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Bartered: A Western Romance

Page 16

by Mary Wehr

  “Get up,” Chad ordered.

  Trying to get the feeling back in her hands, Emma hesitated for only a mere second and Chad was quick to press his gun against the parson’s temple. “This is the last time I’m going to put up with your stubbornness. Get up now or I’ll blow his brains out.”

  The parson’s expression was one of pity. “Emma, don’t...”

  “Everything is going to be okay, Parson Williams.” She looked at her father. “I swear if you hurt this man in any way I’ll kill you.”

  Taken aback, he said, “That’s no way for a daughter to talk to her pa.”

  “You stopped being my pa long ago.”

  “The both of you just shut up,” Chad ordered. He grabbed Emma by the elbow and led her outside.

  “Where are you taking me?”

  “To the woodshed where I’ll strip you naked and take a whip to you until you agree to marry me.”

  Emma’s legs gave out and she stumbled. Chad grabbed her by the hair and yanked her upright.

  “It’ll be a sight to see you naked and at my mercy.” He jerked her close, his breath reeking of whiskey. “I’m going to whip you good and when I’m done I’ll stick my cock up your tight dark hole, then your pussy, and last your mouth. In. That. Order.”

  Fearing for her life, Emma did the only thing she could think of at the moment. She opened her mouth and let out a bloodcurdling scream.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  “Let the lady go.”

  The stranger spoke with authority. He rode slowly toward them. He was a large man on an equally large horse. Emma forced herself not to cry out for help. She had no idea who he was or where he came from. He could very well be as cruel as Chad and if she opened her mouth someone was liable to get killed.

  “Darling, give me your hand,” Chad said in a loud voice. “You really need to pay attention to where you’re walking.” He bent over and hissed, “Otherwise you could break your fool neck. Play along or so help me you’ll regret it, hear?” He squeezed her arm so hard she thought her bones would snap.

  Wincing, Emma nodded and allowed him to help her to her feet. The man sitting on top of the horse appeared to be scrutinizing them both very closely.

  “Are you hurt, little lady?”

  His deep-timbre voice reminded her so much of Jake that she almost burst into tears. “N-no, sir.”

  He shifted his bulky form, causing the horse to prance beneath the weight. “You sure about that?”

  “Are you deaf or just an idiot? The lady said she’s fine so mosey on along. This here is a family matter. It doesn’t concern you,” Chad said, one hand resting lightly on his holster.

  The man gave the impression that he was well aware of everything going on around him yet his demeanor was relaxed. “Pardon me, but when I hear a woman scream, my protective nature kicks in.”

  Chad let go of Emma. With an arrogant expression on his face, he sauntered up to the stranger. “You know what happens to people around here when they stick their nose where it don’t belong?”

  The man pushed back his hat and rested his forearm on the saddle horn. “I’ve heard tales about how notorious Dodge City is, but why don’t you enlighten me some more?” Without turning his head, he added, “You best put down that gun, mister. I may not get you both, but one of you will go down with me. I guaran-damn-tee you.”

  Emma turned and saw her father standing on the porch with rifle in hand. Shivers ran down her spine. Foolish as he was, her father never backed down from a threat. This time he did.

  The thundering of hooves caught her attention.


  Jake. It’s Jake.

  Emma’s legs folded beneath her and she crumpled to the ground.

  Jake eyed the two men suspiciously as he slid from the saddle.

  “I got my gun on him,” the stranger said. “You go on over and see to the little lady.”

  Trusting his own instincts that the stranger was harmless, Jake ran over to Emma. “Dear God, are you all right?” He brushed the hair away from her face.

  His gravelly tone seemed to come from far away. Was he really here or was it just her imagination?

  Chad sneered. “Now ain’t this nice. He’s got one woman waiting for him in town and he’s got his hands all over this one.”

  “What the hell are you yapping about, Montgomery?” Jake snapped, helping Emma to her feet. She slumped against him. If he wanted to give Lucille a second chance then so be it. She’d enjoy being close to him one last time.

  “I heard Warren’s back in town with his daughter.”

  “Then you heard wrong.”

  A smidgen of hope flared in Emma’s chest.

  “Is that right? Then who’s the woman he brought with him?”

  Her entire body tensed. Jake tightened his hold. “That woman just bought the saloon.”

  Stunned, Emma raised her head.

  He met her puzzled expression with a wide smile. “I finally got rid of the place, sweetheart.”

  Ray stepped off the porch. “Did I hear right? You sold the saloon to a woman?”

  “Lock, stock, and barrel,” Jake replied. “You lost, Foley. You lost everything. The saloon. Your daughter.”

  Shoulders drooping, Ray sank down on the bottom step. “Forget the deal, Chad. Let Emma go. We lost.”

  “Are you out of your fuckin’ mind? You may have lost, but not me. I never lose. I’m still marrying your daughter and by the time I’m finished with her, she’ll be just too happy to drop to her knees at the snap of my finger.” Chad pointed his gun at Jake. “Say goodbye, McCabe.”

  Jake stepped in front of Emma just seconds before a shot rang out.

  “Nooo,” Emma screamed, thinking Jake got hit, but it was Chad who rolled around on the ground moaning in pain. Blood poured from his hand.

  “I heard and saw enough.” The stranger dismounted and went over to Chad. The first thing he did was pick up the gun he had just shot out of the man’s hand. “You’re lucky I didn’t shoot that hand clean off after the way you manhandled the woman.” He jerked a nod at Ray. “Set your piece on the ground nice and easy like.”

  Ray complied without question.

  “I knew I’d have my fair share of trouble in Dodge once I got there, but I didn’t expect a ruckus on the way.” Totally ignoring Jake, he focused his full attention on Emma. “You, young lady, need to see a doctor.”

  “Look, mister, I appreciate your help and all, but Emmaline’s welfare is my responsibility,” Jake said in a no-nonsense tone.

  “Don’t stand there and talk about me as if I wasn’t here,” Emma snapped, emotionally and physically exhausted. “I can take care of myself.”

  Both men raised a brow and she sighed. “It’s been such a horrendous day. I didn’t mean to sound ungrateful. You both saved my life.”

  “And I’d like to go on protecting you if you’ll let me.” Jake took her by the shoulders and looked into her eyes. He was sweaty and dirty and oh so handsome. “Will you marry me, Emmaline Foley?”

  “Marry you?”

  “That’s right.”

  “Marry you,” Emma repeated. Her brows furrowed. “Oh, my word, the parson. He’s in the kitchen tied to a chair.” She ran to the house, up the steps past her father, and raced to the kitchen.

  “I’m so sorry, Parson.” She quickly untied him and helped him to stand up. Jake was right beside her. “You look awfully pale.”

  “That’s quite all right, child.” He stepped forward and nearly landed on his face. “Is it possible I could have something to drink?”

  Emma ran to the icebox surprised to find some milk and lemonade. “What about a tall glass of cold lemonade?”

  “Do you happen to have anything a bit stronger?”

  “Pardon me?”

  Jake laughed. “I think he means whiskey.”

  Emma’s mouth dropped open.

  “For medicinal purposes, of course,” Jake added, winking at the parson.

“Pa, is there any whiskey in the house?” Emma shouted. When he didn’t answer she went to the door. He was still sitting on the step as if in a trance. “Didn’t you hear me?”

  “I heard you.” He held up a near-empty bottle. “This is it.”

  “What about your stash?”

  He stumbled to his feet. “How’d you know about my stash, missy?”

  “Ma told me.” Emma went back into the kitchen with Ray close to her heels. She kicked aside a braided rug in front of the cook stove and opened a trap door. She reached inside and pulled out a full bottle.

  “You put that back. That’s all I got left.”

  “Too bad.” Ignoring her father, Emma handed the bottle to Jake while she went to get a glass. After a few sips, the color returned in the parson’s cheeks.

  “Does anyone here want to file charges?”

  With all the commotion, Emma had forgotten about the stranger who saved Jake’s life and hers. “I never gave it a thought. I doubt the sheriff in town would do anything about it anyway. He’s friends with Chad’s pa and mine.”

  “You talkin’ about Sheriff Carson?”

  Emma nodded.

  “Ma’am, you won’t have to worry about him. His job as sheriff is finished. I’m the new law in town.” He took off his hat. “The name’s Ben Walker. Marshal Ben Walker.”

  “Well, I’ll be damned.” Jake stepped forward and offered his hand. “Welcome to Dodge. The name’s Jake and this here is Emmaline Foley. Soon to be Emmaline McCabe if she’ll have me.”

  Emma shot Jake a playful scowl. “Marshal, please, it’s Emma.”

  Ben nodded. “I got to go. If no one’s pressing charges I’ll be on my way. Maybe I’ll see you in town sometime.”

  “Hold on a minute,” Jake said, turning to Emma. “Will you marry me now?”

  “Now?” Emma exclaimed.

  “Why not? We have a parson. The marshal can be a witness.” He pulled her aside. “Emmaline, I have so much to make up to you and I don’t want to wait. I promise we’ll have a much bigger wedding ceremony soon.”

  “Oh, Jake.” Emma threw her arms around him. “I don’t need a big wedding. I just need you by my side for the rest of my life.”

  “Is that a yes?”

  She nodded enthusiastically.

  “Are you sure? The moment you say ‘yes’ you become my woman. You belong to me. And the first thing that needs to be addressed is the fact that you risked your life by taking off with ‘Mr. believe you me’ out there.’”

  His stern warning thrilled her. Emma giggled. “I understand.”

  “Okay, Parson, you heard the lady.”

  The parson smiled. “I’d be delighted. Dearly beloved, we are gathered here...”

  Emma stood next to Jake with tear-filled eyes while he shifted from one foot to the other.

  She nudged him gently in the ribs with her elbow and whispered softly, “Will you please stand still?”

  “I wish he’d speed it up a bit. I can’t wait to take you home and make you mine,” he whispered back, squeezing her hand.

  The parson stopped talking and looked inquisitively from one to the other.

  “Go on,” they said in unison.

  After the words had been said and they shared the traditional kiss, Emma hurried to her room and threw a few of her belongings into a bag. Jake hoisted her into the saddle and took his place behind her. They were on their way home.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Although the gentle rocking of the horse coupled with the warmth of her husband’s body pressed close to hers made it difficult for Emma to keep her eyes open, his quiet demeanor heightened her anxiety about what was to come. He was angry and rightly so.

  Once again she had acted rashly. She could excuse her actions by claiming she’d been the one to be hurt first, but as she rolled those words around in her head it sounded childish.

  She released a shuddering sigh. Jake tightened his arm around her waist.

  “You must be exhausted.” His breath fanned her cheek. “We’ll be home soon.”

  Home. To Jake’s ranch. Her head was still spinning from the events that had taken place just a short time ago. She was a married woman. She was Mrs. Jake McCabe and she had the feeling he was going to put his brand on her in more ways than one.

  As far as Emma was concerned the ride back to Jake’s ranch had been way too short. He reined in the big animal and dismounted. “Whoa, steady, big fella.” He reached for her. Smiling, she fell into his strong arms and he proceeded to the house.

  “I can walk, you know.”

  He bent his head, half his face shadowed by the hat he wore. He looked like a determined outlaw ready to devour his share of the spoils. “I’m supposed to carry you over the threshold, remember?”

  Emma ran her fingers over his stubbled jaw. “Whatever you say, husband.”

  “Uh-huh. I’m gonna hold you to those words when you’re giving me sass.” He adjusted her in his arms in order to free one hand and open the door. He set Emma on her feet. “You know your way around the house. It hasn’t changed much. I’ll get your bag before I bed down the horse and wash up.”

  He passed the small mirror hanging on the wall stopped and stroked his chin. “I should shave.”

  “Please don’t.” Emma smiled shyly. “I like it that way.”

  “Duly noted, wife.” He winked and stepped outside. True to his word he came back with her bag.

  “This thing is as light as a feather.”

  “I don’t have much in female fripperies. A brush, a couple of bloomers, chemise, and a nightgown.”

  He set the bag down and propped his hands on his hips. “Well now, I can’t have my wife walking around in her underwear, can I? I’ll take you shopping tomorrow. Tonight you don’t have any need for clothing. By the way, don’t change out of that dress.”

  He closed the door softly behind him. Emma hurried to the window and watched him until he disappeared inside the barn. Tall and solid, his saunter held both confidence and strength.

  Turning away from the window, Emma went straight to the washroom. The last time she was here she’d fallen and scraped her knee. Jake had told her not to climb any trees surrounding the property.

  Of course, she had done the opposite and received a fierce lecture from her mother while being tended to. Now she was here as his wife. From now on he would do all the tending. From now on she’d be wise to obey.

  She stood in front of the mirror and nearly cried out loud. Her hair reminded her of a bird’s nest. Rummaging through her bag, she found her hairbrush and tried to put the tangled mess in a semblance of order.

  She wet a washcloth and scrubbed her face, wincing when she hit the area where Chad had slapped her. No doubt tomorrow she’ll be sporting a bruise and some folks in town will think her new husband beat her.

  Emma scowled. Just let them say something, anything and she’d give them an earful. Hearing the door slam shut, she smoothed down the front of her dress and hurried downstairs.

  “This is such a nice house.” Her attempt at civil conversation sounded weak even to her own ears.

  Jake merely nodded. In three long strides, he closed the distance between them. He took hold of her chin. “How does it feel to be Mrs. Jake McCabe?”

  Emma blinked rapidly. “I still can’t believe we’re married and this is now my home.”

  “The parson said all the right words. Especially obey. That’s good enough for me.”

  He was watching her with a strange gleam in his eyes. One she’d never seen before. If she were to guess, she’d think it was a hunger.

  Jake crooked his finger. “Come here, Emmaline.”

  Emma only made it halfway when he held up his hand.


  The command spoken barely above a whisper held more weight than if he would’ve shouted the words.

  “Take off your clothes.”

  * * *

  Jake watched as she undid each pearl button. Damn, she was
going way too slow for his tastes.

  He resisted the urge to take charge and rip the dress from her luscious body. Push apart those creamy legs and ram his swollen cock deep inside her pussy. She’d be wet and ready for him, but first, he had to make her understand that her fantasy had not disgusted him.

  He gritted his teeth so hard his jaw hurt. Finally, the dress slipped over a pair of creamy shoulders and pooled at her feet. She stood before him clad in only a thin chemise and worn bloomers.

  “I don’t recall telling you to stop.”

  “Shouldn’t we go into the bedroom?”

  Sass and grit. The woman was full of sass and grit and by damn, he loved it. She was a wildcat. His wildcat. In time she’d learn his moods.

  “I will not tell you again.”

  Her eyes never left his as she finished undressing.


  She dropped to her knees without question.

  He was pleased. “Good girl. Now crawl to your papa.”

  * * *

  Papa. The word feathered across her sex, leaving her wet with anticipation. Keeping her gaze on her husband, Emma dropped on all fours and made her way across the floor. Her unfettered breasts dangled and swayed with each movement and she noticed his eyes darken to almost black as he stared at them.

  When she came up against a pair of sandy-colored boots she stopped and waited with bated breath.

  “Look at me.”

  Emma slowly lifted her head. His belt was undone. The flaps of his pants were peeled back, exposing a cluster of dark hair. Springing upward was his cock. Thick and full, the tip nearly reaching his navel.

  Her mouth watered. She ran her tongue over her lips. Could she take all of him in her mouth? Her pussy?

  “Hands behind your back. You’re going to suck my balls, Emmaline, until I tell you to stop.”

  Beneath the root of his manhood hung two firm sacks. She stuck out her tongue and licked each one in turn. He tasted salty. Earthy. She took one tight sack into her mouth and sucked. Jake’s guttural moan urged her on and she moved to the other.

  Both his hands were in her hair, his fingers digging into her scalp almost to the point of pain, but the pleasure at being dominated kept her from crying out. She rubbed her nose in his lap and licked his balls.


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