Dangerous Secrets (The Kingpin Book 2)

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Dangerous Secrets (The Kingpin Book 2) Page 11

by Brooke Summers

  “Fuck,” he says through gritted teeth. “What happened next?”

  “I woke up in a dark room. Only a tiny sliver of light was shining into the room, I glanced over at Lacey and saw that she too was hurt, worse than I ever was. She couldn’t breathe properly, she kept coughing. I knew that it wasn’t a good sound but we were both shackled, I couldn’t get to her. I couldn’t move and when I tried I was in so much pain that I wanted to cry out.” Telling Hudson this, it should make me feel vulnerable, but it doesn’t.

  “The man that was in the car, he spoke to us for days, weeks. I don’t know, I couldn’t work out how much time had passed. He’d bring Lacey and I bread and water twice a day.” I don’t tell him about how he’d leave each of us a bucket for us to go to the toilet. It was humiliating and degrading, something that I don’t ever want to admit too. “I saw his face daily, I remembered each and every single detail that he has. From the birth mark on his neck, the freckle on his earlobe, to the scar on his eyebrow. Every single marking I have etched into my brain.”

  “That’s good baby, you did good.” He’s full of praise but I don’t feel as though he should be happy about it.

  “Then the man came, I never saw his face, he always came in the dead of night. There was no light shining through. When he grabbed me, and began undressing me, I fought, I tried with all my heart.” I want him to understand that I never wanted this to happen.

  “God, Mia.” He’s in pain, I hate that he’s hurting.

  “I didn’t want it. I tried to stop it.” I promise him, hoping that he believes me.

  His arms tighten around me, “Fuck, Princess, you’re killing me here. I know that you didn’t want it. I’m going to kill him, he’s going to wish he never met me, or you by the time I’m finished.” He vows, the anger in his voice is palpable.

  God, I love him so much. “When he was doing what he did, I closed my eyes and thought of you. You’re the reason I was able to get through it. Your love, it was my beacon. I wouldn’t have survived if it hadn’t been for you.” Tears quietly fall as I hold onto him for dear life. “I’m not sure how much time had passed before he came back again. I fully expected him to do it again. I braced myself for it to happen, my mind switching off and going to my happy place, to you. But when he said that things had changed then I realized he was panicked. He shot Lacey. God, that noise, it was so loud.”

  “I’m so sorry, Baby.”

  “He threw a key down onto the floor so that I could unlock my shackle and flee. I couldn’t see where he had thrown it and Lacey had been shot, I was in shock, all I wanted to do was find it. My heart sunk when he shot her again, I knew by the sounds she was making that she was going to die. I tried so hard to find it. By the time I did, he was gone and Lacey was bad.” I sob, I can’t continue, the image of Lacey in my arms is etched in my brain. I can’t switch it off.

  He buries his head into my shoulder and kisses me. “I love you, Princess, I’m in awe of you.”

  “I let her die.” I cry into him.

  He pulls me up, so that I’m lying on top of him. “No, you didn’t. Your best friend died in the arms of someone she loved. You didn’t let her die, you were there when she needed you the most.”

  “But if it weren’t for me, then she’d still be alive,” I whisper, the tears cascade down my face, I watch them land on Hudson’s cheek.

  “If it’s anyone’s fault it’s mine. Mia, I’m the reason that you and Lacey were put in that situation in the first place.” His face is blank of any emotion.

  “How can you say that? Why would you say that? You aren’t the reason. You didn’t pull the trigger that killed her, you didn’t tell that man to…” I catch myself before I say that word, “do those things to me.”

  His eyes fill with disgust. “Of course not.”

  “There’s your answer, you’re not responsible for this.” I shake my head, how can he think that?

  “What if I were in the room with her and I couldn’t get to her until it was too late, would I have let her die?”

  Frowning, I wonder what he’s trying to say? “No.”

  He gives me a pointed look. “So why do you?”

  I close my eyes, I understand what he’s saying but my heart sees differently. I yawn and cuddle up to Hudson again. “I’m so tired.”

  He pulls me closer to him, shifting slightly so that he can cover us with the sheet. “Sleep, Princess, I’ve got you.”



  Walking into the kitchen I’m greeted by the sight of my father and Tina sitting at the bar having breakfast. I caved and let them stay wanting to keep my dad close by as I know whoever this fucker is he's going to go after my family. It means having Tina here. I dislike the woman but I’m going to keep my mouth shut for now, as it means keeping them safe. She’s been warned that if she says anything to piss me or Mia off then she's likely to get a bullet in her head. I will not have her upsetting Mia, my girl has been through enough.

  I never thought I would be reduced to tears by a woman and yet listening to Mia relive what she went through had my eyes welling up. When she whispered that she didn’t want the bastard to rape her as if I believed otherwise, it gutted me. I meant what I said, she’s fucking strong and I'm in awe of her. Who gives a shit if she doesn’t like having the lights off? I’ll keep them on just to make sure that she's safe. That whimpering sound she made last night shit the fucking life out me, I thought somebody was hurting her.

  “How is Mia, son?” Dad asks as soon as he sees me. Glancing at Tina I see that she's got a fucking stupid grin on her face, one that I’d just love to wipe off

  “She's in the shower right now. She had a bad night but she managed to get some sleep.” She didn't move after she fell asleep on me. She kept her head tucked into my shoulder and slept peacefully. I don't know what I did to deserve her complete and utter trust, especially after I lied to her, but knowing that I'm someone she is safe around makes me feel like one lucky man.

  “Do you think I'll be able to talk to my daughter today?” The disrespectful tone coming from Tina has me advancing on her in just two steps. My hand going around her neck lifting her from her seat, the thumping of her erratic heartbeat under my palm tells me that she’s scared of what I’m going to do to her. She should have thought about that before running her mouth.

  “Son?” Dad questions but when I glare at him, I see that he’s got a smile on his face. Seems I’m not the only one that’s got a dislike for Tina at the moment, things with her and dad are shaky at best.

  “Dad, I told her before she came here. There were certain conditions she agreed to before walking through that door, if she doesn’t like it, she can walk back out of it. How dare she come into my house and disrespect me?” I’m being good, my hands haven’t tightened around her neck although I'd love nothing more than just snap it.

  “Hudson.” My hands release Tina at the soft willowy voice of Mia. “She's not worth getting upset over, this is mom just being frightened, and she doesn't mean to disrespect you.” Her fingers tentatively graze against mine. I grab her hand as if it’s a lifeline and calm the fuck down. “Mom,” Mia says glaring at her.

  Tina raises her hands in surrender. “I’m sorry.” She doesn’t fucking sound it.

  “Whatever, I’ve got a meeting. Dad, are you ready?” I’m going to find out what that asshole, that kept Mia prisoner, has to say. There’s only two things I need to know and I’ll be getting answers from him or he’s a dead man. Then again, depending what he says that could be the ending anyway.

  “Yes, Son,” he replies bringing his cup to his lips and taking a sip of his drink.

  “I’m coming.” There’s steel in her voice and I look down at Mia, her face is blank and she squeezes my hand.

  “Mia…” I begin, but she cuts me off.

  “No, I’m coming. I want to be there. This isn’t just about you, Hudson, this is about all of us. He held me captive for someone and I want to find out who,
just as much, if not more, than you do.” Her big green eyes plead with me. “Please, I need to find out who did this to me. I don’t want to be afraid anymore.” She confesses softly.

  I know that I should be arguing with her, telling her that she can’t come, she can’t see this evilness that I have inside of me but I can’t. Mia’s been through hell and if she needs this then so be it. Anyone has a problem with it, that’s their damn fucking problem, if they voice their opinion then there’ll be hell to pay. “Please, Hudson,” she begs again.

  “Are you sure?” I ask her not wanting this to make things worse, this could tip her over the edge.

  She looks me dead in the eyes, so much steel and determination in them. “This is what I want… What I need.”

  I nod, as I place a kiss against her soft lips. “If you’re sure.”

  She doesn’t even hesitate. “Completely.”

  “Everything is going to be okay.” I reassure her, he’s not going to hurt her, he’ll never get a chance.

  She groans and rolls her eyes. “Can we make a pact?”

  I frown, confused at what she wants. “What sort of pact?”

  She stands a little taller. “A pact where you don’t tell me everything is going to be fine, or everything is going to be okay when you cannot guarantee it. I’m sick of those words, Hudson, it's all everyone's been saying to me since I’ve come home. I hate those words; ‘Everything is going to be okay, don't worry you're safe.’ Those words don't mean anything until we find the person who’s responsible for all of this and until we do, you cannot guarantee my safety. You cannot guarantee that I'm going to be okay, because the truth is, until that man is found I'm not okay and I can’t move on. All I think about is when is he going to get me again.” Tears well in her eyes, but she doesn’t let them fall. Instead she’s holding her head up high and staring me down as if I’m her opponent.

  Glancing at my father, I see the look on his face. He's proud of her just as I am. We’ve both witnessed some of the worst things in this world, hell we’ve committed those acts, and we’ve seen how some react to those things. Most would crumble to the floor, not want to know anything that's happening, just wanting to hide away from the world. Not Mia though, she takes the bull by the horns, she’s not letting anyone beat her down.

  I have the utmost respect for the woman I love, how she can speak to me without fear. I’ll always listen to what she has to say. “Okay Mia I won't say it again, until I know for sure.”

  Relief hits her eyes and she gives me the biggest smile I’ve ever seen. “Thank you.” She reaches up on her tiptoes and press the kiss against my lips. I can’t help but deepen it when I feel the softness and plumpness of her lips. I’ve missed her so much, my hands snake around her waist and I put her towards me. Loving the little whimpers she makes as she her body hits against mine. She’s wearing a dress, my hand grazes the hem of it. Loving how I can caress her skin, how she shivers as my fingers touch her leg.

  Someone coughing has Mia pulling away from me, looking sheepish at being caught making out. Almost as if she forgot we were in a room with other people. I glare at my father, he’s got a smirk on his face. “Now if you two love birds are finished, how about we find out what this fucker knows? Hmm? Then you two can get back to…” He waves his hand in our direction, “That.”

  I shake my head, he’s an asshole. He’s changed a lot since Mia was taken. I’m not complaining, I’m just wondering how long it’s going to last. Turning my attention back to the woman in my arms. “This isn't finished.” My lips graze the outer shell of her ear about here as I whisper to her. A shiver runs through her body and I smile, she’s still affected by me I don't think that is ever going to change.

  Her lips part in shock, I watch as her eyes fill with mischievousness. “Don't make promises you can't keep.” She laughs and she dances away from me. That sound is fucking amazing.

  “Mia, when you get back, you need to call Lacey’s mom. She’s been waiting for you so that she can have Lacey’s funeral,” Tina says softly and just like that, the happiness flees her body, the light disappears from her eyes.

  “It’s time to go,” Dad growls, his eyes on Tina, I’ll be surprised if their marriage lasts much longer.

  “Mia, you can call from the car.” I tell her, she nods but glances at the floor, she’s not looking at anyone. “Dad, Jagger’s waiting outside for us. Will you walk Mia to the car, I just need to get something real quick. I’ll be out in a minute.” It’s more so for Mia’s benefit than my father’s, I want her to know that I’ll be right behind her.

  “Of course,” Dad says, placing his hand at Mia’s back but she quickly withdraws from him. Dad doesn't miss a beat keeps behind her and lets her walk ahead making sure that she's okay.

  As soon as the door closed behind them I speak, all the anger that I've had building up over the past few weeks boils out of me. “Get the fuck out of my house,” I tell her, anger pouring out of me

  “What? Why? What did I do? You can't kick me out, my daughter needs me, and my husband needs me.” She cries, she's backtracking quickly, her eyes wide with fear and her face is pale as a ghost.

  It’s too late, she was warned and she didn’t heed my words before, but she will now. “What did you do? Your daughter was finally…” I spit, pissed off that she has the power to make Mia so upset, “…Finally smiling and you told her that she needs to call her best friends parents. Giving her a reminder of the pain she’s trying her best to bury, she held her best friend and she died. Do you know what it feels like to hold someone you love and watch them die in your arms?” It’s a rhetorical question, I couldn’t give a fuck if she has. “You do not give a shit about anyone but yourself. Your daughter does not need you, my father does not need you. You need us, because you have nowhere else to go. Now, Tina, mark my words, one more word from you and I will kill you.” I turn away from her leaving her spluttering and walk to the front door. I don’t turn back to look at her, as far as I’m concerned she’s done.

  Sliding into the backseat beside Mia, I see she’s on the phone, she’s staring out the window. I watch as a lone tear slowly makes its way down her face, I don’t move, I let her be. Right now she needs to talk to Lacey’s parents, I’m hoping that doing so will help her heal a little, or at least get that stupid notion that she let her die out of her head.

  I look ahead and see both Jagger and dad talking in hushed tones. Jagger turns to face me. “We have a problem.”

  I groan, when don’t we? “What?”

  “The three people on the rooftops yesterday, they belong to a group of mercenaries,” he informs me.

  “They’re muscle for hire?”

  Dad nods. “They’re tight lipped, they’ve not said a word and I doubt they will.”

  “Probably, but it’ll be fun trying to get them to.” I smirk. “Jagger, you up for getting a little creative?”

  He starts the engine and grins. “Hell fucking yes.”

  I nod and wait for Mia to get off the phone, I can only hear one side of the conversation and so far all it’s been is Mia apologizing.

  “Will it be okay if I were to come to her funeral?” Mia asks and everyone in the car freezes, the fact she even has to ask that damn question pisses me off, what the hell have Lacey’s parent’s been saying to her? When Mia begins to weep softly, I want to find them and kill them. “Thank you,” she whispers and ends the call.

  I reach for her, pulling her onto my lap and she curls up into my body. “What did they say?”

  “They thanked me.” She hiccups as she tries to regain her composure. “Thanked me for being there with her, they wanted me to know that they’re grateful that Lacey had me there with her until the very end. They also wanted me to thank you.”

  “Me?” I frown, what the hell did I do?

  Mia nods against my chest. “Yes, they wanted to thank you for finding us and allowing them to be able to bury their daughter.”

  Fuck. I swallow harshly, trying to get
past the lump in my throat. “Why did you ask if you’d be allowed to go to the funeral?”

  She shrugs. “I thought they’d hate me, they’d blame me for her death. I didn’t think they’d want me there.”

  I pull her tighter against me. “But they do.”

  She nods. “Yes, they don’t blame me at all.”

  “Princess, no one blames you except you. You aren’t the reason she’s dead.” It doesn’t matter how many times I tell her she won’t believe it until she’s ready too. “Are you sure you’re ready for this?”

  “I need to do this, whether I’m ready for it or not.” There’s that steel again, she’s a fucking fighter.

  The car ride was quiet, no one really spoke. Mia stays curled up in my arms, but as soon as we pull up into the driveway of the abandoned bar her entire body tenses beneath my hands. I bought this bar years ago it was originally planned to be synergy, but there was so much wrong with it that I couldn't go ahead and build what I wanted to build for my nightclub. So I bought in a different neighbourhood, this building however has been kept in a state of despair on the outside.

  Once you’re inside it's completely gutted except for the cellar, that cellar cost me hundreds of thousands of dollars to ensure it’s soundproofed. It’s deep underground, the perfect place to hurt someone, nobody is ever going to hear them scream. Everyone that was captured yesterday is here, there is no way for them to escape. They’re tied to chairs with zip ties and I have the best locks in place even a fucking escape artist couldn't escape from here. It's locked up tighter than Fort Knox.

  “Mia, are you ready?”

  She nods and climbs off my lap and out of the car “Ready or not here we go,” she grumbles and Jagger laughs, he thinks she's hilarious. He really does love her and I know that he's the one that told her that he’d take a bullet for her and I'm glad that he views her that way. Grateful that she’s able to have someone else in this world other than me.


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