Book Read Free

Mended Hearts

Page 14

by Tammi Lynn

  “I knew I was going to get lost. I’ve got crap instincts in the dark, I can’t see for shit. This is it. I knew things were going to well. Now I’m going to get eaten in the wilderness by a mountain lion or something. Ooh, if this were a book maybe the mountain lion could be a shifter, then I could add another hot guy to my harem. No no, just kidding my men are enough and perfect for me. Oh shit what was that?” I hear a noise in the distance and any hair left on my body is standing at attention. “Oh shit, oh shit, please don’t eat me, or please make it quick, I don’t want to feel any pain.” I squeeze my eyes shut, not that I could see anything anyways, and try to stay as still as possible.

  I let out the biggest, girliest, scream I never knew I was capable of when I feel hands brush up my arms. Flailing and kicking against my attacker, it takes a lot of effort for Roman to get me to stop. Saying both my name and Angel over and over and grabbing hold of my wild arms, he finally convinces me he’s not my would be killer. “Ouch, Angel. Calm down it’s just me.”

  “Roman, you fuck! You scared the shit out of me.” My whole body is trembling with adrenaline. I don’t know if I’ve ever been so scared. I pull him to me and hug him tight. “Please don’t ever do that to me again.”

  “I’m sorry Angel, I tried to come up gently.”

  “You could have said something.”

  “Would you have been any less scared?”

  No. “Yes.” Dang right I still would have been scared, but he doesn’t have to know that.

  “Liar.” What am I an open book now? “I’ve been looking for you for awhile now, everyone else is back at camp waiting for us. We lost by the way, Jesse is a fast fucker.”

  “How did you find me?”

  “You know how I told you that you suck at sneaking up on me because you giggle? Well apparently when your scared or nervous you like to talk a lot. What’s this about a lion shifter joining our harem?” Shit, how much did he hear of my scared shitless ramblings?

  Looking up at him I can just see his face illuminated by the full moon peeking through the canopy of trees. This man is beautiful, his light eyes shine almost silver in the moonlight. Stepping up on my tip-toes I place a kiss at his jaw, his trim beard tickling my lips.

  “Are you trying to avoid the question, Angel?”

  “Is it working?” I lean up further, my hands on his chest and place a kiss to the corner of his mouth.

  “Yes. Careful or we might end up giving the wildlife a show.” He places his hands at my waist to where they skim the skin under my hoodie.

  My whole body is flush with desire and being out here in the open makes it all the more thrilling, my adrenaline still pumping. “Well it might get a little boring out here for them, maybe they need a little show? Are you sure none of the kids will come out this way?”

  He turns me around and walks me slowly forward to a tree and places both my hands on it. “Even if Jesse and Cade didn’t already have them entertained with ghost stories I doubt they’d ever find us. You really got yourself lost out here, Angel.”

  “Give me a map and a road, I can get you anywhere. Give me the dark and a forest, please include me in your prayers.” He’s pushing my hoodie up a little and then I feel him run his hands down to the waistband of my sweats. I swear my eyes roll back into my head his hands feel so good on my bare skin. Rough hard working hands.

  He pulls my sweatpants and underwear down at once and slips a finger between my folds. “Already wet for me, Angel?” Am I ever not wet in these mens presence anymore?

  The tree is covered in moss and soft under my grip and I moan and push back against it to try and get friction against his hand. “Always for you, Roman.”

  He smacks my ass before lining himself up with my core from behind. “Hold on tight.”

  I get about two seconds before he’s thrusting inside me and even though I’m still trying to keep quiet we soon start to hear howling in the distance as if echoing my wanton cries. Howling? Coyotes? In Arizona it would be coyotes. Oh my God is it wolves? My body tenses up but all thoughts are soon forgotten when Roman reaches around and starts swirling circles over my clit in succession with his deep thrusts.

  Leaving my clit he trails his hands up and pinches my nipple and I explode in climax. Like what the fuck, my nipples have always been sensitive but that was intense. I’m not sure I’ll ever get the moss out from beneath my fingernails. Roman follows soon after, my pussy clenching around him over and over as shock waves of pleasure continue to go through me.

  He slowly slides out and puts himself back in his pants before dragging my underwear and pants back up my legs and ass. It’s still really cold at night and as soon as his body left mine I felt an instant chill. “Come on, Angel, let’s get you back to camp and warmed up.” He grabs my hand and starts leading us through the woods like he’s got night vision goggles or some shit.

  He’s leading me in and out through the trees like nothing when I can’t see a foot in front of my face. “Slow down, Roman, I’m going to hit a tree.”

  “No you’re not, I got you.” So he says when I get whiplash from some stray branch or something, I mean this is me we’re talking about.

  I’m just about to complain again when I start to hear the creek in the distance and I see the flicker of light from the campfire. Oh thank you, thank you. I start to speed up and take the lead to get us out of the trees.

  As I get into the clearing I hear music and stop short. Jayson is playing the guitar and singing a country song. I can’t remember the name of it but I love it, or if I didn’t before, I do now. I didn’t know Jayson could sing, and he sings really well.

  He sees me and stops singing. “There she is.”

  I walk into the circle around the fire and Jesse pulls me into his lap. “I waited a long time for my winner's kiss.” He gives me a quick, chaste kiss, not wanting to put a show on for the kids.

  “Eew. Mom where’d you go, halfway home?” Miklos’ laughing at me, he knows very well I don’t like the dark and was scared out there.

  “Ha ha ha. Keep it up and you can walk home.”

  “Yeah right, Jesse would never leave me behind, Mom. Right, Jesse?”

  They high five from behind me and I shake my head. “Traitors, you all are traitors.”

  “Was that little ole you I heard a very big scream from out there?” Cade’s looking at me and I can see he’s joining the make fun of Mia night. That’s okay though, they can all pay later.

  “Nope, that was Roman, I scared him really good this time.” I hear Roman snort from the seat he took to our left, and I try really hard to hold in a laugh. “Well, I’m going to bed, all of you be good. Kids I love you all, yes all of you, even you Killian, although I’m keeping my eye on you.” I level him with a stern glare and I can see him squirm a bit. Yeah you better be nervous kid.

  I get up from Jesse’s lap and head into the tent with a flashlight I swiped from his jacket pocket. Our tent is pretty huge and I can see that since I was in here last, that someone has zipped my sleeping bag up with theirs making one big one. I don’t even have to think about who it could have been, and the hands that wrap behind me confirm it when I get a scent of purely, Cade. “Mmm.”

  “I thought I’d never get you to myself tonight.” He walks me forward and we both kneel down to crawl into the sleeping bag. He places his arm under my pillow and pulls my back flush against his chest, same as if we were home and I immediately relax. “I love you, Baby Girl.”

  “I love you more, Cade.” My eyes start to get heavy and with the sound of Jayson's voice singing a soft melody, Cade probably runs his fingers through my hair one time and I’m out.

  Chapter Fourteen

  When The Little Break


  I don’t think I’ve ever slept so well camping before. I never once got cold, tightly held in Cade’s arms. And I swear I felt someone else squeeze into our bag in front of me sometime last night. I was tired and it was too dark to really tell.

tching out I find that someone did indeed climb in with us last night. I have a mess of blonde hair under my chin as Jesse’s head is nestled right at my breasts. I remember someone saying once that they do make the best pillows. Cade is still behind me and I wiggle back against him.

  He grabs my waist and stops me, growling in my ear. “I wouldn’t do that right now if I were you, Baby Girl.”

  I start to object when I’m made silent by the feel of fingers slipping under the waistband of my sweats and under my panties. Jesse isn’t as asleep as I thought he was. “Jesse, don’t. Where are the kids?”

  Cade nips at my neck making my back bow, which has me pushing my breasts further into Jesse’s face. Jesse of course isn’t one to disappoint so he motorboats them making me laugh out really loud.

  Cade is quick to cover my mouth with his hand. “Shh, the kids are fishing in the creek with Jayson and Roman but if you’re too loud they’re going to hear you.”

  They so don’t play fair.

  Flipping me onto my back between them, Cade removes his hand and covers my mouth with a kiss instead. Muffling the moans that Jesse is bringing out of me. He’s teasing me. circling my clit and then dipping his fingers in, only to come out again and do the same thing. He’s driving me crazy.

  I manage to pull away from Cade’s kisses just long enough to say, “Jesse.” before he’s pulling me back in again. Jesse then adjusts his hand to dip two fingers in while rubbing my clit with his thumb. My legs start rising from the ground the tension is building in my body and it wants let out. Cade brings a hand to my thigh to hold it down, while Jesse continues to finger fuck the ever daylights out of me.

  My orgasm hits hard and I bite down on Cade’s lip to stifle my would be scream, and I feel myself come all over Jesse’s hand as I continue to clench around his fingers.

  They really don’t play fair.

  Both guys get up to get ready and I discreetly change my panties and put on some jeans. I leave the same hoodie I had on from last night and braid my hair into two pigtail braids. When I go to walk past Jesse he tugs on my braids and has a lustful fire in his eyes. I remember the first time I was ever with him and Roman. He had pulled my braids then too. Crazy that was less than a year ago, I feel like I’ve known them forever. Giving him a quick kiss I unzip the tent and step out into the cool morning air.

  The kids are at the creekside with Jayson fishing, while Roman is at the campfire cooking up some fish they’ve already caught. I go to give Miklo a hug, giving Andie one as well then walk over to Jayson, He wraps his arms around me and places his pole in my hands. Oh fuck, that sounded so dirty. His fishing pole. He put his fishing pole in my hands. There’s kids around. We’re fishing.

  We fish for awhile longer, each of the kids catching a few more and me and Jayson not catching any. We were a little distracted with each other though. Then we all sit back around the campfire to eat their catches for breakfast. When Roman passes me a plate though I hand it right back. Have you ever thought fish smelled too fishy? Yeah I’m not hungry anyway. Cade glares over at me but I ignore him and pay attention to the stories the kids are telling. They seem to be pretty popular at school.

  When Killian is in the middle of telling a story about one of their last away games Miklo stands up and comes over to me. Leaning down he whispers in my ear. “Hey Mom, can I talk to you for a second?”

  He kind of looks worried and that scares me, this kid has been nothing but happy lately. “Of course, Bubbs.” I get up and follow behind him a little bit into the trees. When he stops he turns to me and he’s biting at his bottom lip, a nervous habit. “What’s wrong? Whatever it is you can tell me. You know I’m going to be here for you no matter what.”

  “It’s not me and I don’t even know if it’s anything in the first place.”

  I’m so confused. “What are you talking about?”

  “Okay, well I’m just really worried. So last night when we were playing capture the flag I stayed close to Andie because she doesn’t like the dark, same as you. I went to grab her wrist gently and she winced and pulled her arm back. I lifted her sleeve Mom and her wrist was purple. She told me the trunk lid fell on it when she was getting groceries out of the car. I believed her at first but then last night when we were all talking Killian mentioned something about seeing her dad out on the lawn the other day and she just got all quiet and weird. Neither Killian or I knew what to say after that. But mom I’m worried her dads hurting her. And she’s been wearing make-up lately. Andie never wears make-up.” He said it all so fast and barely took a breath, his eyes wide with worry and my heart bottoms out of my chest for him. He cares a lot for her.

  What do I even say? How could anyone hurt that precious little girl. I can feel the tears start to well in my eyes and I blink them back. I need to keep a strong face for Miklo. I pull him into me, hugging him as tightly to me as I can. “We’ll figure it out Bubbs. Will her mom be home when you guys drop her off? You’re going to be staying the night at Killian’s next door right?”

  “Yeah, her moms going to be home, and yes I’m going to stay at Killian’s tonight.” He sighs over my shoulder and I release him to look up into his brown eyes.

  “Tell her mom to call me tonight when she gets a chance. I won’t say anything directly but will see what I can do okay?”

  “Okay, Mom.”

  We walk back to the campfire and Cade gives me a questioning look. I shake my head at him. There is no way I can say anything to any of the guys before I know anything for sure. Andie has become a part of our little family and we all know how overprotective they can all get.

  The rest of the day we have a blast. A water fight breaks out and we all end up soaked in the freezing creek. Going on a hike to dry off before we all pack up to go home. I am completely exhausted by the time we are all piled up in the vehicles and leaving.

  I’ll still never know exactly where we camped because I slept the whole way again. This time, I was sprawled out across the back seat, twisted in a seatbelt with my head in Roman’s lap.

  None of us even bother to unload the truck tonight when we pull into the houses after dark. Giving Roman and Jayson kisses goodnight I walk over to my house with Cade. They each have their own key and Cade has the door open for me before I even reach it. My feet feel like lead weights as I make myself walk down the hallway. I really want to go straight to bed but I smell like campfire and there’s no way I’m laying in my bed like this.

  I go into the bathroom and strip down, turning on the shower and waiting for it to get warm before I get in. Standing under the spray with my eyes closed I feel hands encircle my waist and hug me from behind.

  I lean back into Cade, letting him hold me up. “You look exhausted, Baby Girl.”

  “I am, I could fall asleep right now standing up.” He grabs the shampoo and squirting some into his palm, he starts massaging it into my hair and scalp, before rinsing it out. I don’t know how I stay standing up it feels so good “Mmm. Let’s sleep in all day tomorrow.”

  I hear the bathroom door open and close and Jesse joins us in the shower soon after. This is becoming so normal for me. I rarely get to shower alone anymore, and I’m definitely not complaining. It’s usually just to shower too, and it’s a good thing Jim remodeled this bathroom so huge. Cade walks us back a few steps to allow Jesse room to get under the spray of the shower. He grabs the conditioner next and runs it through my wet strands.

  Jesse switches spots with Cade so that he can wash his hair as well. The water cascading down his ripped body has my tired but full attention. Grabbing a rag and my love spell body wash, Jesse lathers it up and runs it over my body. I can barely keep my eyes open as they both rinse me off and wrap a towel around me. Jesse dries my hair out with another towel while Cade goes and gets me something to wear.

  “I don’t even know how this even got over here?” Cade comes in with one of his Metal Marauders MC t-shirts in his hands. He has an eyebrow raised at me and a knowing smirk. Okay, so I might have s
tolen it the last time I slept in his room, but he’s the one who popped all the buttons off the shirt I had worn over there. So he owed me.

  “That’s my new shirt. Do you like it?” I manage a lazy grin and he laughs, pulling the shirt over my head.

  “Come on, I think we’re all a little dead on our feet. Let’s go to bed.” Jesse leads me out of the bathroom and we all get into our bed.

  I’m just about asleep when I hear a phone ring. It’s not mine, I don’t even know where mine is so I snuggle deeper under the covers. Jesse shifts in the bed next to me and I hear him answer his phone.

  “Hey, Lil Man, what’s up?” Okay, instant adrenaline. What’s Miklo calling Jesse this late for? I sit up and look over at him, he has a distraught look on his face and then it goes into anger. I can’t hear what Miklo is saying, but I can hear him speak in a rush through the phone.

  “What’s going on? Jesse let me talk to him.” Jesse hands me the phone and gets up to get dressed calling Cade over to him and whispering into his ear.

  “Miklo what’s wrong?”

  “Mom! We’re at the hospital, Killian’s mom brought us.” What?! “Killian and I had heard sirens and came outside. All these police cars showed up next door at Andie’s and they took her dad away right as the ambulance showed up. That asshole hit her and made her fall backwards down the stairs. Sorry Mom, but he is one.” He was and I didn’t even mind him swearing right now because I would have called him far worse.

  Jesse disappeared and Cade is handing me a pair of jeans and a long sleeve shirt with a bra and panties. “Is she okay Bubbs?” I pull on my underwear and pants while cradling the phone on my shoulder.

  “It’s so bad Mom. She’s all bruised up, her face, and they think her arms broken, she’s in getting x-rays right now, they want to check her ribs too. Her mom even has a black eye. I don’t know what to do. Will you please come?”


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