Book Read Free

Mended Hearts

Page 22

by Tammi Lynn

  “That’s okay, Emma and I will have plenty of time, and the hotel holding the tea party isn’t too far from the airport.”

  Pulling me towards him he gives me a long passionate kiss. Only to release me and walk out of the shower. Tease.

  I finish my shower and dry off in an extra large towel, that barely goes all the way around me. Brushing my hair out I have an idea, just because I struck out with Cade doesn’t mean I can’t try again with one of the others.

  Braiding my wet hair into two pigtail braids I place my towel in the hamper and walk out into the room. Cade’s laying in bed texting on his phone, and looks up as I walk in naked. He sighs and shakes his head at me as I walk to the dresser and throw on a form fitting t-shirt with a scoop neckline and a pair of stretchy shorts. I don’t bother with underwear. His gaze never leaves me and he pats the bed next to him. I blow him a kiss and walk out the bedroom door.

  Before I get to the stairs I look in Jayson’s room and see him reading a book to a sleepy Emma. Looks like she convinced him to let her stay with him tonight.

  When I get to the bottom of the steps, Jesse and Roman are in the kitchen making a bag of popcorn and looking at Jesse’s phone. Who’s everyone talking to tonight? Jesse puts his phone in his pocket when they see me walk in and I go to place my back against the kitchen island so I can hop up on it. I try and fail, falling back down when I can’t get enough height to my hop. They both laugh at me. The jerks. Roman steps in front of me and places his hands on my hips.

  “Do you need a little help, Angel?” Roman smirks.

  “If I were an angel I’d have wings and fly my ass up there.” Okay, so I may be a little grouchy but the no sex ban and the invasion of the body snatcher situation I have going on are my excuses and I’m sticking to them. I feel guilty for snapping at him though and look up into his beautiful eyes, and bat my lashes. “Yes please.” I throw in a smile and he lifts me easily up onto the counter.

  Stepping in between my legs to make sure I’m far enough on and that I don’t fall back off, he goes to step back and I trap his waist between my thighs. Dejavu instantly hits me and my nipples peak at the memory and rub against my thin t-shirt. Roman between my legs in this very same spot on this very same counter. He was my first out of all of them. We can’t do anything out here now, Emma might come down the stairs, but my body wishes we could have a rerun.

  Jesse laughs looking at me, he knows where my mind just went and reaches over to tug on one of my braids. He loves when I wear them. “Stop it, Beautiful. I know what you’re trying to do and it isn’t going to work.” He turns and grabs the popcorn bag from the microwave and dumps it into a bowl.

  Roman looks from Jesse to me and grabs onto my thighs, making me release him. “Is that what you’re trying to do? Oh, Angel, you know we can’t.”

  “Yes you can, it’s perfectly safe.” I don’t know where they come from, blame it on the damn pregnancy hormones but tears start to stream down my face.

  “Fuck. You know I can’t handle it when she cries, man.” Holding his hands up Roman starts backing away from me. Seeing I’m having an affect on him I amp up the dramatics and throw in a few sniffles and continue to cry. “Jesse, fix that shit. And do not give in to her.” He turns and runs up the stairs leaving me with a smirking Jesse.

  “Nicely played, Beautiful, you ran him off.” My tears stop falling and I smile at him. He throws a piece of popcorn at me and it lands right between my cleavage peeking out the top of my shirt. I lift my hand to grab it out when he stops me and leans down and takes it from my chest with his teeth. Kissing the top of my breast, before standing up and giving me a sly smile. “You know, I never have liked listening to those guys.” He throws in a wink and my eyes go wide.

  His gaze has me squirming and he lifts me down from the counter. He better not be teasing me too. “You mean it?” Damn, there was too much hope in my voice. Can’t be too needy. Fuck, I’m needy.

  Grabbing the bowl of popcorn in one arm he holds my hand and starts walking me up the stairs. “I’m not promising anything, but I won’t object to playing around a little.” Better than nothing. My mood instantly rises and I practically skip along behind him to his room. When we walk in I lock the door, you know, just in case, but the lock just spins. What the...?

  “What happened to the lock?”

  Jesse laughs. “You’ll have to ask Cade that one, they all became mysteriously broken the other day.” Oh, my poor possessive, baby.

  I run and jump on Jesse’s bed to crawl up to the pillows, while he puts a random movie on the tv. If I have my way we won’t be watching any of it. Jesse slips onto the bed next to me and places the popcorn bowl between us, having it act as a barrier. I grab one out and toss it at him but he catches it in his mouth infuriatingly.

  I turn on my side towards him and pretend to watch the movie, running a hand up and down my thigh. I keep catching him watch my hand out of the corner of his eye, and his sweatpants start to rise in the front. “Beautiful. Play nice.”

  “How am I not playing nice?” My hand moves higher and slips under the edge of my short, shorts.

  His blue eyes cloud over and he’s grabbing the popcorn bowl to put on the nightstand next to him. I’m up and on him before he can turn back all the way forward and straddle his lap. His dick’s hard beneath me and I start rocking against him. “Fuck, Beautiful. We can’t. And the guys will kill me, not you.” I lean down and place one hand over his mouth to quiet him while with my other hand I reach into his sweats and pull out his erect dick.

  With my hand still over his mouth to mumble his protests, he doesn’t actually fight me much. Not wanting to be deprived or teased any longer I decide to take what I want and push my cotton shorts to the side, lining him up with my entrance and lowering down on top of him. Fuck yes!

  My legs start to tremble in pleasure and I throw my head back and release Jesse’s mouth. “Fuck, Beautiful.” He lets out a groan and reaches forward to keep my shorts out of the way with his hand, his thumb rubbing against my clit, while I start to slowly rock against him. His other hand he places gently against my belly.

  My orgasm was a long time coming so I’m not surprised it sneaks up on me so fast. I’m leaning back with my hands on Jesse’s thighs, rocking back and forth when he lifts his hips up in one quick thrust and I come apart above him, falling back and laying along his legs. He sits up and slipping out from beneath me kneels on the bed behind me. Still on my knees he gently bends me forward, pulling my shorts down my ass to my knees, and enters me from behind, keeping the pace slow and drawn out. I’m able to enjoy the buildup of pleasure before I come for him again, letting the tingles of pleasure run through my veins and straight to my clit.

  “I’m gonna come, Beautiful.” He reaches around me and under my belly to start rubbing circles on my throbbing clit again and I tense around him, holding him tight and he jerks inside me, filling me with his release.

  I lay down on my back, and hovering over me, Jesse kisses first my lips and then belly through my shirt. “I fucking love you, Mia.”

  “I fucking love you too, Jesse.” We both laugh and pulling my shorts up, I go to get off the bed.

  “Where are you going?” He lays back against his pillows and fixes himself back in his sweats, watching me.

  “I need to see The Keymaster about a few locks.” My words are a bit strangled at the end as a small contraction like pain hit. Ouch. Jesse laughs with me but stops when he sees the look of pain go across my face.

  “You okay, Beautiful?” I don’t like the look of guilt in his eyes, it’s not his fault.

  “Yeah, just some Braxton Hicks, a twinge is all.” I give him a reassuring smile and turn to walk out the door.


  I stop and look back at him. “Yeah, Jesse?”

  “You know I hate to see you leave, but I love to watch you waddle away.” My eyes flash and my nostrils flare as I storm out the door after flipping Jesse off, his laughter trailing be
hind me. Ass! I can’t help it if my walk has started to resemble a duck. Give me a break, I can’t even see my feet. Okay, I’m not really mad at him, I’ve gotten used to their teasing remarks and have come to love some of them, but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to make him pay for it a little.

  When I get back to mine and Cade’s room he’s sleeping under the covers. I switch out of my shorts for a pair of cotton boyshorts and crawl into bed behind him. My belly hits his back and I stretch my arm to place my hand on his waist, I throw my leg over his and sigh. Still reveling in my post orgasm bliss, I can finally relax and grin against his back.

  “Why are you so happy?” Oops. Didn’t mean to wake him up.

  “Oh nothing.” My grin gets wider and he flips over to face me and looks me in my eyes. Of course I can’t see my own eyes but I imagine they’re sparkling like the cat who got the cream.

  His eyes narrow, then widen. “Fuck. Who was it?” I can tell he starts mentally going over it in his head, trying to figure out which of his brothers gave in to me.

  “Ah ah ah, I’m not kissing and telling this time.” I wave a finger at him. “Jesse’s my new favorite though.”

  Cade’s jaw clenches and I laugh, grabbing his arm before he can get up and leave to find Jesse. “I’m going to fucking hurt him.”

  “Don’t, it’s not his fault. I may have cried a little.” I blush and look away. “And then I seduced him, right before I attacked him.”

  Cade relaxes and laughs. “I actually would have loved to have watched that.”

  Mmm. “I’ll make sure to send you an invitation next time.”

  Cade pulls me in to his side and pulls the covers over us. “You’re okay though?”

  “Cade, I am more than okay.” I sigh and snuggle in closer to him, smelling in his body wash.

  “Go to sleep, Baby Girl.” So bossy. I love it.


  My alarm annoyingly wakes me up at eight like I set it for and I quickly silence it before it can wake up Cade. Setting it to go off again in another twenty minutes I snuggle back into his side and run my hand over his rock hard abs. Trailing my hand down I find him fully hard with morning wood and my pussy once again turned thirsty wench, starts to throb.

  Sliding my panties down my legs and to the side, I watch Cade’s face as I pull him free of his boxer briefs. Cade is a light sleeper, and I won’t get far if he wakes up. Slowly I rise to my knees and then stand over him. When I go back down onto my knees and slide him inside me his eyes pop open and his hands fly to my hips.

  “Fuck.” His eyes close for a second, his hands keeping my hips still. “Baby Girl. What are you doing?”

  I don’t say anything, just lean forward to kiss his full mouth which pushes him in deeper and he moans out.

  “I told you no, Baby Girl. I swear to Christ if you go into labor...”

  “Cade… I need this.” His grip loosens and I start to ride him, slow at the very start but I soon pick up speed.

  He doesn’t really have a choice but to give in to me now, not that his face says he’d want to stop anyway. Pinching my nipples through the fabric of my shirt he then pulls the neck down to free one of my enlarged tits. He can’t lean up far with my belly between us but is just able to suck my nipple into his mouth and roll his tongue along the hardened bud. I cry out and start flooding his cock, his attention to my sensitive nipple bringing me to climax. He soon finds his release as my orgasm continues to wave through my body.

  “You’re bad, Baby Girl, remind me to punish you for that after the baby is born.” Someone get my calendar stat, I need to write that one down now before I forget.

  “You love it when I’m bad.”

  “That’s because I love you.” Aww! He’s always surprising me with his random bursts of affection.

  “Not as much as I love you.” I climb off of him and kiss him before getting off the bed and heading into the bathroom. My alarm started going off and then quieted while we were deep in the throes of passion so now I’m running late. Not that that's anything new.

  Rebraiding my hair out of its frizzy mess, I jump in the shower real quick to rinse off my body and get back out to get dressed, and Cade gets into the shower as I get out. There’s two dresses hanging in my closet for today, one for Emma, and one for me, each glittery and complete with matching wings. I saw an ad on Groupon for a pixie/fairy tea party and thought it would be the perfect thing to take Emma to. What little girl doesn’t like dressing up and tea parties? I was a tomboy until I was around eleven and still loved dressing up. Sliding my purple dress over my head and pulling it down to my knees, I then put my wings on with straps that go over the shoulders.

  “Now if that isn’t the cutest fucking thing.” I turn around and Cade’s watching me from the bathroom door steam billowing out behind him, standing in only a towel. Well if that isn’t one of the hottest fucking things.

  I give him a small curtsy and he laughs. “Just wait till you see, Emma. Hers has a princess wand to go with her pink dress and a tiara for her head.”

  “Of course the princess needs a crown.” His smile is affectionate for his niece and I can’t help but smile back at the thought of how they all are with her. How my baby girl will get to experience that same love.

  I grab Emma’s dress and wings from the closet after putting on a pair of matching purple flats to my own dress, and head down the hall to Jayson’s room. I’m glad I also grabbed my phone before I left the room because when I walk into Jayson’s the sight before me would have had me running back for it anyway. Emma is lying crossways across the bed against the pillows with one leg over Jayson’s chest and the other across his forehead. I snap a couple of pictures before I wake Jayson up, gently shaking his arm.

  “Jayson, wake up. Emma and I need to get going.”

  He blinks awake at me and his eyes go upward to the leg across his head. He takes Emma’s leg and gently lays it with her other one across his chest. “What time is it?”

  “Almost nine, we’re supposed to be there by nine-thirty, so looks like we’ll be a little late.

  Taking a good look at my outfit he smiles. “I love you. I love how good you are with her my little purple fairy.” He tugs at my wings and I smack his hand away.

  “Be good, and maybe I’ll grant you a wish later.” I lean down and kiss his lips, letting it last a little before getting him to wake the sleeping princess.

  Luckily for us Emma moves fast when she’s excited and I had her hair braided like mine, dressed in full costume, and out the door in fifteen minutes. Miklo always moved like molasses when I needed him to move quick. Pretty sure it was deliberate, the brat. We still made it to the venue fifteen minutes late but I was thoroughly impressed with their set up. Fake, treeless leaves with twinkle lights adorned the room and tables were set around with brown tablecloths to look like stumps. Each one with a three tier stand laden with finger sandwiches, cookies and cakes. The teacups were fashioned to look like little yellow and pink flowers and they had a Tinkerbell actress walking around taking pictures with all of the little girls. I didn’t get to do any girly stuff with Miklo growing up, of course and I’m excited to be able to experience it with both Emma and my little girl in the future.

  After taking pictures with Tinkerbell and meeting some of the other girls and their moms we found two open seats and filled our plates with treats.

  Emma is bouncing with sugar and excitement when she looks over at me and suddenly gets a serious look on her face. “Mommy Mia?”

  “Yes, Emma?”

  “I know a secret, and I really want to tell it to you.” She gets a grin on her face and blushes.

  Uh oh, sounds like it’s a good one. “Is it your secret to tell?”

  “Well, no, but I overheard them all talking last night and Daddy was texting back and forth with the others, and I can read some words now, and they don’t even know I know, and, and I really want to tell you.” She looks at me pleadingly, wanting me to give her permission. And fuc
k do I want to give it to her, I’m curious as hell now what the secret could be and how it involves all my guys.

  I remain the adult though and want to teach her the value of a secret. “Maybe you should talk with your dad about it first, okay?”

  “Okay.” Her face falls but only for a second. A little girl in a dress similar to Emma’s runs up to her and pulls her away giggling.

  What kind of secret could it have been? Curious to see if any of the guys will tell me or let something slip I send them all a group text.

  Me: Is there anything you guys need to tell me?

  Jayson: No, Sweetheart.

  Captain Cock: Nope.

  Roman: Not a thing, Angel.

  Cade: Why?

  I didn’t expect replies so soon but they all came in right after another. As if they all sent them at the same time. Well if that isn’t ominous or anything. What are they up to?

  Me: No reason, just wondering.

  Wanting to spend a little more time with Emma I text just Cade.

  Me: Can I take you up on your offer to pick Miklo and Killian up at the airport? I want to take Emma to the park after this.

  Cade: Send me the flight information.

  I send the screenshots I saved from Dre’s texts he sent about the flight and lean back in my seat. My stomach feels stretched thin and I keep getting a painful twinge in my sides. Rubbing it down, I look around and see that people are starting to leave. It’s hard to get Emma to leave her new friend but at the mention of chicken nuggets and the park she’s ready to go.

  We grab some drive-thru on our way to the park, and Emma’s secret has been lost in her fast talking ramblings about the party and that she knows that it wasn’t the real Tinkerbell there because Tinkerbell is small and can fly, but that she was still cool. Playing around the park for awhile and watching her slide down the slide, we end up at the swings and I give her a push start before getting on my own.

  We’ve been swinging and talking for awhile when I feel a sharp pain to my lower abdomen and I curl over. Fuck that hurts. I grip on tight to the swing chains and breathe through the pain until it passes. Okay, that wasn’t so bad, and even if it was a contraction, it could take hours to progress. I keep swinging but it feels like only a minute or two later when I’m grabbing the chains again in pain. Fuck, fuck, fuck. That was too close together. Don’t freak out, you’ll only freak Emma out. I’ll wait to see if it happens again before I begin to panic.


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