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Bartered: A Western Romance

Page 9

by Mary Wehr

  Trudy’s mouth split into a wide wicked grin. “Did you like it?”

  Why lie? “I loved it. The belt not so much, but he sure got me going while holding that darn thing.” Emma covered her face with both hands. “He saw me naked, Trudy. I’m so embarrassed.”


  Emma sighed. “What about you? Did Jake ever punish you with that awful belt?”

  “No, and I hope I don’t ever give him a reason to. I shook like a leaf when I first came in here looking for work. John, Jake’s father hired me right away. Dory, Claire, and Spring were already here. I replaced Tiffany, who left with a traveling salesman. Now enough about me. I’ll get some salve to ease the pain.”

  Emma blushed. “Oh, my, that’s not necessary. I’ll be all right.”

  “Nonsense.” Trudy rummaged through one of the dresser drawers and came back holding a small jar. “No arguments, now turn over.”

  Emma gave her a mock glower. “You know for someone so tiny you have a mighty attitude.” Trudy kept staring. Knowing she was defeated, she lifted her nightgown and lay on the bed.

  “Jeez, your ass looks like an overripe tomato,” Trudy remarked, spreading a glob of a cold cream generously over Emma’s backside.

  “Don’t I know it, but to be honest, it feels worse than it looks. Maybe it’s because I’ve never been spanked before. Have you?”

  “Some men can only get it hard if they spank me first.”

  As Trudy applied more cream to her bottom, Emma thought about men and their sexual preferences.

  The spanking itself had hurt. There was no doubt about that, but then a sensation she couldn’t explain began to spread from her buttocks to her womanhood.

  Was it possible for a woman to have those same sexual preferences as a man? To get aroused by a spanking? It all seemed bizarre. Unnatural.

  “Hmm, Trudy, that feels good. I was wondering about something you just said about some men. Could a woman enjoy being spanked?”

  “Why not? Of course, we’re not allowed to show it. A woman who enjoys the sex act or being spanked is frowned upon. Only whores like me are expected to enjoy such acts.”

  Emma turned on her side. “Don’t say things like that,” she admonished emphatically.

  “Then what would you call me?”

  “A good friend,” Emma replied and rolled over on her belly once again.

  “Thanks, Emma. I think of you much the same way. It’s not wrong that you enjoyed Jake’s manhandling, you know.”

  “Oh, Lord.” Groaning, Emma buried her face in the cradle of her arms while Trudy kept on rubbing the soothing salve into her behind as if her question was just a casual inquiry. “I did and I should be ashamed.”

  “Oh, pooh, stop being so silly. Would any man on the street make you feel the way Jake did when he spanked you?”

  Emma didn’t have to think about that scenario. “Hell, no!”

  Both girls laughed.

  Trudy clicked her tongue. “I swear females are raised not to like anything that has to do with the body. According to some men, all we’re good for is cooking, cleaning, and having babies. My ma raised me like a lady. I did everything she told me to do and look what happened.”

  Emma propped herself on her elbow. “I wondered what made you so desperate to turn to this kind of work. I couldn’t imagine myself doing it. I mean no offense.”

  “None taken. You’d be surprised what you could force yourself to do when faced with the thought of having nothing to eat and nowhere to go. I never thought I’d be in a place like this doing what I’m doing,” Trudy replied softly. “I used to be Daddy’s little girl. I loved my daddy and he spoiled me something awful. Ma used to get so mad when he’d take my side and not hers even if I was in the wrong.”

  Emma sighed. “Pa was never affectionate toward me. He always complained about not having a son.”

  “I’m so sorry. That must’ve hurt.”

  Touched by Trudy’s genuine show of emotion, Emma felt the sting of tears in her eyes. “Are you here because something happened to your parents?”

  Trudy shocked Emma when she said, “As far as I know Ma is still alive. I ran away from home about a year ago.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Emma’s eyes widened with surprise. “You ran away? But why?”

  Trudy became quiet and sullen.

  “I’m sorry. I was being nosey again.”

  “Oh, no worries. I don’t mind.” Trudy jumped from the bed and placed the cream on the dresser. “Daddy got sick and died. It was just me and Ma for a while then she met a really nice man and married again. I was sorta angry at first. It felt like she betrayed my daddy. I was so mean to him, but he never punished or scolded me. After a while, I decided to try and get along at least for Ma’s sake.”

  Trudy rushed back to the bed and grabbed Emma’s hand. “I couldn’t believe it. He was just like my daddy. Patient and kind. He read stories to me and would push me on the swing and buy me candy.”

  Then her expression darkened. “When I turned eighteen everything changed. He’d stare at my chest and make sure to squeeze by me even though there was plenty of room. Or he’d pull me onto his lap when I walked past him. One night he came into my room and pinned me down. He slapped a hand over my mouth and told me not to scream. I nodded and when he lifted up to push down his pants I rolled out from under him and bolted from the room.”

  Shocked, Emma exclaimed, “How awful. Did you tell your ma?”

  “I did, but she accused me of making up stories so I ran away. I haven’t seen her since.” She waved a dismissive hand. “Enough about me. I answered your question; now you must return the favor.”

  Emma chewed her bottom lip. “I guess it’s only fair.”

  “Why did Jake spank you?”

  “Lordy, promise you won’t laugh?”

  Trudy rolled her eyes heavenward. “Your butt is as red as a cherry. I’d never laugh while you were suffering so.”

  “Okay.” Emma quickly briefed Trudy on what she had done. “I never gave Claire any consideration. I watched as she gave the man a, a,” she lowered her voice, “a blowjob. Please don’t tell her. I’m afraid she’ll never forgive me.”

  After she revealed what she had done, Emma waited anxiously for Trudy’s reaction. The other girl lowered her head and her shoulders began shaking.

  “You swore you wouldn’t laugh,” Emma scolded.

  “I can’t help it.” Trudy fell back on the bed. Tears streamed down her face. “Oh, Emma, I’m sorry. I can just imagine the look on Jake’s face when he saw you on your knees peeking through a keyhole.”

  Slapping a hand to her forehead, Emma collapsed on the bed. “I can’t believe I did such a despicable thing.”

  “What did Jake say when he caught you?”

  “He asked if I saw anything interesting.” Emma turned to Trudy. “I never told him and don’t you dare say a word.”

  Trudy burst into fits of laughter. Emma’s mouth twitched. Soon both girls were on the bed laughing.

  Sometime later they calmed down.

  “Do you think Claire knew I was there?”

  Trudy chuckled. “I don’t know, but I’m sure glad you picked that room and not the other. Better her than me.”

  Emma’s jaw dropped, causing Trudy to burst into another fit of giggles. Grabbing her end of the blanket, she rolled over and mumbled, “I’ll never live this down, will I?”

  “Sure you will,” Trudy replied. “We better quiet down before Papa Jake storms up here and whips us both.”

  Emma groaned. “Don’t even think of such a thing. I’m sore enough for both of us. Look at it this way. At least I learned something. It might come in handy one day.”

  Both girls buried their faces in the pillows.

  * * *

  The next morning, Emma woke up with a sore belly from laughing to go along with her sore ass. She didn’t feel like going downstairs for breakfast and facing Jake after last night, so she asked Trudy to m
ake her up a plate.

  However, Trudy’s adamant coaxing won out in the end and she left the room. They met the others on the balcony.

  “Well, la-de-da, if it isn’t the princess joining us for breakfast.”

  Trudy grumbled, “Knock it off already.”

  “Why should I?” Megan fired back. “When I got a whipping I had to bare my ass in front of you all.”

  “For heaven’s sake, you don’t even know if he actually spanked her,” Claire threw over her shoulder. “Maybe they were talking about old times or other things.” She gave Emma a knowing wink.

  She knows. Red-faced Emma turned to go back up the stairs, but Trudy grabbed her arm.

  “Not so fast.” Megan rounded on Emma. “So, did he fuck you?”

  “That is none of your business,” Emma spat.

  “Whoa, someone’s gotta temper this mornin’. Did I hit a nerve, princess?”

  Spring snatched Megan’s elbow and practically pulled her down the steps. “Holy shit, Megan, will ya let it alone?”

  Megan shut her mouth but the fierce expression on her face was a clear warning that she was not about to let the subject go.

  Trudy squeezed Emma’s hand. “Ignore her. Megan’s been trying to get Jake to notice her ever since she started working here. He won’t give her the time of day. She’s jealous that you were alone with him.”

  “Thanks for not telling her and the others what really happened.”

  “You’re welcome,” Trudy replied. “Come on, I’m hungry.”

  No one did much talking and when Jake walked in, Megan stomped from the room.

  Emma looked up and their gazes connected. One by one the others left quietly until it was only the two of them in the room. Jake poured himself some coffee and joined her at the table.

  “I see you can sit this morning.”

  Emma checked to make sure everyone left. “If that’s your way of apologizing for putting your hands on me, you can forget it,” she hissed.

  “And what am I supposed to be sorry for?”

  “You would say that.” She got up from her chair.

  Jake followed suit. “Sit, Emmaline.”

  Their gazes locked. “And if I don’t, will you beat me again?”

  His expression shifted from amusement to serious. “Beat you? Is that how you feel about what I did?”

  Ashamed of herself, Emma lowered her eyes. Lucille told everyone she’d come in contact with the reason why she was divorcing Jake, but Emma refused to believe such nonsense. Jake was not a man who beat women.

  “No, I don’t.” She recalled Trudy’s dire circumstances and considered herself lucky. At least she had someone to help her. “I’m sorry I used such a strong word. Actually, I’m grateful that you didn’t throw me out on the street.”

  “What about the spanking?”

  Emma laughed. “Although I’m certainly not grateful for that, I admit I did deserve it.” Her bottom lip quivered. “Is it true? Did you beat Lucille?”

  “Rumors say I did.” He held her gaze for what seemed like minutes instead of mere seconds. “Folks around here live for juicy gossip. It makes their day.”

  “You didn’t answer the question.”

  “And I don’t intend to. You should know me by now.” He motioned for her to sit.

  Emma was tempted to defy him but since she was still sore from last night’s spanking she decided against it. She folded both hands in her lap and refused to look at him. Imagine her, nineteen years old and getting spanked like a child. But she was thankful for not having an audience.

  Despite her tender bottom Emma had felt stirrings of something quite different deep inside her belly. It wasn’t fear and yet she couldn’t explain what it was and that baffled her. Jake had always been a good-looking boy and now he had turned into a very handsome man with a certain wild appeal that attracted her physically.

  “Jake, why did you... you know.”

  “Spank you? What’s wrong, Emmaline, can’t say the word? What I did was punish you for disobeying my strict orders. If you were caught by someone else things could’ve turned much worse. After this fiasco I expect you to mind me and not do it again. Is that clear?”

  Emma nodded.

  He angled his head to the side. “Is Chad the reason why you keep yourself plain?” When she didn’t reply he continued, “It’s obvious you’re trying way too hard to appear ordinary. Your hair is pulled back so tight it’s funny you don’t have a headache all the time.”

  Darn perceptive man, yet she wasn’t about to give him the satisfaction of being right. “I said I don’t want to talk about it. If you’ll excuse me I’m rather tired.”

  She made it to the doorway when he called her name. Pursing her lips, Emma swung around and eyed him definitely even though deep inside she longed to throw herself into his arms and bawl her eyes out.

  “If things were this bad I wish you would’ve come to me.”

  Emma blinked back the sting of tears. “See, you’re doing it again.”

  “What am I doing?”

  Emma propped her hands on her hips. “Letting a little bit of the Jake I knew years ago trickle through that thick facade. You like to let people think you’re an unfeeling brute.”

  “I am a brute.”

  “I know better.”

  “Even after that spanking you got last night?”

  A flush of heat warmed her cheeks. “You had a good reason to do what you did. I admit I was wrong for eavesdropping. You act all rough and tough just to convince people that Lucille was right about you.”

  He rose to his feet and closed the distance between them. Emma remained right where she was even though she had to tilt back her head to meet his fierce gaze.

  “You have it all figured out, don’t you?” He fingered a strand of hair that had escaped its confines and dropped his gaze to her chest. He stared at her breasts for so long that she felt her nipples poke against the tight binding. Finally, he looked her straight in the eye.

  “My, the brave little girl has turned into a beautiful smart woman. You’re absolutely right. I don’t want people thinking I have a heart and if you do anything that would make them change their minds I’ll take it out of your hide.”

  Chapter Twenty

  A curious flutter began deep inside her belly. She wasn’t sure if it was the threat of another spanking or his manly scent. Most likely both. Heat radiated from his hard muscled body and fused into hers. She longed to smooth away the harsh lines of his face and press her mouth to his, but that would be way too forward on her part.

  She licked her lips. “I won’t rat you out but know this. I will speak my mind. I’ll never be one of those weak-willed women who refuse to speak up in front of her father or husband. Don’t get me wrong. I’d be respectful but he’ll know my opinion once we are alone no matter how many times he threatened to spank me in order to shut me up.”

  His one hand palmed the wall just inches from her head while the other cupped her chin. His thumb traced the contours of her mouth.

  “My sweet Emmaline, you remember this. There are other ways to shut up a disobedient wife besides a spanking. Now if I was your husband I’d fill your mouth with something long and hard. This way I’d get some peace and a whole lot of pleasure at the same time.”

  A thrill zipped up her spine. She knew exactly what he was describing. Her own little fantasy. She swallowed hard and he released her chin.

  “Tell me about your plans for the day.”

  “What? Oh, I’m going to town with Trudy.”

  “Good, good. Make sure to be back before the saloon starts filling up.” He surprised her by brushing his mouth across hers. “Just for the record, weak-willed women don’t impress me. I like a woman with fire and sass.”

  With her thoughts in a tangle, Emma practically floated up the stairs. He’d actually kissed her. He’d brushed her lips with his own.

  She entered the room and Trudy just about pounced on her.

  “Trudy, y
ou scared me half to death,” she grumbled while the other girl pulled her across the room to the dresser.

  “I want you to sit down right here in front of the mirror.”

  “What for?”

  Trudy pulled all the pins from Emma’s hair. “This big lump on top of your head is driving me crazy. I want to see what you look like when it’s down.”

  “But I like it this way,” Emma protested, lightly smacking Trudy’s hands away from her head.

  “You can’t be serious. You remind me of a schoolmarm.”

  “So what if it looks matronly. It keeps the men away and that’s the way I like it.”

  Trudy loosened the last two pins and Emma’s hair fell in waves down to the middle of her back. “Your hair is absolutely gorgeous, Emma Foley, and why in the world don’t you want men admiring you?”

  “I always keep my hair pinned up during the day. Then one night a friend of my pa’s came over to drink and play cards. I was already dressed for bed when I went into the kitchen for a glass of milk. He was there too and made a pass at me. My mistake.”

  “That’s balderdash. Some men never learned to keep their hands to themselves. I suppose that’s why you dress like a boy.”

  Emma nodded. “Something like that.”

  “But why should you have to dress a certain way? Get behind the partition and take off those horrid pants and shirt.”

  Emma stepped behind the partition and began to undress. “Since when have you become such a bossy boots?”

  “Never you mind. Maybe we can get a certain saloon owner to pay you more attention.”

  Emma groaned. “Jake pays me enough attention, thank you very much.” Her butt still hurt.

  “But not the right kind of attention. I want to find something really nice for you to wear. Those drabby dresses Dory gave you should be burned or cut up for rags.”

  “Will you hurry up? I’m getting a chill.” Wearing only the binding that helped flatten her bosom, Emma sat on the small wooden bench with her arms crossed over her chest. Every so often a dress would fly through the air and land on the chair next to the closet with the others Trudy had previously discarded


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