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Murder, Mayhem, Monsters, and Mistletoe

Page 20

by Lindy Spencer

  Chapter Three

  Frank pulled the car to a stop just outside the area bright yellow police tape. They climbed from the car, the dark night filled with flashing red and blue lights casting strange shadows into the woods and against the wall of the old, weathered-barn. "Let's do this," Frank said as he ducked under the barricade tape.

  John followed his partner, ducking under the tape as his eyes scanned the area, searching for little Jacob. He let out a sigh as he straightened his back and moved carefully forward. Only real people, he thought. John tried to keep pace with his partner, once again stepping in his footprints, but the snow was getting deeper, and with each step, he could feel the slick soles of his shoes losing traction. You saw the weather report. You'd think you have enough sense to dress properly. He shook his head in frustration as he grabbed a low hanging branch to secure his foothold.

  "She's inside, Mr. John."

  John closed his eyes and lowered his head when he heard little Jacob's voice. He took a deep breath and opened his eyes as he searched for his little spirit helper. Not finding him, he said, "I need you to tell me everything, Jacob."

  Jacob moved from the far side of the same tree and extended his little hand. "Come with me, Mr. John, and I will show you what you need to know. John's body shivered, just as before when he felt the little hand grip his. This time the affect was even greater. He felt the air rush from his lungs and the strength leave his legs, causing him to drop to his knees. He wanted little Jacob to remove his dead hand from his, but the little blue boy just stepped in front of him and smiled. "You are going to be alright Mr. John, I promise. Just focus on your task."

  John's brow furrowed as he looked into the milky eyes of Jacob's ghost. "I don't understand."

  "You have a job to do, don't you?"


  "And you know that you don't have much time, right?"

  "Yes, I know that, Jacob."

  "Then come on," he said as he gave John's hand a tug. "Let's go, before it's too late." John braced his hand against the trunk of the tree and groaned as he fought past the strange sensations that he was experiencing and came to his feet, instantly feeling even more strange than before. "You have to be strong, Mr. John." Jacob said as he started moving forward, his cold little hand unwilling to release its grip.

  John moved through the snow toward the large open doors of the barn. He could see the hectic activity within the barn, the artificial light casting long shadows across the perfect white snow-scape. His eyes opened a little wider as he couldn't help but feel a strangeness wash over him. John knew that it was because of Jacob and his touch. He couldn't believe that he was allowing himself to be led by the dead. He didn't like the feeling of dead flesh against his own. He tried to pull his hand free, but this only increased the little boy's determination. John let out a sigh as he was forced to accept this new role.

  John started to slow as they stepped through the opening and was able to see the group of officers crowded at the entrance to the first stall on their right. He could hear several different conversations taking place as the room erupted with light and the sound of a camera's shutter being pushed to its limit. John's reflexes took over, slamming his eyes shut when he caught a glimpse of the dead girl in one of the bursts of camera flash, her bare feet protruding from the sheet that covered her body. He was almost relieved when he felt Jacob's grip tighten and his body being pulled forward, away from the newly deceased.

  "Where are we going?" he whispered.

  Jacob's voice, far from hushed, "Don't you want to talk to her?"

  This time John came to an abrupt stop, causing little Jacob to spin around to face him. "What?" he demanded. He instantly felt his face flush, knowing that he had spoken much louder than he would have preferred. With his heart racing he turned his head, expecting to see the entire crew staring at him and ready to mock. But the only face he saw was Frank's. He stared at his partner, seeing him shake his head and then turn away. His voice now lowered, but still demanding, he confronted his little friend. "This has to stop, Jacob. It has to stop right now. I don't know why you are here and I have no idea why no one else can see or hear you. But I do know that I have a job to do, and I am running out of time. So it's time for you to be straight with me, Jacob. What is going on?"

  Jacob shrugged his shoulders and smiled. "You will see soon enough. Now come on, she's waiting, and once she hears them calling, I don't know that she will want to wait." John didn't even realize that he had started walking until they were near the far end of the barn. The smell of straw and horse manure bombarded his senses as Jacob pulled him into the last stall.

  "I can't see anything, Jacob," John said as he squinted his eyes in the darkness.

  "You will," Jacob answered. "Emily, are you still here?" he asked, and then waited. "It's okay, Emily, you can trust him. He is trying to help us."

  Remembering to whisper, John interrupted, "Jacob, there isn't anyone here."

  "I think she is here, Mr. John, she's just scared."

  "What is she afraid of, Jacob?"

  "I think she is afraid of the truth, Mr. John. I think that she is afraid to accept what happened to her. Not everyone accepts this as well as I did," Jacob said, puffing out his little chest in a gesture of pride.

  "So what do we do?"

  "Talk to her, Mr. John."

  "What do I say?"

  "Just be yourself, like you were the first time that you saw me."

  John nodded his head as his mind raced, trying to remember what he might have said to this little boy that might have gained his trust. He was doubtful he would find success. There was no training on how to deal with a ghost, let alone gain their trust.

  John dropped to his knees as he felt Jacob’s hand slip from his. He stared into the darkness, took a deep breath and then said, "Hi, Emily, my name is John and I want to help you. I want to find out who did this to you and I want to make sure that they pay."

  A few seconds passed before John saw a shimmer of light flicker in the corner of the stall. "It's okay Emily. I promise that I won't hurt you. I am sorry that I wasn't here to protect you. But for me to be able to help you, you have to help me." He blinked his eyes as the light returned. But this time it was more than a flicker. It grew brighter and brighter as Emily's image started to appear. John covered his eyes to shield them from the light. He turned his head, expecting to hear at least his partner approaching, bellowing out questions about the strange new light.

  Then he felt Jacob's hand come to rest on his shoulder and felt his cold breath against his face, "Remember, Mr. John, just like I told you, they can't see." John let out a sigh as his body relaxed.

  "Please, you have to help me. He's coming for me. I'm so afraid!" Emily said as her still glowing image jerked her head to the left and then to the right, sincerely afraid.

  "It's okay," Jacob said, stepping forward. He gently took her hands in his and continued. "Everything is going to be okay, Emily. You will never be frightened again. The place that you..."

  Emily took a quick step backward and stared at Jacob. "Hey, I know you," she mumbled. "You are that little boy that I always see walking in town."

  "I know, I have seen you too."

  "What is going on?" she begged.

  "You never have to worry about anything again, Emily," Jacob said, sweetness filling his voice.

  "That doesn't make any sense. Why are you here, and," her eyes grew even wider, "What is wrong with you? You look..."

  "Dead?" Jacob asked with a casual tone. After waiting for a moment and not getting a verbal response, he continued. "I am dead. I was killed earlier today."

  She jerked her hands free from his and took another quick step back. "Get away from me! This is just crazy. I don't know what's going on here, but if this is some kind of twisted joke..."

  "It's no joke, Emily. And I know that this is going to be hard for you to accept, but," he hesitated, trying to find the right words.

  John shook his head
, feeling empathy for his little friend and the task before him. He cleared his throat. "Emily, I am a police detective. The reason that we are here is to investigate a murder."

  "Oh no," she cried out. "Are my parent's okay? It isn't my little sister, is it?" she begged as tears started rolling down her cheeks.

  "No, Emily, your parents and sister are fine, physically. But I think that it will be a long time before they recover emotionally."

  The look of understanding washed over her face as her shoulders dropped and her head tilted forward. "It wasn't a dream was it?"

  "I'm afraid not sweetie," John said.

  "So it's true, I'm dead?"

  Jacob took a quick step forward before responding with his usual boyish charm, "It's not as bad as you think, Emily. Have you heard them calling for you?"

  Emily started to sob as she choked out the words. "But I'm not ready. I have so many plans. I wanted to finish college and get married. I wanted to have kids," she wailed as she fell to her knees. John leaned forward and pulled her into his arms, feeling so sad for her and not caring if someone happened to see him hugging air.

  "I know that it's not fair, Emily. But I really need your help."

  "How can I help you? I dead!" she mumbled.

  John caressed her back as Jacob patted her shoulder. "You can tell me who it was that did this to you."


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