’s a squeal. A man has a woman in his arms, and he pulls her with him as he jumps into the pool. The woman punches him in the face before dragging herself to the edge.

  Henry shakes his head, and we watch as Jasper Reilly, another pitcher for the Mavericks, and his wife help the woman out of the pool. “Most of the Mavericks have calmed down. I think with this being a league party, it’s getting the competitive juices going. They’re going to act out, ya know, see whose dick is bigger.”

  I just shake my head in disgust and look around the room to find Serenity. Henry holds his hand out to me. “I’m out. You staying?”

  I fist bump him. “Yeah, I’m going to hang out a while.” Henry walks away and it’s then I find Serenity again. She’s walking back toward what I’m assuming is the kitchen with an empty tray.

  As soon as she disappears, I hear the men behind me talking. “That one would be perfect for our extended party. We’ll get her high and she won’t even know we’re passing her around. Plus, she’s a fat ass. Women like her are easy anyway.”

  I stare down the pompous ass that said it. I recognize him from the Rebels we played a few weeks ago. I can’t get into a fight here, no matter how much I want to. My only choice is to stay until the party ends and make sure Serenity makes it home okay.

  When she comes back out with another full tray, I weave through the drunk partygoers. She looks around, and I’m pretty sure she’s looking to see if her boss is around. Holding the tray out to me, she asks, “Carmelized onion on goat cheese bread?”

  I scrunch my nose up. What’s up with the fancy food? “Um, no, thank you. I’m wondering if I can come back after clean-up and walk you to your car to make sure you’re safe.”

  She tries to hide her surprise, but I can see it plainly on her face. I’m sure by this point she probably thinks I’m stalking her, but I’m not. She just shakes her head. “No, it will be late. One of the girls will walk me out. Thank you though.”

  She smiles at me, letting me know she appreciates the thought or is just softening the fact that she’s turning me down. She starts to walk away, but I stop her. I don’t want to worry her, but I feel she has a right to know. “Look, I overheard some men talking about you. I promise, no funny business. I just want to make sure you make it to your car.”

  She laughs at me then, like I’ve just told a joke instead of letting her know that something bad could happen. “Trust me, I’ve dealt with it all. I’ll be fine. I’m not going to have you come back to walk me fifty feet to my car. I promise I’ll have someone walk out with me. Thank you again. Seems you’ve saved me twice tonight.” And before I can stop her, she walks away.

  My stomach tightens into knots, either from the fact that she doesn’t want me to come back or the fact that she deals with this shit all the time. Regardless, I’m coming back. I won’t be able to rest not knowing if she’s okay.



  Sexy Dusty Burgess says he’ll be back to make sure I get to my car safely. He says he doesn’t like the idea of me being alone in the parking lot with so many guys eyeing me, which is news to me. Yeah, every now and then, especially when there’s drinking involved, men seem to get handsy. But it’s nothing I can’t handle. I wanted to tell him yes, please come back. But I didn’t. I’m used to taking care of myself and hate to ask anything of anyone. Plus, I know he’s just being nice.

  I walk away from him a little deflated. It’s like he views me as a little sister. He must have some kind of hero complex, because he’s come to my “rescue” twice in one night. Do I look like I can’t take care of myself? I look around at my coworkers and there’s plenty of women smaller and prettier than me that get hit on a lot more. Why is he helping me?

  When the party starts to wind down and guests begin to leave, I watch Dusty walk out the door without a backwards glance. I fight the urge to chase him down. I would love to see him again. I know I told him I’d be fine, but honestly, I hate watching him leave. I put the empty tray under my arm, feeling confident that I’ll never see him again. It’s so late it’s stupid o’clock; he’s not coming back to see me to my car. What kind of man would go to so much trouble for me? None, that’s who. I’m not discounting myself. I know it will take a special man to see all the good in me, and I’m not giving up. He’s out there somewhere. I just don’t think he’s going to be a professional baseball player that is hotter than sin.

  Once the last guest leaves, we run around cleaning tables, floors and putting the place back together. I’m wiping down tables when Jamie, a coworker, stops me. “I saw Dusty Burgess talking to you. Was he nice? Or was he trying to put the moves on you?”

  I wish I could say that he was putting the moves on me, but I’m not about to lie about what a nice man he is, even if it could make my friends envy the hell out of me. “Actually, he was really nice. He didn’t hit on me at all. He actually helped me out with one of the men that thought I was on the appetizer list.”

  She seems bothered by my response. I guess she was hoping for a juicy story. Yeah, you and me both, I think to myself.

  It’s another hour and a half before we get done with clean-up and I’m about dead on my feet. Jamie and I walk out together, and to our surprise there are still people milling about in the parking lot. We no sooner get out the door than I see Dusty jogging toward us.

  “Girl, I don’t think you realize it, but obviously the man was hitting on you,” Jamie mutters to me as Dusty stops in front of us.

  He’s talking to both of us, but he’s looking at me. “I couldn’t leave. I know you said you’d be okay, but I felt better being here. Can I walk you both to your cars?”

  I start to stutter, but Jamie is cool and collected, like she talks to professional baseball players every day. “Sure, honey. I’m right there and Serenity’s across the way.” She points toward each of our cars.

  Dusty walks between Jamie and me to her car. Jamie keeps him talking and is openly flirting with him. I can’t stop the wave of jealousy that hits me. Even though Dusty doesn’t seem to fall for her advances, I still get a little sad. But as soon as we get her to her car, Dusty puts his hand on my lower back, steering me to my car. We get halfway there, and he holds his hand out, palm up between us, “May I?”

  Is he asking to hold my hand? A little unsure, I barely raise my hand a little and he’s wrapping his fingers around mine. His sigh sounds satisfied as he squeezes my hand in his. He doesn’t say a word as we walk hand in hand to my car.


  I’m dead tired and glad I’m not due in for practice or a game tomorrow. Scratch that, later today. If I had either I would be starting warm-ups in just a couple of hours. Still, as tired as I am, I can’t stop admiring Serenity. She’s got a brightness about her. She’s like sunshine peeking through
rain clouds and smart too.

  “I uh, appreciate you walking me to my car. And for staying so late. I’m sure you’re tired,” she tells me softly.

  I squeeze her hand. “I know you don’t think it’s a big deal, but hearing the way those men were talking about you, I knew I couldn’t leave. I have three younger sisters and I would want someone to do the same for them.”

  She stops next to her car and gently removes her hand from mine. “Right… sister… well, I appreciate you looking out for me. I better go.”

  Even though she’s saying all the right words, I can see sadness in her face. “Wait, what’s wrong?”

  Her lips turn up in the corners, but it doesn’t quite reach her eyes. “Nothing. Really, I appreciate you looking out for me… like a big brother.”

  She opens her car door and sits down. Stunned, I hold her door open. Man, I’m off my game. I’m completely screwing this up. I squat down next to her open door, making sure that we’re at eye level. She’s looking straight ahead and that’s not going to work for me. I reach for her, pulling her chin so she has to look at me. Her big blue eyes are wide and staring back at me. “I don’t think of you as a sister. But I am protective of you.”

  She rolls her eyes at me and smirks. “We just met.”

  I just shake my head, not really understanding it either. “I know, but I am. I didn’t like the way the men in there looked at you and I knew I couldn’t leave without knowing you were safe. I’d like to take you to dinner. Are you free tomorrow night, or well, tonight actually?”


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