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Dangerous Secrets (The Kingpin Book 2)

Page 7

by Brooke Summers

  My lip curls in disgust at Tina's name.

  "I know you don't like her and you have every reason. I've warned her that while we're here she will respect you."

  Finally he understands how it's played. "Good."

  "About Lacey. That's what I don't get. Barney really likes her, why would he have her kidnapped?"

  I hand him the file that Martin left and Dad lets out a low whistle. "He's not playing around is he?"

  "What the hell are you talking about?" I ask as I watch him stare at the pictures.

  "Hudson, do you not know who this is?"

  I roll my eyes. "Obviously not."

  Dad shakes his head, almost as if he's disappointed. "Son, that's Tianna Mancini, she's the daughter of Cesare Mancini."

  Fuck, so Barney's in with the Mancini Mafia, just what I fucking need. "I'm going to talk to him, find out what the hell he's doing with her." You don't just date the daughter of the mafia, you have to be inducted into the family. Approved by the head, approved by her dad. So I want to know what the fuck Barney is doing.

  "Find out son, and find out soon." Dad implores. "The last thing you need is finding out that the Mancini's are involved, that's going to start a fucking war."

  I stand. "I'm on it, Dad. If the Mancini's have anything to do with this, they'll regret it."

  Dad also stands, he looks at me like I’ve never seen him do before, a soft expression on his face. “You need me, Son, just call. I’ll be there.”

  I walk over to him. “Thanks Dad. I’m hoping we’re getting close to finding Mia.” I give his shoulder a squeeze.

  He pulls me into his arms and tightens them around me. “You are, Son, I can feel it.” He releases me and I him. “I’ll get someone to find out who had her phone tapped. We’re going to find out the truth and everyone involved is going to pay.” His tone is fierce, he’s finally being the man I had expected him to be, and I don’t know what to make of the new attitude.

  The sound of my cell ringing fills the air, my dad nods and leaves my office. Reaching for my cell, I see Jagger’s name flashing on my screen. “Talk to me,” I demand, hoping that he has some news.

  “I found him, Boss. Meet us at the deli,” he informs me and I can’t help but smile, it didn’t take him too long to find him, I’m impressed. Barney mustn’t have known that he is a wanted man.

  “I’m on my way.” I end the call, finally ready to end this shit. I need Mia back. I never thought I’d have a weakness, that nobody could ever be defeated. That changed when Mia walked into my life, I truly realized what love was and I knew fear. The first time in my life I’ve felt fear but it also made me feel alive, knowing that I’d do what it took to make sure I got my girl back. That I’m deadliest when she’s in trouble.

  I walk past Dad and Tina and grab my keys out of my pocket as I reach the front door. “Have you found her?” The softness of Tina’s voice has my hand pausing on the door handle.

  I shouldn’t turn but fuck, I do. When I look at her, all I see is pain. Maybe she’s been hiding it, burying it? “I don’t know yet. I’ve found some new Intel. I’m going to try and extract information. If I find anything I’ll call,” I tell her and just like that, her expression changes. Shaking my head I turn and leave, I’ve just been played, Tina doesn’t give a shit, and she just does whatever she needs to do to get information. Maybe Jagger was right, my head’s not in the game, if I continue with my bad judgment my men could die.

  Getting into my car, I start it up and head for the deli. The deli is what we call the warehouse that Larson Butchers own, Jagger trying to be funny called it a deli with all the meats they had in here. The Larson brothers get paid handsomely for my use of their warehouse, it also keeps them out of trouble with gangs and shit. They know that the brothers work for me and in turn everyone keeps away from them. It’s a win-win for us all.

  A chill hits me as I walk into the warehouse, damn, I forgot how fucking cold they have it set in here. The muffled shouts lead me to where Jagger, Aaron, and Barney are. Aaron’s standing against the wall with his arms crossed scowling at Barney. Jagger is sitting on a chair playing some fucking game on his cell phone, and Barney is tied up to a meat hook, wearing only his boxer shorts.

  “Barney, sorry to keep you hanging around,” I say and everyone’s attention is on me, both Jagger and Aaron snicker like school boys. “Jag, untie his mouth. No one is around and I have some questions that need answering.”

  Jagger does as I ask and removes the gag from Barney’s mouth. “What the hell is going on?” He spits as he glares at Jagger.

  “You have information that I need.” Barney flinches at my tone. Gone is the calm and collected Hudson. My tone is full of anger and rage. I’m ready to explode and fucking God help anyone on the receiving end of it.

  “There’s some mistake, why the hell am I tied up?” he asks as he wriggles trying to get out of the restraints.

  “I’m the one asking questions, not you,” I smirk. “Now, where do I begin?”

  “Boss, you’ve got the wrong idea.” He’s such a fucking weasel.

  “Oh and what idea do I have?”

  He shakes his head. “Boss, you’ve got me tied up, whatever the reason - it’s the wrong one.” Fear radiating from every inch of him, I wouldn’t be surprised if he pisses himself next.

  I nod and a hint of relief shines in his eyes. “Do I? So, you didn’t lie to me about Lacey? You didn’t tell me that you practically loved her?”

  He frowns. “I did, Boss.” He’s so confused right now, I’m about to educate him. “I do love her, Boss, you know that.”

  I nod yet again. “You do, do you? So want to explain to me why you’ve been seen with Tianna Mancini?”

  His eyes widen. “What?” It’s a whisper, he didn’t think we knew about that. “Boss, you can’t be serious?”

  I take a step forward so that we’re face to face. “I’m deadly serious. Tell me something Barney, why were you and Tianna embracing?”

  “Boss, you have the wrong idea. Dante and Lisa got married and they had a baby shower last week.” Lisa’s his sister, I knew she was getting married but no idea to whom.

  Jagger laughs. “You really want us to believe that your sister married Dante Mancini? The capo bastone?” Dante Mancini is Cesare Mancini’s eldest son, he’s the under boss. Once Cesare is dead Dante takes over.

  “Yes, I’m fucking telling you, they’re married and Lisa’s pregnant.”

  “Say we believe you. Why has Cesare deposited two hundred grand into your account in the past six months?” He’s silent and that tells me he’s guilty. If you have nothing to hide, why say nothing? “I’ve had enough of the bullshit, I’m sick of the lies. It’s time to be a man Barney. Own up to your shit.”

  He sighs. “Fine. The money isn’t from Cesare, it’s from Landon King. I did a job for him a couple of months back and he’s finally paying.”

  Jagger glances at me. “Why is it Barney that you’re doing business with someone else? You are my man. Mine,” I growl, fucking Landon King is the youngest of the East Street Kings.

  All that Barney can do is shrug.

  “I’m investigating all the dummy corporations that link you and whoever else you’re working with. If any of them have a link to where Mia is, Lisa’s going to die.”

  He wriggles against his restraints even more. “They won’t boss. I promise you they won’t. I haven’t got Mia. I wouldn’t do that. I owe you my life, you have my loyalty. I would never betray you.” His voice full of terror.

  “I don’t trust you, Barney.” I tell him and turn away. “Jagger you’re with me.”

  “Aaron, get rid of him. I don’t give a shit how you do it. When you’re finished, tell the men that we’re cleaning house. Anyone who even thinks of betraying Hudson, best have their funeral arrangements made.” Jagger laughs, he’s enjoying this shit. I should have him tested, I believe he’s a psychopath, or is it a sociopath? “I’m driving, I hate it when you drive,” he says o
nce we’re outside, and I throw him the keys.

  “That’s because you’re scared, I’m surprised you’ve not crapped your pants a couple of times.”

  “You’ve got jokes, Boss,” he laughs as he opens the car door. “One rat down…”

  “Let’s hope we weed out the others soon enough. It’s time to clean house, Jag.” I’m done, anyone steps out of line, and they’re gone. I’ve been too lenient with that shit, it ends.

  “We’ll rebuild, the men you’ll recruit will be better than before,” he tells me as his cell begins to ring. He pulls it out of his pocket and answers it. Hitting speaker phone as he does. “You’re on speaker, Boss is here too.”

  “Good,” Martin says, “I’ve found something out. Boss, I think I’ve found where he’s hidden her.” There’s something weird about his tone. Whatever the hell it is I can’t place it.

  Hope and anger course through my veins. “Where?” This could be it, I could finally have her in my arms again.

  “Hunters Point.” He sounds as though he’s gloating. What the hell is going on?

  Jagger nods. “We’re twenty minutes out, but this time of night, we’ll be there in ten.” He pushes his foot down on the gas and my head’s thrown back into the headrest.

  I close my eyes and take a deep breath, my leg is jumping like I’m some sort of addict.

  “Boss, let me go in first, this could be a trap,” Jagger implores.

  “Not going to happen. Just make sure you’re at my back.” If it is a trap, I don’t want Jagger in the firing line for me. I’ll take down anyone who stands between me and Mia.

  “Hard headed sonofabitch,” he mutters, but I ignore him.

  It doesn’t even take us the ten minutes to get there. When we do, I see that Martin has enlisted the help of Matt, Lucas, and Tyler. “Boss, this house has a basement apartment attached to it,” Martin tells me as I get out of the car, I notice that my men are fully equipped, guns in hands and ammo strapped to them.

  “Jagger and I take the basement, the rest of you search the house. If you find them, don’t approach, call me and I’ll come.”

  My men all nod and Jagger and I strap up. “On my count,” I say, as we approach the doors. “Three, two, one… Go.” I yell and Jagger and Martin kick down the doors.

  Walking down the steps to the basement, I hear sobbing. Hope sparks inside. Jagger taps my shoulder, he hears it too. Following that sound, we come to a doorway. The door is partly open, using my foot, I kick it open and hold my gun up high. My entire body on alert. I know that this could be a set up and I’m ready in case anyone is waiting for us.

  The light flicks on and my heart sinks. Lying on one of the shitty fucking mattresses is Mia and Lacey. Mia has Lacey in her arms, as she sobs. I can already tell that Lacey is dead. Blood has pooled underneath her, she’s bled out. Anger seers through me as I take in Mia’s appearance, she’s not wearing any underwear. She’s in a t-shirt and that’s it. What the fuck happened?

  “Mia?” I croak.

  At the sound of my voice Mia’s head rises, “You found me,” she whispers, a smile playing on her lips before she lies back down and closes her eyes.

  “Help me get them out of here, Jag,” I yell and reach for Mia.



  “Jagger, call dad and tell him to get me a doctor.” I’m sitting in the back of my car, Mia on my lap as Jagger drives us away from that fucking shit place. I’ve had Ryan come and take forensics for me. I want to know everything about that place, who was there and where they are now. Ryan used to work for the police department but now works for me. Ryan is an asset to my organization and I’d be a fool to put him in a position that would have him face a moral dilemma. Him working the basement where Mia was kept is something that he had said from the moment he knew Mia was taken. He spoke to me and told me that he’d do whatever he could to help me find the men responsible for taking her from me.

  “Boss, do you think we should bring her to the hospital?” Jagger’s reeling, he too has seen the condition Mia is in, not to mention Lacey’s body.

  “Jag, I don’t know what the fuck to do right now. She needs a doctor, one that can deal with her properly. Mamford is out of fucking town, it’s his wedding anniversary and he and the wife have gone to fucking Cancun.” Once I know Mia’s okay. Hell is going to be paid. Barney didn’t act alone, that much is true, I need to find out who he was working with.

  “Boss, do you think she’s been…” he trails off, “She’s not wearing any pants.”

  Pain slashes me as the thought, I pull her closer to me and feel her chest as I have done every couple of minutes since we got into this car. She passed out as soon as she said I’d found her, I’ve not been able to wake her since. “I fucking hope not, Jag.” If she’s been raped, I’ll lose my damn mind. I don’t think I’ll be able to take it. Just the mere thought of someone doing it to her makes me want to throw up and then kill them.

  “Call Dad,” I beg him. I’m so fucking out of my depth here.

  The sound of his cell ringing fills the car, my dad answers after the first few rings. “Jagger, is everything okay?” There’s hope in dad’s voice along with anguish.

  “Harrison, we’ve found her.” Jagger’s voice is tight, he, like me, is barely holding on right now.

  “Is she okay?”

  “We need to get her to a doctor, Hudson’s asked me to have you organize it.” That’s technically not what I said but it’s good, at least I don’t sound like I’ve no idea what to do.

  “On it, I’ll call you with a location,” Dad instructs and relief washes through me, she’s going to be okay.

  I place a kiss against her forehead, as I pull her closer to me. It’s good to have her back in my arms but not like this, she’s been gone too long, she’s not been looked after, I feel the bones in her body protruding through her skin. “Love you, Mia, I promise you, nothing like this is ever going to happen to you again.” I won’t let anything like this happen to her again. No way, not ever.

  “Hudson,” Jagger’s voice is soft. Looking up at the mirror, I see a tear falling down his face. “Why would they kill Lacey? It doesn’t make sense.”

  I nod. “I know Jag, I know. None of this makes sense and I promise you, I’m going to find out the truth.”

  “Good, I can’t believe that Barney had her killed. Why fucking sleep with her if that was the end game?”

  Yeah, I’m not buying it either. “Maybe we got it wrong? What if everything Barney said was the truth? What if someone is setting him up?”

  Silence fills the car. “Who would go to those extreme lengths? Boss, you saw the money in his account, the money lead us to Mia.”

  “It was too easy.” Way too easy in the end.

  I watch as he frowns. “Too easy? How did you work that out?”

  “Jag, there was no one at the house, either in the main house or basement other than Mia and Lacey. Why is that? If they were holding them for a reason why were there no guards? Why was the door open for Mia to walk out if she so wanted?” Nothing is making sense right now and until Mia can help us connect the dots, we’re stuck in limbo, going round in circles trying to make sense of this.

  “And she what? Decided to stay there instead of walking out of the door? Hudson, I think we got the right man.”

  I shake my head, I don’t. “Call Aaron,” I instruct him, I want to have Aaron check into what Barney was saying.

  He sighs but does as I ask, and set his cell calling. “Jag?”

  “Aaron, I need you to do something for me,” I say loud enough so that I can be heard from the backseat. “It needs to be done discreetly, only Jagger and I are to know about this. You do not say a word to anyone. You do, you die.” It’s that simple.

  He doesn’t even hesitate. “What do you need, Boss?”

  “Find out if what Barney told us was correct. I want to know why he was with Tianna.” I’ll call Landon once I get Mia to a doctor.

n it boss. I won’t say anything to anyone. If I’m asked, I’ll say that I’m given some personal time while Mia is recuperating.”

  I smile. “Good, I’ll talk to you soon, Aaron.”

  “Boss,” he says quickly so that Jagger doesn’t end the call. “How is Mia?”

  “I don’t know Aaron, I’ll find out once I get her to a doctor.” I need Dad to hurry the hell up and call with a location.

  “Okay boss, keep me informed. My prayers are with you both. I’ll call when I find out any information.”

  “Thanks Aaron and I will do,” I tell him and Jagger ends the call. “Fuck, when the hell is Dad going to call?” I’m ready to go to the damn hospital. Mia needs medical attention and I’ll deal with the fall out.

  “He’ll call, Hudson, you know he will,” Jagger says calmly and I know I should be too, but right now, with Mia unconscious in my arms, calm has gone out the window and fear has a grip of me. “Hudson, you have her back, that is the main thing. She’s going to be okay.”

  My jaw clenches as my eyes close. I lean into Mia and inhale deeply, he’s right; I do have her back but I think he’s wrong, I don’t believe that she’s going to be okay. She was there when Lacey died, the dried blood on her top is a testament to how she tried to help her. If it were me and Jagger was killed, I’d go on a rampage, but this is Mia we’re talking about. She’s good and pure, nothing evil was meant to have touched her.

  Jagger’s cell rings and I wait with bated breath as he answers. “Jagger, get Mia to 128 Texas Street. A doctor will be there in minutes. She’ll make sure Mia is well looked after.”

  “On it,” Jagger responds as he glances in his side mirror and does a U-turn, the wheels spinning as he does so. “We’ll be there in less than five minutes.”

  “Hear that, Mia? We’ll see the doctor in five minutes. You’ll be okay,” I tell her, even though I’m not sure if she can hear me or not.

  She’s still breathing but it’s very faint. “Love you, Mia,” I whisper into her hair.

  “We’re here, Boss,” Jagger says as he comes to a screeching halt outside a house. Thank fuck.


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